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[Ship Proposal] Skiff is overpowered & needs a rebalance.

First post
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#61 - 2014-11-24 15:56:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Antillie Sa'Kan
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Until one solo ganker decides to visit that system at the times you play. At which point you WILL be docking up and hiding, or getting blown up, or find yourself relocating, any of the three significantly reducing your income.

Unless of course you fit your barge to withstand a solo catalyst. Or switch to a Venture/Prospect with an AB, really hard to catch and track without waiting for a web to kick in. For that matter have you seen how fast the tanky barges go with an AB fit? A gank catalyst can't catch them without a prop mod and a Talos can't track them without being in deep falloff.

If you just make your ship impractical to gank without some specialized fittings on the part of the gankers they will go and find an easier target 99% of the time. As for the other 1%, meh, just buy another ship and move on.

However Skiffs are a rare sight in hisec. I have met very very few dedicated miners that were willing to give up their precious yield or ore bay to fly a Skiff. And I have never seen one that was speed tanked in addition to being buffer tanked. I have seriously considered going to CODE's home system in such a Skiff just to see what creative methods they come up with to kill it.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#62 - 2014-11-24 16:18:29 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
It's hard to gank too if you are sitting in a station. We do undock you know, at which point we are fair game and can be actively hunted and ARE hunted by facpo at all times. We fly paperthin destroyers, we engage with hostiles and neutrals on grid. I call that pretty risky.

We do fail ganks, we do get our pods blown up from time to time even. That's the reason most of us don;t fly around ganking with 1 billion isk pods. Because we are at risk and act accordingly.

Of course in your warped view of reality that is 'riskless' while the ppl with ships being able to get tanks upto 140K EHP easily hiding behind 20 seconds of CONCORD response time are the 'risk takers' Lol

Yes, you undock. Once the target has been identified, once things are in motion and you are about to gank the target. And you undock in a destroyer, you and a bunch of other risk averse pansies, in destroyers. Risking so much, but of course never as much as person you are trying to gank. But really it's not risking anything, because the risk calculation happens before you ever undock. If the risk calculation says it's not worth it then you don't undock, hence no risk, hence pansy.

And let's talk about CONCORD for a second, those jerks who have the gall to try to maintain the "high security" aspect of high security space. You call it "hiding behind" but nobody here is responsible for the presence of or operational mandate of CONCORD. They are there because it's high security space. You chose to **** CONCORD off, now deal with the consequences.

Somehow you see undocking in a Destroyer with some guns on it, as a -10, as the ultimate form of risk. Somehow that is more risky than undocking in a fitted Mining Barge or Exhumer that is worth far more than your prissy little ship. Somewhere in your screwed up head you think they aren't risking anything because most of the time they don't get killed. But that's not how risk works. It's the chance that you will be killed that matters. If you are in a belt in something that can be easily alpha'd you are at high risk, especially since you are sitting there for long periods of time and can't warp out fast enough to avoid a gank in motion.

The criminal punk in the Destroyer however, they are only undocked for a brief period of time. They can warp quickly and bounce around, only needing to be at the right place at the right time as determined by a person on grid who isn't criminally flagged. Sounds really risky. Not to mention if somebody wants to screw up your day they have to get you in the 15-21 seconds that the gank is going down. You're never exposed for more time than that. Not to mention they have to get you really fast to affect the gank in any way. If it takes them 20 seconds to kill a few of you then the damage will already be done.

But please, tell me more about how you are a hardcore risk taker who is heavy affected by other players in this MMO.

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#63 - 2014-11-24 16:23:17 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
What I can do however is tell you from personal experience that Skiffs (and procs) are the most popular mining ships in my part of the woods. By FAR even.

So, as a suicide ganker you find a lot of miners in your area fly the tankiest Exhumer and give up the benefits of additional yield for that. Hmm, I wonder what would cause that. It would have to be some kind of external influence, something not specifically related to the attributes of the ship. I mean why would one give up yield for tank when the risks in the area are completely normal and not inflated by the activities of somebody in the area? Careful Meilandra, there may be suicide gankers operating in your area. Best to be careful and heed the signs we've been given.

