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PLEX for GOOD 2014

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Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#21 - 2014-10-13 20:00:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Epeen
Red Dot Head wrote:
Totally disagree with this, this is caused by poltiics.

Katrina. Politicians not putting funding into infrastructure.
Mount St Helens. Politicians failing to put funding into disaster planning.
San Francisco fires. Politicians failing at urban planning and emergency response funding.
Multiple earthquake disasters. Politicians failing to heed expert advice.
Want a few hundred more examples?

Everything is politics dude! 'Natural' disaster or not. So all you tightass cheap bastards just own up. It's not because it's 'political', it's because you can't spare a couple of hours of time in a make believe world to help out victims in the real world.

It makes me sick sometimes to think I actually share the same genes with these people.

Mr Epeen Cool
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2014-10-13 20:10:27 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Red Dot Head wrote:
Totally disagree with this, this is caused by poltiics.

Katrina. Politicians not putting funding into infrastructure.
Mount St Helens. Politicians failing to put funding into disaster planning.
San Francisco fires. Politicians failing at urban planning and emergency response funding.
Multiple earthquake disasters. Politicians failing to heed expert advice.
Want a few hundred more examples?

Everything is politics dude! 'Natural' disaster or not. So all you tightass cheap bastards just own up. It's not because it's 'political', it's because you can't spare a couple of hours of time in a make believe world to help out victims in the real world.

It makes me sick sometimes to think I actually share the same genes with these people.

Mr Epeen Cool

For once I actually agree with you. Well said.

I don't see any reason that humanitarian relief should be sent to a "natural disaster" and not to a warzone.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Red Dot Head
State War Academy
Caldari State
#23 - 2014-10-13 20:14:22 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Red Dot Head wrote:
Totally disagree with this, this is caused by poltiics.

Katrina. Politicians not putting funding into infrastructure.
Mount St Helens. Politicians failing to put funding into disaster planning.
San Francisco fires. Politicians failing at urban planning and emergency response funding.
Multiple earthquake disasters. Politicians failing to heed expert advice.
Want a few hundred more examples?

Everything is politics dude! 'Natural' disaster or not. So all you tightass cheap bastards just own up. It's not because it's 'political', it's because you can't spare a couple of hours of time in a make believe world to help out victims in the real world.

It makes me sick sometimes to think I actually share the same genes with these people.

Mr Epeen Cool

Absolutely boulderdash. Are you saying that politicians can control natural disasters and volcanoes now?

Any of the above would not save lives and infrastructure.

Absolutely boulderdash.

Theres one HUGE problem with funding relief in war zones...they are war zones and the relief gets taken and fund the fighting.

I could site various instances of this happening. *sighs*

Decian Cor
Stronghelm Corporation
Solyaris Chtonium
#24 - 2014-10-14 02:42:06 UTC
Since there was a lack of mention in your post, I sincerely hope you have a proven and verifiable charity/organization or process in mind that will ensure the funds collected go to actually taking care of and assisting refugees and displaced persons, and aren't back-door funneled to ISIS/extremist sympathizers. Many people will be turned off from your good natured proposition solely by the associations of said conflict.

[u]Unfiltered for the masses.[/u]

Jandice Ymladris
Aurora Arcology
#25 - 2014-10-14 02:55:03 UTC
The issue with a drive of PLEX for Good campaign in Syria is that it'll only go to the civilian group supported by the 'good guys' and thereby you'll be choosing sides, wether you want it or not.
Are the civilians in need of assistance in the 'goverment controlled' areas the 'good' ones'? Or the civilians in 'rebel controlled areas' the 'good ones'? or maybe the civilians in the IS territories need the aid the most?

And above is why it's bad for CCP to get a PLEX for good going for Syria, because they'll be forced to takes sides, unwillingly, even when they donate to an aid-organisation.
With that said, there is plenty of aid-organisations you as individual can support, without CCP acting for you, you can even select which side you believe is 'right' to be supported.

