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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Mining alt VS buying plex

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Friday Football
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-11-24 19:18:14 UTC
So I'm a newcomer to EVE. Enjoying my experience. I decided to go "all-in" and got two alts in addition to my main (3 chars).

1 char for fighting, 1 char for mining and 1 char for exploration/leadership/hauling.

My question is, and i know this is VERY it worth having a mining alt to generate isk for myself or should i just cancel the mining account and buy a plex.

As a noobie miner, I can make like 10-20m isk / hr. Even at 15m an hour, it would take 53 hours or so to generate the typical amount for a PLEX. Even from a gameplay standpoint, I'd rather invest those 50 hours into practicing PVP.

When could I expect to make 50/m an hour or so as a miner (if ever)?
Medalyn Isis
#2 - 2014-11-24 19:22:05 UTC
Honestly, a miner is useful to have, but as a means to generate isk it is a very poor method, and certainly should not warrant an entire account. That is unless you have some sort of brain malfunction and really enjoy mining, in which case you have my sympathy.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#3 - 2014-11-24 19:24:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Ima Wreckyou
Yes you can make a lot of ISK with mining. Simply level your ship like you would your gear in other MMOs until you have the best possible equipment with max yield. A Hulk with some faction ore stripminer and Meta 4 mining upgrades are the way to go. Always remember that lower sec status of the system means better ore, so go for a 0.5 system.

Don't worry about the small cargo hold of the Hulk, you can always just mine into cans or you can drop a giant freight container for a lot of storage so you can max your AFK time where you can clean your kitchen or do the laundry or something.

If you want I can give you Orca boost for better yield, just tell me where you are (if you have the maxed Hulk, not worth it before that) and fleet me as soon as I am online.

P.S. considered some different answer at first, but I did not want to derail the thread and go off-topic
Pandora Barzane
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2014-11-24 19:24:54 UTC
Medalyn Isis wrote:
Honestly, a miner is useful to have, but as a means to generate isk it is a very poor method, and certainly should not warrant an entire account. That is unless you have some sort of brain malfunction and really enjoy mining, in which case you have my sympathy.

lovely insults!
Avenger Mercenaries
Space Brutality
#5 - 2014-11-24 19:27:28 UTC
I love mining.
The mining alt is fine if you want to multitask, some missions have decent ore and you wont have to worry about getting shot at

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-11-24 19:28:20 UTC
you will die of boredom and quit eve

actually begging near the train station nets you better cash flow than mining in eve.

gank bears are always on stand-by, and they will be there to harvest the tears of the untouched bear

safe way to make some starting isk comes down to ratting. Especially when you join a null sec corporation and kill your first rat Battleship class.

then the amount of time you have while EVE is still hot and new is limited to your neuro-sensory inner quality. So make your best way to enjoy the quality time in EVE.

if you start take the game like work, you will be torturing yourself and hating your fingers that press the buttons repeatedly

This post sums up why the 'best' work with DCM inc.

WARP DRIVE makes eve boring

really - add warping align time 300% on gun aggression and eve becomes great again

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#7 - 2014-11-24 19:29:13 UTC
For a serious reply (Ignore Code, just fit a tank and they normally won't bother you anyway), you won't make 50 mil/hr mining regularly. If you are in Null, using a Max skilled hulk, and have a max skilled rorqual boosting you, and you are mining the most lucrative ore you might.
Without boosts 20/hour is a sustainable number. Anything more than that you are doing well on.

However, don't forget about Planetary Interaction which you can train fairly fast in all 3 slots per account and if you manage it will give you that bit extra income to help make your life easier.
Friday Football
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2014-11-24 19:32:18 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
For a serious reply (Ignore Code, just fit a tank and they normally won't bother you anyway), you won't make 50 mil/hr mining regularly. If you are in Null, using a Max skilled hulk, and have a max skilled rorqual boosting you, and you are mining the most lucrative ore you might.
Without boosts 20/hour is a sustainable number. Anything more than that you are doing well on.

However, don't forget about Planetary Interaction which you can train fairly fast in all 3 slots per account and if you manage it will give you that bit extra income to help make your life easier.

Thanks - this seems like a good answer.

I really don't want to spend the equivalent of 50 hours mining for what is essentially $20 or so. I don't "enjoy" mining per se - i just thought it could be a good way to make some ISK.
Net 7
#9 - 2014-11-24 19:32:30 UTC
*flashes vet badge*

11 (almost) year vet, miner by trade, all around char in general.

Mining is a decent way to get a little cash. But you need to not just focus on ore. For example, your mining alt could go into a prospect and use your exploration alt to scan down wormholes and you can ninja the ore in some of them can make an easy 100m an hour, if you time it right and are careful.

You can also mine ice with a decent rate or return

And your mining alt can very easily become a full on industry alt and thus give you full access to the means of production as well as a supply chain.

