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Skill Discussions

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PvP Skillplan, need Help

Mistral Edge
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#1 - 2014-10-19 11:36:34 UTC

I need help with my Skillplan. I want to PvP with this Character but im not sure if my current Skillplan is correct.

I want to fly mainly Caldari, after that maybe Gallente Ships.
So my plan was/is to learn all the Support Skills first + Weapons Systems. That is Missiles and Hybrid Turrets. My Goal for now is HAC's (Eagle and Cerb) and the Tengu.

So this is my Eveboard:
Pw: 123

Skills i need to Inject:

Advanced Target Management
Warhead Upgrades
Guided Missile Precision
Trajectory Analysis
Surgical Strike
Advanced Weapon Upgrades
Drone Navigation
Drone Durability
Drone Avionics
Drone Sharpshooting
Advanced Drone Avionics
Drone Sharpshooting
Drone Interfacing
Spaceship Command Skills (Cruiser/Destroyer etc.)

Thats all Skills i want to learn for now, question is if i should train them in any particular Order? Im using a cerebral Accelerator with 9 Days left. So i want to get the most out of it.

Any Advice would be helpful.
RaVeN Alliance
#2 - 2014-10-19 15:50:52 UTC
A couple of things:

Download EveMon for skill planning and general reference issues. it is a great app for EVE.

It sounds like you have a pretty good grip on what to do. I wouldn't give much advice on direction at this point, as it seems like you have a direction in mind. (That's a good thing.) I would advise you on the word 'Focus'. Try and stay focused on your intended goal for awhile. 1 ship, one weapon system. As that ship gets better and better, you will come to know what to expect from your skilling. If you get spread all over the place, you'll just end up with multiple, half assed ships.

The accelerator:
I love short skill times, and not so much long skills. Me personally, I'd use that accelerator on a long skill asap.
Though some may advise to cram as many level 3 skills in as possible.
Neither is bad advise, I just hate long skills.

Be patient. Eve is a marathon, not a sprint. Mini goals are a good thing to live by.
Your first ship at level V
Your first T2 weapon
T2 drones

It's a "game". Have fun along the way, and try not to get caught up on ship losses or long skilling issues.
Mistral Edge
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#3 - 2014-10-19 16:06:53 UTC
Im using EveMon but didnt want to paste the whole Skillplan into here because its pretty long (didnt find a Spoiler option when writing my Post).

I hate long skill Cruiser V which i will have to train for Hacs. Its about 20 Days :/. But i think in the end it doesnt make any difference if I use the Accelerator on a Long Skill or Short ones.

Was thinking about using it on Energy Grid Upgrades V, takes about 5 Days with my current Attributes.

Thats my current Skillplan:

