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Dev blog: Sensor Overlay 2.0: Bigger, Better, Bookmarks in Spacier!

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Kousaka Otsu Shigure
#201 - 2014-10-16 11:47:55 UTC
Just a few bits on the compass overlay popup:

1. With some people playing at lower resolutions\smaller windowed modes, I think the overlay is too tall/covers up too much space in the capacitor area. The text area for warping/aligning/approacing/etc is also being (partially) obstructed by the popup, and IMO is one of the most important texts that should be always readable (what your ship is doing at the moment.) Maybe make the popup shorter and wider, into 3 columns wide, or into a two rows strip.

2. I feel that the mouseover area of the compass is a bit on the thin side sometimes. I would strongly suggest incorporating
the whole 'popup' into a full fledged button, maybe a side button to the Tactical View mode or another sub command in the Capacitor options menu.

Archiver, Software Developer and Data Slave

Current Project Status: What can I make with these minerals?

Burhtun Shipyards
#202 - 2014-10-16 14:45:11 UTC
I think the new height indication works ok. But I found myself wanting to just pan the camera up and down to find sigs rather than try to read the elevation from the compass. It seems like its faster to just pan the camera. Maybe it's just a matter of getting used to reading the compass over time.

I actually tried making a mockup of an elevation indicator after Sjaandi HyShan's post requesting the feature. The idea was that the pings on the compass would radiate upwards, but only when you are looking in that direction. They would sort of fade in. No need for a downwards indicator really... because if you see pings on the top of your compass yet don't see any icons in space in front of you and the pings aren't reaching upwards, then you can deduce they must be downwards. Might be cleaner, faster, and easier to read than what is on Sisi now. Or not. I dunno.

And yeah, I got a little carried away and changed a few other UI elements...
I wish the EVE UI was that efficient. :(
Optimo Sebiestor
The New Eden School of trade
Organization of Skill Extracting Corporations
#203 - 2014-10-17 13:31:20 UTC
I been on the test server and just wanted to share some thougths. Why change the anomoly colours? Having them green worked nicly. now its more painful to distinkt anom from sig. I would also love if you tweaked how bookmarks behave when you have a cluster With many types of sigs/anoms/planets ships etc and you hoover over them. I'd like to jump in, align to a cluster of stuff, and as easily as possible find that bm/item and Warp to it. Not just see that there are a bookmark in that direction. :) But all in all, it looks great :)
Lil' Brudder Too
Pistols for Pandas
#204 - 2014-10-17 16:39:27 UTC
Can you please remove the static sound from the bookmarks....the reason you stated you have it on anoms is so that a trained ear can distinguish which ones are the 'better' ones...exactly how does that apply to bookmarks?
Kousaka Otsu Shigure
#205 - 2014-10-18 12:14:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Kousaka Otsu Shigure
I've seen the current iteration of Sisi and it looks like you guys went for the 2 column overlay popup, and the mouseover area seems thicker now :)

One last suggestion for it: make it up towards the capacitor area, not towards the center of the screen. This should address the concern that the text over the capacitor (warping, aligning, approaching, orbiting text area) is not obstructed. Or is the design leaning more on not obstructing the healthbars/overheat/capacitor?

edit: hmm considering it now, covering the other mouseover areas is a bad idea =P

Archiver, Software Developer and Data Slave

Current Project Status: What can I make with these minerals?

#206 - 2014-10-20 00:16:59 UTC
Thanks for the fix, any word on when you are getting around to some of the other things that's been bugging me for past 5 years?
Lil' Brudder Too
Pistols for Pandas
#207 - 2014-10-20 22:06:41 UTC
New SiSi patch....still takes forever before you can interact with the bookmarks...and that stupid static noise for the bookmarks is still there...seriously, whats the reasoning behind it? It can't be so we can differentiate different bookmarks audibly...because that would be the dumbest thing i've ever heard.

Thanks for fixing the bracket list to include celestials again...( did that make it out of internal testing?)
Red Thought
Forever Winter
#208 - 2014-10-21 06:58:44 UTC
I have been checking out bookmarks in space on the test server. I absolutely love these changes for the ease and depth that it adds to the game. I am a little concerned with the noise that hovering over a book mark makes. If your actually on the bookmark with your mouse it makes a noise, that is not unpleasant but at the same time unnecessary. However if you move slightly off of the bookmark it produces an awful static like noise that is very distracting at the very least. It would be great if these two noises were removed or there was an option somewhere to turn them off.
Arcos Vandymion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#209 - 2014-10-21 08:29:26 UTC
Burhtun wrote:
I think the new height indication works ok. But I found myself wanting to just pan the camera up and down to find sigs rather than try to read the elevation from the compass. It seems like its faster to just pan the camera. Maybe it's just a matter of getting used to reading the compass over time.

