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Humble request to revisit warp speeds for BS / BC's

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The Executioners
#81 - 2014-10-23 09:41:25 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Maraner wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Craggio wrote:
I'd like to see the BS's up to 2.5 with the BC's. Could see more mixed fleets roaming, Not talking 100 man gangs, I'm talking 10-20 man mixed fleets roaming around looking for fights. You just don't see this any more. Granted, maybe Phoebe will fix some of it, but should be closer.

Then what happens to BC?

Simple fact here is that we already have a battleship that warps as fast as a cruiser and none of you are using it.

Dude you BS move via titan bridge, please let the rest of us that roam have the option without gimping the fit

You clearly don't agree with what I'm saying, thats fine.

There is no point showing that you can get a BS to warp 12 AU, so what. We can do that with all of the ships in the game. We are talking about the base values of the ships au speed without rigs and modules etc to change that.

2.0 is not enough.

I am quite happy to go roaming in my BS, I fully intend to be roaming around in enemy space come the changes to jumping mechanics. If you want cruiser warp speeds in a BS out of the box then why are you not using the one currently in game?

I do use it.

I would like to use the other dozen BS as well.

You cannot give the Mach as an example of warp speeds in BS, it's a law unto itelf.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#82 - 2014-10-23 09:45:14 UTC
To be fair whilst I agree with many of your posts baltec - I don't think it's entirely fair to assume the BS pilots will all have ascendancy implants and no-one else will.
The Executioners
#83 - 2014-10-23 09:48:45 UTC
At the moment the only group that 'need' to fit ascendancy sets are the BS

that is not balanced or even fair. Its a joke, you gimp the tank one of the supposed strengths of the class to just make it move.
Lil' Angel Gallifreyan
Lil' Angels Trading Corporation
#84 - 2014-10-23 09:56:49 UTC
With regards to the BCs, I don't see anything wrong with allowing them to warp equal to Cruisers, they'd keep the "Cruiser" part of their warp balance, and their slower align times are the cost for their size. But that's another topic for another thread.

Battleships need the warp buff, the null pilots here have had their say about the use of Battleships in null, but in low-sec their warp nerf has disproportionally hit an already uncommonly used class of ship. The warp changes were good to buff the use of cruiser sized ships and below, but the Battleships are too comparable to capital warp speeds to the point that roaming with them is to the detriment of the rest of the fleet.

It's terrible to players who may not be able to roam as long as the rest, and it does encourage titan sitting. Battleship pilots already have adapted to it with the use of the Ascendency set of implants, sacrificing the benefits of much more useful implant sets for combat. And even that is only endured by us battleship pilots because we have our fitting slots to work with from that point. Having to use hyperspatial rigs and modules in combination with the Ascendency set just to get Battleships other than the Mach in a bearable roaming state leaves Battleships in a demonstrably weak place.

Anyone who lives and roams in low-sec can see this, and CCP and CSM members can look over the raw numbers with their analytics to prove it. Battleships need the warp buff, they already have so much balancing against the other classes of ships that their current warp state leaves them wanting in almost every situation. That shouldn't be the case for an entire class of ship.
The Executioners
#85 - 2014-10-23 10:35:42 UTC
Maraner wrote:

I remember the days or RR battleships gangs fondly, they are no longer possible for a variety of reasons, I get that it's more fun to just assign your drones to someone else but please CCP consider allowing BS / BC gangs the option to at least keep up with everyone else without gutting their fits or clone set choices.


I too remember the days of RR bs gangs. Smaller groups were able to use them to great effect against larger blobs. I would very much like to see roaming BS gangs again, but sadly I don't see this happening without changes to the warp speeds.

+1 for Maraner.


Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#86 - 2014-10-23 11:04:49 UTC
afkalt wrote:
To be fair whilst I agree with many of your posts baltec - I don't think it's entirely fair to assume the BS pilots will all have ascendancy implants and no-one else will.

To date nobody else does. I dont see many using them in the future either for the same reason only a handful use snakes.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#87 - 2014-10-23 11:07:17 UTC
Icarus3 wrote:
Maraner wrote:

I remember the days or RR battleships gangs fondly, they are no longer possible for a variety of reasons, I get that it's more fun to just assign your drones to someone else but please CCP consider allowing BS / BC gangs the option to at least keep up with everyone else without gutting their fits or clone set choices.


I too remember the days of RR bs gangs. Smaller groups were able to use them to great effect against larger blobs. I would very much like to see roaming BS gangs again, but sadly I don't see this happening without changes to the warp speeds.