In that respect, an area struck by a natural disaster is much more clear, all civilians are victim of that natural disaster, the only side you got to pick is *help the people affected by the natural disaster.

Providing a new home for refugees in the Aurora Arcology

Curious Onlooker
#26 - 2014-10-14 03:01:49 UTC
Odelya d'Hanguest wrote:
Plex for theft in warzones

Eve players donate plex
CCP translates value of plex and pays it out to charities
A portion of that donation goes to the cause, a portion goes to administrative tasks and other 'fees'.

Of the money that goes to the cause, food, water, medical supplies and other aide are sent to Syria, which are VERY often stolen by military groups on either side, and never actually make it to the people in trouble. While yes, natural disaster relief aid is far more likely to actually benefit your intended recipients, there are a number of non-profit legal groups that do a LOT of good for animal and human rights, as well as standing up for those who cannot afford to do so themselves. With many of these groups, the ones that are transparent and hold themselves accountable, all of your donation is going toward a good cause.

At the end of they day, it's your money to spend how you wish, but please consider that donations for Aid in Syria have a very good chance of actually benefitting those that are causing the problems, as opposed to those in need.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#27 - 2014-10-14 03:03:15 UTC
I dont think there are any charities left in that hell hole to donate to that wont spend the money on more weapons. I dont want to fund a charity workers murder as they try to get in there to help anyone...
Gallowmere Rorschach
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2014-10-14 03:13:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Gallowmere Rorschach
I think several of the people in this thread are missing the damned point.

The innocent who suffer in warzones are no more responsible for the events that surround them, than if it actually were a volcano eruption. For all of the control that the individual has over regional politics, they'd likely be better off with the volcano. At least magma doesn't try to kill you for crossing arbitrary borders to get away from it.

I think the only halfway sensible argument against the idea, is the one made by baltec and Red Dot.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#29 - 2014-10-14 03:15:56 UTC
Jandice Ymladris wrote:
The issue with a drive of PLEX for Good campaign in Syria is that it'll only go to the civilian group supported by the 'good guys' and thereby you'll be choosing sides, wether you want it or not.
Are the civilians in need of assistance in the 'goverment controlled' areas the 'good' ones'? Or the civilians in 'rebel controlled areas' the 'good ones'? or maybe the civilians in the IS territories need the aid the most?

And above is why it's bad for CCP to get a PLEX for good going for Syria, because they'll be forced to takes sides, unwillingly, even when they donate to an aid-organisation.
With that said, there is plenty of aid-organisations you as individual can support, without CCP acting for you, you can even select which side you believe is 'right' to be supported.

In that respect, an area struck by a natural disaster is much more clear, all civilians are victim of that natural disaster, the only side you got to pick is *help the people affected by the natural disaster.

Do you really think that a natural disaster in a totalitarian regime would be any different than a war zone when it comes to rationing supplies? Yet we send aid anyway. Not because of which side gets it, but because we have faith that people in need will get it.

As to giving personally. I do. But donating PLEX through CCP is a lot less painful for many people. You can feed a starving family for the cost of a few hours game time.

There are no 'good guys' or 'bad guys'. Those roles are interchangeable depending on what you believe. The only thing you should be considering is do you sit back in your nice home with a full belly and pass judgement? Or do you help people in need? People that one day in the future, you might need aid from.

Wars pass. Enemies become friends and friends become enemies. But one thing never changes. Doing good by your fellow human beings can only help in the long run.

Mr Epeen Cool
Curious Onlooker
#30 - 2014-10-14 03:26:10 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Jandice Ymladris wrote:
The issue with a drive of PLEX for Good campaign in Syria is that it'll only go to the civilian group supported by the 'good guys' and thereby you'll be choosing sides, wether you want it or not.
Are the civilians in need of assistance in the 'goverment controlled' areas the 'good' ones'? Or the civilians in 'rebel controlled areas' the 'good ones'? or maybe the civilians in the IS territories need the aid the most?

