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EVE General Discussion

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The Next Era

Gorthaur Legion
Imperium Mordor
#1 - 2014-11-01 10:17:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Merovee
I like to look back to the beginning of EVE, the patch note 2003-05-07 00:00 Improvements, 1000 -1002 and read the first patch note. I'm glad I was there at the beginning.

I wish to grow old playing this game and after revisiting the past, Root of EVE, I think I love the change of EVE as much as playing it this past decade.

What I would like is a EVE planet game combining Trade, Rail, Civ/City building with Legion and EVE. I would pay for 3 more alts to play that game. In fact I would buy another 3 to play a political Dynastic EVE-Civ Game over Control for the four NPC Empires and join the fight in Null Sec (NS) and upgrading to Low Sec (LS) then to High Sec (HS) with NS fighting back to revise it. CCP could use factional warfare to target NS systems that are next to a LS system. CCP could arrange the alts in circle like a ship fitting in EVE starting with the oldest Character and clockwise to the ninth, the youngest. Only the Ninth can be Emperor of a NPC Empire. The Amarr, Caldari, Gallente and Minmatar can only be ruled by the Ninth.

Anyway, looking back looking forward... Blink

Patch Notes Improvements and Bug Fixes 2003-05-07 00:00 Improvements, 1000 - 1002

Empire, the next new world order.

Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2014-11-01 11:26:21 UTC
"Sentry guns have had a free firmware upgrade and will no longer pod players."
"Autopilot no longer undocks your ship when active."

Ok this is too funny.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Emma Muutaras
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2014-11-01 12:17:04 UTC
Yang Aurilen wrote:
"Sentry guns have had a free firmware upgrade and will no longer pod players."
"Autopilot no longer undocks your ship when active."

Ok this is too funny.

auto pilot use to undock your ship dam that must have been the good life back then you really could afk freighters if they brought that back
Th3 Illuminati
#4 - 2014-11-01 13:23:02 UTC
you know ccp is doing very well with eve these days. however when it can to dust. i was hoping to see it done a little differently. like it would actually affect our game the things they did. kind like the alliance would hire x amount of players to fight and protect the planet. i.e. the r64's or what ever. if a opposing alliance hired others to fight for them and won the alliance would take control of said system.
if they had won more the 50% of planets the sov changes hands.

ccp has a gold mine but they just don't know how to develop it. just my two cents
Paynus Maiassus
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2014-11-02 00:07:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Paynus Maiassus
R0mparkin wrote:
you know ccp is doing very well with eve these days. however when it can to dust. i was hoping to see it done a little differently. like it would actually affect our game the things they did. kind like the alliance would hire x amount of players to fight and protect the planet. i.e. the r64's or what ever. if a opposing alliance hired others to fight for them and won the alliance would take control of said system.
if they had won more the 50% of planets the sov changes hands.

ccp has a gold mine but they just don't know how to develop it. just my two cents

DUST was a pretty brilliant idea and would have gone very far if they'd continued it with the steam of the initial push. It's still doing well given its state. The fatal flaw was they were hoping for an influx of new players from the console world. That didn't happen.

They are redoing DUST as Legion, and the game seems like it is going to be better, for one. Moving to the PC was to make it more available to the existing player base. The main problem is that Eve players don't all have PS3s and those that do keep their PS3 in the living room and their PCs in the study. With Legion, people can station spin in Eve while playing Legion instead of playing World of Tanks.

Legion will do better than DUST did and will go further, carrying on the same torch.