+1 for Maraner.

People stopped using RR BS years before the warp speed changes.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#88 - 2014-10-23 11:53:46 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
afkalt wrote:
To be fair whilst I agree with many of your posts baltec - I don't think it's entirely fair to assume the BS pilots will all have ascendancy implants and no-one else will.

To date nobody else does. I dont see many using them in the future either for the same reason only a handful use snakes.

Perhaps if the low grade costs are ever sorted it'll be a thing. The point I was more making us that we need to assume equitable clones before we can fairly decide if speeding classes up presents a manifest problem.
Pandemic Legion
#89 - 2014-10-23 12:04:48 UTC
I don't see anything wrong with the current Warp speeds for all the ships in game.
Smaller faster bigger slower..
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#90 - 2014-10-23 12:25:20 UTC
afkalt wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
afkalt wrote:
To be fair whilst I agree with many of your posts baltec - I don't think it's entirely fair to assume the BS pilots will all have ascendancy implants and no-one else will.

To date nobody else does. I dont see many using them in the future either for the same reason only a handful use snakes.

Perhaps if the low grade costs are ever sorted it'll be a thing. The point I was more making us that we need to assume equitable clones before we can fairly decide if speeding classes up presents a manifest problem.

To me just the ability to do it is enough of a reason to worry. On top of that you also would have the blowback from cruiser pilots who would demand a speed boost so that they are not as slow as a ship two classes above them. Either battleships are slower than cruisers or you just scrap the entire thing.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#91 - 2014-10-23 12:42:59 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Maraner wrote:

Ummm no. I understand how the hyperspatial rigs work mkay, plus the ascendancy clones and the low slot mods. I just object to the nerf that this imposes upon the Battleship.

I have no prob if people want to AU nano up their BS's warp speed at the cost of tank / dps or the use of a slave clone, the problem is they shouldn't have to do that to keep up with everything else subcap.

Plus as pointed out by other people these ships have fallen off in their use significantly, perhaps this could be something that could be done up their use.

They have never been used much in small roaming gangs. Battleships are ships of the line, they are not built for chasing stuff down like cruisers and never have been. The only issue here is with the pilots not the ships. They are your typical EFT warriors who simply look at the numbers and say a ship is no good without spending any time flying them. Lets face it, there are few bigger fans of battleships than me, if there was an issue with battleships as a whole I would say something.

Battleship are fully able to terrorize the space lanes

YET rail tengus are on par if not superior to battleships as ships of the line. And warp faster.

Battleships are not worth right now the TIME to travel.

And you must remember Battleships are not only for your large fleets. THey need to be usable as well on more moderate fleets. Like 10-20 people. There is no reason to bring a battleships instead of a T3 or pirate cruiser.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#92 - 2014-10-23 13:11:43 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:

YET rail tengus are on par if not superior to battleships as ships of the line. And warp faster.

Battleships are not worth right now the TIME to travel.

And you must remember Battleships are not only for your large fleets. THey need to be usable as well on more moderate fleets. Like 10-20 people. There is no reason to bring a battleships instead of a T3 or pirate cruiser.

T3 are in line for a savage nerf.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#93 - 2014-10-23 13:49:59 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:

YET rail tengus are on par if not superior to battleships as ships of the line. And warp faster.

Battleships are not worth right now the TIME to travel.

And you must remember Battleships are not only for your large fleets. THey need to be usable as well on more moderate fleets. Like 10-20 people. There is no reason to bring a battleships instead of a T3 or pirate cruiser.

T3 are in line for a savage nerf.

I only believe.. when I see it.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#94 - 2014-10-23 14:17:45 UTC
I'm pretty sure BC and BS don't see much small gang anction more because people think they don't bring enough positive to counter the drawback of being in a BS. You do get something out of it but I think people see it as not enough.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#95 - 2014-10-23 15:02:25 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
I'm pretty sure BC and BS don't see much small gang anction more because people think they don't bring enough positive to counter the drawback of being in a BS. You do get something out of it but I think people see it as not enough.

Exaclty my point.

In 0.0 fleets their main drawback is denied by titan bridging, and they present one important bonus of being cheap to replace by replacement programs when insured.

But on smaller scale combat, in low sec and high sec wars they are HORRIBLE. They will have to jump to get where they are needed and usually the profile of ships in these scenarios is completely different, and most ships have fittings costing half a bil or more (therefore insurance of the ship is irrelevant).

Battleships are not used because they are BATTLESHIPS, when they are used, they are because they are cannon fooder that have enough ehp to be kept alive and they are cheap to replace.

