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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Corporation Looking for an Alliance

Tyers Duen
2 Days to Mine
The Worst Alliance
#1 - 2014-11-10 05:08:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyers Duen
Tenacious Tendencies [TNT.] has been around for a number of years and it's primary members have been together for years.

What we are looking for...
Small Fleet PvP. This is our primary desire.
Low Drama
Location does not matter so long as PvP is available and not just a bunch of huge blobs.

What we bring to the table...
High Sec Experience
Low Sec Experience
Null Sec Experience
Wormhole Experience (Long Term C4 Residency)

Self Sufficient
Several members are carrier and dread capable and currently have carriers.
12 active players with several others that are more intermittent.
Edit ** Primarily US Time Zones**

We are NOT interested in merging with another corp.

Our Stats...
Tyers Duen
2 Days to Mine
The Worst Alliance
#2 - 2014-11-11 03:48:20 UTC
We have a few good replies. Still looking while we investigate those.
Tyers Duen
2 Days to Mine
The Worst Alliance
#3 - 2014-11-11 15:41:48 UTC
We are talking to a few that have replied but we are keeping our options open until a final decision is made.

So, yes... Still looking
Crazy Mineer
Shifting Sands Trader Cartel
Dead Pixels Inc
#4 - 2014-11-11 16:56:29 UTC
hey mate check us out, we are both a industrial allaince and a pvp alliance, we have our own little lowsec pocket and often lead out gangs ranging from small to medium gangs, we generally have alot of fun and we do cover fleets with Srp too
Crazy Mineer
Shifting Sands Trader Cartel
Dead Pixels Inc
#5 - 2014-11-11 16:57:19 UTC
oh forgot to add, mail me ingame for more details and questions :)
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2014-11-11 19:52:50 UTC
Hi dude

Scum are always on the look out for decent pvp corps to join our ranks.
We are especially interested in your timezone.
We are made up of mostly EU but with a growing USA presence so if u want small gangs then we can for sure accommodate you.

I wont bore u with a whole heap of copy/paste so if u interested then please click here for our killboard and forum where u will see further details.

Kind regards

Tyers Duen
2 Days to Mine
The Worst Alliance
#7 - 2014-11-15 02:52:13 UTC
I'm gonna bump this one last time. We've some really good feedback but have not made a final decision yet. Anyone else out there?