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The difficulty of getting back into EVE

Reem Fairchild
Punic Corp.
#1 - 2014-11-15 17:39:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Reem Fairchild
I used to play EVE back in 07-08 (plus a couple of months or so in 2010), and on a whim I decided to come back yesterday. But so much has changed since then that I feel completely lost.

I've lost access to the account that had my main (trained to fly all combat ships smaller than a capital that existed back then). But that's ok because I only feel like doing industry and trade this time, and this is the industry alt (with all the moneys). I've paid for a month, and I have enough ISK to play 3 more months for free after that.

Problem is, there is so much I've forgotten and there seems to be so much that is new that I just have no idea where to start. This is kind of worse than being a complete newbie, because at least then you don't understand as well just how much there is you don't know.

I need to get started making ISK again, and I don't know where to start... :(

(Any relevant information, clues for places where relevant information can be obtained, and/or pity would be greatly appreciated.)
Net 7
#2 - 2014-11-15 17:47:18 UTC
Reem Fairchild wrote:
I used to play EVE back in 07-08 (plus a couple of months or so in 2010), and on a whim I decided to come back yesterday. But so much has changed since then that I feel completely lost.

I've lost access to the account that had my main (trained to fly all combat ships smaller than a capital that existed back then). But that's ok because I only feel like doing industry and trade this time, and this is the industry alt (with all the moneys). I've paid for a month, and I have enough ISK to play 3 more months for free after that.

Problem is, there is so much I've forgotten and there seems to be so much that is new that I just have no idea where to start. This is kind of worse than being a complete newbie, because at least then you don't understand as well just how much there is you don't know.

I need to get started making ISK again, and I don't know where to start... :(

(Any relevant information, clues for places where relevant information can be obtained, and/or pity would be greatly appreciated.)

Join a corp.


good lord i can go on. making isk is EASY in eve, just jump in the water, it will all come back to to you. Otherwise join a noob friendly corp and treat eve likes you are just learning

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

inta Vakaria
House of Boom
#3 - 2014-11-15 17:51:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Inta Vakaria
I reccomend replaying the tutorials and maybe the soe arc, while replaying the parts you remember will seem obvious and boring replaying the parts you have forgotton or that have changed will help you get back into the swing of things.
You mention that you want to get into industry and trading, which is not my personal area of expertises tbh, so someone more knowledgeable will have to advise you on that subject. But I've heard t1 ammo is a good place to start to learn the ins and outs of industry.
Edit: getting into a friendly corp is also a great idea
Glorious Revolutionary Armed Forces of Highsec
#4 - 2014-11-15 17:53:54 UTC
Reem Fairchild wrote:
I used to play EVE back in 07-08 (plus a couple of months or so in 2010), and on a whim I decided to come back yesterday. But so much has changed since then that I feel completely lost.

I've lost access to the account that had my main (trained to fly all combat ships smaller than a capital that existed back then). But that's ok because I only feel like doing industry and trade this time, and this is the industry alt (with all the moneys). I've paid for a month, and I have enough ISK to play 3 more months for free after that.

Problem is, there is so much I've forgotten and there seems to be so much that is new that I just have no idea where to start. This is kind of worse than being a complete newbie, because at least then you don't understand as well just how much there is you don't know.

I need to get started making ISK again, and I don't know where to start... :(

(Any relevant information, clues for places where relevant information can be obtained, and/or pity would be greatly appreciated.)

Just start searching for the relevant guides on this website.
Bloody Slave
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2014-11-15 17:53:55 UTC
Lost access? Hmmm, I would recommend avoid doing whatever you were doing on your main account, if that is the case, I mean.

Trading is isk print machine, everyone knows that, and that is why everyone have a trader here and there.


If your balls are hurt and bleeding don't sit in a pool full of piranhas (note to myself: don't complain in GD)

Reem Fairchild
Punic Corp.
#6 - 2014-11-15 18:03:54 UTC
Bloody Slave wrote:
Lost access? Hmmm, I would recommend avoid doing whatever you were doing on your main account, if that is the case, I mean.

Trading is isk print machine, everyone knows that, and that is why everyone have a trader here and there.


