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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Looking for a Small-Medium Newbie Friendly Corp

Shinji Kurosawa
Guinea Pigs Appreciation Society
#1 - 2014-11-22 23:55:29 UTC

As a longtime MMO player, EVE always came and went under my radar.
I just recently returned after 2+ years of absence (i started playing around 2012, but for about 2-3 months, something else came into my life and i just did quit), i did resubscribe about 15 days ago after the dissapointment ArcheAge was for me, and im having fun doing L4 Sec Missions, but i am in need of a Corp.

I tried to corps in this 15 day period, and while they have been nice and friendly, one, was way too small (3 members, the most active was me), and VERY deep in nullsec, which was unforgiving for a "new player", and the second one was fairly large (169 members), and while they were all friendly and nice were too busy flying 30 member fleets running advanced Ops, i joined once and was overwhelmed.

So i am about 9mil SP (but very ignorant about a lot of topics, despite the not so small amount of SP) combat pilot.

I am looking for a Corp that features:

- A US Timezone based, small-medium-sized, Corp. I prefer it small-medium because i will have the chance to learn from not so cluttered comms, and running smaller fleets.
- PVP AND PVE. I'd balance more to PVP, but i enjoy doing both, not just one.
- Based in Hi/mi/Lo Sec, preferably with nearby access to both for convenience, but NOT Nullsec.
- Willing to teach, and tolerate mistakes.

That being said, please PM me, or leave me a follow-up and i will contact you back.

Thank you.
Sera Kor-Azor
Amarrian Mission of the Sacred Word
#2 - 2014-11-23 00:31:44 UTC
Have you considered joining the State Protectorate?

Faction warfare sounds like just the thing you are looking for. It's mostly PVE wrapped up in PVP opportunity. Factional warfare missions are also the highest paying missions in New Eden. There are plenty of Factional Warfare corporations that would be happy to take a newbro. It only takes a day or so to train up the skills to be a tackler, and a tackler is absolutely essential in order to keep the enemy pinned down so the rest of your fleet can focus their damage on him/her.

The State Protectorate is the NPC Militia corporation. Once you join, expect for people to be rude to you, and to call you a spy. However, recruiters will also contact you for an interview. The more pilots they have, the more force projection they can employ and the more ISK they make. You can also seek for Caldari faction war recruiters as well.

Factional warfare takes place in low sec, and is often based out of high sec. Most factional warfare pilots keep a high sec hauler alt to move their stuff around, or sometimes do missions in high sec.

Most player FW corporations have a ship replacement program. They provide you with an ample supply of tech 1 frigates, modules, and sometimes skillbooks and implants. Many are newbro friendly, since scouts and tacklers are always in demand. You will also learn a great deal about scouting, gate mechanics, safe spots and so on. Your success is their success.

That being said, OUCH University offers free classes in PVP and low and null sec survival. You can complete the basic course on the weekend, and it looks good on your corp history as well. EVE University does the same sort of thing, but also offers free skillbooks as well. It's free to join, offers free skillbooks, and they will teach you the basics of PVP or anything else you might be interested in. (Mining, station trading, Invention, production, etc.)

"A manu dei e tet rimon" - I am the devoted hand of the divine God.

Shinji Kurosawa
Guinea Pigs Appreciation Society
#3 - 2014-11-23 00:43:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Shinji Kurosawa
Sera Kor-Azor wrote:
Have you considered joining the State Protectorate?

Faction warfare sounds like just the thing you are looking for. It's mostly PVE wrapped up in PVP opportunity. Factional warfare missions are also the highest paying missions in New Eden. There are plenty of Factional Warfare corporations that would be happy to take a newbro. It only takes a day or so to train up the skills to be a tackler, and a tackler is absolutely essential in order to keep the enemy pinned down so the rest of your fleet can focus their damage on him/her.

The State Protectorate is the NPC Militia corporation. Once you join, expect for people to be rude to you, and to call you a spy. However, recruiters will also contact you for an interview. The more pilots they have, the more force projection they can employ and the more ISK they make. You can also seek for Caldari faction war recruiters as well.

Factional warfare takes place in low sec, and is often based out of high sec. Most factional warfare pilots keep a high sec hauler alt to move their stuff around, or sometimes do missions in high sec.

Most player FW corporations have a ship replacement program. They provide you with an ample supply of tech 1 frigates, modules, and sometimes skillbooks and implants. Many are newbro friendly, since scouts and tacklers are always in demand. You will also learn a great deal about scouting, gate mechanics, safe spots and so on. Your success is their success.

