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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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A Drones' Damage Info Sugguestion

John Pz
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-11-05 21:42:24 UTC
I would like to see a drones damage to Shield, Armor, and Hull even when they are in the bay. Currently you can only tell if they have damage 1 of 3 ways. 1) lauching the drones. 2) trying to repackage the drones at a station and are informed they are damaged. 3) Using the station's repair services and seeing your drones listed.
I like to bring a remote armor repairer with me to repair the drones during and after battle, and unless I either noticed they had damage, or they are still packaged in a group I have no idea while out in the "field" if they took damage without lauching them. I'd simply like the same listing for the drones as they have when lauched, except in the case of the ones still packaged in a group could be left blank in the HP areas since damage would be impossible if packaged.
Any other ideas in this matter please let me know. I believe most pilots who deploy drones as their primary weapon could agree with the idea of my sugguestion. Thank you.
Zansha Expansion
#2 - 2014-11-05 23:31:17 UTC
John Pz wrote:
...I believe most pilots who deploy drones as their primary weapon could agree with the idea of my sugguestion. Thank you.

They do! And you bet, they did propose the same thing just 2 week ago and some more times now.

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Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#3 - 2014-11-05 23:51:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Ellendras Silver
its a good idea and there are several more that i posted in numerous threats like this, for the full list

i will cross post the OP as it is locked without DEV response Sad


The changes in drone assist is something i can live with (for now) i think that hull repair drones are nice but i think the omnidirectional nerf is too strong (for certain drones) see this topic

few changes i would dare to call a need as the GUI is so crap specially compared to everything else the only exception is POS`s and people (me included) are screaming to change that and ofc the drone GUI

1. You must be able to see drone damage in bay
2. A carrier should be able to repair drones/fighters in bay i mean its a freaking carrier, other ships might be able to repair drones in bay with a new module or maybe a rig, but i think carriers shouldn't need a module or rig to do so.
3. You should be able to make groups and control them as turrets (example carrier with 12 fighters 4 fighters on F1 and 4 on F2 and 4 on F3) so you can control drones better. So F to let all drones attack or F1/F2/F3 to let a selection switch to another target to get better control specially in a carrier.
4. Attack/mine/repair/salvage with same button, if i am mining i need to right click group and select mine same for repairing with logi drones
5. Drone assist/guard must be possible from fleet window and or the watch list right click the name on fleet or watch list and choose assist/guard
6. Focus fire option is great but it still spreads
7. Sentry drones should receive a bonus from *race* specialization skill i don't care what but they should gain something also ofc they need the *race* specialization to use them i would say lvl 3 or 4
8. more T2 drones ECM (not stronger but little more speed and EHP) and T2 salvage drones would be nice

point 7 is allready fixed though (thats how old the post is)

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]