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[How to] Fix the Rorqual. Is this a game engine restriction?

Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2014-11-21 20:50:10 UTC

If Rorquals are changed in this fashion, then they will be forced to remain in the belt in order to give sieged boosts. This means that new types of roaming gangs can be set up to specifically target Rorqs.

The roaming gang still has the advantage because the Rorq is stuck in siege mode for quite a while before being able to move.
Utari Onzo
#22 - 2014-11-21 20:54:40 UTC
Mr Omniblivion wrote:

If Rorquals are changed in this fashion, then they will be forced to remain in the belt in order to give sieged boosts. This means that new types of roaming gangs can be set up to specifically target Rorqs.

The roaming gang still has the advantage because the Rorq is stuck in siege mode for quite a while before being able to move.

I don't want the rorq to be 'forced' to live in the belt, however making the boosts attractive to PUTTING it in the belt is much better.

"Face the enemy as a solid wall For faith is your armor And through it, the enemy will find no breach Wrap your arms around the enemy For faith is your fire And with it, burn away his evil"

Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2014-12-04 19:00:37 UTC
Fix the Rorqual, seriously.
Paynus Maiassus
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2014-12-04 19:22:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Paynus Maiassus
There was already a very long thread about the Rorq called "I missed the Fanfest Stream" that was monitored by the CSM and CCP. Ultimately the thread resulted in the Rorqual update planned for a few months back to be cancelled.

There were already ideas there similar to the OP's. The consensus was that pretty much any simple benefit to offense or defense would not be enough to convince anyone to siege it in a belt. Post-Phoebe, however, with a lower risk of dreadnought hot-drop, a simple combat buff to the Rorq could be considered, although I am still skeptical.

Another major idea was to basically change the Rorqual from being a booster ship to a miner - basically making it like a super incredible hulk. A lot of people liked it, but I don't think it was seriously considered by CCP.

An idea, brought up by me, was adding some form of invulnerability. Apparently over a year ago, there was serious consideration given to giving the Rorqual a POS shield, but this was cancelled for technical reasons. When I put up my idea, most of the reaction to it on the thread was negative from the other posters and considered game breaking. However, I remember reading an announcement somewhere in which some Dev said that they were shelving the Rorqual update and potentially considering some sort of invulnerability that would allow the ship to be fought over. Keep in mind that while I proposed a specific idea of invulnerability, my major point did not involve details. There have been several different concepts about whether the Rorq could be reinforced, whether it would be able to exfiltrate conveniently, and exactly what the Rorq would be able to do while invulnerable, and what effects of the invulnerability on ships with the Rorqual would be (could the hulks just hide in the shield, could the Rorq and the hulks use drones in the shield, etc.)

So basically, OP, you're a latecomer. Ideas like yours have been presented and pretty much been picked apart by the players. I don't know if they know what they're going to do with the Rorqual. However, it is still being thought about, and it has changed from a simple matter of tweaking some numbers and buffing some stats to a major revision of how the ship will work.

Thanks for posting, as we need to remind CCP to keep on the Rorqual, but this thread is just going to be a repeat.

EDIT: There is currently no restriction on sieging in a belt. I used to rent so deep in null that NOBODY was around. I have sieged in a belt before.
Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2014-12-04 19:39:33 UTC
While this thread is indeed not the first of its kind, Phoebe brings about a completely new context that makes such a change more viable.

With the recent announcement of ISboxer nerfs, this change also gains even more value, as it is much more painful to micromanage miners to and from a compression array at a POS.

At worst, they make a change like this to Rorquals and people still don't use it - then it becomes just like the Teams feature.

The unironic kicker is that the jump range was nerfed as if it were a combat ship, then Greyscale pointed out that "yeah Rorquals are used significantly more for logistics". One sentence later he said that there wasn't enough bandwidth to undo that one-line change to give the Rorq 10ly jump range back Question

Paynus Maiassus
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2014-12-04 20:13:19 UTC
Well, I thought about that too, and was considering writing a post about making the originally proposed modifications to the Rorqual and seeing if it causes people to move it into belts. The last several balance passes (HACs, etc.) were very minor and Fozzie said, 'we are just making minor tweaks and seeing if they have an effect and might make further changes if needed' kind of thing. I was going to suggest that they do this with the Rorq. Just make some changes and fixes and seeing if people take them into belts.

The problem with your idea is that it FORCES Rorqs into belts. If you're going to force a Rorq into a belt, it better have a prayer, or you'll just kill the ship.

And the Rorqual does get used. It just gets used from POSes. The Rorqual was SUPER utilitarian before they nerfed the jump range to 5 LY. It was my most used ship, for mining and hauling, when I was out in deep null. I would like to see some useless bonuses (the scanner) be changed into something useful and I would like to see its combat capabilities increased. But if I am FORCED to take it into a belt it will need a complete rework.
Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#27 - 2014-12-04 20:49:15 UTC
Forcing it into the belt is the point. Otherwise, people can just use an orca to boost from a POS.

The sieged compression and tractor function of the rorq is going to become infinitely more useful post the ISBoxer nerf. The problem right now is that sieging a rorq provides no bonuses to its survivability, which it needs to be viable to be sieged in a belt.

Giving it major combat bonuses means that there needs to be restrictions on where it can siege, thus the requirement to be next to an asteroid or ice anomaly.
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