And above is why it's bad for CCP to get a PLEX for good going for Syria, because they'll be forced to takes sides, unwillingly, even when they donate to an aid-organisation.
With that said, there is plenty of aid-organisations you as individual can support, without CCP acting for you, you can even select which side you believe is 'right' to be supported.

In that respect, an area struck by a natural disaster is much more clear, all civilians are victim of that natural disaster, the only side you got to pick is *help the people affected by the natural disaster.

Do you really think that a natural disaster in a totalitarian regime would be any different than a war zone when it comes to rationing supplies?

Yes, because we donate to organizations like the red cross, that we have faith in to deliver the supplies to the affected people, which they have a track record of doing where the location is not an active warzone.
Gallowmere Rorschach
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2014-10-14 03:29:46 UTC
Curious Onlooker wrote:

Yes, because we donate to organizations like the red cross, that we have faith in to deliver the supplies to the affected people, which they have a track record of doing where the location is not an active warzone.

So, basically what you are saying, is that since the Red Cross doesn't have the satchel to deliver to people in need because ~safety~, any group who does is automatically untrustworthy?
Decian Cor
Stronghelm Corporation
Solyaris Chtonium
#32 - 2014-10-14 03:30:40 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Jandice Ymladris wrote:
The issue with a drive of PLEX for Good campaign in Syria is that it'll only go to the civilian group supported by the 'good guys' and thereby you'll be choosing sides, wether you want it or not.
Are the civilians in need of assistance in the 'goverment controlled' areas the 'good' ones'? Or the civilians in 'rebel controlled areas' the 'good ones'? or maybe the civilians in the IS territories need the aid the most?

And above is why it's bad for CCP to get a PLEX for good going for Syria, because they'll be forced to takes sides, unwillingly, even when they donate to an aid-organisation.
With that said, there is plenty of aid-organisations you as individual can support, without CCP acting for you, you can even select which side you believe is 'right' to be supported.

In that respect, an area struck by a natural disaster is much more clear, all civilians are victim of that natural disaster, the only side you got to pick is *help the people affected by the natural disaster.

Do you really think that a natural disaster in a totalitarian regime would be any different than a war zone when it comes to rationing supplies? Yet we send aid anyway. Not because of which side gets it, but because we have faith that people in need will get it.

As to giving personally. I do. But donating PLEX through CCP is a lot less painful for many people. You can feed a starving family for the cost of a few hours game time.

There are no 'good guys' or 'bad guys'. Those roles are interchangeable depending on what you believe. The only thing you should be considering is do you sit back in your nice home with a full belly and pass judgement? Or do you help people in need? People that one day in the future, you might need aid from.

Wars pass. Enemies become friends and friends become enemies. But one thing never changes. Doing good by your fellow human beings can only help in the long run.

Mr Epeen Cool

I want to dislike you for your incredibly smug avatar, egotistic and self-absorbed corp name, and the fact that I've never seen you forget to put that damn smiley at the end of a SINGLE post you've written. But I just can't. You speak too much sense.

That being said, I think a lot of people will refrain from donating until the conflict ends and the focus is on the 'rebuilding' portion of the spectrum, not the 'still raging on and blowing **** up and displacing people's lives' portion. Which, is a somewhat valid reason.

But some people are just plain too cynical, and can't see the good in others (though oftentimes there is cause enough for that too).

[u]Unfiltered for the masses.[/u]

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#33 - 2014-10-14 03:31:11 UTC
Curious Onlooker wrote:

Yes, because we donate to organizations like the red cross, that we have faith in to deliver the supplies to the affected people, which they have a track record of doing where the location is not an active warzone.

They also have a reputation for doing that in active war zones. Get out of your bubble or stop making **** up. Whichever applies in your case.

