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Crime & Punishment

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The price of heresy

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Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#281 - 2014-11-25 14:54:03 UTC
kenomori's kill and kills in the last few days have been nothing short of amazing. He is truly dedicated to the cause and approaches it with a zeal I can only envy. I had the opportunity to lend him a hand scanning the other morning and his performance was nothing short of exemplary, destroying a suspect drake with exacting ease. Ice runs through his veins and he shall go far.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Scope Works
#282 - 2014-11-25 14:55:22 UTC

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#283 - 2014-11-25 15:14:48 UTC
That hurt my feeling, Anslol. Now I must switch from beer to bourbon, and whatever happens after that is totally your fault.
Even my fedo thought that was mean... well, until he saw the bottle of bourbon. Now he's hiding under the bunk again. Also your fault.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Scope Works
#284 - 2014-11-25 15:38:38 UTC
Good. Now just be drunk and in jump range of me kthx. Also that was more meant for Feyd but hey whatever.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#285 - 2014-11-28 20:09:59 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
For continued pansified carebear heresies against HTFU by Veers Belvar, a +[many] has been added to the Kill-It-Forward queue.

Please, support your hard-working inquisitors of HTFU during the upcoming days with obligatory high-fives in local, wherever you may find them doing their holy work.

When Veers's raging-idiot forum ganking stops, we will stop. Until then, the blood of these innocents is on his hands, not ours, we are just agents of HIS holy will.


*Snip* Please refrain from posting private in game correspondence outside the Pirate story thread. ISD Ezwal.
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#286 - 2014-11-28 20:14:17 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
For continued pansified carebear heresies against HTFU by Veers Belvar, a +[many] has been added to the Kill-It-Forward queue.

Please, support your hard-working inquisitors of HTFU during the upcoming days with obligatory high-fives in local, wherever you may find them doing their holy work.

When Veers's raging-idiot forum ganking stops, we will stop. Until then, the blood of these innocents is on his hands, not ours, we are just agents of HIS holy will.


*Snip* Please refrain from posting private in game correspondence outside the Pirate story thread. ISD Ezwal.
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#287 - 2014-11-28 20:20:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
Veers Belvar wrote:

Calling me a "retards" now? Personal attacks much? And, no, this won't make me stop standing up for PvE players in general, and advocating for a safer highsec in particular.

And "+many," keep it classy dude. Your joke program would need to go to "+ infinity" to make a real impact...and even then. But do please continue this idiotic campaign of blowing up helpless noob mission runners because you dislike my posting. I mean that absolutely has a great chance to make me stop's much more effective than, say, killing me, or making a 35 page troll bounty thread.

Keep up the bad work, while I keep on winning, scrub.

Confirmed, Veers doesn't give a flying frak about making hisec safer for others, for if he did, he would just tone down his heresies. No folks, here we see laid bare yet again the reality that nerf hisec carebear pansies are really just about making hisec safer for themselves.

Despicable, getting on a sandbox to 'make hisec safer', when its all just about personal inadequacies.

One wonders, who will the next innocent to die in Veer's name be?

Why, buffalo bill is hunting for that special someone right now...

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#288 - 2014-11-28 20:29:40 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:

Calling me a "retards" now? Personal attacks much? And, no, this won't make me stop standing up for PvE players in general, and advocating for a safer highsec in particular.

And "+many," keep it classy dude. Your joke program would need to go to "+ infinity" to make a real impact...and even then. But do please continue this idiotic campaign of blowing up helpless noob mission runners because you dislike my posting. I mean that absolutely has a great chance to make me stop's much more effective than, say, killing me, or making a 35 page troll bounty thread.

Keep up the bad work, while I keep on winning, scrub.

Confirmed, Veers doesn't give a flying frak about making hisec safer for others, for if he did, he would just tone down his heresies. No folks, here we see laid bare yet again the reality that nerf hisec carebear pansies are really just about making hisec safer for themselves.

Despicable, getting on a sandbox to 'making hisec safer', when its all just about personal inadequacies.

One wonders, who will the next innocent to die in Veer's name be? Who will that special someone be?

Why, buffalo bill is hunting for that special someone right now...


I won't allow my free speech rights to be held ransom by thugs and criminals. You and you buddies deserve an extended stay in Eve jail. No matter how many innocent mission runners you butcher, I will never stop standing up for my vision of a safer and more humane highsec, without thugs like you around. So you better kill a whole lot of innocents while you can, eventually your mission griefing escapades will be nerfed into oblivion, just like the can flippers were (for the record I support suicide ganking, but think there should be harsher penalties, and more tutorial warnings about flashy yellow mission griefers). Keep pursuing your cowardly agenda of killing new/casual players, while being terrified to come after me. Instead of "Devil Warrior's Alliance" it should be "Yellow Warrior's Alliance" or "Yellow Panzy Alliance."
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#289 - 2014-11-28 20:52:43 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:

I won't allow my free speech rights to be held ransom by thugs and criminals. You and you buddies deserve an extended stay in Eve jail. No matter how many innocent mission runners you butcher, I will never stop standing up for my vision of a safer and more humane highsec, without thugs like you around. So you better kill a whole lot of innocents while you can...

