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Guide For Skillplan From Creation To L4 Missions?

Cale Suki
#1 - 2014-10-12 18:38:12 UTC
Hello, I am wondering if there exists a guide or premade skillplan to help someone efficiently go from character creation to doing L4 missions - using Gallente ships exclusively. Either a literal guide that says "Now train this, when that is done train this...", or just a giant list of recommended skills for effectively flying your way through each level of missions culminating in a Kronos. I am trying to do this as efficiently as possible (currently training cybernetics to get attribute implants in).

Thank you!
Cale Suki
#2 - 2014-10-14 14:24:10 UTC
So I take it nothing like what I am looking for exists?
Ronix Aideron
Zymurgy Corp.
#3 - 2014-10-14 15:17:26 UTC
It is not that it does not exist it is that this has been covered before.

For L4 missions you are looking into a T3, HAC or some kind of battleship. Pick the one that gives you the most wood and train into it.

What does not exist is press button get bacon guide. You will need to put a couple of pieces of information together and create a plan.

Start the day off slow and taper off from there.

Cale Suki
#4 - 2014-10-14 15:18:46 UTC
Ronix Aideron wrote:
It is not that it does not exist it is that this has been covered before.

For L4 missions you are looking into a T3, HAC or some kind of battleship. Pick the one that gives you the most wood and train into it.

What does not exist is press button get bacon guide. You will need to put a couple of pieces of information together and create a plan.

Right, I was just looking for a premade skillplan or some way of making sure my skillplan is a good and efficient one. I don't want to waste much time on skills I won't need later and that sort of thing.
#5 - 2014-10-15 11:19:33 UTC

There have been skillplans posted in the past for some things like PvP frigate but I can't offhand recall seeing one for level 4 missions though it may exist.

It would be nice to be able to see some sample plans for common requests though.

However, in the absence of that and as you mentioned the Kronos, there are a couple of things you could do:

* have a look in the ships & modules and missions & complexes subforums, find a fit you like, use the text import thingie (haven't tried it myself) to import a ship fit, then open the said ship fit in Fitting > Browse window and drag all the red crosses from there into an ingame notepad entry. I did something similar for training an alt into a specific ship.

* look at the ship info in the market and then go to mastery part for Kronos and Megathron, look at Mastery III and IV, drag missin skills into a notepad entry. I mention the Mega as you could use if you can't use a Kronos for a while.

The Mastery info will also tell you (I think, not in game atm) how long it will take.

You also want to consider things like T2 drones, lights and sentries if they aren't included above and core skills, e.g. capacitor and fitting skills like Weapon Upgrades and Advanced Weapon Upgrades (AWU to at least III to start with, IV as a priority) and V if you can't manage the fittings, though you may be able to get by with Genolutions and/or fitting hardwires. Also, can't recall offhand if AWU V is a pre-req for Marauders (I have a feeling it is but may be wrong). Rigging skills as well for drawbacks.

If you post an eveboard link to your character people will usually try and point out any obvious gaps in your skillset.
#6 - 2014-10-15 12:32:38 UTC
as always, the answer to everything in eve, ishtar

because youll get bored of L4's fast
RaVeN Alliance
#7 - 2014-10-15 15:15:03 UTC
You need to down load EveMon. It's game app/planer, specific to Eve, and almost every player uses it.

Then make yourself a plan for the Kronos.
You're not going to sit in it any time soon though. And you will need agent standings to move up through the lower levels of missions.
Your first plan might actually be for a Vexor, Your first ship might be an Incursus.

The basics are going to be

You can't really 'learn' if someone just gives you a plan. You probably would deviate from that plan at some point anyway.
Cale Suki
#8 - 2014-10-16 01:31:18 UTC
Thanks for the feedback, folks.