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Dilemma that I have no idea how to resolve.

First post
Jhante Vhael
Aegex Enterprises
#1 - 2014-11-15 08:30:33 UTC
I recently left a corp and we were null, fairly deep. I have a bpo stuck there that I have no idea how to get out now. I dont know anyone and right now I'm out about 600m. I haven't the slightest Idea if I'll ever be able to get the bpo out without losing it. Any suggestions? or do I just say it's lost?
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#2 - 2014-11-15 08:46:47 UTC
Jhante Vhael wrote:
I recently left a corp and we were null, fairly deep. I have a bpo stuck there that I have no idea how to get out now. I dont know anyone and right now I'm out about 600m. I haven't the slightest Idea if I'll ever be able to get the bpo out without losing it. Any suggestions? or do I just say it's lost?

I see threads like this a lot.

Sometimes I see someone reply that you might petition it and get a one time move of stuff but that could depend on the circumstances, such as the corp shutting down or something like that.

Another solution (what I would do) is keep an eye on that system for it's least populated time and run the gauntlet in a triple-stabbed intie WITHOUT DELAY meaning don't give them time to position an instalock one-shot platform.

Some will say just ask and hope they are not douches about it.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Jhante Vhael
Aegex Enterprises
#3 - 2014-11-15 09:11:14 UTC
You will have to forgive me, I am not really sure what you mean by a " triple-stabbed intie ". I think the intie is interceptor? rest I have no idea what it means. No I left the corp, there was no corp disbanding. I didn't realize afte rI left the corp that bpo's that were researched could not be sold on the market so It is an asset that I unfortunatly have no idea how i'm going to get out, unless someone manages to buy it from a 6 day auction contract. I don't even know it's price so I doubt it will get bid on, let alone sold.
Tara Vorkosigan
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-11-15 13:11:21 UTC
Yeah, an Interceptor is immune to warp bubbles. Combine that with warp core stabilizers, or Stabs, which can cancel out warp disruptors/scramblers, and you should be able to get in/out pretty quickly. Either that, or a cloaky Nullified T3, which'd be slower, but probably safer.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2014-11-15 13:17:19 UTC

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

inta Vakaria
House of Boom
#6 - 2014-11-15 13:24:02 UTC
As the above posters have said a triple stab interceptor is the way to do it.
Depending on your skills and how much isk you want to spend I'd perhaps also equip a cloak and a probe launcher.
You could make a safe and cloak up if you feel the need to check dscan and your surroundings, though keep in mind this gives anyone in the system more time to prepare for you and spread news on intel channels.
If you manage to get the blueprint but your exit route is full of hostiles you could find a quiet system then use the probe launcher to probe for a wormhole and try to find your way back to high that way, make sure you cloak after launching your probes though.
Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#7 - 2014-11-15 13:39:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Aralyn Cormallen
The suggestions everyone is offering is dependant on whether you can still access the station the BPO is in - if you have a clone still there, or it was an NPC station, you are fine, if it is in a player-owned station, that suggestion wont work. In that case, your only option is to attempt to rejoin your corp to sneak it out, or kiss it goodbye until another group you join (or is friendly to one you join) owns the station.

EDIT: Final alternative is use the triple-stabbed inty suggestion everyone is suggestion to get to the system (or one owned by the same organisation but with a higher idling population) and attempt to get someone in local to agree to buy it for a firesale price. This is a bit of a hail-mary though.

EDIT EDIT: Or even try that last option here - what system are we talking?
inta Vakaria
House of Boom
#8 - 2014-11-15 13:44:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Inta Vakaria
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
The suggestions everyone is offering is dependant on whether you can still access the station the BPO is in - if you have a clone still there, or it was an NPC station, you are fine, if it is in a player-owned station, that suggestion wont work. In that case, your only option is to attempt to rejoin your corp to sneak it out, or kiss it goodbye until another group you join (or is friendly to one you join) owns the station.