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Ceawlin Cobon-Han
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2014-11-24 16:31:38 UTC
I could have sworn I just heard a troll burp.
Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2014-11-24 17:07:49 UTC
Niskin wrote:

Yes, you undock. Once the target has been identified, once things are in motion and you are about to gank the target. And you undock in a destroyer, you and a bunch of other risk averse pansies, in destroyers. Risking so much, but of course never as much as person you are trying to gank. But really it's not risking anything, because the risk calculation happens before you ever undock. If the risk calculation says it's not worth it then you don't undock, hence no risk, hence pansy.

And let's talk about CONCORD for a second, those jerks who have the gall to try to maintain the "high security" aspect of high security space. You call it "hiding behind" but nobody here is responsible for the presence of or operational mandate of CONCORD. They are there because it's high security space. You chose to **** CONCORD off, now deal with the consequences.

Somehow you see undocking in a Destroyer with some guns on it, as a -10, as the ultimate form of risk. Somehow that is more risky than undocking in a fitted Mining Barge or Exhumer that is worth far more than your prissy little ship. Somewhere in your screwed up head you think they aren't risking anything because most of the time they don't get killed. But that's not how risk works. It's the chance that you will be killed that matters. If you are in a belt in something that can be easily alpha'd you are at high risk, especially since you are sitting there for long periods of time and can't warp out fast enough to avoid a gank in motion.

The criminal punk in the Destroyer however, they are only undocked for a brief period of time. They can warp quickly and bounce around, only needing to be at the right place at the right time as determined by a person on grid who isn't criminally flagged. Sounds really risky. Not to mention if somebody wants to screw up your day they have to get you in the 15-21 seconds that the gank is going down. You're never exposed for more time than that. Not to mention they have to get you really fast to affect the gank in any way. If it takes them 20 seconds to kill a few of you then the damage will already be done.

If you think there is no risk in flying or losing a destroyer, why don't you try it at -10 in Highsec? You're not going to do that and you know why: because of the risk Lol

And yes, we 'deal with it' concerning CONCORD, we know full well what the consequences of our actions are, yet we still choose to do it.

As for the short time you have to kill gankers, that works both ways, have you even considered that? Roll
Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#66 - 2014-11-24 17:10:09 UTC
Niskin wrote:
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
What I can do however is tell you from personal experience that Skiffs (and procs) are the most popular mining ships in my part of the woods. By FAR even.

So, as a suicide ganker you find a lot of miners in your area fly the tankiest Exhumer and give up the benefits of additional yield for that. Hmm, I wonder what would cause that. It would have to be some kind of external influence, something not specifically related to the attributes of the ship. I mean why would one give up yield for tank when the risks in the area are completely normal and not inflated by the activities of somebody in the area? Careful Meilandra, there may be suicide gankers operating in your area. Best to be careful and heed the signs we've been given.

By 'normal' risk I reckon you mean you can mine in absolute safety right? Roll

Again: they give up very little compared to the tank they get. I'm fine with the tank on the Skiff, I'm not fine it is so close in yield to the Hulk and on par with the mack.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#67 - 2014-11-24 17:42:51 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:

If you think there is no risk in flying or losing a destroyer, why don't you try it at -10 in Highsec? You're not going to do that and you know why: because of the risk Lol

Oh there's risk all right. The risk of losing a Destroyer. Now I could make myself -10 to try this out but it will end predictably, I'll lose a Destroyer. Since I have no interest in suicide ganking people there would be no point in doing that. But if I wanted to risk a Destroyer I could just fit it up, jump into low sec and bounce asteroid belts until somebody noticed me.

Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
And yes, we 'deal with it' concerning CONCORD, we know full well what the consequences of our actions are, yet we still choose to do it.

You choose to do it because it benefits you. The game mechanics, as they exist today, allow you to sacrifice your pansy Destroyer for a profit. Making you even less risk averse than a random pilot taking their ship into low sec.

Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
As for the short time you have to kill gankers, that works both ways, have you even considered that? Roll

The difference is that the attacker picks the target, the attacker chooses when and for how long to expose themselves. So this short amount of time where there is risk, it's benefiting the ganker, not the other way around. When you add in ship scanners and cargo scanners and all the intel you have on your target before you ever undock, that risk is looking pretty well mitigated.

