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EVE General Discussion

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Returning Player

Jackson Davis
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2014-11-01 23:26:46 UTC
Hey all,

I've been there and done that in about 7 years in New Eden. I'm back (again, because no one quits Eve, we just take breaks). With the changes in the last 2 expansions, can anyone point me in a fun direction?

I've done everything from PvP to wormhole, to null, to indy, to missions, to... well you get the idea.

This is always the hardest decision when coming back it seems...

Vardaugas Family
#2 - 2014-11-01 23:41:06 UTC
Check out all the old people and places and jump on the first opportunity for fun that presents itself.
Sol Project
Shitt Outta Luck - GANKING4GOOD
#3 - 2014-11-02 11:03:35 UTC
Fix your broken portrait. Your arms are FLOATING!

Ladies of New Eden YC 117 by Indahmawar Fazmarai

Warning: NSFW! Barely legal girls in underwear!


State War Academy
Caldari State
#4 - 2014-11-02 11:06:55 UTC
If you've done everything, we can't exactly point you toward new experiences. I'd recommend looking back and thinking on what brought you the most satisfaction in Eve: Mining? Industry? PvP? lowsec mission running? Etc. Establish what you enjoyed about those elements. Was it the risk factor? Was it the money? Was it the terrible voice comms? With a little guidance in this direction, not only could we make better suggestions, but you too, would know where to start.

TL:DR; Grrr Goons, suicide gank Code
Ryac Sampaio
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#5 - 2014-11-02 11:07:31 UTC
My suggestion would be re-visit what you enjoyed in the past and see if it still appeals to you.
#6 - 2014-11-02 21:25:32 UTC
Looking at your killboard you seem to be the kinda person who knows what you're doing and are good at it.
My best suggestion would be to join a PVP focused group based in either high class wormholes or null, with competent PVP pilots.

Also i see a few mobile depot kills. One fun side activity is probing down mission runners and baiting for a fight. But don't be all lazy mode and solely attack their depots though. Scan their ships, look at their killboard prior, etc.. then invade their mission and steal all their lootz (not for ISK of course but for the lulz). They will reach their boiling point eventually. Fun for the whole family.

This signature intentionally left blank

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#7 - 2014-11-02 22:50:20 UTC
Eve is best with friends where the opportunities for fun content are greater as more people are involved in creating it. That doesn't mean always playing together, just that the more people there are to hook up with, the greater chance that one of them is doing something you'll want to join in on.

What time zone are you in?
45thtiger 0109
Pan-Intergalatic Business Community
#8 - 2014-11-02 23:25:45 UTC
Jackson Davis wrote:
Hey all,

I've been there and done that in about 7 years in New Eden. I'm back (again, because no one quits Eve, we just take breaks). With the changes in the last 2 expansions, can anyone point me in a fun direction?

I've done everything from PvP to wormhole, to null, to indy, to missions, to... well you get the idea.

This is always the hardest decision when coming back it seems...


Have you Done Factional Warfare ?

That is the only thing in EvE I have not done myself.

**You Have to take the good with the bad and the bad with the good.

Welcome to EvE OnLiNe**

Jackson Davis
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2014-11-03 00:32:35 UTC
FW is on the list. I see indy changed A LOT. Not sure I like the changes. I may go back to high sec war decs - but then again high sec PvP is boring a bit unless you can find someone doing something stupid like mining during the war.... hehe... once got war decced by some noobs - got the team ready to go, and we went hunting when the war went live... funny part - we found a hulk of theirs mining... THEY decced US. Stupid.