Good point, and make sure you can definitely dock before you leave, they'd be no worse feeling then getting to the station, realising you can't dock then waking up in a fresh clone.
Btw have you tried asking the c.o of the corp, sometimes just asking can get you a lot further then sneaking about ever would
Edit: since we're throwing ideas out here.
You could start training an alt over the next couple of months, play it like you would a normal character (missions, Indy, pvp whatever you like) also don't connect your alt and main together in anyway (no isk transfers or joint kills etc) the idea is to make the account genuine as possible. Then join their public channel and pretend to be intrested in joining, once you join up head to the station, contract the bpo to your alt, travel back to high or wherever with said blueprint, leave the corp and cackle in a evil manner.
While quite time intensive it could be a fun game to play.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#9 - 2014-11-15 14:27:59 UTC
Sell it through a contract, auction it, u wont get full isk, but still reasonable, and someone else will take the haul risk

Or u fly a ceptor, a nullified cloacky t3 , a cov ops, a claocky hauler aka, blockade runner

Goodluck mate
Vardaugas Family
#10 - 2014-11-15 14:29:11 UTC
If you still know people in the corp/alliance, you can ask one of them to organize it to be moved to hig-sec/low-sec with the next logistics jump. Or a simple courier contract and maybe someone will pick it up if the reward is high enough.
Jhante Vhael
Aegex Enterprises
#11 - 2014-11-15 14:52:01 UTC
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
The suggestions everyone is offering is dependant on whether you can still access the station the BPO is in - if you have a clone still there, or it was an NPC station, you are fine, if it is in a player-owned station, that suggestion wont work. In that case, your only option is to attempt to rejoin your corp to sneak it out, or kiss it goodbye until another group you join (or is friendly to one you join) owns the station.

EDIT: Final alternative is use the triple-stabbed inty suggestion everyone is suggestion to get to the system (or one owned by the same organisation but with a higher idling population) and attempt to get someone in local to agree to buy it for a firesale price. This is a bit of a hail-mary though.

EDIT EDIT: Or even try that last option here - what system are we talking?

Well the station where the bpo is currently at is a station where I set it to where I revive at if I die. I have a jump clone so all I really need to do is get there, PRAY they have the items, which I dont think they will, then get out.
Jhante Vhael
Aegex Enterprises
#12 - 2014-11-15 14:53:34 UTC
inta Vakaria wrote:
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
The suggestions everyone is offering is dependant on whether you can still access the station the BPO is in - if you have a clone still there, or it was an NPC station, you are fine, if it is in a player-owned station, that suggestion wont work. In that case, your only option is to attempt to rejoin your corp to sneak it out, or kiss it goodbye until another group you join (or is friendly to one you join) owns the station.

Good point, and make sure you can definitely dock before you leave, they'd be no worse feeling then getting to the station, realising you can't dock then waking up in a fresh clone.
Btw have you tried asking the c.o of the corp, sometimes just asking can get you a lot further then sneaking about ever would
Edit: since we're throwing ideas out here.
You could start training an alt over the next couple of months, play it like you would a normal character (missions, Indy, pvp whatever you like) also don't connect your alt and main together in anyway (no isk transfers or joint kills etc) the idea is to make the account genuine as possible. Then join their public channel and pretend to be intrested in joining, once you join up head to the station, contract the bpo to your alt, travel back to high or wherever with said blueprint, leave the corp and cackle in a evil manner.
While quite time intensive it could be a fun game to play.

Unfortunately I already have an alt, both were in the corp that I left so that wouldn't work. Plus I don't feel right joining a corp just to get my bpo and leaving without any real intention of staying :/ not morally right.
Jhante Vhael
Aegex Enterprises
#13 - 2014-11-15 14:55:49 UTC
Abrazzar wrote:
If you still know people in the corp/alliance, you can ask one of them to organize it to be moved to hig-sec/low-sec with the next logistics jump. Or a simple courier contract and maybe someone will pick it up if the reward is high enough.

I thought about it, but the only people I really talked to were the ones in my corp and most of them are never on. I'd have to sit at the station and wait for a specific person to get on, and I'd have no clue when they would be at that station. Luckily though there is alot of mining fleets that congregate and at a given time there are upwards of 40 ppl in teh system so theres a chance I could get to talking to someone I'll see if that pans out, worse case I'm stuck in the system and have to either jump clone back out or attempt to fly my way back to highsec, in which case I could be podded and end up back at that station :P.
Jhante Vhael
Aegex Enterprises
#14 - 2014-11-15 14:59:26 UTC
I dont know if I mentioned but the only 2 systmes that I know of heading into highsec from where the station is located, is usually gate camped :/
Jean Luc Lemmont
Carebears on Fire
Viral Society
#15 - 2014-11-15 15:09:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Jean Luc Lemmont
Create a courier contract with an appropriate collateral and a reasonable reward for the risk involved. If the reward is high enough, someone with a blockade runner or an interceptor will give it a try. If they fail, you still get the collateral payout.