How noble, the creed of the pansy nerf-hisec activist who sacrifices others needlessly on the fire of his own inadequacies and hero-complex psychopathy. Making hisec safer by causing the very people he claims to want to protect to die, makes sense to me.

This is true evil spacefriends, look it in the face and see it for what it is; first we had Stalin sacrificing millions to starvation under collective-farming, now we have Veers Belvar burning innocent carebears like logs on his personal ego fire, because he refuses to simply stop posting his pansied heresies against HTFU.

But he is not the first, is he? How many countless iterations of 1) carebear joins eve, 2) carebear gets non consensually analy probed (in game), and 3) carebear appears on forums decrying NERF HISEC! Yes, surely Veers Belvar (who?) is a beautiful unique snowflake to be given credence on the proposed destruction of what makes EvE special in the first place...surely.

I swear, its like friggin whack-a-mole with these carebears. But I suppose thats why Lords.Of.Midnight are in business, and yes, business is good.


Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#290 - 2014-11-28 21:07:33 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:

I won't allow my free speech rights to be held ransom by thugs and criminals. You and you buddies deserve an extended stay in Eve jail. No matter how many innocent mission runners you butcher, I will never stop standing up for my vision of a safer and more humane highsec, without thugs like you around. So you better kill a whole lot of innocents while you can...

How noble, the creed of the pansy nerf-hisec activist who sacrifices others needlessly on the fire of his own inadequacies and hero-complex psychopathy. Making hisec safer by causing the very people he claims to want to protect to die, makes sense to me.

This is true evil spacefriends, look it in the face and see it for what it is; first we had Stalin sacrificing millions to starvation under collective-farming, now we have Veers Belvar burning innocent carebears like logs on his personal ego fire, because he refuses to simply stop posting his pansied heresies against HTFU.

But he is not the first, is he? How many countless iterations of 1) carebear joins eve, 2) carebear gets non consensually analy probed (in game), and 3) carebear appears on forums decrying NERF HISEC! Yes, surely Veers Belvar (who?) is a beautiful unique snowflake to be given credence on the proposed destruction of what makes EvE special in the first place...surely.

I swear, its like friggin whack-a-mole with these carebears. But I suppose thats why Lords.Of.Midnight are in business, and yes, business is good.



Your intervening criminal act removes any liability I might have had. You are the one choosing to kill people, not me. You should stop and become a law abiding citizen.

Also, when did (2) happen to me exactly? Please post KM?
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#291 - 2014-11-28 21:19:39 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:

Your intervening criminal act removes any liability I might have had. You are the one choosing to kill people, not me. You should stop and become a law abiding citizen.

Also, when did (2) happen to me exactly? Please post KM?

Let me explain how our Kill-It-Forward program works, because there seems to be some confusion.

For each act of carebear heresy against EvE's traditions of non-consensual conflict, a +1 is added to the Kill-It-Forward queue. A carebear is then subsequently murdered in hisec and provided a copy of the execution warrant, informing him who is responsible for his demise.

Our holy grand inquisitor then absolves the inquisitor of the sin of murder, and transfers said sin onto the shoulders of the heretic himself. Not as panache' filled as turning water into wine or infinite loaves and fishes, but magical to behold nonetheless!

(Inquisitors of true panache are sometimes even awarded THE ORDER OF THE GLOWING DILDO. Membership in LOM not required!)

Now here is where the real magic happens however. If the innocent carebear who was detonated displays a good attitude, willingness to learn and acceptance of EvE's HTFU ethos, we recruit him and teach him how to shoot others in the face.

Its a little thing we like to call 'win win'. You know, like while you are just fapping on forums, we are game creating content and stuffs for other players, and like..turning them into content creators themselves..

Scope Works
#292 - 2014-11-28 21:44:41 UTC
I'm still waiting for my name to show up on one of those mails.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#293 - 2014-11-29 16:35:56 UTC
Relevant to our interests...

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#294 - 2014-11-30 00:57:37 UTC
Having recently started receiving loss mails from the "kill it forward program," I have developed the following form letter response. Comments?

To my dearest xxxxxx,

Apologies on your loss, hopefully it was a good learning experience for you. A bit of background. My name is Veers Belvar, and I am an elite PvE player, and a heroic figure in a highsec otherwise full of vilanny and scum. As a committed PvE inccursion and mission runner, I have made my voice heard on the Eve-o forums, battling against suicide gankers, can flippers, scammers, Goons, Code, and lots of othe really, really bad people. Despite their best efforts to harm me, I have proven to be completely invincible, and they have been forced to kill the ships of random & helpless new players instead. Hence the destruction of your rather poorly fit battleship. Unfortunately, I will not be able to reimburse your loss, as you made a terrible mistake in engaging in PvP with "space trash collectors." Remember that we, as committed PvE players, refuse to PvP in highsec, and do our shooting through CONCORD. My suggestions to you are as follows:

1. Always act as a law abiding PvE player in highsec. Never fire on other capsuleer ships. Follow the laws of New Eden at all times, and count on CONCORD to protect you. The flashy yellow guys are baiting you into shooting at them so they can kill you without your CONCORD allies intervening.