Didn't do anything. Smile I just don't remember the password, and I no longer have the email account associated with it (and that wasn't lost due to me doing anything wrong either).

Trading is one thing I want to do, though to be honest I always failed when I did that in the past cause I just don't have the patience. I used to build stuff. Mostly rigs. Still have the blueprints. But that seems to have been nerfed somehow.

I guess I'm just venting, and I just need to get to work learning the hard way...
Bloody Slave
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2014-11-15 18:12:33 UTC
Reem Fairchild wrote:
Bloody Slave wrote:
Lost access? Hmmm, I would recommend avoid doing whatever you were doing on your main account, if that is the case, I mean.

Trading is isk print machine, everyone knows that, and that is why everyone have a trader here and there.


Didn't do anything. Smile I just don't remember the password, and I no longer have the email account associated with it (and that wasn't lost due to me doing anything wrong either).

Trading is one thing I want to do, though to be honest I always failed when I did that in the past cause I just don't have the patience. I used to build stuff. Mostly rigs. Still have the blueprints. But that seems to have been nerfed somehow.

I guess I'm just venting, and I just need to get to work learning the hard way...

Fill a ticket, they will mail you an ask some questions, if there is proof you are the owner of the account CCP will tell you the login and give you a new password asking for you to change it at the 1st opportunity.

I had some breaks from EVE and forgot some details as well, it happens.


If your balls are hurt and bleeding don't sit in a pool full of piranhas (note to myself: don't complain in GD)

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#8 - 2014-11-17 05:23:01 UTC
Start ganking miners.

During each 15 minute criminal timer, pick an aspect of EVE you want to learn about, and research it.

After a while, you'll be able to explain the turret damage formula, theorycraft fits to gank incursion off-grid boosters, and devise fits for POS bashing.

Your past experience will help, as some of the things you knew from 'back in the day' that are still relevant will come back to you, and you'll have a few more resources to fund gank ships.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Marrr quet Whoorrr
#9 - 2014-11-17 06:46:43 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
Start ganking miners.

Checked to see if Code, was not disappointed Lol

Also op already answered his own question, you said you want to do industry, then that is what you shall do

Once you know what you want to do eventually (with dedication, getting ganked, awox'd and or lost in wh's, clicking jump instead of bridge.....list goes on) you will find your way to succeed

Till then, Google
Cruor Angelicus
#10 - 2014-11-17 09:24:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Xercodo
1) Look at the minerals market, here's a great site for that:
2) Familiarize yourself with the new refine numbers, using that website set it to 100% refine at the bottom and work your way backwards from there (the tables are showing units of mineral per 1 m3, all ores now refine with 100 units instead of that 333 crap)
3) Get yourself a few cheap BPOs, remember that BPOs have 5 avenues of interaction, Manufacture, Material Research, Time Research, Copying, and invention.
4) Familiarize yourself with the new invention mechanics (literally changed a couple weeks ago) if you intend to make T2 or T3 stuff. Keep in mind that due to jump changes and null being shaken up that prices for T2 materials will be all over the place for a bit.

5) Familiarize yourself with the new industry interface, there's tool tips all over it. If you don't have the skill to do something it'll tell you which skill you need. If you want to do more than 5 manufacture jobs at once just mouse over the x/5 to see which skill effect it. The input for the materials and the output for the product can be different now, yay categorization.

6) Above all else make sure you keep up with the news, you might be one of the first people at the industrial front line of making a new ship or module. Be prepared and you'll make money.

Oh and heads up compression is REALLY helpful now and can be done via POS module. Speaking of which POSes can now be anchored and set up in highsec in ANY space (even 1.0, but not Jita) without needing faction standing with your corp anymore. You still need starbase charters for the respective faction but you dont need that standing grind, yay.

The Drake is a Lie

Grauth Thorner
Vicious Trading Company
#11 - 2014-11-17 10:18:30 UTC
Gotta love isktheguide. If you don't mind reading that is.