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#68 - 2014-11-24 17:53:42 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
By 'normal' risk I reckon you mean you can mine in absolute safety right? Roll

Again: they give up very little compared to the tank they get. I'm fine with the tank on the Skiff, I'm not fine it is so close in yield to the Hulk and on par with the mack.

I mean the normal risk of operating in whatever security level space the person is operating in. Ganking should be possible, but it should be a lot harder and far less profitable than it is or has ever been in this game. If you want to take somebody out under CONCORD's nose you should have to pay out the wazoo to make it happen.

It has already been established that they give up about 30% mining yield and have to make more trips to haul, in trade for a better tank. If it was safe enough to use something less tanky then they probably would. You can't just blow up whatever you want and then complain when people take care to avoid getting blown up again. They are giving up ISK/hr to mitigate you, maybe not at a rate that you think is fair, but then they probably don't think the ease with which you suicide gank ships is fair either.

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#69 - 2014-11-24 18:02:04 UTC
Niskin wrote:
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:

If you think there is no risk in flying or losing a destroyer, why don't you try it at -10 in Highsec? You're not going to do that and you know why: because of the risk Lol

Oh there's risk all right. The risk of losing a Destroyer. Now I could make myself -10 to try this out but it will end predictably, I'll lose a Destroyer. Since I have no interest in suicide ganking people there would be no point in doing that. But if I wanted to risk a Destroyer I could just fit it up, jump into low sec and bounce asteroid belts until somebody noticed me.

Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
And yes, we 'deal with it' concerning CONCORD, we know full well what the consequences of our actions are, yet we still choose to do it.

You choose to do it because it benefits you. The game mechanics, as they exist today, allow you to sacrifice your pansy Destroyer for a profit. Making you even less risk averse than a random pilot taking their ship into low sec.

Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
As for the short time you have to kill gankers, that works both ways, have you even considered that? Roll

The difference is that the attacker picks the target, the attacker chooses when and for how long to expose themselves. So this short amount of time where there is risk, it's benefiting the ganker, not the other way around. When you add in ship scanners and cargo scanners and all the intel you have on your target before you ever undock, that risk is looking pretty well mitigated.

So we have established that there is risk to being -10. We're making progress.

I do not gank for profit (yet) and on average I should guess I break even ganking miners. Loot doesn't automaticly transfer to your hangar and often the fittings of your catalyst and the droppings of the victim are scooped up quickly by corpies.

Of course we do our homework on our target. But we can never ever be sure we aren't flying into a trap or even that a random passer by in a capable ship will twart us. A well engineered trap can avoid the gank and has a good chance of podding you (instalocking ships combined with 1 second server ticks and connection latency basicly make it a chance game if you are going to get out or get squished).

Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2014-11-24 18:05:43 UTC
Niskin wrote:
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
By 'normal' risk I reckon you mean you can mine in absolute safety right? Roll

Again: they give up very little compared to the tank they get. I'm fine with the tank on the Skiff, I'm not fine it is so close in yield to the Hulk and on par with the mack.

I mean the normal risk of operating in whatever security level space the person is operating in. Ganking should be possible, but it should be a lot harder and far less profitable than it is or has ever been in this game. If you want to take somebody out under CONCORD's nose you should have to pay out the wazoo to make it happen.
Ah, the One More Nerf-argument.


It has already been established that they give up about 30% mining yield and have to make more trips to haul, in trade for a better tank. If it was safe enough to use something less tanky then they probably would. You can't just blow up whatever you want and then complain when people take care to avoid getting blown up again. They are giving up ISK/hr to mitigate you, maybe not at a rate that you think is fair, but then they probably don't think the ease with which you suicide gank ships is fair either.

Again: the issue is not the Skiff being hard to gank, it's how they compare on tank/yield. You cannot seriously agree that being effectively gank-immune is mitigated by a 30% difference in yield.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#71 - 2014-11-24 18:28:24 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Ah, the One More Nerf-argument.

