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[Ship Proposal] Skiff is overpowered & needs a rebalance.

First post
Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2014-11-24 13:05:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Meilandra Vanderganken
Daichi Yamato wrote:

Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
The problem is in how the 'main perks' of those ships compare. A Hulk has a 30% yield advantage over Skiff/Mack while the SKiff has up to 10+ times the tank of a Hulkdepending on how you fit it.

wtf? so you even admit your making a flimsy argument?

Nope, just pointing out what's possible. "Up to 10+ times" does not mean that every Skiff has 10+ times the tank of every Hulk.

If you fit the Hulk and Skiff with comparable fits (fits being "idiot", "yield", "tank") than the Skiff will have between 3.5-5 times the tank of the Hulk.

At those tank levels the Skiff becomes effectively gank immune, since most groups that are able to gather lvls of firepower to gank Skiffs will be looking for juicier targets than a 200 million-ish boat.

Now I have no problem with the Skiff being extremely safe. The problem is that is does not have extreme drawbacks to compensate for that extreme safety. It doesn't have any drawbacks except for that 30% yield diff, which in isk/hour is laugably small.

In practice, you won't even GET that 30% extra yield in the Hulk. If you are flying Hulks in Highsec you will either be doing a LOT of docking up and hiding from gankers or you'll be getting blown up a lot. If you are flying a Skiff, you wil not be docking up and hiding and neither will you be getting blown up making more than up for that 30% yield difference.
Jur Tissant
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2014-11-24 13:11:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Jur Tissant
Seems a bit overkill.

The Retriever has 3 low slots. The Procurer has 2. This is an effective 9% difference in mining yield. Replicate this for the Mack/Skiff and that will give people incentive to use the Mack.

If you are flying Hulks in Highsec you will either be doing a LOT of docking up and hiding from gankers or you'll be getting blown up a lot.

You are wildly overstating the frequency of ganks in high-sec. Anyone with half a brain can find a good, relatively gank-free system in which to mine.
Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2014-11-24 13:19:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Meilandra Vanderganken
Mehrune Khan wrote:
The Skiff doesn't have the same yield as a Mackinaw. On paper, numbers-wise it looks like it, but the smaller ore bay means that solo miners will be making twice as many trips back to station to dump their ore. This is significant - when you get back to the belt you have to crawl your barge all the way back to the rocks again. I can tell you from experience that warping to 0 never takes your barge within range of the rocks you want.

For solo miners yes, but most ppl do not solo mine. Solo miners will quickly get alts or get friends/corpies to haul and fleet boost them, or they'll most likely quit the game since solo mining on just one char is as boring as it gets. And that's from personal experience as both a miner and a ganker.

Also: if you can't figure out how to land in range of your rocks you might wanna read up on this nifty mechanic called 'bookmarks'. Roll


Nerfing the skiff does not make things balanced, it just punishes miners who are afraid of losing their ships and are already choosing to mine with a less efficient ship. If you want more people to fly Mackinaws, I would suggest buffing the Mackinaw. Even then I think most players would still choose the inefficiency of the Skiff because of gankers.

If the Mack and the Hulk get buffed to the point where their yield difference is in the same order of magnitude of how the tank compares between the three then that is fine too. But it's an overly complicated solution as this would mean making the yield of mack and Hulk several times what they are now. Meaning belts would get cleared way faster, overall mineral production would explode, prices would drop, haulers would fill up in very short timeframes meaning all that would have to be balanced too again.

Making the Hulk a dangerous but very profitable ship to fly and making the Skiff very safe but very low income is the way to go though imho, by whatever mechanics changes needed :)
Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2014-11-24 13:23:53 UTC
Jur Tissant wrote:

You are wildly overstating the frequency of ganks in high-sec. Anyone with half a brain can find a good, relatively gank-free system in which to mine.

Until one solo ganker decides to visit that system at the times you play. At which point you WILL be docking up and hiding, or getting blown up, or find yourself relocating, any of the three significantly reducing your income.
Mehrune Khan
Amarr Empire
#45 - 2014-11-24 13:49:16 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Mehrune Khan wrote:
The Skiff doesn't have the same yield as a Mackinaw. On paper, numbers-wise it looks like it, but the smaller ore bay means that solo miners will be making twice as many trips back to station to dump their ore. This is significant - when you get back to the belt you have to crawl your barge all the way back to the rocks again. I can tell you from experience that warping to 0 never takes your barge within range of the rocks you want.

