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NPSI what have you become?

elissa ferman
Jaeger Bombers
#1 - 2014-11-08 22:25:01 UTC  |  Edited by: elissa ferman
So once there was this principle: NPSI (Not purple shoot it) where people formed up fleets, no matter where they came from and politics was silent for a moment. We went out to shot things, killed fleets, camped gates and got welped from time to time. All was nice. All pew pew, killboards lasers and ****.

No politics can be a cool thing in the wide space of eve. No being regulated by any standings, blue, red or otherwise can free your mind. Its just pure pew pew (and fighting spies)

However there is a problem!

It seems, that certain Memebers of the NPSI groups do not have a problem with the Powerblocks of eve, but with other NPSI groups. As crazy as this sounds: FC from NPSI channel A cant form a group with channel B. This concerns the people who control the channels, but not the members of the fleets. These are pretty happy with actually forming a fleet on Saturday evening (while all the cool corps seem to have other things to do in space).

We just want pew pew

So for future reference: Please if you are having these rare fleets without affiliation to any powerblocks keep in mind that there is a certain responsibility to keep things open and allow members to connect to each other. If politics arise, in one form or another, all the work will be lost some day. Why? Because these channels die and people do not step up as fc's or in other organizational stuff.

There is no competition between these communities. There are as many pilots as good content is created. But with the (in my humble view) disrispect regarding their OWN rules the NPSI (no politics) communities do not help themselves. They just help the other, well organized and stuffed fleets from big alliances.

Go put your egos into the alliance stuff: It is well parked there. But when you start creating communities for players to live in: Please adhere to your own rules. If you don't there is no need to fly with you.

(this posting is not naming anyone and leaves space for rumor. I have however observed this in more than one of the open groups in eve)

Sentenced 1989
#2 - 2014-11-08 22:28:51 UTC
There will always be people who want to be in charge and they will always undermine everything, same people have been at core of this issues for last 2 years, nothing will change.
#3 - 2014-11-08 22:46:41 UTC
Why not just cut out the middle man.. make your own channel with the people you like to fly with. then you dont have to obey any of there evil rules and you can do what you like?
Then its more content and more options for other people. AND you dont have to worry about any politics from other channels.. Simples.

elissa ferman
Jaeger Bombers
#4 - 2014-11-08 23:03:02 UTC
Oh, it seems I have no expressed my self clear enough: I mean NPSI is NPSI and not many rules additional to it. All these communities have the same problems (spies, juicy targets, efforts to make it happen) and should be perfectly fine to work together. Generating rules that avoid activity in between communities is not helping the general effort. This is what corporations and alliances are for I take it.

So there comes my suggestion: If there is such a strong focus on rules and all that stuff, why don't you form a corporation? It could help the NPSI "label" in general.

Robyn Aurilen
Sanctuary of Shadows
#5 - 2014-11-08 23:33:54 UTC
elissa ferman wrote:
Oh, it seems I have no expressed my self clear enough: I mean NPSI is NPSI and not many rules additional to it. All these communities have the same problems (spies, juicy targets, efforts to make it happen) and should be perfectly fine to work together. Generating rules that avoid activity in between communities is not helping the general effort. This is what corporations and alliances are for I take it.

So because different NPSI communities face the same issues they should work together? By that logic literally everybody in EvE should be working together. The reason different NPSI communities don't usually work together is... they're different communities. There really is no general effort to be helped by working together, it's purely for fights. There's no real reason to work together apart from for HVTs and stuff like RvB Ganked, which isn't so much working together as everybody joining the ganked fleet.

elissa ferman wrote:

So there comes my suggestion: If there is such a strong focus on rules and all that stuff, why don't you form a corporation? It could help the NPSI "label" in general.

So each NPSI group forms their own corp and blues eachother, or forms an alliance? Do you realise how utterly against the entire concept of NPSI that is?
Quantum Lotus
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2014-11-08 23:52:43 UTC
The fact of the matter is, politics and drama ultimately come into play in any organization, even the ones that try to maintain what we commonly refer to as a “drama-free environment”.

While this is ultimately the ideal, what you are seeking is a myth. It never existed and it never will. Simply because it is unrealistic. Humans are political animals.

In any public community, members will bring their own set of expectations and ideals as they work toward a common goal. Hierarchies within the community will form organically.

Now, within the scope of EVE itself, the FCs of an NPSI community must be vigilant when engaged in their quality control duties. The overall health of the community depends on it.

Sometimes, you’ll be required to shut the doors to certain players or, in rare and extreme cases, entire communities.

The fact is that venomous players will want to come in and create a disturbance within your community. Their motivations unclear, it can take on the form of playful challenges to entice an opponent to come out and fight, or it can take on a darker tone, where the line between playful trolling and malicious intent are blurred.

There is nothing wrong with keeping these select few out. They aren’t there to be constructive.
elissa ferman
Jaeger Bombers
#7 - 2014-11-09 01:36:53 UTC
Robyn Aurilen wrote:
So each NPSI group forms their own corp and blues eachother, or forms an alliance? Do you realise how utterly against the entire concept of NPSI that is?