As many as it takes to make suicide ganking remain possible, while becoming rarely profitable. One, ten, whatever. I have no respect for suicide gankers or their profession. I could respect the profession if it was used as a way to go after specific targets, to hunt those who have upset others and are now hiding in high sec. Currently though it's just a bunch of a-holes ganking whoever they can, because that's what makes them warm inside. So yea, nerf away, sociopath tears are the best tears.

Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Again: the issue is not the Skiff being hard to gank, it's how they compare on tank/yield. You cannot seriously agree that being effectively gank-immune is mitigated by a 30% difference in yield.

No ship you'll find in high sec is gank immune, not one. If you bring enough ships with enough alpha, whatever it is will die. I think what you mean to say, but are avoiding saying, is that the Skiff isn't gankable in a profitable way. And I think giving up 30% yield and suffering more hauling time is a fair tradeoff for being a less ideal gank target.

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#72 - 2014-11-24 18:39:18 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
So we have established that there is risk to being -10. We're making progress.

I do not gank for profit (yet) and on average I should guess I break even ganking miners. Loot doesn't automaticly transfer to your hangar and often the fittings of your catalyst and the droppings of the victim are scooped up quickly by corpies.

Of course we do our homework on our target. But we can never ever be sure we aren't flying into a trap or even that a random passer by in a capable ship will twart us. A well engineered trap can avoid the gank and has a good chance of podding you (instalocking ships combined with 1 second server ticks and connection latency basicly make it a chance game if you are going to get out or get squished).

Yes there is a risk to being -10, which is mitigated by sitting in the station until it's absolutely necessary. You know, all that time while the non -10 people are doing all that homework you talk about. The only risk a suicide ganker faces is not profiting, that is it. You undock in a ship knowing you will lose it, the only way that can go wrong is if the gank fails or you are denied the loot. All in a situation which is planned and executed in such a way that the risk of either happening is minimal and is only likely in the case of a trap.

You just don't get it. The miner undocks, fit with whatever he chooses, and has to rely on the overview, local and d-scan to mitigate his risk. You undock, warp to a target, lose your ship as expected, maybe lose your empty pod, and that's it. You risked nothing but the chance at profit, and that chance has been engineered by those involved to be a good one. If the chance wasn't good, those -10's would still be sitting in station waiting for the next opportunity.

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2014-11-24 18:43:54 UTC
Niskin wrote:
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Ah, the One More Nerf-argument.

As many as it takes to make suicide ganking remain possible, while becoming rarely profitable. One, ten, whatever. I have no respect for suicide gankers or their profession. I could respect the profession if it was used as a way to go after specific targets, to hunt those who have upset others and are now hiding in high sec. Currently though it's just a bunch of a-holes ganking whoever they can, because that's what makes them warm inside. So yea, nerf away, sociopath tears are the best tears.
Ah, the 'sociopath'-argument!


No ship you'll find in high sec is gank immune, not one. If you bring enough ships with enough alpha, whatever it is will die. I think what you mean to say, but are avoiding saying, is that the Skiff isn't gankable in a profitable way. And I think giving up 30% yield and suffering more hauling time is a fair tradeoff for being a less ideal gank target.

That's why I said: effectively immune. Groups that can pull SKiff ganks off will focus on more valuable targets in general than Skiffs.

Calling the Skiff 'a less ideal gank target' can go for understatement of the month... Getting in general 3,5-5 times the tank of a Hulk for a 30% yield penalty is way too much. If the situation was that the Skiff had only 30% more tank than the Hulk we would not be having this discussion and the Skiff would still be awesome, remember that even a Hulk can be tanked to withstand several t2 catalysts.

But then we would be moving towards the 'all barges equal'-situation closer again. Hence why I proposed specific roles with great differences between the three. I'd like to keep a super safe ship like the Skiff is now, but to make it fair it should have super low yield compared to the others to compensate.
Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2014-11-24 19:02:57 UTC
Niskin wrote:

Yes there is a risk to being -10, which is mitigated by sitting in the station until it's absolutely necessary. You know, all that time while the non -10 people are doing all that homework you talk about. The only risk a suicide ganker faces is not profiting, that is it. You undock in a ship knowing you will lose it, the only way that can go wrong is if the gank fails or you are denied the loot. All in a situation which is planned and executed in such a way that the risk of either happening is minimal and is only likely in the case of a trap.