That was nto supposed to be the reason to use a battleship.

If you need to wait a few more minutes for a battleship to arrive or bring a T2 or pirate cruiser .. you will not select the battleship (with the exception of the armageddon, Vindicator and Bhalghorn that fulfill specific roles), because they do not bring enough to justify the time.

Give battleship sized local repair/boost more oomph (will impact small scale fights but not 0.0 blobs), give them a bit more cap and EHP, give them easier fittings, and give them a tad more dps ( any MEDIUM blaster boat can outdps several battleships.. that is not healthy)

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#96 - 2014-10-23 15:08:25 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:

YET rail tengus are on par if not superior to battleships as ships of the line. And warp faster.

Battleships are not worth right now the TIME to travel.

And you must remember Battleships are not only for your large fleets. THey need to be usable as well on more moderate fleets. Like 10-20 people. There is no reason to bring a battleships instead of a T3 or pirate cruiser.

T3 are in line for a savage nerf.

I only believe.. when I see it.

Its in the balance chart. They are slated to land between t1 and t2 cruisers.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#97 - 2014-10-23 15:17:48 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
I'm pretty sure BC and BS don't see much small gang anction more because people think they don't bring enough positive to counter the drawback of being in a BS. You do get something out of it but I think people see it as not enough.

Exaclty my point.

In 0.0 fleets their main drawback is denied by titan bridging, and they present one important bonus of being cheap to replace by replacement programs when insured.

But on smaller scale combat, in low sec and high sec wars they are HORRIBLE. They will have to jump to get where they are needed and usually the profile of ships in these scenarios is completely different, and most ships have fittings costing half a bil or more (therefore insurance of the ship is irrelevant).

Battleships are not used because they are BATTLESHIPS, when they are used, they are because they are cannon fooder that have enough ehp to be kept alive and they are cheap to replace.

That was nto supposed to be the reason to use a battleship.

If you need to wait a few more minutes for a battleship to arrive or bring a T2 or pirate cruiser .. you will not select the battleship (with the exception of the armageddon, Vindicator and Bhalghorn that fulfill specific roles), because they do not bring enough to justify the time.

Give battleship sized local repair/boost more oomph (will impact small scale fights but not 0.0 blobs), give them a bit more cap and EHP, give them easier fittings, and give them a tad more dps ( any MEDIUM blaster boat can outdps several battleships.. that is not healthy)

You say this after you see a torp golen wipe out entire fleets...
Bullet Therapist
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#98 - 2014-10-23 16:42:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Bullet Therapist
baltec1 wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
I'm pretty sure BC and BS don't see much small gang anction more because people think they don't bring enough positive to counter the drawback of being in a BS. You do get something out of it but I think people see it as not enough.

Exaclty my point.

In 0.0 fleets their main drawback is denied by titan bridging, and they present one important bonus of being cheap to replace by replacement programs when insured.

But on smaller scale combat, in low sec and high sec wars they are HORRIBLE. They will have to jump to get where they are needed and usually the profile of ships in these scenarios is completely different, and most ships have fittings costing half a bil or more (therefore insurance of the ship is irrelevant).

Battleships are not used because they are BATTLESHIPS, when they are used, they are because they are cannon fooder that have enough ehp to be kept alive and they are cheap to replace.

That was nto supposed to be the reason to use a battleship.

If you need to wait a few more minutes for a battleship to arrive or bring a T2 or pirate cruiser .. you will not select the battleship (with the exception of the armageddon, Vindicator and Bhalghorn that fulfill specific roles), because they do not bring enough to justify the time.

Give battleship sized local repair/boost more oomph (will impact small scale fights but not 0.0 blobs), give them a bit more cap and EHP, give them easier fittings, and give them a tad more dps ( any MEDIUM blaster boat can outdps several battleships.. that is not healthy)

You say this after you see a torp golen wipe out entire fleets...

To be fair the Bastionaddes video (that I think you're referring to) was done by an experience pilot, using deadspace and faction gear, implants, and boosts, all while the players he was fighting were using the exact tactic that a blap golem will excel against. Downgrade the fit to t2, no implants or boosts, and start fighting against alpha doctrines or a gang carrying neuts, range, remote reps etc and the outcome will be dramatically different. You couldn't ask for more perfect scenarios in some of those fights.

Links, implants, booster alts, drugs, deadspace and factions gear and the perfect combat scenario against inexperienced pilots ignorant of a ships weaknesses give false impressions about what a ship is really capable of.

