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Industry and Trade Question: Where should I be selling my product?

Rearden IV
Generation Next
#1 - 2014-10-22 15:26:15 UTC
As a newer player to Industry, I do not know the most effective place in which to sell my finished products created through industry. Should I be selling in Jita, my nearest lesser trade hub, should I sell in the system of my production, or should I spread my product across a region?

I just need some help understanding how to get my product out into New Eden and sold to the capsuleer populace.

Thanks for the help.


Rearden IV
Petre en Thielles
#2 - 2014-10-22 15:51:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Petre en Thielles
Rearden IV wrote:
As a newer player to Industry, I do not know the most effective place in which to sell my finished products created through industry. Should I be selling in Jita, my nearest lesser trade hub, should I sell in the system of my production, or should I spread my product across a region?

I just need some help understanding how to get my product out into New Eden and sold to the capsuleer populace.

Thanks for the help.


Rearden IV

This is where alts come in handy. Remember, you pay for a training queue, not for a character. Make a few new characters (use all three slots) on each account. Don't train those alts, but place one in each trade hub. That way you can log in and check live prices in each hub any time you want.

I have an alt in each of these systems:

Jita, Amarr, Rens, Dodixie, Hek

They never have trained a single skill, but are only used for price-checks
Thanatos Marathon
#3 - 2014-10-22 15:58:32 UTC
eve central can be handy as well
Ice Fire Warriors
#4 - 2014-10-22 17:21:24 UTC
This is where some basic marketing and understanding of demographics becomes necessary (along with understanding of the products you are trying to peddle).

Ideally, you want to sell your product where people will want to buy it. Trade hubs are an obvious choice, but you will be in competition with MANY other people (even in smaller hubs).
You can try to sell your products outside of trade hubs, but will there be anyone who will actually need your product in that area? For example: if you are buying/producing warp disruptors you will find that they do not sell very well around mission running hubs, but they will sell quite well in places where PvPers stage their long-term efforts from.
#5 - 2014-10-22 17:55:13 UTC

I'll probably be echoing some of what Shah said but :

If you have a character trained up as a trader, Broker Relations and Accounting IV or V, Contracting IV or V etc and you can leave that character logged in alot, then station trading might work for you. You will have competition and sometimes, especially in Jita, you will find it frustrating to have to keep updating your orders.

OTOH I build stuff and sell it in Jita, but I don't play 0.01 games. I just decide the what I think is the right price depending on trade cycles and what I want as a markup and leave it at that, maybe check the price once in a day or two.

So that's two ways to approach station trading.

You'll get a better price with less competition if you sell outside the hubs but you will have less volume (in theory, if you can't play the price update game you may not be selling any volume anyway).

But you need to place your products where they are wanted. So if you are selling things that PvP people want you might look at places close to low sec and faction war, e.g. Stacmon or Villore. Or you want to sell to mission runners so you go to Apanake, Osmon, Lanngisi, etc. You want to sell things to ore and ice miners - check dotlan maps to find an ice system with plenty of belts and traffic.

You might also want to consider the range of things you are selling, if you are building a great variety you may need to sell in multiple locations - so perhaps just focus on one sort of thing.

Alot of it is a learning process so don't worry anout making mistakes or finding you picked a bad spot, just relocate and try again.
Rearden IV
Generation Next
#6 - 2014-10-22 19:34:46 UTC
Well it just looks like I need to get out there and experiment for myself then. I will try to isolate a certain item to make now and find a system to sell at that will likely have a demand for it (outside of trade hubs as I don't want to be consistently micromanaging the prices).

Thanks for the help.


Rearden IV
Ice Fire Warriors
#7 - 2014-10-22 20:11:33 UTC
Rearden IV wrote:
Well it just looks like I need to get out there and experiment for myself then. I will try to isolate a certain item to make now and find a system to sell at that will likely have a demand for it (outside of trade hubs as I don't want to be consistently micromanaging the prices).

Thanks for the help.


Rearden IV

Here is a piece of advice I can give; identify the equipment, ships, and ammo commonly used for a particular activity... find out where such people who perform that activity congregate/base out of... and sell certain things in that area according to that demographic.

Expanding on the example I gave above:

- people who live in low-sec mostly PvP-fit their ships. That means warp disruptors, scramblers, Microwarpdrives, Afterburners, and weapons will be in high demand (relatively speaking).

- people who run missions in high-sec will not burn through their ships and/or mods that quickly (as it is not very efficient to lose your ship when you are trying to make money). However, low-grade ammunition and drones will be used quite often (as they are consumables and/or semi-expendable).
Khun SP
Paramite Factories
#8 - 2014-10-22 22:16:10 UTC
Depends on your gaming style. If you are an active and impatient dude like I am, just go to Jita there's no other option.

But if you are willing to wait for your orders to be completed, sometimes for weeks, then go ahead and try to sell on random systems.