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[Rhea] Introducing the Bowhead

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Max Kolonko
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#201 - 2014-11-10 17:19:21 UTC
Arden Elenduil wrote:
Max Kolonko wrote:

Max speed have no correlation with align time. You can put all overdrives in the world into the ship and align time will stay the same. Same goes for webbing - it reduces not by fixed amount but by percentage, so it does not matter what is your max speed at all.

Actually, webbing into warp does work, quite well even. It's simply that you let a ship build up a certain amount of speed (doesn't need much), slap a double web on it and that reduces the max velocity in such a way, that the ship is already at the required 3 quarters of max speed threshold of slipping into warp by virtue of having that tiny little period of unwebbed acceleration(try it out if you don't believe me).

exactly - it works because you are suddenly changing the max speed to be much closer to current speed. Not because max speed have anything to do with how long it takes to enter warp.
Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#202 - 2014-11-10 17:19:46 UTC
Now, this post is for CCP: we need to talk about something. Ship maintenance bay drop mechanics. The lack thereof.

You fixed ship maintenance arrays, as in the anchorable starbase structures, but orcas, carriers, supers, titans... none of those have any mechanic to drop assembled ships. Unless you fix that, nor will the Bowhead, and there will be absolutely zero financial motivation for anyone to ever kill one.

Fix this, now. You absolutely cannot release this ship in a state where it will never drop any of its valuable cargo. I don't care if it's hacky, it just has to work. Spawn two wrecks if you have to, a normal one and an SMA wreck, just do something that lets us loot / launch / board the assembled ships. This has been irksome for a long time but with the introduction of this new ship it is a critical issue.

IN ADDITION neither cargo scanners nor ship scanners see either the fittings or cargo (charge category) of assembled ships in the ship maintenance bay of the scanned ship, so there is absolutely no way to tell whether you are carrying a bunch of merlins or a bunch of merlins fitted with officer modules. This is an exploit that we don't often talk about, but let's talk about it now: you can UNDETECTABLY haul officer modules RIGHT NOW in an orca and there is ZERO financial motivation for anyone to gank you EVEN if they knew what you were hauling because there is no mechanic for the ships to drop.

The release after Rhea is not acceptable, these issues need to be fixed in Rhea or the release of this ship has to be delayed.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#203 - 2014-11-10 17:20:29 UTC
Entity wrote:

This only strengthen my point regarding the slots. There is no point in slots if there's only the illusion of choice in what to use them for.

Sure there's choice in what to use slots for. For example, you could choose to align-fit and carry 3 ordinary T1 battleships and a few cruisers. Even with way less tank than an all-bulkhead fit, that cargo isn't worth a gank attempt.

Just because the people who want this ship the most want to carry around 3 pimp-fit pirate battleships, does not mean that the thing should be built to give them their every desire on a platter. It's not like you can't run incursions in a plain T1 BS if you wanted to.
John McCreedy
Eve Defence Force
#204 - 2014-11-10 17:24:21 UTC
Why does everything with this current crop of developers have to be over complicated? Why does someone who wants to be able to move a ship in a ship because you idiots nerfed Jump Drives, now have to train additional skills? Why not simply have the same skill prerequisite as a Freighter since it is most likely going to be existing Freighter/Jump Freighter pilots moving the bloody stuff? Stop trying to be clever for the sake of being clever and adopt the KISS principle for a change.

13 years and counting. Eve Defence Force is recruiting.

Jacob Katruun
Kiith Naabal
#205 - 2014-11-10 17:24:31 UTC

As an incursion runner, this will be amazing

It's a pain to be that guy who wants a DPS ship, a snipe ship, a t3, and a logi and get all your ships there without abusing your alts.

This will be incredibly useful, if not indispensable.

I, for one, am getting one as soon as it's available.

-Jacob Katruun
Dave Stark
#206 - 2014-11-10 17:25:20 UTC
Klyith wrote:
Entity wrote:

This only strengthen my point regarding the slots. There is no point in slots if there's only the illusion of choice in what to use them for.

Sure there's choice in what to use slots for. For example, you could choose to align-fit and carry 3 ordinary T1 battleships and a few cruisers. Even with way less tank than an all-bulkhead fit, that cargo isn't worth a gank attempt.