I was just suggesting not to behave to corplike or form corps. And I know I twisted the words here somehow ;). Ill add irony tags next time.
Robyn Aurilen
Sanctuary of Shadows
#8 - 2014-11-09 01:45:30 UTC
What even is "corplike"? What are you trying to get at here? That NPSI groups aresomehow bad because they have rules and therefore are like corps and herpitydoo that's bad?
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2014-11-09 11:54:15 UTC
The main difference between communities and corps is .... you can be affiliated with more than one. For me as a 'consumer' a core principle of NPSI is openness to everybody who is of good intentions. I like having the choice from different flavors and PvP styles; if I would like to bind myself to a certain agenda I would join a player corp. Constructive competition can be a good thing ... but this requires respect or at least acceptance of the other group's existence.

Nevertheless I observe the NPSI world growing and in general good health. Incidents like the one leading to the OP post help nobody and (I hope) will be an exception.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Mister Holder
Faceless Men
#10 - 2014-11-10 01:57:23 UTC
What are the channels for these fleets?

I would like to start jumping in on these.
Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#11 - 2014-11-10 04:20:22 UTC
Did you make enemies in Eve? Good. It means you're doing something. Having people that dislike you and who go out of their way to be a problem is a normal part of Eve. You can ignore it and bury your head in the sand while your village is burning, or you can hit before they do, harder than they do. People only ever have incentive to be reasonable with you, if you can insist on it.
elissa ferman
Jaeger Bombers
#12 - 2014-11-10 07:03:15 UTC
Mister Holder wrote:
What are the channels for these fleets?

I would like to start jumping in on these.

There is one called 'Bombers Bar' concerning stealth bombers. I can recommend it. None of the problems described above and a bunch of very friendly pilots.

Here is a Video for you
elissa ferman
Jaeger Bombers
#13 - 2014-11-10 07:04:09 UTC
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Did you make enemies in Eve? Good. It means you're doing something. Having people that dislike you and who go out of their way to be a problem is a normal part of Eve. You can ignore it and bury your head in the sand while your village is burning, or you can hit before they do, harder than they do. People only ever have incentive to be reasonable with you, if you can insist on it.

I never thought about it this way.
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#14 - 2014-11-10 12:41:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
elissa ferman wrote:
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Did you make enemies in Eve? Good. It means you're doing something. Having people that dislike you and who go out of their way to be a problem is a normal part of Eve. You can ignore it and bury your head in the sand while your village is burning, or you can hit before they do, harder than they do. People only ever have incentive to be reasonable with you, if you can insist on it.

I never thought about it this way.

It may well be that you had an impact and then someone joined your channel try to destroy the group by this sort of activity, internal drama breaking the original premise of the group. Meta gaming in Eve is so easy that anyone who can afford multiple accounts can do it.

The best way to deal with this is to have the individual pilots who do not want to shoot blues don't shoot them, but you will need to make sure that they say they cannot shoot in fleet so the FC knows that and does not miscalculate the DPS.

And the advice given above is spot on, he was in Bombers Bar and they had this issue at times, one of my corp members was joining Bombers Bar (sadly he left the game) and that was the agreement we had that he did not shoot corp blues, no issue if handled properly.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#15 - 2014-11-10 22:51:55 UTC
elissa ferman wrote:
Mister Holder wrote:
What are the channels for these fleets?

I would like to start jumping in on these.

There is one called 'Bombers Bar' concerning stealth bombers. I can recommend it. None of the problems described above and a bunch of very friendly pilots.

Here is a Video for you

Nice video. Those were some fun fleets to be in. Weird to see myself there. Those were back in the days when we flew damps on our bombers instead of MSE.

As for "none of the problems described above" portion, I wouldn't say that's true. There was always plenty of drama one way or another as different people attempting to do different things with Bombers Bar or Venga. Even people that say "no politics" are not exempt from being active participants. In fact one of the larger NPSI communities that exists today was born out of some intentional drama making within Bombers Bar. Some people gained, others lost, and the game keeps going.
#16 - 2014-11-11 18:40:56 UTC
I can honestly say I haven't seen any politics in the NPSI groups I have roamed with. I did however notice that the FC's will take their fleets to areas where they have no affiliations, ie ganked no longer harasses goon renters or goons... mm wonder what that means.. if anything Twisted

... What next ??

Sentenced 1989
#17 - 2014-11-12 01:19:42 UTC
GordonO wrote:
I can honestly say I haven't seen any politics in the NPSI groups I have roamed with. I did however notice that the FC's will take their fleets to areas where they have no affiliations, ie ganked no longer harasses goon renters or goons... mm wonder what that means.. if anything Twisted

My NPSI policy is only dictated by HK standings, most of them don't wanna light cyno for my blops on their blues :D

So depending who is doing HK is area I stage from :D