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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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The Bad Touch

Drake Gwain
US Space Force
D3ad End
#1 - 2014-10-24 17:43:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Drake Gwain
The Bad Touch [N0-N0]

The Bad Touch a real-life first corp looking for a good mix of pilots. We plan to explore most aspects of Eve. Our senior members have experience across many of the aspects of Eve, such as...

-> Missions, Mining, and Manufacturing
-> Solo, Covert, Small-scale, and Large-scale PvP operations
-> Exploration (including anomalies and wormholes)
-> Experience operating in High-sec, Low-sec, as well as NPC and conquerable Null-sec

We currently operate in null-sec space in the Providence region.

ArrowCurrently pilots experienced in corpwide logistics and experienced FCs are in high demand.

We're looking for mature players 18 years and older. We do not have character age or SP requirements, but all players should be willing to ask for advice or suggestions. The corp tax rate is set to a low 5%, so our members can make ISK while still helping fund corp-wide initiatives. We are also looking for older players with experience as Corp directors.

Applicants must be willing to supply a full API key for their account. This might seem invasive, but it protects us from corp thieves and is standard procedure for most serious corporations in Eve. If there are concerns about how this information will be used, please contact the CEO or any Bad Touch Director.

The corp leadership consists of veteran players who have experienced almost everything that Eve has to offer. We are working to grow the corporation into a fun, active group of players who help each other out. As a part of this, we are exploring options to help our members thrive in Eve. Some of the possible options we're consider are a ship replacement program, ammo and T1 gear supply, and mentoring newer players.

We are setting up scheduled corp activities to keep our members active and happy. Some days it will be mining, other days it will be PvP roams. Pretty much every aspect of Eve is ripe for a corp activity. We will also be leading corp-driven
initiatives designed to foster teamwork and camraderie while lining our members' pockets. These are all in addition to the various alliance-wide activities.

We're currently residing primarily in a quiet section of Providence and we operate under CVA's NRDS (Not Red, Don't Shoot) Policy.

AttentionAttentionWe are also open to having smaller entities merge into us to experience life in null sec that otherwise would be unattainable.
Drake Gwain
US Space Force
D3ad End
#2 - 2014-12-14 03:38:42 UTC
Bump to the top of the list!
Drake Gwain
US Space Force
D3ad End
#3 - 2014-12-26 19:09:53 UTC
We are still looking for active pilots of any career choice!
Drake Gwain
US Space Force
D3ad End
#4 - 2014-12-27 23:11:38 UTC
No matter the TZ, no matter the career choice we have a spot for you!
Join our public channel or mail me for more information. Lol
Archie Underwood
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2014-12-27 23:15:42 UTC

what's your policy on Alt Chars in a F/W corp?

I have just brought this Char and want to try my hand at PVP ( But not F/W PVP)

I Do have another Char in a F/W corp and would like to leave him there if I can?


Drake Gwain
US Space Force
D3ad End
#6 - 2014-12-29 04:09:52 UTC
Still on the lookout for like minded pilots to join our ranks and come live in null with us!
Drake Gwain
US Space Force
D3ad End
#7 - 2015-01-07 01:55:34 UTC
Doors are still open to pilots of all careers and experiance!
Drake Gwain
US Space Force
D3ad End
#8 - 2015-01-09 03:57:59 UTC
Come fly with us and have a say in the new direction for the corp.