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Strange Occurrence

Anomander Tsuruomo
Somnus Exchange
#1 - 2014-11-23 15:16:02 UTC

Hoping someone can confirm having a similar experience with WH connections changing sporadically.

Logged on today into home system (AKA Zulu) - C4 with C2 & C1 statics. Besides the usual sigs there were four WH connections in the system consisting of two new static and two K162 connections.

Jumped Anomander through one of the K162's to investigate and found myself in a C5 with C4 static - J101435. The C4 static (E175) was the active connection back to Zulu. After scanning out the C5 and finding nothing of interest besides a Null connection that was EOL I jumped back through C4 static. Rather than finding myself back in Zulu I had landed in a different C4 system - J154833.

Attributing this to my hang over I assumed it must be human error so I jumped back in to the C5 and rechecked the sigs, there were no new signatures. There were only five sigs in total so a new sig wouldn't be something easily missed. One might assume that whilst scanning the sigs in C5 and locating towers of the natives that they had rolled the existing connection without me noticing. This wouldn't however explain the lack of new sigs or this new connection being at the same bookmark.

To verify this I took a second character in home system and warped to C5 connection, it was still there. Jumped character through and attempted to fleet warp Anomander, despite giving the 'Warp To' option on context menu nothing occurred when selected. Initiated an orbit with second character and he de-cloaked and appeared on grid with Anomander and the 'Warp To' option had disappeared.

Now realising something strange is occurring I jumped second character back through connection and once again he was in the new C4 system - J101435.

Even as I'm writing this the connection to the C5 still exists in home system, whilst simultaneously the exisitng C4 static connection in C5 leads to a different C4 rather than to Zulu.

Included below is a link to a screenshot of Tripwire chain (great tool btw, keep it up).


Any thoughts?


Binary Aesthetics
#2 - 2014-11-23 15:42:17 UTC
Anomander Tsuruomo
Somnus Exchange
#3 - 2014-11-23 16:04:10 UTC
Cheers IIaister , guess I should've looked a bit harder on the forums. Always happy to contribute to the general cluttering of the forums.

Perhaps mods should sticky the other thread until this is resolved?
Binary Aesthetics
#4 - 2014-11-23 22:25:07 UTC
I think they'd all rather not draw attention to the fact you can jump out a wormhole, jump back trhough it and end up somewhere totally random :)

It's odd. Never experienced it myself, but yeah. I guess it's a thing. Call it the whimsy of Bob and hope it doesn't happen to you again anytime soon.