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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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23m sp looking for a eu/uk tz corp

Assassination PandaPoo
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2014-10-24 12:21:52 UTC
Hi I'm looking for an active fairly large corp with a good group of guys that use social comms like ts3 and have a laugh fight and die together. I play a lot and im bored of mostly solo playing and then when the opps happen its 12midnight and I need to go sleep.
I play a lot around 9-2 eve time and 20:00 - 2300 shifts dependant as I also often play 1700-2300.

I'd like pvp small gang (with pvp first motto with at least the opportunity to do daily or at least 4x weekly pvp.
It Would be good if there plenty of guys on in the times I play.
My skills are pvp orientated
Prefer it to be a larger corp so we run a lot of stuff as a corp as opposed to the alliance do this and that and I don't know those guys
A bit about myself I'm 35 yrs so would prefer a mature group of guys
I live in the uk.
Not really into politics just want to enjoy the game and have good peeps to enjoy it with good isk making ofc
I'm not massively experienced but pvp is where its at and im willing to partake and learn just be active it's an mmo and im bored of flying mainly on my own thanks for reading.
Xaero Petraeus
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2014-10-24 13:54:28 UTC
C.Q.B is recruiting. We are a very active corp engaged in faction warfare, piracy and other kinds of PvP.

You can check out our recruitment ad here!
CoCoNuT Drop
#3 - 2014-10-24 14:43:24 UTC
Hey dude,

We may be just what you're looking for!

Come have a look at our advert!

We aren't a large corp, but we're very good at what we do!
Misha Silence
Shadow Legion X
Seriously Suspicious
#4 - 2014-10-25 06:45:27 UTC
We are a 0.0 PvP corporation based in Vale of the Silent and are currently part of The Bastion alliance (Under CFC). Our corporation is active more than a year in EVE and is comprised of veteran leadership and players. Our family is growing each day and we would like you to become part of it. Our group is not that big but maybe you we will catch your fancy :)

We would like to provide more PVP content for our members so we are looking to recruit PVP characters.

What do we offer:

• Daily Fleets
• Small gang PvP
• Major CTA PvP

What do we would like from you

• Consistent pvp participation
• Ability to work in a small focused group and community
• Good communitation between members

For more info please visit our ingame channel : SLX_Enlistment

Our KB link:
LazyBoyz Band of Recreational Flyers
#5 - 2014-10-25 18:42:45 UTC
Are the missions simply missing ... something?

Do you get the feeling that mining just about "mine" and not "ours"?

Are incursions simply more recurssion?

Are you tired of the same old sandbox?

We here at Lazyboyz Band of Recreational Flyers have the solution for you: kick out the edges of the sandbox and escape to the broad freedom that null-sec offers!

We have more proftiable "missions" without the tedium of having to find an agent, we call them "anomalies",

We have large amounts of free ore (just waiting for your mining lasers).

Our incursions have real people at the other side of the guns, who want your kill as badly as you want theirs. None of this programmed business, but real (mostly) thinking people.

If you would like to try null-sec life in a relaxed, friendly, helpful environment look LBBRF up in our public channel: LBBRF.

About LBBRF:

We are an EU/US TZ corporation looking for a few more EU and US timezone players to help us continue to grow. We have been a null-sec corporation for four years and are well-versed in all aspects of null dwelling. We have logistical support to move the needful things from high-sec to home space, We are willing to help you find your feet in both the PvE and PvP aspects of null-sec life. You will enjoy the warmth and coziness of secure ratting/mining/industry space, with the small cost of having to defend it from time to time. Or to make others work at defending their space.

We are family friendly: we understand the pressures and demands of home and work life. We are here to enjoy a game we all enjoy and each others company. If you are looking for a relaxed environment which understands that sometimes "Life Happens" then LBBRF may just be the home you need.

Our requests: 20M+ Skill Point Characters; we are willing to make exceptions. a willingness to join in PvP and PvE action; FULL API is an absolute requirement and will be requested during the interview process.

Remember: Fly safe, Fly casual, Fly Lazy(boyz Band of Recreational Flyers
MachineGun Matt
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-10-25 22:32:24 UTC
Hey mate,

About us, we are a NBSI corp that runs out in Catch 0.0 sov space as part of the HERO coalition. Catch is basically a thunderdome with neutrals always somewhere in the region.

Our alliance fleets are blops to covert ops and the corp roams can be anything really that you dont mind losing lol.

If you want to read more and check out our killboards:

Chat soon mate,

Mini Instructorcon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2014-10-26 00:21:51 UTC
Please Check us out.

Large but tight nit corp.

10 Years Pew experience

Exe of Dead terrorists alliance

Example of what happened tonight.

Please get in contact if you're interested


Gallente Federation
#8 - 2014-10-26 03:50:48 UTC
The Graduates [TGRAD] are a stable, tight, PvP oriented 600+ member mega-corp with an 8-year history and the same CEO for the last 6. We have wide-time zone coverage, and have recently created BLAST, a 0.0 Sov owning CFC-aligned alliance.

TGRAD supports a professional, no smacking, no whining, no-BS culture.

We have plenty of home grown FCs. Expect frequent ops with many different styles of play from large doctrine fleets, bomber gangs, fast moving roams, etc.. Our PvP style is aggressive.. we care about generating content for our pilots. Alliance and Corp SRPs is there to support your PvP.

More detail on our recruitment page here or visit "-TGRAD Pub-".

Amarr Empire
#9 - 2014-10-26 10:47:14 UTC
Hey mate

Sounds like u would certainly feel at home in Ministry of Destruction Corp.

We are active, established, mature and relaxed low sec pvpers who just like to log on, blow crap up, have a good time and then log off, simple with no fuss

We are also mostly EU tz with a growing USA presence so there will always be members online to pew with as well as to chill out on comms. The social side to Eve is very important to us.

Please get in touch by joining our public channel ''The Darker Side''

Killboard and Forums


Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2014-10-28 04:38:49 UTC
ingame mail sent!
61 Mech.
#11 - 2014-10-29 09:34:52 UTC

Ventro69: There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Dependable Delinquents
#12 - 2014-10-29 13:27:46 UTC
Drunken Brawler's are looking for active pvp'ers. More importantly we are looking for people willing to be part of us.

Primarily a EU/US operation, we welcome all timezones.
Good isk making is always available so you can maintain a good stock of ships when needed!
We ARE part of the alliances The Kadeshi who is part of N3 and therefore our main enemy is CFC and all the alliances flying under the CFC banner.

Without further ado our comprehensive list of offerings!

What we offer:
- Part of N3.
- Small scale pvp.
- Medium scale fighting.
- Large scale fleet fights.
- Capital engagements (slowcats,triage, dreads,supers).
- Willing to train people to pvp.
- A Quality over Quantity mindset.
- A comprehensive SRP program.
- An active TS3.
- Jabber.

What we ask from you:
- Activity and a wish to mingle with your new corp bro's
- Self sufficiency
- Join and Create Fleets

join me in our public channel:

Thorstein Odinson
Ice of Old Night
#13 - 2014-10-29 14:47:57 UTC
In game mail sent
Eowarebin Ginen
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2014-10-29 15:08:50 UTC

Come take a look at us! We love to shoot stuff. We are in a very active alliance and our CEO is the alliance leader.

Recruit Thread

Zara Tosh
State War Academy
Caldari State
#15 - 2014-10-29 15:10:43 UTC
Take a look at Coreli