For solo miners yes, but most ppl do not solo mine. Solo miners will quickly get alts or get friends/corpies to haul and fleet boost them, or they'll most likely quit the game since solo mining on just one char is as boring as it gets. And that's from personal experience as both a miner and a ganker.

Also: if you can't figure out how to land in range of your rocks you might wanna read up on this nifty mechanic called 'bookmarks'. Roll

If you are mining in a fleet it's more lucrative to use a Covetor or a Hulk. In a fleet you have haulers and people providing protection. You don't need to mine in a Skiff at that point - Covetors and Hulks are just better for fleet mining, plain and simple. The Skiff just doesn't compare.

When asteroid belts span 30, 40, or more kilometers long you would need half a dozen bookmarks per belt, and know beforehand which specific bookmark is closest to the rock you want to mine. It doesn't work. But you would know that if you actually mined for your ISK. Roll
Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2014-11-24 14:01:45 UTC
Mehrune Khan wrote:

If you are mining in a fleet it's more lucrative to use a Covetor or a Hulk. In a fleet you have haulers and people providing protection. You don't need to mine in a Skiff at that point - Covetors and Hulks are just better for fleet mining, plain and simple. The Skiff just doesn't compare.
Until you get ganked. I love covetors and hulks in fleet mining ops, easy targets :)


When asteroid belts span 30, 40, or more kilometers long you would need half a dozen bookmarks per belt, and know beforehand which specific bookmark is closest to the rock you want to mine. It doesn't work. But you would know that if you actually mined for your ISK. Roll

Well, I started out as a miner. Even without Orca boosting your strip miner range, you have 15km range. You don't need to be right beside the rock to start mining, you just need to be in range. A few bookmarks per belt are enough. If you have decent Orca support you can clear out entire belts without moving.

Belts are static too, mine out an asteroid and it will respawn in the exact same place the next day. You're bookmarks will last you till the day they change that.

I can't believe I'm actually teaching miners how to mine, the shame! Oops
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#47 - 2014-11-24 14:02:06 UTC
It sounds like the ships are balanced just fine and that people are choosing one hull's specialty over another because of external influences. As the OP pointed out, when people always make the same choice despite having multiple choices, something needs to be adjusted. So nerf suicide gankers, they are forcing people to make choices that go against the existing balance of the game. It's so simple, I'm surprised that it wasn't suggested before. I'm glad the OP pointed out this terrible game breaking problem...

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2014-11-24 14:09:38 UTC
Niskin wrote:
It sounds like the ships are balanced just fine and that people are choosing one hull's specialty over another because of external influences. As the OP pointed out, when people always make the same choice despite having multiple choices, something needs to be adjusted. So nerf suicide gankers, they are forcing people to make choices that go against the existing balance of the game. It's so simple, I'm surprised that it wasn't suggested before. I'm glad the OP pointed out this terrible game breaking problem...

Heavens forbid your gameplay would be affected by others in a MMO game. Roll
Mehrune Khan
Amarr Empire
#49 - 2014-11-24 14:23:09 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Mehrune Khan wrote:

If you are mining in a fleet it's more lucrative to use a Covetor or a Hulk. In a fleet you have haulers and people providing protection. You don't need to mine in a Skiff at that point - Covetors and Hulks are just better for fleet mining, plain and simple. The Skiff just doesn't compare.
Until you get ganked. I love covetors and hulks in fleet mining ops, easy targets :)


When asteroid belts span 30, 40, or more kilometers long you would need half a dozen bookmarks per belt, and know beforehand which specific bookmark is closest to the rock you want to mine. It doesn't work. But you would know that if you actually mined for your ISK. Roll

Well, I started out as a miner. Even without Orca boosting your strip miner range, you have 15km range. You don't need to be right beside the rock to start mining, you just need to be in range. A few bookmarks per belt are enough. If you have decent Orca support you can clear out entire belts without moving.

Belts are static too, mine out an asteroid and it will respawn in the exact same place the next day. You're bookmarks will last you till the day they change that.

I can't believe I'm actually teaching miners how to mine, the shame! Oops

I think you are illustrating the real problem here - the Skiff isn't OP, it's just that gankers are making everyone pick it by default. That's not a problem with the Skiff, it's a problem with the gankers.

Also you must have never been a very good miner. Ore respawns aren't as static as you think.
In-depth article on rock spawning
When ore gets mined out, it will eventually respawn in the same belt, but not necessarily at the same location. It could all spawn on the part of the belt opposite one of your bookmarks. Which means when you warp to belt 1 - bookmark 1 you end up farther away than if you had warped to 0. What do you do then? Warp back to station and then warp to your other bookmark? Slowboat it to the rocks? This all takes more time, and this is why juggling bookmarks for each belt is stupid.