2. Learn to fit your ships properly. T2 and faction/deadspace modules only, please.

3. Consider running incursions instead of L4s, as the isk/hour is better.

4. Make your voice heard on the Eve-o forums, and do your part to get the griefers banned. Bonus Roomers, Scammers, Gankers, Awoxers, etc... They are all very BAD PEOPLE, who use the game to play out their sick sociopathic fantasies, and many deserve to be banned from the game. The more people who speak out against these sick fools, the more likely CCP is to crack down on them.

5. Consider donating to me, Veers Belvar, so I can better continue my forum advocacy against these sick an evil folks.


Zepher Helen Hawat
Malfurion Mining
#295 - 2014-11-30 01:58:32 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
Having recently started receiving loss mails from the "kill it forward program," I have developed the following form letter response. Comments?

To my dearest xxxxxx,

Apologies on your loss, hopefully it was a good learning experience for you. A bit of background. My name is Veers Belvar, and I am an elite PvE player, and a heroic figure in a highsec otherwise full of vilanny and scum. As a committed PvE inccursion and mission runner, I have made my voice heard on the Eve-o forums, battling against suicide gankers, can flippers, scammers, Goons, Code, and lots of othe really, really bad people. Despite their best efforts to harm me, I have proven to be completely invincible, and they have been forced to kill the ships of random & helpless new players instead. Hence the destruction of your rather poorly fit battleship. Unfortunately, I will not be able to reimburse your loss, as you made a terrible mistake in engaging in PvP with "space trash collectors." Remember that we, as committed PvE players, refuse to PvP in highsec, and do our shooting through CONCORD. My suggestions to you are as follows:

1. Always act as a law abiding PvE player in highsec. Never fire on other capsuleer ships. Follow the laws of New Eden at all times, and count on CONCORD to protect you. The flashy yellow guys are baiting you into shooting at them so they can kill you without your CONCORD allies intervening.

2. Learn to fit your ships properly. T2 and faction/deadspace modules only, please.

3. Consider running incursions instead of L4s, as the isk/hour is better.

4. Make your voice heard on the Eve-o forums, and do your part to get the griefers banned. Bonus Roomers, Scammers, Gankers, Awoxers, etc... They are all very BAD PEOPLE, who use the game to play out their sick sociopathic fantasies, and many deserve to be banned from the game. The more people who speak out against these sick fools, the more likely CCP is to crack down on them.

5. Consider donating to me, Veers Belvar, so I can better continue my forum advocacy against these sick an evil folks.





That is some kind of medication your on Veers. I actually think you believe what you write. Either way, it was worth the time to read for that laugh!

Thanks!Big smile
Ned Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#296 - 2014-11-30 02:08:57 UTC
If Veers really becomes the main target of The Lords, I can only assume that the Veers toon has reached it's endgame.
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#297 - 2014-11-30 02:13:16 UTC
Ned Thomas wrote:
If Veers really becomes the main target of The Lords, I can only assume that the Veers toon has reached it's endgame.

To be clear - being the "main target" of the The Lords means that a lot of OTHER people will die but nothing happens to me?
Ned Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#298 - 2014-11-30 02:41:43 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
Ned Thomas wrote:
If Veers really becomes the main target of The Lords, I can only assume that the Veers toon has reached it's endgame.

To be clear - being the "main target" of the The Lords means that a lot of OTHER people will die but nothing happens to me?

Maybe. Not my scene, man.
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#299 - 2014-11-30 02:59:56 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
Ned Thomas wrote:
If Veers really becomes the main target of The Lords, I can only assume that the Veers toon has reached it's endgame.

To be clear - being the "main target" of the The Lords means that a lot of OTHER people will die but nothing happens to me?

No veers. The inquisitors of the kill it forward program are not what he speaks of. Once you meet Raz and Sir Tearz, I expect you'll be posting an apology thread as part of your surrender or simply not undocking any longer.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#300 - 2014-11-30 03:07:36 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:
Ned Thomas wrote:
If Veers really becomes the main target of The Lords, I can only assume that the Veers toon has reached it's endgame.

To be clear - being the "main target" of the The Lords means that a lot of OTHER people will die but nothing happens to me?

No veers. The inquisitors of the kill it forward program are not what he speaks of. Once you meet Raz and Sir Tearz, I expect you'll be posting an apology thread as part of your surrender or simply not undocking any longer.

hahahhaha...where can I meet this fine fellows? After thrashing Gorila, Marmite, and CODE, I'm looking for some real opposition. Can you hook me up with these guys? Are they better than PL?