Just because the people who want this ship the most want to carry around 3 pimp-fit pirate battleships, does not mean that the thing should be built to give them their every desire on a platter. It's not like you can't run incursions in a plain T1 BS if you wanted to.

this, so much.

it shouldn't be designed to be unprofitable to gank with 3 marauders/pirate battleships inside it.

unprofitable to gank with 3 unfit megathrons? sure, but not 3 unfit vindicators.
Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#207 - 2014-11-10 17:25:25 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Will probably give you guys updated numbers for HP and bonus change tomorrow, did want to address the jump fatigue generation thing which seems to be coming up a little bit at least.

Every 'hauler' in the game got this reduction because the fatigue change wasn't meant to hit logistics, this ship simply fits under that umbrella. It is not meant as any kind of special treatment or specific incentive to use it outside of high-sec. It's fine if that happens but I just wanted to point out that it's a role based bonus and that's all.

SO not true CCP Rise - it was only after tons of screaming and 404 pages that CCP Greyscale backed off a bit and gave in about JF's and logistics.

Anyway that aside - very excited to see this ship enter game and the opportunities and content it will generate!

.... so where's that image of the ship you were looking for?

CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

Max Kolonko
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#208 - 2014-11-10 17:25:31 UTC
Makari Aeron wrote:
CCP Rise wrote:
Will probably give you guys updated numbers for HP and bonus change tomorrow, did want to address the jump fatigue generation thing which seems to be coming up a little bit at least.

Every 'hauler' in the game got this reduction because the fatigue change wasn't meant to hit logistics, this ship simply fits under that umbrella. It is not meant as any kind of special treatment or specific incentive to use it outside of high-sec. It's fine if that happens but I just wanted to point out that it's a role based bonus and that's all.

You say it's not incentived for use out of hisec, but it is far larger than a Carrier in terms of ship hauling. I can see it being used in nullsec. Lowsec, not so much.

It will cost almost as much as carrier, have less ehp than carrier, have very little defense capabilities (3 med slot allow for some jamming, maybe target breakers, but not much more) and in exchange you ONLY get 50% more ships in SMA (60% with level 5), yeahhhh, nooooo. Ofc the fatigue bonus makes it usable for rapidly moving tons of ships, but thats something You can already do in freighter (all you had to do is move than as courier contract) and you had 1,1mil m3 in freighter already so I dont see much diffrence to be honest and much incentive to use this one.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#209 - 2014-11-10 17:26:53 UTC
John McCreedy wrote:
Why does everything with this current crop of developers have to be over complicated? Why does someone who wants to be able to move a ship in a ship because you idiots nerfed Jump Drives, now have to train additional skills? Why not simply have the same skill prerequisite as a Freighter since it is most likely going to be existing Freighter/Jump Freighter pilots moving the bloody stuff? Stop trying to be clever for the sake of being clever and adopt the KISS principle for a change.

Which freighter?

You know, they do have different racial skills.

(Their prerequisites are the same, other than the Ore industrial. Which is just a few hours.)

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Cr Turist
Arcana Noctis
#210 - 2014-11-10 17:29:57 UTC
I am very happy to see Rise taking feed back from the players! Awesome!!! As for the ship giving it more EHP is something that should be looked at. i would also look at letting it fit 3battle ships and say a battle cruiser. that way people can fit 3 battleships ( thinking of incursion runners that have 3 main battle ship concepts) and still have room for a hauler and maybe a frig. face it if someone buys this they will A. never use but for that blue moon. or B live in the thing going system to system chasing sansha or hauling ships for corp or alliances. and in the end its not gonna be OP no matter what you do. i think taking the mass down for all the wormhole bro's is a amazing thought those guys suffer enough as it is, and even more so when T3's get kicked in the jewels, might as well give them some kind of comfort.

P.S its off topic but since it seems your reading this. Fix the ishtar. :)
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#211 - 2014-11-10 17:31:53 UTC
Kassasis Dakkstromri wrote:
CCP Rise wrote:
Will probably give you guys updated numbers for HP and bonus change tomorrow, did want to address the jump fatigue generation thing which seems to be coming up a little bit at least.