Even if the ore spawned in the same location every single time, the rocks closest to your bookmark could get mined out before you get there, which creates the same problem as above. Really making multiple bookmarks per belt isn't a sensible thing to do, and just clutters up the people & places menu. It's also not a valid argument against the Skiff's smaller ore hold. Travel time does impact the solo miner's ability to mine, and it's a problem only exaggerated by the smaller hold of the Skiff. Give it up already. You're grasping at straws here to nerf a ship that is already fairly well balanced.

Really why did I just spend all that time and effort explaining why an idea is stupid, when any player who actually mines rocks would know it's stupid and never do it? It's amazing how disconnected from reality a forum troll can get just to validate a single argument.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#50 - 2014-11-24 14:46:00 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:

Heavens forbid your gameplay would be affected by others in a MMO game. Roll

Listen cupcake, you wanna talk being affected by others, you wanna talk risk? The miners, haulers, and so forth that you gank take on more risk than you, they risk being affected by others more than you do. They are the hardasses you wish you were as you sit in your disposable ship waiting to suicide gank somebody. Yes, those guys lazily sitting in belts afk mining are nonchalantly taking on more risk than you are, because they are sitting waiting for anything that could happen, knowing they could lose their ship.

You on the other hand aren't ever at risk. You never will lose anything you didn't already plan to lose. You won't engage when it's not worth it. You won't even sit out there in something you could lose until it's time to lose it. Zero ****ing risk, you worthless pansy. So take your high horse and stick it somewhere useful, hopefully somewhere that shuts you up.

Suicide ganking is just math and F1, it's been reduced to that science. Don't pretend you are some hero or bigger than those who actually put themselves at risk. Psychologically you are the bottom feeder of EVE, sitting in a 0.5 system waiting for an unbalanced risk profile to wander by. All the while safely sitting there, docked, waiting for somebody else to click on a cargo scanner. Damn man, don't click that cargo scanner, that could get you killed. So hardcore.

Meanwhile the actual risk takers are preparing to fly through that 0.5, because there is no other route around it, and take their chances. But don't let that phase you, you are the badass here, the one totally having your gameplay affected by others. You go badass! Oh, I think it's time to undock now... Way to punch adversity in the face, you are so special.

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#51 - 2014-11-24 14:56:29 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:

Now I have no problem with the Skiff being extremely safe. The problem is that is does not have extreme drawbacks to compensate for that extreme safety. It doesn't have any drawbacks except for that 30% yield diff, which in isk/hour is laugably small.

30% is not laughably small.

Mehrune Khan wrote:

I think you are illustrating the real problem here - the Skiff isn't OP, it's just that gankers are making everyone pick it by default. That's not a problem with the Skiff, it's a problem with the gankers.

This assumes everyone uses skiffs....which they dont.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2014-11-24 15:00:12 UTC
Mehrune Khan wrote:
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Mehrune Khan wrote:

If you are mining in a fleet it's more lucrative to use a Covetor or a Hulk. In a fleet you have haulers and people providing protection. You don't need to mine in a Skiff at that point - Covetors and Hulks are just better for fleet mining, plain and simple. The Skiff just doesn't compare.
Until you get ganked. I love covetors and hulks in fleet mining ops, easy targets :)


When asteroid belts span 30, 40, or more kilometers long you would need half a dozen bookmarks per belt, and know beforehand which specific bookmark is closest to the rock you want to mine. It doesn't work. But you would know that if you actually mined for your ISK. Roll

Well, I started out as a miner. Even without Orca boosting your strip miner range, you have 15km range. You don't need to be right beside the rock to start mining, you just need to be in range. A few bookmarks per belt are enough. If you have decent Orca support you can clear out entire belts without moving.

Belts are static too, mine out an asteroid and it will respawn in the exact same place the next day. You're bookmarks will last you till the day they change that.

I can't believe I'm actually teaching miners how to mine, the shame! Oops

I think you are illustrating the real problem here - the Skiff isn't OP, it's just that gankers are making everyone pick it by default. That's not a problem with the Skiff, it's a problem with the gankers.