My advise, try mining and other industry activities for a few days or a week, and decide if its something you REALLY want to do. If you are stabbing your eyes out with an ice pick after a few hours then i'd let the miner laps and go for a plex. But if your like 'meh this is not to bad' having that alt could greatly enhance your experience in the future if you need to do stuff like pos operations, or make stuff.

Hope that helps. Also, you could very easily train your explorer alt to mine in a few hours, then you can explore AND mine on one char. But tis up to you. I have an industry alt who mines (me) a pvp/explorer alt and a pure hauler alt. Also 3 alts doing pi can net you a rather hefty profit.

And ignore the code dude asking for a mining permit, if you play smart you are never bothered by anyone in code.

Good luck and welcome to eve

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#10 - 2014-11-24 19:32:44 UTC
I love mining but in terms of straight time invested and your return the average person is stupid to mine for isk. That being said I can generate 5 plex a month for subs plus pvp isk, but and its a big but, I have a lot of time on my hands and I enjoy the downtime of mining in between the pvp fleet stuff.

Your better off with a straight FW farming alt or a mission runner in terms of actual income made. The thing with mining is threefold; either you have a lot of time and enjoy it, you scale it with as many accounts as you can or you enjoy the relaxing nature of mining. Its not a huge income maker on a single account, even a miner and hauler/boosting toon combo is overshadowed by two miners and no boost. You really need quite a few accounts to make mining more productive than other avenues of raw income.

That being said theres quite a few people that do enjoy mining a lot. Its not glamorous nor is it super lucrative but its a nice relaxing profession. The other thing is the skill requirement is fairly low to get into or max versus the other professions.

FW plexing alt, mission runner, data/relic hunter in null sec are all solo activities that pay well with lowish skill requirements.

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Medalyn Isis
#11 - 2014-11-24 19:46:50 UTC
Friday Football wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
For a serious reply (Ignore Code, just fit a tank and they normally won't bother you anyway), you won't make 50 mil/hr mining regularly. If you are in Null, using a Max skilled hulk, and have a max skilled rorqual boosting you, and you are mining the most lucrative ore you might.
Without boosts 20/hour is a sustainable number. Anything more than that you are doing well on.

However, don't forget about Planetary Interaction which you can train fairly fast in all 3 slots per account and if you manage it will give you that bit extra income to help make your life easier.

Thanks - this seems like a good answer.

All the answers are good advice except for one of them. At your stage in your career you don't need a separate mining account. Stick to two accounts is my advice unless you have enough real world money to fund them.
Ssabat Thraxx
DUST Expeditionary Team
Good Sax
#12 - 2014-11-24 20:09:34 UTC
If these alts are all on separate accounts, inter-regional trading can be very lucrative. Park 1 alt in Jita as a buyer (this one doesnt even need any skills, as all you'll be doing with it is buying,) and another alt in 1 of the other hubs as your reseller. Ignoring all the unnecessary trading skills (you wont need margin trading, or skills that grow your range, for example,) you can have a decently trained seller alt in 8-10 days, the only skills you'll really need are those that increase your max # of orders and that lessen taxes and broker fees. This also means that once you have your base skills down for the seller alt (like I said, 8-10 days or so) you can start training a "real" toon, like a PVP alt on the same account.

Now you either make your own channel or just open a convo between your two sellers. Buy lower in Jita sell higher in Dodixie or Amarr. You probably have no idea what items to look for, so head on over to and use their trade tools to look up items and their prices. Best result is to compare 2 systems (the bottom option under trade tools) and get a list of items in Jita selling for X compared to selling in Dixie for Y. You can enter in a max price on the items so you don't blow your budget. You want a private convo or your own channel so you can copy the item's name on 1 toon, tab over and paste the name in the market browser on the other toon - saves a lot of time.

It takes a little money to get started, but your cash will grow exponentially if you keep reinvesting your returns, and you can start out small with cheap, high volume items like faction ammo.

If indeed all THREE toons are on different accounts and your computer can handle it, park the miner in front of some 'roids and start mining, tab over to the browser, get an item in mind, check the price in Jita, tab over, check the price in amarr, check sales history and make sure the item actually sells, and buy it on the Jita toon. Whenever you feel rdy, move the goods on 1 of the traders to the reselling system. Since your buyer doesnt NEED any skills, you can skill him up into industrial ships and eventually a blockade runner or freighter. I highly recommend a blockade runner because they are so FAST, + they can cloak. I ended up selling my freighter, because I could move tons of ISK worth of stuff in the blockade runner. IMO the only reason to keep the freighter would have been to move ships or POS modules, neither of which interest me anymore, it's just not worth the hassle.

There's a couple other things you can do to increase your income without too much hassle, as well. Feel free to hit me up in game sometime, I'd be happy to help you out.