I actually tried making a mockup of an elevation indicator after Sjaandi HyShan's post requesting the feature. The idea was that the pings on the compass would radiate upwards, but only when you are looking in that direction. They would sort of fade in. No need for a downwards indicator really... because if you see pings on the top of your compass yet don't see any icons in space in front of you and the pings aren't reaching upwards, then you can deduce they must be downwards. Might be cleaner, faster, and easier to read than what is on Sisi now. Or not. I dunno.

And yeah, I got a little carried away and changed a few other UI elements...
I wish the EVE UI was that efficient. :(

I like the use of elements from the Vegas 2013 UI note (couldn't watch the 2014 one - did they make a new mockup wiith those elements?). The left side looky pretty nifty. The neocom bar is ... I dunno. It just doesn't fit the "borderless" style of the other things on the left, being broken up by the compass that does fit even less doesn't help either I recon. The right is making me possitively sick though. Are these supposed to be multiple instances of opened "overview" ? That would be ok and actually quite handy.

The icons above the drones - kind of useless IMO. The Sh/Ar/St is nicely done. I thought it would be cool if it used the same as locked targets and the own ship but I recon you'd need some insane screensize to actually see something then.

Local chat dissociated from local list... eh well i guess noone really uses local chat besides Amarr and Jita so that wouldn't be to much of a problem. However a different behaviour for that than for other chat channels is quite odd and adds unnecessary exceptions I think.

Would go better with Noriko Mais Compass Mockup as well - clear visible lines, no shading and smooth fades and all that unnecessary stuff. I can go outside for smooth roundings and nice shadings...
CCP Lebowski
C C P Alliance
#210 - 2014-10-22 11:25:42 UTC
Hey all,

Just wanted to drop in to detail a few more things changing/appearing in today's Singularity update as well as changing in the last week.

  • Back by popular demand, green anomalies!
  • The compass now retains its orientation regardless of the cameras vertical position, and uses the colored bars on the compass to indicate whether a location is above or below your camera.
  • The colored compass bars have been cleaned up, so should make it easier to see the vertical position of any locations
  • Personal and Corp locations should now appear instantly when entering a system (No more waiting for the sensor sweep for these)
  • The fuzzy sfx have been removed from Personal and Corp Locations.
  • Various additional fixes to the radial menu options.

Thanks for all the feedback that's helped us reach this point!

CCP Lebowski | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five-0


Burhtun Shipyards
#211 - 2014-10-22 18:43:43 UTC
I think the indication of elevation is much clearer now. Moving anoms back to green helps readability also. I can't wait to have this on Tranquility. I may actually begin to mouse over signatures to see their size now and determine if I want to scan them or not. Currently on Tranquility it is so annoying to pan the camera all over the place searching for the icons that I just don't bother to do it. I just stay in the map view and scan down all the sigs. Having this compass takes away all the frustration.

Though... Currently on Singularity when you mouse over the signature-icons in space you can no longer deduce the size of the site. It shows only a single AU distance now. Rather than a range of two distances as on Tranquility. Bug or intentional? I hope its a bug.

Its nice to have bookmark icons pop up in space immediately now. I wish the signature icons would pop up immediately as well. But I guess they are delayed to prevent people from d-scanning other people out of their sites quite so fast?

Arcos Vandymion wrote:
[Are these supposed to be multiple instances of opened "overview" ? That would be ok and actually quite handy.

Yeah, tabs within tabs for the overview. Allows you to arrange objects of different types with more fine-grained control. And I want to be able to slide the "selected object" bars around and insert them wherever I want into the overview. I'll probably make a giant UI wish-list thread in F&I sometime. This thread isn't really the place to go into all that.
Malou Hashur
Enterprise Holdings
#212 - 2014-10-23 12:37:04 UTC
How do you turn it off ?

CCP Philosophy ==>>

  1. If it works, break it. If it’s broken, leave it and break something else.

  2. Ignore all Forum comments that raise issues and concerns about our "features", and bring said "features" in anyway.

Sir Livingston
#213 - 2014-10-23 21:41:11 UTC
There should be a on/off toggle for the entire compass display.

Sci-fi games as played by an earthbound human in the 21st century

Hakan MacTrew
Konrakas Forged
Solyaris Chtonium
#214 - 2014-10-24 09:52:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Hakan MacTrew
If I have missed this somewhere then please point me in the right direction, but;

"What is Space North?"