Alternatively, contact Black Frog logistics and see if it's a station they travel to. But be prepared to pay for their services - they aren't cheap.

Will I get banned for boxing!?!?!

This thread has degenerated to the point it's become like two bald men fighting over a comb. -- Doc Fury

It's bonuses, not boni, you cretins.

Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#16 - 2014-11-15 16:20:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Doc Fury
Jhante Vhael wrote:

I don't feel right joining a corp just to get my bpo and leaving without any real intention of staying :/ not morally right.

Rule #109: Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Jhante Vhael
Aegex Enterprises
#17 - 2014-11-15 16:45:18 UTC
Well dilemma solved. I spoke to one of the ceo's of the corp that holds sov in the system, I worked out somethign and I have my bpo, now I just need to figure out how much its worth and how to sell it :X. But at least I got it in high sec haha.
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#18 - 2014-11-15 19:20:35 UTC
I do provide a service to help people such as the op.

I have docking rights in almost all regions of space, the death sentence in 12 systems, and agreements with all but 1 major alliance. I will, for a small fee of course, be able to get your assets out for you.

A BPO is a tricky one to price. Its so small that I can easily use the smallest of my ships to get it out, but a BPO can be worth a lot. Seeing as that OP has asked nicely, I can do the job for the 'mini-minimum' price of 5mil ISK. I will drop it off in the nearest Lowsec Station, or even a highsec station if asked. Just contract the BPO to me (0 cost of course, I AM doing you a favor here), send the 5mil ISK with reason "Trapped Loot relocation - (preffered destination region)", and I will jump into my nearest clone to the contract system and retrieve your trapped goodies. Its that easy.

I am sure that all who have used my services will be glad to vouch for my professionalism, speed of service, and all around good looks.

I look forward to doing business with you.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Jhante Vhael
Aegex Enterprises
#19 - 2014-11-15 20:50:25 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
I do provide a service to help people such as the op.

I have docking rights in almost all regions of space, the death sentence in 12 systems, and agreements with all but 1 major alliance. I will, for a small fee of course, be able to get your assets out for you.

A BPO is a tricky one to price. Its so small that I can easily use the smallest of my ships to get it out, but a BPO can be worth a lot. Seeing as that OP has asked nicely, I can do the job for the 'mini-minimum' price of 5mil ISK. I will drop it off in the nearest Lowsec Station, or even a highsec station if asked. Just contract the BPO to me (0 cost of course, I AM doing you a favor here), send the 5mil ISK with reason "Trapped Loot relocation - (preffered destination region)", and I will jump into my nearest clone to the contract system and retrieve your trapped goodies. Its that easy.

I am sure that all who have used my services will be glad to vouch for my professionalism, speed of service, and all around good looks.

I look forward to doing business with you.

Thank you very much for your offer to help, I got it out safely though.
Serene Repose
#20 - 2014-11-16 00:59:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Repose
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
I do provide a service to help people such as the op.

I have docking rights in almost all regions of space, the death sentence in 12 systems, and agreements with all but 1 major alliance. I will, for a small fee of course, be able to get your assets out for you.

A BPO is a tricky one to price. Its so small that I can easily use the smallest of my ships to get it out, but a BPO can be worth a lot. Seeing as that OP has asked nicely, I can do the job for the 'mini-minimum' price of 5mil ISK. I will drop it off in the nearest Lowsec Station, or even a highsec station if asked. Just contract the BPO to me (0 cost of course, I AM doing you a favor here), send the 5mil ISK with reason "Trapped Loot relocation - (preffered destination region)", and I will jump into my nearest clone to the contract system and retrieve your trapped goodies. Its that easy.

I am sure that all who have used my services will be glad to vouch for my professionalism, speed of service, and all around good looks.

I look forward to doing business with you.
Do this, or do what I'd do. Get a rookie ship with all civilian mods. Name it Fearless Fly and go for it. The "enemy" will truly be laughing too hard to remember which button to push. You're welcome in advance.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.