\m/ O.o \m/

"You're a freak ..." - Solecist Project

Jur Tissant
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2014-11-24 20:34:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Jur Tissant
Oh lord, no, not a mining alt. As you said it will be very difficult to justify the cost of a PLEX. PI has been recommended and I highly encourage you to look into it, you can make something around 1.3-1.4bil ISK per month per account (= 3 character slots, one month training for each character). But mining is only really good, in my opinion, as a fleet op or while watching Netflix or reading a book etc.

But honestly, ask yourself if you really need an alt. Bear in mind that any character in EVE can do anything, it's just a matter of what you want to devote your training time towards, having an alt allows you to run two separate training queues and play concurrently.
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#14 - 2014-11-24 20:52:09 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
*Snip* Removed reply to a deleted post. ISD Ezwal.
it's a sandbox, do whatever you want that amuses you or justifies keeping a subscription. Be aware that blowing up your stuff is often amusing to other players..

Best to not make mining your only or primary income source. Solely mining to pay a sub is also probably not going to be very enjoyable as you noticed. Try it and see (and use a tanked Procurer) and you can make your own determination. I'd personally train that alt to salvage.

*Snip* Please refrain from personal attacks. ISD Ezwal.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#15 - 2014-11-24 21:29:25 UTC
I have removed some rule breaking posts and those quoting them. As always I let some edge cases stay.
Please people, keep it on topic and above all civil!

The Rules:
27. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

Off-topic posting is permitted within reason, as sometimes a single comment may color or lighten the tone of discussion. However, excessive posting of off-topic remarks in an attempt to derail a thread may result in the thread being locked, or a forum warning being issued to the off-topic poster.

This thread has also been moved to EVE New Citizens Q&A.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#16 - 2014-11-24 22:22:48 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
Yes you can make a lot of ISK with mining. Simply level your ship like you would your gear in other MMOs until you have the best possible equipment with max yield. A Hulk with some faction ore stripminer and Meta 4 mining upgrades are the way to go. Always remember that lower sec status of the system means better ore, so go for a 0.5 system.

Don't worry about the small cargo hold of the Hulk, you can always just mine into cans or you can drop a giant freight container for a lot of storage so you can max your AFK time where you can clean your kitchen or do the laundry or something.

If you want I can give you Orca boost for better yield, just tell me where you are (if you have the maxed Hulk, not worth it before that) and fleet me as soon as I am online.

P.S. considered some different answer at first, but I did not want to derail the thread and go off-topic

Hmz obvious baiting stays obvious.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Space Mermaids
#17 - 2014-11-24 22:23:24 UTC
Based on the title, I think I understand what you are asking and I don't have a clear answer.

I run 4 accounts and have, many times considered the options, should I run 4 or just drop to one for even 3 to 6 months and bank Plex. In terms of mining, I have ran 3 accounts at once mining and it is force projection in its own right but I don't mine for ISK so much as I do it because I have nothing better to do and I can multi box it. I run all 3 on one computer in windows mode and it works with mining, it sucks for anything else.

The methods don't 'pay' for themselves. Logic and bottom line are in strong favor of just lapsing 3 accounts and hoarding PLEX to sell in Jita but again, the Ore I mine isn't going on the markets. They are assets I view as strategic reserves. Having hundreds of millions of Ores of various kind is a capacity factor that reflects how I see my EVE game. You do need to look at the long term in EVE and long term is partly seeing beyond liquid ISK stocks.

As other have suggested, train all 3 characters in PI but use them too. I have that covered as well, 72 planet capacity and I neglect it 90% of the time. That's very much a flaw on my part.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#18 - 2014-11-24 22:37:35 UTC
I think I would have quit EVE years ago if I had to work in-game rather than have fun.

The monthly fee for an account is about the same as one cheap lunch at a restaurant.

I have 5 annually subscribed accounts. As hobbies go, EVE costs me less than others have.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#19 - 2014-11-24 22:47:06 UTC
Friday Football wrote:

1 char for fighting, 1 char for mining and 1 char for exploration/leadership/hauling.

I don't see a building character in there.

At the price of PLEX right now you'll never mine enough to cover the cost of the acct and still make a little profit. I have a miner that I run AFK whenever I'm logged in on a fun character. But I refine everything I mine and shovel it into my builders hanger to go toward making capital components which I then turn into freighters to use for building jump freighters.

With decent skills you should be able to mine most of the ore for a freighter in a month with one character and that's a much better return than selling the ore.

Mr Epeen Cool
Jarod Garamonde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2014-11-24 23:40:43 UTC
Do anything possible to avoid the dreaded "playing the game just to keep playing the game".... then it feels like a job, and that's how you ragequit.

Just pay the sub fees and have fun, man. Grindfests are terribad. Become a PvPer and buy PLEX when you're going broke.

That moment when you realize the crazy lady with all the cats was right...

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