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Research Time Confusion

Cromm Cruach
C5 Flight
#1 - 2014-11-04 04:49:42 UTC
So I just tried to start a time efficiency research job at my pos and I cannot start it because "Maximum job duration exceeded (30 days)". Ok, going from TE0 to TE10 is 52d21h20m. Set it to finish at TE9 it will only take 22d6h...

Hold up a sec - if that is the case, then that means that the time to go from TE9 to TE10 will be longer than 30 days (30d15h18m). So if I cannot exceed 30 days of research on a single job, how can I EVER research this to TE10?

Just spoke to another indy player - he has jobs in for 105d - - what kind of magical retardedness am I suffering from here, why can I not go past 30 days, but he can do 105 days?
Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2014-11-04 05:31:06 UTC
A single job cannot exceed 30 days or *a single step/run*

He can do 105 days, because he's doing the minimum of 1 ME/TE/copy/run (as applicable)
Cromm Cruach
C5 Flight
#3 - 2014-11-04 05:34:07 UTC
Elena Thiesant wrote:
A single job cannot exceed 30 days or *a single step/run*

He can do 105 days, because he's doing the minimum of 1 ME/TE/copy/run (as applicable)

So then I can do the research up to TE9 to fit inside the 30 day max, and then do TE9-TE10 for however long it takes because it is a single TE step, have I understood this correctly?
Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-11-04 05:44:06 UTC