Every 'hauler' in the game got this reduction because the fatigue change wasn't meant to hit logistics, this ship simply fits under that umbrella. It is not meant as any kind of special treatment or specific incentive to use it outside of high-sec. It's fine if that happens but I just wanted to point out that it's a role based bonus and that's all.

SO not true CCP Rise - it was only after tons of screaming and 404 pages that CCP Greyscale backed off a bit and gave in about JF's and logistics.

Anyway that aside - very excited to see this ship enter game and the opportunities and content it will generate!

.... so where's that image of the ship you were looking for?

They gave the 90% to JF/Rorqual in the original proposal. They decided to break uniformity. So it went both ways.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#212 - 2014-11-10 17:34:14 UTC
I'm trying to think of this from a lore perspective.

ORE Industries is designing a ship in response to the changing world. I would imagine they would give the designers these goals in their design. I am a product designer at work and usually the way we do it when we design a product is we define success. So if I were to define success for the ORE designers, I would say that it has to meet all of the design goals. This of course is designing to your goals but also including physics in the end, so everything may not be achievable.


  1. It needs to be able to transport very expensive ships (ala Incursion fighting squads) better than existing methods
  2. It needs a better chance of surviving than existing methods

Given: The default configuration does not need to be considered. Since you might be hauling 20B in ships, you will want to officer mod it, so any existing modules can be used.

Existing methods are a Carrier or a Jump Freighter. So, to achieve success with this goal I would say that it needs to have much more capacity than a Carrier and survivability than a Jump Freighter.

A Carrier is a defensive platform with a small cargo.
A (Jump) Freighter is a large cargo platform with low defenses.

How can we bridge that gap between the two?

1. It has to have more capacity than a carrier.
2. It has to be more survivable than a JF/F.

We cannot add active weapons to a Freighter, so it needs to be able to survive using 1 or 2 different methods. The first method is tank and the second method is escape. Those are the only two methods of surviving a gank. So, how does the current design match up to the requirements?

If it's EHP cannot be larger, then it needs more methods of escape. Why not fit a Large Micro Jump Drive?
Maxwell Smiles
Exiled Kings
Pain And Compliance
#213 - 2014-11-10 17:35:00 UTC
Hmm This ship will never be seen in high sec with these stats, which is a shame as the artwork looks impressive.

a 5% velocity bonus on 62m/s is about 2.5m/s per level, i can so see people maxing out the ore skill for this. This should probably be agility, so that its is actually usefull

Incursion runners are the only people in eve that move large ships regularly, mission runners may rebase 1-2 times in a year and buying an expensive ship (im guessing carrier prices) to cut down the number of round trips by 2/3 seems like a bit of overkill

People will have to train another skill (i am guessing it will cost the same as the freighter skill at 100m) to fly a ship that can move 3 battleships. i cannot imagine many people will be training it to use a ship they may fly 2-3 times a year

being able to carry 3 battleships is very pointless needs to be at least 5 to make its designed functionality with while

The tank is way too weak a properly tanked orca can hit 410k ehp, it needs to be double an orca at least, and should be comparable to a carrier (as should all capitals given the number of capital armour plates required) It is technically a carrier minus the drones and triage reps and if you do allow carriers in hi sec this ship will probably be dead on arrival in terms of usefulness.

People who will end up using this ship probably wont know the first thing about proper tanks and will use it to stick all there worldly possessions into and will rage quit when the loose everything flying through udema.

The cargo hold is way to small for someone wanting to use this ship to rebase by the time you fill the 4k with cap charges tractor units, depot ammo you will still need to jump into a hauler to get most of the stuff you will need, cargo bay needs to be bigger perhaps on par with the orca, so the ship actually becomes convenient.