Also you must have never been a very good miner. Ore respawns aren't as static as you think.
In-depth article on rock spawning
When ore gets mined out, it will eventually respawn in the same belt, but not necessarily at the same location. It could all spawn on the part of the belt opposite one of your bookmarks. Which means when you warp to belt 1 - bookmark 1 you end up farther away than if you had warped to 0. What do you do then? Warp back to station and then warp to your other bookmark? Slowboat it to the rocks? This all takes more time, and this is why juggling bookmarks for each belt is stupid.

Even if the ore spawned in the same location every single time, the rocks closest to your bookmark could get mined out before you get there, which creates the same problem as above. Really making multiple bookmarks per belt isn't a sensible thing to do, and just clutters up the people & places menu. It's also not a valid argument against the Skiff's smaller ore hold. Travel time does impact the solo miner's ability to mine, and it's a problem only exaggerated by the smaller hold of the Skiff. Give it up already. You're grasping at straws here to nerf a ship that is already fairly well balanced.

Really why did I just spend all that time and effort explaining why an idea is stupid, when any player who actually mines rocks would know it's stupid and never do it? It's amazing how disconnected from reality a forum troll can get just to validate a single argument.

My personal experience was that roids basicly stayed in the same location. I still see this to this day. Maybe this means a lot of the roids never get mined out completely, I dunno.

It doesn't change the fact that you need only a few bookmarks per belt and you're good to cover the entire belt (cept from the freak veldspar rocks that sometimes are 150KM out).

The ppl/places menu has this nifty feature called "folders", which helps you to manage your bookmarks avoiding cluttering. I have dozens of bookmarks for my endeavours and this number is ever increasing. Avoiding clutter requires only basic organising skills.

Slow boating between belt bookmarks can be avoided by having 200km bookmarks in your belt which you can use to bounce around. Even if you go slowboating, the Skiff is the best ship to do it in as it is the fastest of all barges and xumers. If you put a prop mod on it you can traverse entire belt in no time. The Skiff being so versatile, it can easily spare the mid slot and still have several time the tank of the Mack, let alone the Hulk.

Btw: the SKiff has an ore bay nearly twice as big as the Hulk's. That should be brought in line too, maybe trim it down to 10k or something.

Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#53 - 2014-11-24 15:05:40 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:

Now I have no problem with the Skiff being extremely safe. The problem is that is does not have extreme drawbacks to compensate for that extreme safety. It doesn't have any drawbacks except for that 30% yield diff, which in isk/hour is laugably small.

30% is not laughably small.

It is since you won't even be getting that 30% because of earlier stated reasons and it compares in no way to the risk you are at while flying a Hulk instead of a Skiff.
Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2014-11-24 15:11:12 UTC
Niskin wrote:
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:

Heavens forbid your gameplay would be affected by others in a MMO game. Roll

Listen cupcake, you wanna talk being affected by others, you wanna talk risk? The miners, haulers, and so forth that you gank take on more risk than you, they risk being affected by others more than you do. They are the hardasses you wish you were as you sit in your disposable ship waiting to suicide gank somebody. Yes, those guys lazily sitting in belts afk mining are nonchalantly taking on more risk than you are, because they are sitting waiting for anything that could happen, knowing they could lose their ship.

You on the other hand aren't ever at risk. You never will lose anything you didn't already plan to lose. You won't engage when it's not worth it. You won't even sit out there in something you could lose until it's time to lose it. Zero ****ing risk, you worthless pansy. So take your high horse and stick it somewhere useful, hopefully somewhere that shuts you up.

Suicide ganking is just math and F1, it's been reduced to that science. Don't pretend you are some hero or bigger than those who actually put themselves at risk. Psychologically you are the bottom feeder of EVE, sitting in a 0.5 system waiting for an unbalanced risk profile to wander by. All the while safely sitting there, docked, waiting for somebody else to click on a cargo scanner. Damn man, don't click that cargo scanner, that could get you killed. So hardcore.

Meanwhile the actual risk takers are preparing to fly through that 0.5, because there is no other route around it, and take their chances. But don't let that phase you, you are the badass here, the one totally having your gameplay affected by others. You go badass! Oh, I think it's time to undock now... Way to punch adversity in the face, you are so special.

Yup, those tanked Skiff/procurer pilots hiding behind a 20 second concord response time are truly the brave and bold of the EVE universe! We -10 chars that can be freely shot at by every player and are actively hunted down by faction police are at no risk at all. Roll

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#55 - 2014-11-24 15:13:15 UTC
except your before stated reasons were idiotic...