1. CPU Management IV
2. CPU Management V
3. Electronics Upgrades III
4. Electronics Upgrades IV
5. Electronics Upgrades V
6. Energy Grid Upgrades IV
7. Energy Grid Upgrades V
8. Power Grid Management IV
9. Power Grid Management V
10. Capacitor Management IV
11. Capacitor Management V
12. Capacitor Systems Operation IV
13. Capacitor Systems Operation V
14. Electronic Warfare III
15. Electronic Warfare IV
16. Evasive Maneuvering IV
17. Evasive Maneuvering V
18. Fuel Conservation III
19. Fuel Conservation IV
20. Fuel Conservation V
21. High Speed Maneuvering III
22. High Speed Maneuvering IV
23. Warp Drive Operation IV
24. Warp Drive Operation V
25. Navigation IV
26. Navigation V
27. Acceleration Control III
28. Acceleration Control IV
29. Afterburner IV
30. Afterburner V
31. Target Management IV
32. Target Management V
33. Advanced Target Management I
34. Advanced Target Management II
35. Advanced Target Management III
36. Gravimetric Sensor Compensation I
37. Gravimetric Sensor Compensation II
38. Gravimetric Sensor Compensation III
39. Ladar Sensor Compensation I
40. Ladar Sensor Compensation II
41. Ladar Sensor Compensation III
42. Magnetometric Sensor Compensation I
43. Magnetometric Sensor Compensation II
44. Magnetometric Sensor Compensation III
45. Radar Sensor Compensation I
46. Radar Sensor Compensation II
47. Radar Sensor Compensation III
48. Long Range Targeting III
49. Long Range Targeting IV
50. Long Range Targeting V
51. Signature Analysis IV
52. Signature Analysis V
53. Mechanics III
54. Mechanics IV
55. Mechanics V
56. Hull Upgrades III
57. Hull Upgrades IV
58. Hull Upgrades V
59. Tactical Shield Manipulation IV
60. Shield Upgrades IV
61. Shield Upgrades V
62. Shield Operation IV
63. Shield Operation V
64. Shield Management IV
65. Shield Management V
66. Shield Compensation I
67. Shield Compensation II
68. Shield Compensation III
69. Shield Compensation IV
70. Shield Compensation V
71. Thermic Shield Compensation I
72. Thermic Shield Compensation II
73. Thermic Shield Compensation III
74. Thermic Shield Compensation IV
75. EM Shield Compensation I
76. EM Shield Compensation II
77. EM Shield Compensation III
78. EM Shield Compensation IV
79. Explosive Shield Compensation I
80. Explosive Shield Compensation II
81. Explosive Shield Compensation III
82. Explosive Shield Compensation IV
83. Kinetic Shield Compensation I
84. Kinetic Shield Compensation II
85. Kinetic Shield Compensation III
86. Kinetic Shield Compensation IV
87. Drones III
88. Drones IV
89. Drones V
90. Drone Avionics III
91. Drone Avionics IV
92. Drone Avionics V
93. Drone Durability I
94. Drone Durability II
95. Drone Durability III
96. Drone Durability IV
97. Drone Interfacing I
98. Drone Interfacing II
99. Drone Interfacing III
100. Drone Interfacing IV
101. Drone Interfacing V
102. Drone Navigation I
103. Drone Navigation II
104. Drone Navigation III
105. Drone Navigation IV
106. Drone Navigation V
107. Drone Sharpshooting I
108. Drone Sharpshooting II
109. Drone Sharpshooting III
110. Drone Sharpshooting IV
111. Drone Sharpshooting V
112. Advanced Drone Avionics I
113. Advanced Drone Avionics II
114. Advanced Drone Avionics III
115. Advanced Drone Avionics IV
116. Weapon Upgrades IV
117. Weapon Upgrades V
118. Gunnery IV
119. Gunnery V
120. Advanced Weapon Upgrades I
121. Advanced Weapon Upgrades II
122. Advanced Weapon Upgrades III
123. Advanced Weapon Upgrades IV
124. Controlled Bursts IV
125. Controlled Bursts V
126. Motion Prediction III
127. Motion Prediction IV
128. Motion Prediction V
129. Rapid Firing IV
130. Rapid Firing V
131. Sharpshooter III
132. Sharpshooter IV
133. Sharpshooter V
134. Surgical Strike I
135. Surgical Strike II
136. Surgical Strike III
137. Surgical Strike IV
138. Trajectory Analysis I
139. Trajectory Analysis II
140. Trajectory Analysis III
141. Trajectory Analysis IV
142. Missile Launcher Operation IV
143. Missile Launcher Operation V
144. Guided Missile Precision I
145. Guided Missile Precision II
146. Guided Missile Precision III
147. Guided Missile Precision IV
148. Missile Bombardment III
149. Missile Bombardment IV
150. Missile Bombardment V
151. Missile Projection III
152. Missile Projection IV
153. Rapid Launch III
154. Rapid Launch IV
155. Rapid Launch V
156. Target Navigation Prediction III
157. Target Navigation Prediction IV
158. Target Navigation Prediction V
159. Warhead Upgrades I
160. Warhead Upgrades II
161. Warhead Upgrades III
162. Warhead Upgrades IV

56 unique skills, 162 skill levels; Total time: 332 days, 5 hours, 55 minutes, 5 seconds

Thanks for your tips Raven!

Any more Advice would be great :)
Mistral Edge
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#4 - 2014-10-20 17:09:01 UTC
I assume that Queue seems fine since no one else answers?

little bump :)
Oracle of Machina
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2014-10-20 22:31:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Oracle of Machina
I don't see any turret skills, or missile turret skills. Which makes me wonder what exactly you're training 2 month's worth of gunnery skills and missile skills for.

Training fitting skills first isn't the way to go. You should be trying to be getting into the ship first, and then train skills to fit that ship better, not have perfect skills to fly that ship when you get into it. The reason is that you need to know how to fly these ships first, and well. Often, that means getting into a T1 shitfit and blowing it up a few times before getting the hang of how to fly that ship type correctly. Often in PvP, personal skills trump paper skills.

If you don't know how to fly a T1 cruiser, you're going to end up losing a lot of T2 or T3 cruisers. Weapons and ship skills first, then worry about better fitting, and flying in "better" ships.

Again, small goals. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
Mistral Edge
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#6 - 2014-10-21 04:11:31 UTC
Hey Oracle of Machina

I think i forgot to say that this is an alt.

Im flying lot of frigs and cruisers on my Main and lost alot im learning to fly these properly.

I will train into Hybrid Turrets (small and medium), and Light Missiles/Heavy Missiles. Just forgot to put them into my Skillplan.

And i know that it is not a Sprint thats the Reason for this long Skillplan. By the Time i finish this Skillplan i hope i can fly all the Doctrine Ships properly.

Thanks for your help!
Shiloh Templeton
Cheyenne HET Co
#7 - 2014-10-21 15:48:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Shiloh Templeton
FYI, the accelerator will continue to work on the current skill in the queue when it expires -- UNTIL you make any change to the queue (unless CCP has changed things from a year ago).
Mistral Edge
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#8 - 2014-10-21 17:22:50 UTC
Thats a good thing to know. If it works that way i will probably put Cruiser V in the Queue before the Accelerator runs out. Thanks Shiloh.
#9 - 2014-10-26 15:01:15 UTC
Signature Analysis earlier in the queue.
Mistral Edge
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#10 - 2014-10-28 05:12:19 UTC
The Queue is kinda random sorted, i just exported it out of Evemon.

But Thanks for the Advice! :)
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#11 - 2014-11-06 10:42:31 UTC
man if you want eagle go for it med t2 and after cruiser and hack skills like that you can try the wep sis with t1 version if you go 1st hack and after gunery you will be disapointed . try and train allways with the rigth Remap will be a lot faster