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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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The Night Crew - ≡v≡ ★★ RECRUITING ★★ ≡v≡ - Wormhole Corp - 7 years and strong!

FLINX 0220
Divided Unity
#21 - 2011-09-25 07:00:00 UTC
To live in wormholes is truly a unique experience. Every day I log on, I never know what it will bring. It may be a hole has opened up to empire/low sec and we need to escort and be the eyes for our industrialists hauling goods to empire. Somedays we find PVP in a few wormholes over, or it maybe it finds us. Nights we run sleeper sites for large sums of isk. Others are building ships, mining, or even making drugs. There only thing I expect from living in a wormhole is the unexpected.

The main thing that is consistent is, its a group of people working closely together for a common goal, whatever goal the day brings.
Ace Levey
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#22 - 2011-09-28 01:30:23 UTC
Had sent a msg to TNT 1, anyone watching the mail on that account??
Thune Vorpal
The Night Crew
#23 - 2011-09-29 06:08:12 UTC
Hey Ace, if your interested in joining you need to submit an application with your limited API if you want to meet with TNT 1, otherwise, just join the recruitment channel if you have questions you want other corp members to answer.
The Night Crew
#24 - 2011-10-01 04:06:55 UTC
The Night Crew has instituted a recruitment freeze for the next few weeks. Were goin to take time with pur newest members. If your interested in being part of TNC feel free to put in an application we will get back to you when recruitment starts up again.
The Night Crew
#25 - 2011-12-08 08:06:05 UTC
The Night Crew will be recruiting for the next month! Read through this thread to learn more about us.
The Night Crew
#26 - 2011-12-09 08:05:17 UTC
Looking for mature players who love working as a team keeping a wormhole running, pvp, pve and exploration.
Stray Kat
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#27 - 2011-12-09 15:30:47 UTC
Application submitted. I think all my questions have been answered. Looking forward to hearing from you.
tr cronus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2011-12-09 16:34:22 UTC
Join the Crew, Some of the best people you'll ever fly with. All willing to help and lend a hand. WH's can be lonely but you never get that feeling with TNC.
Thune Vorpal
The Night Crew
#29 - 2011-12-10 18:50:58 UTC
Being in a corporation thats been around for 6 years means a lot to me. It means getting to experience eve with players who I can learn from. I guess being in the Night Crew is like being in a extended family.

Our recruitment channel is - The Night Crew Recruitment - please stop by and ask any questions you may have.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#30 - 2011-12-10 22:48:14 UTC
I've only just started in EvE (literally hours ago), but I fully intend on looking you guys up when I'm at an sp level you'd find acceptable.

Already feeling that this game will be infinitely better with a group of like minded players, and your post is the first corp recruitment post that caught my eye. Hope to see you in the future.

Best wishes

The Night Crew
#31 - 2011-12-11 07:47:28 UTC
Zanishi wrote:
I've only just started in EvE (literally hours ago), but I fully intend on looking you guys up when I'm at an sp level you'd find acceptable.

Already feeling that this game will be infinitely better with a group of like minded players, and your post is the first corp recruitment post that caught my eye. Hope to see you in the future.

Best wishes


Zanishi, contact me in game, you being a new player, I would be happy to talk with you to see what ultimately you want to get out of the game. Also look for me in our recruitment channel I'll be on a good amount tomorrow.

FLINX 0220
Divided Unity
#32 - 2011-12-12 05:49:52 UTC
I've noticed a lot of veteran players with 30m plus skill points sending in apps and in our recruitment channel. It's nice to see them coming back to the game. It's also great to see them looking for a stable and established corporations like the Night Crew to call home.

Join our recruitment channel - the night crew recruitment

Hopefully we can help you find what your looking for in Eve, and maybe something unexpected.

Asteroid Farm Unlimited
Goonswarm Federation
#33 - 2011-12-13 00:05:43 UTC
Joined this corp a few months ago and have really enjoyed my time! A great bunch of knowledgeable guys that love to go out and have fun. I knew nothing of life in wormholes and they took me under their wing and have helped me learn and enjoy playing the game! I love the wormhole life!
The Night Crew
#34 - 2011-12-13 07:44:17 UTC
I get asked a lot what kind of ships do we fly running ops. If your a skilled pilot you can fly anything you want as long as it works for the task at hand. For our newer pilots we suggest starting out in a Drake and a Tengu.

Kazrael Starseeker
Divided Unity
#35 - 2011-12-14 07:01:16 UTC
Spoke to someone today who is joining our corporation. He mentioned that he had to take 5 months off from the game, only to return to a defunct corp that had dissolved.

If your looking to join a corp that has stood the test of time, apply to the Night Crew. We're going on 7 years!

Thune Vorpal
The Night Crew
#36 - 2011-12-15 06:48:30 UTC
Understanding real life - I think this comes with being in a corp of mature players. Everyone has "real life" whether it be a crazy work schedule, a new child, or just family obligations. The Night Crew knows striking a balance between Eve time and real life is crucial.

I've never felt guilty for real life, and its one of the many reasons why The Night Crew will always be my home.

Join the recruitment channel - The Nignt Crew Recruitment
Halin Damal
Moderari Animo
#37 - 2011-12-15 12:21:52 UTC
I have been a member of TNC for a relatively short time and I found it a very nice corp to be part off. Many active (and mature) members will greed you when you come online and there was always something to do.

It might not have worked out for me (chaining 80h workweeks tends to disrupt you playtime), but if you are interested in W-space, I definitely recommend this corporation to you.

Good luck with the recruitment TNC!

- A happy ex-member
Thune Vorpal
The Night Crew
#38 - 2011-12-16 07:00:03 UTC
Halin Damal wrote:
I have been a member of TNC for a relatively short time and I found it a very nice corp to be part off. Many active (and mature) members will greed you when you come online and there was always something to do.

It might not have worked out for me (chaining 80h workweeks tends to disrupt you playtime), but if you are interested in W-space, I definitely recommend this corporation to you.

Good luck with the recruitment TNC!

- A happy ex-member

Thanks Halin for the kind words!
Kazrael Starseeker
Divided Unity
#39 - 2011-12-17 07:34:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Kazrael Starseeker
CCP mentioned in a recent dev blog that wormhole activity has been building up. For some it's the only reason they play. I think without them, eve would be a whole lot less interesting. If you haven't lived in one yet or want to get back in, you're missing out! Join the Night Crew!
The Night Crew
#40 - 2011-12-18 07:52:57 UTC
Looking for a few good people!

Read through our thread to see if we're what your looking for then hit us up in game the channel "The Night Crew Recruitment"