You just don't get it. The miner undocks, fit with whatever he chooses, and has to rely on the overview, local and d-scan to mitigate his risk. You undock, warp to a target, lose your ship as expected, maybe lose your empty pod, and that's it. You risked nothing but the chance at profit, and that chance has been engineered by those involved to be a good one. If the chance wasn't good, those -10's would still be sitting in station waiting for the next opportunity.

"Not profiting" is the only risk miners have too, or anyone in EVE. Again: most ganking is not done for a profit, it's done for getting kills (you know, that thing that is the most important part of EVE's gameplay?). Being able to scoop the loot and half your fittings will bring you somewhere at break even if you gank economicaly, if you throw T2 catalysts at everything, you're losing money, and quit fast too.

Again: with other ppl on grid, you will not be able to scoop your fittings and/or loot, these often fall to the hands of corpies that are on grid.

Even if you were able to do it all the time, the isk/hour rate of ganking miners would be lower than running L3 missions.

As for the pods: most of us do not fly an empty pod, you can't even fit a t2 cata without using implants. And most of us use DPS implants too. A decent gank pod will often be worth more than a few retrievers.

The miner in his Skiff is really at a much lower risk than just about anyone else in this game. It's about as safe as you can get. You're very hard to gank and you're not an attractive target to begin with. I lose more money on my trading alts by misclicking than ppl do losing Skiffs... People flying untanked/antitanked/poorly tanked mining ships are not 'risk takers' they are idiots. The ganker equivalent of ppl like that would be that I never checked my targets, let my pod linger in the belt after a gank and other stupid stuff. That's not 'taking risks', it's 'being stupid'. And that seems to be what you're so butthurt about, stupid miners fall to dilligent gankers who go out of their way to keep their losses as low as possible.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#75 - 2014-11-24 19:28:43 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Ah, the 'sociopath'-argument!

Yes, the sociopath argument, which is especially useful when dealing with sociopaths such as yourself. I didn't make the word up, it has a definition, try not fitting it so well.

Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
That's why I said: effectively immune. Groups that can pull SKiff ganks off will focus on more valuable targets in general than Skiffs.

Calling the Skiff 'a less ideal gank target' can go for understatement of the month... Getting in general 3,5-5 times the tank of a Hulk for a 30% yield penalty is way too much. If the situation was that the Skiff had only 30% more tank than the Hulk we would not be having this discussion and the Skiff would still be awesome, remember that even a Hulk can be tanked to withstand several t2 catalysts.

But then we would be moving towards the 'all barges equal'-situation closer again. Hence why I proposed specific roles with great differences between the three. I'd like to keep a super safe ship like the Skiff is now, but to make it fair it should have super low yield compared to the others to compensate.

I'm very sure that if the Skiff only had 30% more tank than a Hulk it would not be considered awesome. You can't just say "take 30% here and give 30% there" because things aren't equal. Not to mention that's not how math works. If you take away 33% from one thing you have to give 50% to another thing to have a similar affect. Taking 3 down to 2 is a loss of 33% but taking 2 up to 3 is a gain of 50%.

So just to say it out loud, you seem to want to lower the yield on the Skiff enough that nobody would choose it, even for the tank. I mean what other point would there be to nerfing it so low that a BC or BS with a full rack of mining lasers could compete with it? Actually that would make my old mining Ferox viable again, but miners would never fly the ship with a yield nerf like that.

The problem you keep running into is that your argument is "change it so they will use something else I can gank easier" and you think we all can't see that, but we can.

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#76 - 2014-11-24 19:48:07 UTC
Niskin wrote:
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Ah, the 'sociopath'-argument!

Yes, the sociopath argument, which is especially useful when dealing with sociopaths such as yourself. I didn't make the word up, it has a definition, try not fitting it so well.