View real-time damage statistics in-game

>EVE Live DPS Graph application forum thread


Cruor Angelicus
#12 - 2014-11-17 21:04:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Xercodo
Oh also

- There are no more manufacture slots, an infinite number of jobs can be done at a facility, even a POS can have 200 jobs going from various people.
- Each of the 5 activities have an index for the system they're done in. The higher the index the higher the cost. The index is based on the number of jobs done in that system over the past 30 days. The increased cost applies to jobs done at POSes too. Try to find quiet space to cut costs.
- Look into how teams work. You can put in a bid for them and they give you extra bonuses for the duration they're in the system.

The Drake is a Lie

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#13 - 2014-11-17 21:11:40 UTC
Grauth Thorner wrote:
Gotta love isktheguide. If you don't mind reading that is.

Never not read ISK: The Guide.

It is literally the second thing I tell all new people to do.

FYI, The first thing I tell them is to HTFU.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Ahriman Taredi
#14 - 2014-11-17 22:36:53 UTC
Ill just leave this here.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#15 - 2014-11-18 00:47:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Ima Wreckyou
Marrr quet Whoorrr wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
Start ganking miners.

Checked to see if Code, was not disappointed Lol

Also op already answered his own question, you said you want to do industry, then that is what you shall do

The 15min timer after a gank is the perfect time to do industry stuff. You don't even have to wonder what to produce, as you will always be in need for Catalysts and the required t2 mods and so are others. Just sell the overproduction, there is always a high demand. The dead miners even drop "free minerals" for your production. It's a perfect match.

Since the can flipping nerf there are a lot of miners who mine into jetcans or giant freight containers. Just make sure you pod the miner out of the system and you have all the time to haul the ore he mined the last couple of hours to your production facility. Just use a cheap Miasmos with a all tank mods and a couple of warpstabs.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#16 - 2014-11-19 04:18:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Sabriz Adoudel
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
Marrr quet Whoorrr wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
Start ganking miners.

Checked to see if Code, was not disappointed Lol

Also op already answered his own question, you said you want to do industry, then that is what you shall do

The 15min timer after a gank is the perfect time to do industry stuff. You don't even have to wonder what to produce, as you will always be in need for Catalysts and the required t2 mods and so are others. Just sell the overproduction, there is always a high demand. The dead miners even drop "free minerals" for your production. It's a perfect match.

Since the can flipping nerf there are a lot of miners who mine into jetcans or giant freight containers. Just make sure you pod the miner out of the system and you have all the time to haul the ore he mined the last couple of hours to your production facility. Just use a cheap Miasmos with a all tank mods and a couple of warpstabs.

Confirming that when I was ganking more I used the 15 min timer to build, invent and trade. Now that I'm in the CODE. wardeccing wing instead, having 0 WTs in system, or having more than 5 or so, is generally my 'downtime' to do those sorts of actions. I'm a logi pilot from time to time, so ganking isn't a good idea as killrights are a really bad thing to have on you in a highsec wardec situation.

One drawback to industry is that sometimes we go a little overboard. I'm currently sitting on dozens of Oneiros hulls, for instance. Like way way more than is healthy.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Mathias Karsten
Cygni Mira Conglomerate
#17 - 2014-11-19 05:27:53 UTC
Your Mileage May Vary. It could be my suggestion is the very reason you left the game in the first place, but here's my own suggestion:

The first thing you must do to get yourself back into EVE is to find groups to play with as soon as possible. I see you've joined a corp. Make sure you're active with them (not just active in corp chat). If the corp is an old corp you joined last play session, but is now inactive, start looking for a new one. Find something in-line with a general idea of what you want (if you want to do industry, find an industry corp). You can try to branch out, but it's also easier to re-integrate to EVE styles if you do something you're somewhat familiar with already.

You may be able to get into the swing of things by reading up on articles, but the best way to get yourself back into EVE is to play with others that have been around for awhile. This also applies to newbies, most newbies that quit EVE did not play with others.

Of course, like I said, YMMV. That's just how EVE is.

ok bye

Crimson Draufgange
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#18 - 2014-11-19 06:25:30 UTC
Talk to E-Uni teachers and graduates. They can get you caught up on stuff. Also check out the EVE University website.

My Velator is overpowered.

"I use my hairgel to tackle my targets because it has a long lasting firm hold." - Me.