What is the focal point of the 'North' new compass point?

I was origionally going to say that the Eve Gate would have been cool, but I don't believe it is far enough away to provide a reliable and credible 'anchoring point' for spacial orientation. Terra would be far enough away though...

(Oh, and please make said compass points a tad easier to see.)

All amazing stuff. I am currently selecting a suitable hat to eat...
Arcos Vandymion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#215 - 2014-10-24 12:39:28 UTC
Hakan MacTrew wrote:
If I have missed this somewhere then please point me in the right direction, but;

"What is Space North?"

What is the focal point of the 'North' new compass point?

I was origionally going to say that the Eve Gate would have been cool, but I don't believe it is far enough away to provide a reliable and credible 'anchoring point' for spacial orientation. Terra would be far enough away though...

(Oh, and please make said compass points a tad easier to see.)

All amazing stuff. I am currently selecting a suitable hat to eat...

Funny enough the galactic north is not a point on the galactic plain. Much like the directions in the 40k universe (The Segmentum Ultima being in the galactic east, the Segmentum Obscurus in the north), the galactic north in EVE lies at an infinite distances outside of the actuall boundaries of New Eden so as to ascertain that north is allways north.

If you hit F11 and take a look at the thing at the bottom that's the stellar system you are currently in. The qhite cone is your viewing direction. Adjust cone to point upwards, open the strategic overlay. The numbers on the strategic overview pointing into space along your viewing axis (which is congruent with the "up" on the system view in F11) is pointing to what the OP jokingly calls "galactic north". If that was to dry I recommend zaqq's video doing "The Maze" explaining the whole thing while actually showing it.
Arla Sarain
#216 - 2014-11-01 15:55:39 UTC
CCP Phantom wrote:
The Sensor Overlay is a nice

Please consider the following for post Phoebe

Add an option to have a high contrast background for the inspace brackets. The shapes and colours presented in the blog are nice, but still - depending on screen resolution, their size and ingame location it can be hard to locate them. By allowing (dynamic if possible) contrast colours on their background it would be possible to give inspace brackets more emphasis amongst the other noise present (space effect, stars, lighting).

Dynamic backgrounds could involve a changing brightness of black->white for Amarr+minmatar to Caldari and Gallente spaces respectively.

Kind Regards,

This guy.
Corvus Blackheart
Void Raven Cult
#217 - 2014-11-04 13:28:55 UTC
I dont like the whole feature, ive never used the sensory overlay and have no desire to see every little thing in space. As for the compase, its very annoying seeing all the icons move around whenever im warping, especially seeing, far as ive been able to tell, its just a visual and cant be used to start a warp to the locations it shows. All of this i would care about at all if you could just turn it off. I know you can turn the sesory overlay off, and you can filter away all the little lines on the compase, so why cant I just turn off the compase that i have no need or want to use. Its a small thing to complain about but my idea of eve as a sandbox is being able to play how I want to including how my Ui looks, and this feature is lacking a simple on/off switch.
Vandeer Pelt
Militie Templi
#218 - 2014-11-04 16:49:09 UTC
It's not working, crap.
Altirius Saldiaro
#219 - 2014-11-05 01:44:05 UTC
I guess I misunderstood the part about the bookmark filtering in the People & Places.

I thought it was to only show the bookmarks that are in the current system that I am in. Some of my folders have over 100 bookmarks in them, so when that folder is open, it's a pain to have to close that folder to open up another folder, or scroll down to get to another folder.

If I had the option to filter only the bookmarks that are for that system that I currently am at, then I could have several folders open at once, and only see those bookmarks in the folders.

Having hundreds of bookmarks from other systems shown in the folders doesn't help me out at all.
CCP Lebowski
C C P Alliance
#220 - 2014-11-05 10:58:44 UTC
Vandeer Pelt wrote:
It's not working, crap.
Sorry to hear that, care to give us some more info on exactly how its not working?

Altirius Saldiaro wrote:
I guess I misunderstood the part about the bookmark filtering in the People & Places.

I thought it was to only show the bookmarks that are in the current system that I am in. Some of my folders have over 100 bookmarks in them, so when that folder is open, it's a pain to have to close that folder to open up another folder, or scroll down to get to another folder.

If I had the option to filter only the bookmarks that are for that system that I currently am at, then I could have several folders open at once, and only see those bookmarks in the folders.

Having hundreds of bookmarks from other systems shown in the folders doesn't help me out at all.
You unfortunately did misunderstand the filtering that was added in this release. We've done nothing to filter the locations within the people & places window, only which of them appear in the Sensor Overlay.

CCP Lebowski | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five-0