Cause killing stuff in a game that is about killing stuff makes you evil amirite? Roll


I'm very sure that if the Skiff only had 30% more tank than a Hulk it would not be considered awesome. You can't just say "take 30% here and give 30% there" because things aren't equal. Not to mention that's not how math works. If you take away 33% from one thing you have to give 50% to another thing to have a similar affect. Taking 3 down to 2 is a loss of 33% but taking 2 up to 3 is a gain of 50%.
Yes, I know how the math works thank you. And yes, it would still be quite awesome since the Skiff beats the Hulk in every other aspect. It would still have a much beefier tank and keep all it's other perks over the Hulk in terms of being better at combat, harder to scan down, having superior mobility, an ore bay almost twice as big.


So just to say it out loud, you seem to want to lower the yield on the Skiff enough that nobody would choose it, even for the tank. I mean what other point would there be to nerfing it so low that a BC or BS with a full rack of mining lasers could compete with it? Actually that would make my old mining Ferox viable again, but miners would never fly the ship with a yield nerf like that.

The problem you keep running into is that your argument is "change it so they will use something else I can gank easier" and you think we all can't see that, but we can.

Nope, I want there to be real choices. The numbers of the yield nerf could be discussed but yes, a yield nerf is needed imho to bring it in line with the other xumers.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#77 - 2014-11-24 19:55:33 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
"Not profiting" is the only risk miners have too, or anyone in EVE. Again: most ganking is not done for a profit, it's done for getting kills (you know, that thing that is the most important part of EVE's gameplay?). Being able to scoop the loot and half your fittings will bring you somewhere at break even if you gank economicaly, if you throw T2 catalysts at everything, you're losing money, and quit fast too.

Again: with other ppl on grid, you will not be able to scoop your fittings and/or loot, these often fall to the hands of corpies that are on grid.

Even if you were able to do it all the time, the isk/hour rate of ganking miners would be lower than running L3 missions.

So what you are admitting is that you put up with the low to non-existent profit of this activity because of some other draw it has for you. And you are still tying to argue that you aren't acting like a sociopath?

Let's not forget that the total cost of all the destroyers used in one suicide gank is never close to the cost of the Mining Barge or Exhumer that is being targeted. So simply by being in space, available to be your target, the miner is taking on more risk than you. They are risking more ISK, they are risking it for longer, and they are risking it for the chance to mine a fraction of it's value in ISK during that time.

Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
As for the pods: most of us do not fly an empty pod, you can't even fit a t2 cata without using implants. And most of us use DPS implants too. A decent gank pod will often be worth more than a few retrievers.

The miner in his Skiff is really at a much lower risk than just about anyone else in this game. It's about as safe as you can get. You're very hard to gank and you're not an attractive target to begin with. I lose more money on my trading alts by misclicking than ppl do losing Skiffs... People flying untanked/antitanked/poorly tanked mining ships are not 'risk takers' they are idiots. The ganker equivalent of ppl like that would be that I never checked my targets, let my pod linger in the belt after a gank and other stupid stuff. That's not 'taking risks', it's 'being stupid'. And that seems to be what you're so butthurt about, stupid miners fall to dilligent gankers who go out of their way to keep their losses as low as possible.

You were the one who said you didn't fly around in 1b ISK pods, so you'll have to tell me how much yours is worth. I was just going off of your previous statement.

Operating in a casual way in high sec is the norm, it's the point of high sec. You should be able to rely on CONCORD for most of your security needs in that area. If a miner fits horribly they may be stupid or they may just not know. Considering that pretty much every ship in high sec is relatively safe, outside of Freighters and Mining Barges/Exhumers it's not a ridiculous premise to work from. I don't care if you are lazy or diligent, as a suicide ganker you are scum to me. I don't care if miners are lazy or diligent, as miners they are neutral to me.

If you fit poorly in high sec should you deserve to die just because you were in a mining ship and not something else? I don't see suicide gankers running around ganking Drake's in L3 missions because they only fit T1 Shield Hardeners. it seems like these mining ships, being relatively weak, are being targeted specifically. It almost seems like a failure in the design of these ships...

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#78 - 2014-11-24 20:30:27 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Cause killing stuff in a game that is about killing stuff makes you evil amirite? Roll

The killing doesn't. The who and the why might. I have no respect for people who try to use holes in the game mechanics to kill the weak and uninformed in high sec simply for the lulz.

Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Yes, I know how the math works thank you. And yes, it would still be quite awesome since the Skiff beats the Hulk in every other aspect. It would still have a much beefier tank and keep all it's other perks over the Hulk in terms of being better at combat, harder to scan down, having superior mobility, an ore bay almost twice as big.

You don't seem to understand, the Skiff is great right now. In fact it's an excellent choice for dealing with the likes of you. You only want to make it worse, why would anybody support that?

Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Nope, I want there to be real choices. The numbers of the yield nerf could be discussed but yes, a yield nerf is needed imho to bring it in line with the other xumers.

Here's a novel idea. If you want people who mine where you live to fly something other than a Skiff, try giving them a reason to. But instead you feel that you should just be able to keep suicide ganking endlessly and that people who choose to mitigate the risk you present should have their yield nerfed by upwards of 60% simply because they made a smart choice?

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


McChicken Combo HalfMayo
The Happy Meal
#79 - 2014-11-24 20:31:00 UTC
There is so much bullshit to address from this Niskin guy's posts I wouldn't even know where to begin.

There are all our dominion

Gate camps: "Its like the lowsec watercooler, just with explosions and boose" - Ralph King-Griffin

Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#80 - 2014-11-24 20:39:03 UTC
Niskin wrote:

So what you are admitting is that you put up with the low to non-existent profit of this activity because of some other draw it has for you. And you are still tying to argue that you aren't acting like a sociopath?

Let me say it again: this GAME is about KILLING stuff. It is the single most important aspect of EVE. Would you call ppl that play mmo FPS sociopaths for shooting each other? Roll


Let's not forget that the total cost of all the destroyers used in one suicide gank is never close to the cost of the Mining Barge or Exhumer that is being targeted. So simply by being in space, available to be your target, the miner is taking on more risk than you. They are risking more ISK, they are risking it for longer, and they are risking it for the chance to mine a fraction of it's value in ISK during that time.
Nobody forces them to fly Exhumers, they could go for using T1 variants (which a surprising number of miners actually do) which are dirt cheap. If you choose the Procurer you're almost as safe as in a Skiff and it's the cheapest barge around even. A few hours of mining earn you your purchase back.


You were the one who said you didn't fly around in 1b ISK pods, so you'll have to tell me how much yours is worth. I was just going off of your previous statement.
The spread between 'empty pod' and a 1 billion pod is rather big wouldn't you say? I'd say it is about ehm, 1 billion, but maybe I'm getting the math wrong? Roll

Dunno what it would cost to replace my current pod exactly but anyone squishing it will consider it an ok kill I'm sure.


Operating in a casual way in high sec is the norm, it's the point of high sec. You should be able to rely on CONCORD for most of your security needs in that area. If a miner fits horribly they may be stupid or they may just not know. Considering that pretty much every ship in high sec is relatively safe, outside of Freighters and Mining Barges/Exhumers it's not a ridiculous premise to work from. I don't care if you are lazy or diligent, as a suicide ganker you are scum to me. I don't care if miners are lazy or diligent, as miners they are neutral to me.

If you fit poorly in high sec should you deserve to die just because you were in a mining ship and not something else? I don't see suicide gankers running around ganking Drake's in L3 missions because they only fit T1 Shield Hardeners. it seems like these mining ships, being relatively weak, are being targeted specifically. It almost seems like a failure in the design of these ships...

Stupid, uneducated, call it whatever you want but it isn't being smart, dilligent or putting effort into getting to know the game, that's for sure....

As it stands now, you can operate very casually in highsec, CONCORD does provide your security needs, it just asks of you that you manage to stay alive for a mere twenty-ish seconds.

Suiciding drakes is prolly pretty rare yeah, since they are low value targets with heaps of tank. When it comes to ganking mission runners the faction BS and marauders receive the brunt of the attention since they are high value (even without exotic hyper expensive modules fit).

In EVE you deserve to die whenever anyone manages to kill you btw. That goes for everyone, gankers, miners, missionrunners, haulers etc etc. Again: it's the most important part of the game.