To make it actually more useful to more people
1) perhaps give it a jump drive so hot droppers can use it to pick up their ships after they pod home after a hotdrop.
2) Make the bay re-configurable through modules, One could give it a really large cargo hold, one a ship maintenance bay, another a large fleet hanger that could be used in ice belts similar to how the freighter/orca combos currently work, as well as speciallized bays for moving ore, minerals etc. The ship will need to be able to have everyday uses or it will never be used
3) Both

#214 - 2014-11-10 17:36:45 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:


Ore Freighter Bonus:
5% bonus to max velocity per level
5% bonus to ship maintenance array capacity per level

Role Bonus:
90% reduction in jump fatigue generation

Slot layout: 0H, 3M, 3L, 3R; 0 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 1350 PWG, 215 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 10000 / 11000 / 36500
Capacitor (amount / recharge) : 3900 / 235000
Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass / warp speed): 65 / .065 / 640000000 / 1.37
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 0 / 0
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 51.5km / 45 / 3
Capacity (cargo / ship maintenance array): 4000 / 1300000 (goes up to 1.6 something with ore freighter 5)
Sensor strength: 12
Signature radius: 3200

My corp lives in wspace and this ship is highly anticipated from us as we suck at PVP and go through lots of T1 doctrine ships. However, the ship maintenance array of 1.3M-1.6M is quite a bit underwhelming. A rough estimate puts that at 100 Frigs / 15 Cruisers / 3 Battleships.

I feel like this ship should be much more capable if it is going to require us to train another (rank 10?) skill and buy a ship that will most likely be 1-2 billion ISK or more.

The amount of time and effort that will be required to adopt this ship is easily mitigated by removing rigs from your 15 cruisers and using a normal freighter or jump freighter. Rig's are not that expensive...

I think myself and many others were looking for a ship that would be at least twice as useful as a carrier in terms of transporting ships.

I realize there is a concern of bridging large quanitity of ships around nullsec to avoid jump fatigue or moving large quantities of fitted ships through wormholes, but there has to be some middle ground. Increase the mass of the ship or put a restriction on bridging this type of ship. I am sure there are a number of ways to counter these issues.

Personally, I think if you're going to make us train a high rank skill to fly this expensive ship, it should come with a ship skill bonus of 25% SMA capacity per level. At max skill it would have around 3.9M m3 of ship cargo space which is around 8 battleships.

I think that is a much more reasonable capacity for the time and effort of escorting this ship around. Maybe 8 battleships is too many. Maybe 4-6 is a better range, but seriously 3?

You could probably make 3 trips across highsec moving 3 individual battleships before you could move the bowhead across highsec once.

Some less important criticisms I have of the ship...

It sounds like you were basing the attributes off of the Orca, which is perhaps why it has rig slots and mid slots, however it if is supposed to be a freighter, I think it should stick with only low slots and higher base HP. This would remove the MWD ability and force people to escort these ships rather than provide more gank magnets in highsec as people will be tempted to move them solo using MWD. Give us a reason to sign up for the power of two...or three...or fifteen. :)
Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#215 - 2014-11-10 17:38:25 UTC
RonUSMC wrote:
Given: The default configuration does not need to be considered. Since you might be hauling 20B in ships, you will want to officer mod it, so any existing modules can be used.

Just web it into warp, people do this all the time with freighters full of goodies and don't get caught because it is actually very very hard to catch them and you never get to scan them in the first place.
KRH Mining
#216 - 2014-11-10 17:39:03 UTC
If things remain as they are, and SMB's don't drop ships, then I think the low EHP is fine. That means that while yes you can suice the Bowhead, you're not getting any loot from it.

If they change, and SMB's can drop ships, then I think bringing their EHP up a little bit is warranted. If their EHP doesn't get raised, then moving anything more than one marauder in them is effectively useless.

I suppose for moving 3 Tech 1 Battleships it's fine. But at that point, why bother unless for simple rebasing. Incursion fleets typically run faction BS, and CCP said they wanted to make incursion runners benefit from this.

Unless CCP Increases the EHP, this will not substantially benefit incursion runners as they've previously stated it would. It would only help the odd corp trying to move their flotilla of ships across eve. Even then, 1.5 Million m/3 of HACs is just as juicy a target as an SMA full of Marauders.

This ship will almost never be able be used to it's fullest capacity with the exception of moving lots of ships through a JB Network, or with moving oodles of T1 ships in high sec, unless it's changed.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#217 - 2014-11-10 17:39:44 UTC
Praal wrote:

Ask all the "insta"-align ceptors that get killed in nullsec how that works out for safety.

how does this work? instawarping means you cant lock it regardless of your scan res,
leaving smartbombs as only option at your disposal to kill them.
Paynus Maiassus
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#218 - 2014-11-10 17:41:58 UTC
Excellent addition to the fleet. the stats look right to me. I will be buying and using one regularly.