Edit: Baltec1, to be clear I respect your opinion on this matter, I've read your posts and I think that they're well thought out. I don't agree however. If tech 3s are nerfed I believe the meta will shift back to HACs. It's just too hard to ignore the effect of signature radius, aggregated resistance, and tracking. You may still use battleships, but I think that with all of the balance and insurance changes that have taken place recently, Phoebe is the final nail in the coffin for their widespread use for everyone else.

Battleships and to a similar extent combat battlecruisers need a buff. They need to be worth the time they take to align and warp gate to gate. There should be a reason that you'd want a few in a gate camp, or in local defense.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#99 - 2014-10-23 17:00:32 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Bullet Therapist wrote:

To be fair the Bastionaddes video (that I think you're referring to) was done by an experience pilot, using deadspace and faction gear, implants, and boosts, all while the players he was fighting were using the exact tactic that a blap golem will excel against. Downgrade the fit to t2, no implants or boosts, and start fighting against alpha doctrines or a gang carrying neuts, range, remote reps etc and the outcome will be dramatically different. You couldn't ask for more perfect scenarios in some of those fights.

Links, implants, booster alts, drugs, deadspace and factions gear and the perfect combat scenario against inexperienced pilots ignorant of a ships weaknesses give false impressions about what a ship is really capable of.


He killed fleets and these people are saying battleships will die to a handful of the exact same type of people while they are backed up with a small gang. Do you honestly think a torp or cruise raven cant manage to fight? Or that a domi isn't going to cause a good deal of hurt? The problem here isn't with the warp speeds or with the hulls its with the people. Its their attude and their lack of ingenuity. They want to be good without putting in the time and effort into learning how to fly these ships and blame the hulls. Frankly they come across as the people you see being slaughtered in that video.

This argument about battleships is as old as the game. What they want is for battleships to act like the cruisers and frigates that they fly. I remember 4 years ago getting endless agro from people who thought the megathron was useless and large blasters harmless. That I was out in small gangs killing people left and right (including goons) meant nothing to them. Battleships require a different style to flying them, you have to learn the dos and donts and it is often not easy and you will suffer lots of setbacks. People don't like this and so they decry that the ships are useless (or worse still they say this without even flying them) and that they should be more like the smaller ships only more firepower/tank.

I'm seeing this problem in a lot of players in every area of EVE and in most other games.
Bullet Therapist
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#100 - 2014-10-23 17:13:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Bullet Therapist
baltec1 wrote:
Bullet Therapist wrote:

To be fair the Bastionaddes video (that I think you're referring to) was done by an experience pilot, using deadspace and faction gear, implants, and boosts, all while the players he was fighting were using the exact tactic that a blap golem will excel against. Downgrade the fit to t2, no implants or boosts, and start fighting against alpha doctrines or a gang carrying neuts, range, remote reps etc and the outcome will be dramatically different. You couldn't ask for more perfect scenarios in some of those fights.

Links, implants, booster alts, drugs, deadspace and factions gear and the perfect combat scenario against inexperienced pilots ignorant of a ships weaknesses give false impressions about what a ship is really capable of.


He killed fleets and these people are saying battleships will die to a handful of the exact same type of people while they are backed up with a small gang. Do you honestly think a torp or cruise raven cant manage to fight? Or that a domi isn't going to cause a good deal of hurt? The problem here isn't with the warp speeds or with the hulls its with the people. Its their attude and their lack of ingenuity. They want to be good without putting in the time and effort into learning how to fly these ships and blame the hulls. Frankly they come across as the people you see being slaughtered in that video.

I'm seeing this problem in a lot of players in every area of EVE and in most other games.

Those ships you mention can cause some hurt in the right circumstances, and there are a few battleships that are a great addition to a small gang or local defense team. The geddon and domi come to mind, but a lot of that is the fact that they can use a drone bunny and can field neuts. Other hulls don't fare so well. The problem is that HACs and pirate cruisers cause more hurt, offer more tactical options and do it for less isk and risk, and I think that the proof lies in what ships people actually use. T2 and pirate frigates and cruisers are far more prevalent because people gravitate naturally to the best choice available to them.

As far as ingenuity is concerned, it only takes one innovator to establish a trend. Once the superiority of a tactic becomes known, the genie is out of the bottle, and even those who are the least apt to invent a tactic are free to adopt it.

Edit: Personally, I don't want battleships to be fast. I like the fact that certain ship classes have to commit to a fight once they're in it, win or lose, I just don't think that most of the games battleships have enough of what makes a battleship a battleship to make them worthwhile.