Hulks ideally mine with hauler support, thats the point

they can also tank fairly well and you ARE overstating the capabilities of gankers and you ARE overstating the popularity of skiffs. If i can make a rettie that can tank gankers, you can make a hulk that not only mines more, it tanks better as well.

and you conveniently left out the hulks range bonus that means a hulk/cov fleet spends far less time repositioning than any other barge.

you are hideously biased and i suspect you're pushing an agenda, NOT an opinion. i also doubt you've ever seriously mined.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#56 - 2014-11-24 15:23:00 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:

Yup, those tanked Skiff/procurer pilots hiding behind a 20 second concord response time are truly the brave and bold of the EVE universe! We -10 chars that can be freely shot at by every player and are actively hunted down by faction police are at no risk at all. Roll

It's hard to shoot somebody who is sitting in a station. Do you think this is my first week playing EVE? Yes, I'm sure you want me to believe that your -10 ass is sitting somewhere in space waiting for that Skiff and his CONCORD support fleet to come kill you. Poor you, your life is so hard.

Won't somebody please think of the suicide gankers? I mean through no fault of their own, through no actions they took themselves, they are hunted by CONCORD. If they even so much as perform a criminal act they are treated like criminals, how unfair!

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2014-11-24 15:25:16 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
except your before stated reasons were idiotic...

Hulks ideally mine with hauler support, thats the point

they can also tank fairly well and you ARE overstating the capabilities of gankers and you ARE overstating the popularity of skiffs. If i can make a rettie that can tank gankers, you can make a hulk that not only mines more, it tanks better as well.

and you conveniently left out the hulks range bonus that means a hulk/cov fleet spends far less time repositioning than any other barge.

you are hideously biased and i suspect you're pushing an agenda, NOT an opinion. i also doubt you've ever seriously mined.

Every ships ideally mines with hauler support, at which point the ore bay becomes almost completely irrelevant. With decent Orca support the same goes for having to move around the belt. You are left with only two relevant factors at that point which are yield and tank, which simply do not compare well between Skiff and Hulk.

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#58 - 2014-11-24 15:29:28 UTC
They dont. There are far more solo miners than you think.

and in small gangs it is in fact more efficient to have a mack or rettie act as a hauler/miner rather than having one dedicated hauler.

you dont know what you are talking about and your entire argument is based on the outright FALLACY that skiffs are by far the most common barge in use. they are not. take a look around you in game or present some kind of evidence that supports your argument.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2014-11-24 15:38:45 UTC
Niskin wrote:
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:

Yup, those tanked Skiff/procurer pilots hiding behind a 20 second concord response time are truly the brave and bold of the EVE universe! We -10 chars that can be freely shot at by every player and are actively hunted down by faction police are at no risk at all. Roll

It's hard to shoot somebody who is sitting in a station. Do you think this is my first week playing EVE? Yes, I'm sure you want me to believe that your -10 ass is sitting somewhere in space waiting for that Skiff and his CONCORD support fleet to come kill you. Poor you, your life is so hard.
It's hard to gank too if you are sitting in a station. We do undock you know, at which point we are fair game and can be actively hunted and ARE hunted by facpo at all times. We fly paperthin destroyers, we engage with hostiles and neutrals on grid. I call that pretty risky.

We do fail ganks, we do get our pods blown up from time to time even. That's the reason most of us don;t fly around ganking with 1 billion isk pods. Because we are at risk and act accordingly.

Of course in your warped view of reality that is 'riskless' while the ppl with ships being able to get tanks upto 140K EHP easily hiding behind 20 seconds of CONCORD response time are the 'risk takers' Lol
Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2014-11-24 15:46:39 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
They dont. There are far more solo miners than you think.

and in small gangs it is in fact more efficient to have a mack or rettie act as a hauler/miner rather than having one dedicated hauler.

you dont know what you are talking about and your entire argument is based on the outright FALLACY that skiffs are by far the most common barge in use. they are not. take a look around you in game or present some kind of evidence that supports your argument.

I can't provide exact or even guestimates at numbers for ship types for the entire game, and neither can you. Yet there you are asking for 'evidence' while providing none yourself for any of your statements. Roll

What I can do however is tell you from personal experience that Skiffs (and procs) are the most popular mining ships in my part of the woods. By FAR even.

What you're also wrong about is that this entire argument is based on how popular the Skiff is. Even if it was the least popular mining ship that does not change the attributes of the Skiff and how they compare to the other exhumers. THAT's what makes the Skiff unbalanced, not how many ppl fly or don't fly it.