Now I don't want to include myself among the whiney doomsayer players and all, so while I do want to stress my joy about this ship, I would also like to propose that there be a T2 version capable of transporting fitted caps - not jump drive capable. So basically would do a couple of things. 7 billion ISK capital ship high sec hauler that would have to risk going through low to pick up the capitals and get back to high. Could be interesting content generator. And second, well, I am trying to move caps from Derelik to Khanid. 15 jumps and with fatigue it will take me a week. Miserable. The situation needs to be alleviated.

Bravo on this ship. Sure only a few battleships for the incursion runners. But I have fitted frigates, destroyers, and cruisers sitting all over everywhere that I hate repackaging. This ship will be great and it will see use, despite what the complainers say.

A T2 cap ship mover version would provide additional content and meet an additional need.
Makalu Zarya
Rage and Terror
Against ALL Authorities
#219 - 2014-11-10 17:42:06 UTC
I came here hoping to see a ship that will actually be useful now that you have basically made long range rebasing an extremely painful process and came away disappointed (que the bittervet soundtrack).

Capacity (cargo / ship maintenance array): 4000 / 1300000 (goes up to 1.6 something with ore freighter 5)

So it carriers about 50% more in ships than a carrier and less than half worth of cargo. Granted for people who only have carriers maybe this is a worthwhile ship. While I understand that you stated that it is a niche ship and I guess it can go into high sec (which is totally useless for someone like me) this seems to make it way too limiting. I think you should consider bumping those stats to at least 10k m^3 cargo room and AT LEAST match a supercarrier worth of ship space. Otherwize you've basically made a purpose designed ship which gets outdone by a non purpose designed ship. Granted not everyone has a super or a titan but those ships are no means few and far between anymore.
Cr Turist
Arcana Noctis
#220 - 2014-11-10 17:43:18 UTC
Maxwell Smiles wrote:
Hmm This ship will never be seen in high sec with these stats, which is a shame as the artwork looks impressive.

a 5% velocity bonus on 62m/s is about 2.5m/s per level, i can so see people maxing out the ore skill for this. This should probably be agility, so that its is actually usefull

Incursion runners are the only people in eve that move large ships regularly, mission runners may rebase 1-2 times in a year and buying an expensive ship (im guessing carrier prices) to cut down the number of round trips by 2/3 seems like a bit of overkill

People will have to train another skill (i am guessing it will cost the same as the freighter skill at 100m) to fly a ship that can move 3 battleships. i cannot imagine many people will be training it to use a ship they may fly 2-3 times a year

being able to carry 3 battleships is very pointless needs to be at least 5 to make its designed functionality with while

The tank is way too weak a properly tanked orca can hit 410k ehp, it needs to be double an orca at least, and should be comparable to a carrier (as should all capitals given the number of capital armour plates required) It is technically a carrier minus the drones and triage reps and if you do allow carriers in hi sec this ship will probably be dead on arrival in terms of usefulness.

People who will end up using this ship probably wont know the first thing about proper tanks and will use it to stick all there worldly possessions into and will rage quit when the loose everything flying through udema.

The cargo hold is way to small for someone wanting to use this ship to rebase by the time you fill the 4k with cap charges tractor units, depot ammo you will still need to jump into a hauler to get most of the stuff you will need, cargo bay needs to be bigger perhaps on par with the orca, so the ship actually becomes convenient.

To make it actually more useful to more people
1) perhaps give it a jump drive so hot droppers can use it to pick up their ships after they pod home after a hotdrop.
2) Make the bay re-configurable through modules, One could give it a really large cargo hold, one a ship maintenance bay, another a large fleet hanger that could be used in ice belts similar to how the freighter/orca combos currently work, as well as speciallized bays for moving ore, minerals etc. The ship will need to be able to have everyday uses or it will never be used
3) Both

ummm please dont listen to this guy. what you propose is make a gank proof swiss army knife that does all the things better than any of the things. that just silly.
i can see giving it more EHP as it needs a little more. i can see giving it a LITTLE bit more room for ships as i agree 3BS is pretty useless. all that other Crazy you wrote how ever is insane and would make this the most seen ship in eve since titans.

P.S. Fix the Ishtar