That being said, OUCH University offers free classes in PVP and low and null sec survival. You can complete the basic course on the weekend, and it looks good on your corp history as well. EVE University does the same sort of thing, but also offers free skillbooks as well. It's free to join, offers free skillbooks, and they will teach you the basics of PVP or anything else you might be interested in. (Mining, station trading, Invention, production, etc.)

This sounds like a nice thing to try. never heard of it, that's the beauty of EVE, so much stuff to discover, i will consider it!

Thank you :)
Sera Kor-Azor
Amarrian Mission of the Sacred Word
#4 - 2014-11-23 01:04:49 UTC
Sure thing.

Here's how to enlist. I'm sure that there will be some Caldari FW corporations trying to recruit you from this thread as well.

"A manu dei e tet rimon" - I am the devoted hand of the divine God.

Shinji Kurosawa
Guinea Pigs Appreciation Society
#5 - 2014-11-23 01:27:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Shinji Kurosawa
Sera Kor-Azor wrote:
Sure thing.

Here's how to enlist. I'm sure that there will be some Caldari FW corporations trying to recruit you from this thread as well.

Not sure if my standings with Caldari are the Best, i believe my Amarr ones are LOL.

This can't hurt to try, still i am open to considerating Corps, since Faction Wars sounds like BIG SCALE, which is the opposite of what im looking for, but to be honest, this seems like a good place to start.

Thanks! :)
Sera Kor-Azor
Amarrian Mission of the Sacred Word
#6 - 2014-11-23 07:00:16 UTC
Shinji Kurosawa wrote:
Sera Kor-Azor wrote:
Sure thing.

Here's how to enlist. I'm sure that there will be some Caldari FW corporations trying to recruit you from this thread as well.

Not sure if my standings with Caldari are the Best, i believe my Amarr ones are LOL.

This can't hurt to try, still i am open to considerating Corps, since Faction Wars sounds like BIG SCALE, which is the opposite of what im looking for, but to be honest, this seems like a good place to start.

Thanks! :)

Amarr faction war might be better than Caldari at the moment. I'm not sure. Apparently Amarr Level 4 missions can be done solo with a stealth bomber, which are fairly affordable and can be quickly trained into. Caldari level 4s are not as easy.

Pyre Falcon Defence Company is a Caldari mercenary corporation that is currently involved in Amarr faction warfare. They are presently well situated between the Sisters of Eve Epic story arc (which will increase your faction standings and give you enough money for a cruiser) and OUCH University. I'm not sure how newbie friendly PYRE are, but everyone needs a tackler. Here is their website.

The Sisters of Eve epic story arc, while not a corporation, will give you a fairly good grounding in skills and backstory while you consider your employment alternatives.

"A manu dei e tet rimon" - I am the devoted hand of the divine God.

Brutus Le'montac
#7 - 2014-11-23 08:58:39 UTC
Hey there!

we are a 20+ men corp, living in hisec with lots of low and nullsec near us.( 1 jump lowsec, 10 to null)
We like to teach players if they are intressed, and dont frown upon making mistakes.
we have TS3 and are US/EU based.

To me it sounds like we could mean a lot for you, and you for us.
if you are intrested hit us up in game, or reply on the forum

Brutus le'montac.
Patriach of destruction.

Thought is dangerous; lack of thought, deadly!

Lakota Ellecon
Out of Focus
Odin's Call
#8 - 2014-11-23 11:00:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Lakota Ellecon
Hey Shinji !!

I think you'll enjoy our Corp, [Gallente Rebels Inc.]

We're pretty active in low sec. Gallente FW region (Placid) and we like to kill stuff.
Very simple, no drama, and some nice fleets.

Mail me here or in-game if you have any questions.

Lakota Ellecon, [RGI/CEO]
Paranoid Monkey
Deep Space Planetary Exploration inc.
#9 - 2014-11-23 12:54:42 UTC
hey man, checkout us:

We are mostly pve but are allaince is very active pvp living in a lowsec system.

Jump in are channel for a chat: RKFA
F.U.N. Inc.
The Ancients.
#10 - 2014-11-24 20:53:16 UTC

If your interested please contact me in game, we can talk about waiving skill point requirements.

Thank you,

Caldari State
#11 - 2014-11-24 21:42:48 UTC
Anomalous Existence is a pvp focused wormhole corp thats currently recruiting.
if you have any message me in-game or private convo
Casual Genius
Bad Influence
Azure Citizen
#12 - 2014-11-25 06:45:58 UTC
Hey Shinji,

try to consider a WH based corp. We are living in a c2 with a C3 and high sec static. This means you will have always access to highsec while being able to make nice ISK and PvP in the hole. Our wh is very newbie friendly and gives you a lot of options.

If you feel interested just mail me :)

Casual Genius