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3rd Overview state and Asset Search includes containers

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CCP karkur
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2014-10-20 10:27:20 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP karkur
Hi all,

In Sisi's patch today, we'll have 2 new things for you:
  • Ability to search in container
  • 3rd overview state

The first one should be pretty self explanatory, the Search tab in the Asset window will now also return items that are in containers within stations.
It's still being worked on, and is a little bit broken in the current build (finds the assets, but the quantity and singleton state is incorrect)
(Edit: It was only incorrect on my server asI had been trying to improve stuff thereSmile)

How is the "Fetch Data" and "Searching" time for you? And do you have an idea how many assets you have?
Since we are including stuff in containers, we are dealing with a lot more data. It is to be expected that it's a little bit slower than before, but hopefully not too slow.
Edit: as some of you have pointed out, items in lockable containers are missing... we'll fix that Smile

In addition, we have added a "?" icon which has tooltip that explains the Advanced search and gives examples.

The second one is something you guys have wanted for a while.
You should now be able to have a wartarget/fleetmate/etc. only overview.
You can set pilots to be "always show", which means that even though some other state they match is filtered out, they'll still be in your overview.
This change should be compatible with all current overview settings.
Please go and check this out, and let us know if you find any issues with it Smile
(the tooltip text will be refined)

CCP karkur | Programmer | Team Five 0 | @CCP_karkur

Max Kolonko
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2014-10-20 10:34:48 UTC
CCP karkur wrote:
Hi all,

In Sisi's patch today, we'll have 2 new things for you:
  • Ability to search in container
  • 3rd overview state

The first one should be pretty self explanatory, the Search tab in the Asset window will now also return items that are in containers within stations.
It's still being worked on, and is a little bit broken in the current build (finds the assets, but the quantity and singleton state is incorrect)
In addition, we have added a "?" icon which has tooltip that explains the Advanced search and gives examples.

The second one is something you guys have wanted for a while.
You should now be able to have a wartarget/fleetmate/etc. only overview.
You can set pilots to be "always show", which means that even though some other state they match is filtered out, they'll still be in your overview.
This change should be compatible with all current overview settings.
Please go and check this out, and let us know if you find any issues with it Smile
(the tooltip text will be refined)

You are a god. I'm off to setting new overview profiles :)
Ama Scelesta
#3 - 2014-10-20 11:12:11 UTC
I've never got the overview to work like I wanted it to in some situations, so thank you so much for the 3rd overview state. It sounds exactly what it has been missing.
l0rd carlos
the king asked me to guard the mountain
#4 - 2014-10-20 11:43:33 UTC
Was it not possible to make a Overview with Wartargets and Fleetmates before?

Youtube Channel about Micro and Small scale PvP with commentary: Fleet Commentary by l0rd carlos

#5 - 2014-10-20 11:47:34 UTC
watchlisted fleetmates -> always show in overview

please make it happen
Titus Tallang
EVE University
Ivy League
#6 - 2014-10-20 13:56:39 UTC
karkur best karkur

10/10 QoL changes deliver with a vengeance.

Director of Education - EVE University -

Lee Janssen
Zero Fun Allowed
#7 - 2014-10-20 14:02:58 UTC
Is there anything you cannot do, Karkur...
Star Bellatrix
Harmony Industries
#8 - 2014-10-20 14:07:14 UTC
l0rd carlos wrote:
Was it not possible to make a Overview with Wartargets and Fleetmates before?

The fleet members overview doesn't work in public fleets, since most of them would probably be neutral towards you.

And the same for the wartarget overview, you would need to add the corp/ally that you are at war with in your contact list for the overview to work. and even then sometimes it would work and sometimes it would not.
Ilyana Nehla
Caldari Supply and Armament Inc.
#9 - 2014-10-20 14:09:35 UTC
marry me karkur <3
Arkon Olacar
#10 - 2014-10-20 14:42:12 UTC
While you're at it, can you add the ability to Ctrl+A Ctrl+C when 'Viewing Contents' of a container/ship from the assets window?

Having to be in station to Evepraisal boxes of **** is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge pain in the balls
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#11 - 2014-10-20 14:45:13 UTC  |  Edited by: TheMercenaryKing
The 3rd overview state is a nice addition for the overly complex overview settings. Granted when I finally realized it was tag priority i had to move around (light blue below blue, alliance above blue, corp above alliance, fleet above corp) and changing the security statuses to below neutral and off, it was easy enough to configure right for once.

For other always on states, please do this:
Ship sizes - capitals / battleships / battlecruisers / cruisers etc.
Player owned structures - Towers / Large guns / jump bridge + Cyno gen / Hardeners

Essentially things the encompass a group that people use, so T1 and T2 Frigates would be in "always show Frigates". like the above: always show player owned structures Guns and towers with other structures disabled. Always only Battleships and Capitals.

If this above is implemented, it should be a second selection box below the 3rd overview state and said to only apply to the above states.

This means if you select "Always show Capitals" and "Always show Reds" then it will always only show Red Capitals be cause the player status to you takes priority.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2014-10-20 14:45:51 UTC
Yes yes yes yes YES!
Arsine Mayhem
#13 - 2014-10-20 14:46:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Arsine Mayhem
Ilyana Nehla wrote:
marry me karkur <3

Spam isn't helpful ^^

Asset search for containers seems to work good.

Would it be hard to add ships (cargohold, dronebay, equipped) to the container list also? Example Evemon assets.
Lena Lazair
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2014-10-20 15:26:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Lena Lazair
CCP karkur wrote:
The second one is something you guys have wanted for a while.
You should now be able to have a wartarget/fleetmate/etc. only overview.
You can set pilots to be "always show", which means that even though some other state they match is filtered out, they'll still be in your overview.
This change should be compatible with all current overview settings.
Please go and check this out, and let us know if you find any issues with it Smile
(the tooltip text will be refined)


Arsine Mayhem wrote:
Ilyana Nehla wrote:
marry me karkur <3

Spam isn't helpful ^^

EDIT: Not true... this kind of spam lets whoever karkur's boss is know that this is exactly the sort of things players REALLY REALLY REALLY want devs to be spending their time doing and that the historic absence of these UI/QoL improvements over the years has been an incredibly painful experience for the player base. We are all tickled pink that CCP's new release cycle is enabling developers to get these kinds of small, regular, incremental improvements into the game, and everyone involved in the process of finally figuring this out from karkur on up should get a raise, promotion, puppies, and gold stars. Maybe not in that order.

l0rd carlos wrote:
Was it not possible to make a Overview with Wartargets and Fleetmates before?

EDIT2: It was not possible to make an overview that showed neutral (no standing) fleetmates but NOT every other neutral on grid. Among many other similar scenarios...
Keegan Teutorix
#15 - 2014-10-20 15:37:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Keegan Teutorix
this is awesome!

kind of off topic, but is there any chance we can get the way standings are handled in the overview (settings) improved?

I'm not at all sure how this will interact with the new third state (haven't had a chance to try it) but I'm guessing it's a bit of a mess. for example, if you choose to always show good standings (and nothing else) on the overview what will happen to a person who you have personal bad standings, corp good standings, and "derived standing" of good? What about the same person if you're just showing bad standings? Will this also depend on the ordering of these states in the overview settings?
Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#16 - 2014-10-20 16:12:34 UTC
The tristate overview filters are nice, but a bit clunky. The overriding mechanic is the issue, this would work better if it was simply an inclusion filter, then I wouldn't have to exclude all standings including no standing to make any kind of useful filter. SQL to explicitly describe the logic:

SELECT * FROM player JOIN overviewsettings USING (playerid) JOIN entity ON (entity.grid = player.grid) WHERE entity.state & overviewsettings.exclusions = 0 AND (overviewsettings.inclusions = 0 OR entity.state & overviewsettings.inclusions <> 0)

The first thing I notice about searching in containers is that secure containers don't seem to be searched even if they aren't password protected? Is this intentional?
Noriko Mai
#17 - 2014-10-20 16:14:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Noriko Mai
Do ships count as containers?

EDIT: It doesn't work at all... Don't know why CryCry

"Meh.." - Albert Einstein

Marcel Devereux
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#18 - 2014-10-20 16:23:02 UTC
CCP karkur wrote:
Hi all,

In Sisi's patch today, we'll have 2 new things for you:
  • Ability to search in container
  • 3rd overview state

The first one should be pretty self explanatory, the Search tab in the Asset window will now also return items that are in containers within stations.
It's still being worked on, and is a little bit broken in the current build (finds the assets, but the quantity and singleton state is incorrect)
How is the "Fetch Data" and "Searching" time for you? And do you have an idea how many assets you have?
Since we are including stuff in containers, we are dealing with a lot more data. It is to be expected that it's a little bit slower than before, but hopefully not too slow.

In addition, we have added a "?" icon which has tooltip that explains the Advanced search and gives examples.

The second one is something you guys have wanted for a while.
You should now be able to have a wartarget/fleetmate/etc. only overview.
You can set pilots to be "always show", which means that even though some other state they match is filtered out, they'll still be in your overview.
This change should be compatible with all current overview settings.
Please go and check this out, and let us know if you find any issues with it Smile
(the tooltip text will be refined)

Any chance we can get the line item of militia and allied militia separated?
CCP karkur
C C P Alliance
#19 - 2014-10-20 16:52:03 UTC
Masao Kurata wrote:
The first thing I notice about searching in containers is that secure containers don't seem to be searched even if they aren't password protected? Is this intentional?
No, I believe they are supposed to be there, but for some reason are not (I have a defect on it)

Noriko Mai wrote:
Do ships count as containers?
EDIT: It doesn't work at all... Don't know why CryCry
No, at least not for now. We want to first see how this goes Smile

CCP karkur | Programmer | Team Five 0 | @CCP_karkur

Obil Que
Star Explorers
Solis Tenebris
#20 - 2014-10-20 17:23:55 UTC
CCP karkur wrote:
Masao Kurata wrote:
The first thing I notice about searching in containers is that secure containers don't seem to be searched even if they aren't password protected? Is this intentional?
No, I believe they are supposed to be there, but for some reason are not (I have a defect on it)

Noriko Mai wrote:
Do ships count as containers?
EDIT: It doesn't work at all... Don't know why CryCry
No, at least not for now. We want to first see how this goes Smile

Does this searching include finding assets in wormholes? :please:
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