Mr Epeen Cool
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#34 - 2014-10-14 04:08:40 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Curious Onlooker wrote:

Yes, because we donate to organizations like the red cross, that we have faith in to deliver the supplies to the affected people, which they have a track record of doing where the location is not an active warzone.

They also have a reputation for doing that in active war zones. Get out of your bubble or stop making **** up. Whichever applies in your case.

Mr Epeen Cool

This warzone is different. At this point any aid worker that enters that warzone is effectively committing suicide.
Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#35 - 2014-10-14 05:08:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Eugene Kerner
I will say that again. Plex financed by ISK is no comittment what so ever. It is the money someone else earned and spent. Buying plex with with money and then donate said plex is rather stupid as you (in case of my country) have to pay 20% tax on it that will nevermind reach anyone in Syria.
Donate for the res cross, donate for the red crescent, donate for a know help Organisation but please stop with wasting your or other persons money.

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Zyklon Stargazer
#36 - 2014-10-14 07:26:50 UTC
I smell a scam. The money will probably go strait to the terrorists.
Dave Stark
#37 - 2014-10-14 08:57:44 UTC
syria isn't a natural disaster, i'm not inclined to donate anything to it.
Dominique Vasilkovsky
#38 - 2014-10-14 09:01:19 UTC
PLEX for Ebola would be more suitable in 2014.
Odelya d'Hanguest
Order of St. Severian
#39 - 2014-10-14 09:09:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Odelya d'Hanguest
I would like to address some concerns. While the concerns are, of course, legitimate, many of the mentioned argumentations are not based on realities on the ground.

The Red Cross is a bi-partisan organisation with decades of experience and expertise. It helps people regardless of where they live or what they might think or believe. Humans affected by the Syrian war did not choose to have their homes destroyed, their families murdered and their access to food, water and medical supplies cut off.

If PLEX for GOOD is meant to be a public relations show that does take into consideration prejudice and misinformation, I agree that money should go where the nice pictures come from. The aim, however, is to help people. Maybe it is a bit naïve to think it can be done without thinking of how it reflects back on yourself, but I strongly believe that help should be provided. That said I also completely subscribe to what Marsha Mallow wrote.

Many of us have strong political opinions when it comes to Syria, yet they do not come into play here. It is not about “right” or “wrong” in a political sense, but in a humanitarian sense that does neither judge nor ask about beliefs and judgements.

When it comes to the PLEX vs. real lief money: Many players are not able to spend their real life money. However, as they can spend some million ISK they are able to contribute to something bigger. It does not mean they will not be able to contribute to the Red Cross directly. It does not mean they will not be able to not to contribute at all. It just enables them to use this different channel. It is still their choice.

The humanitarian crisis in Syria is one of the most devastating of this century. I cannot see why people would not be affected by a suffering human because his suffering was not caused by a volcano, but by a gun. I cannot see why people would argue against helping fellow humans afflicted by horrors that go beyond our believes.


baltec1 wrote:
I dont think there are any charities left in that hell hole to donate to that wont spend the money on more weapons. I dont want to fund a charity workers murder as they try to get in there to help anyone...
The Red Cross is doing a tremendous job in Syria. You can find out more on their homepage.
Antihrist Pripravnik
Scorpion Road Industry
#40 - 2014-10-14 09:44:33 UTC
Odelya d'Hanguest wrote:

The humanitarian crisis in Syria is one of the most devastating of this century. I cannot see why people would not be affected by a suffering human because his suffering was not caused by a volcano, but by a gun. I cannot see why people would argue against helping fellow humans afflicted by horrors that go beyond our believes.

From extensive and direct experience in my own country, the "humanitarian crisis" in conflicts is 100% pure good old fashioned propaganda used exclusively when it's suitable for interests of those who control the media that is reporting about it. When it's not in "the best interest" the humanitarian crisis simply does not exists (is not reported)... or it's called "collateral damage".

And in all conflicts if there is a humanitarian crisis there is at least one involved party that can prevent, stop and/or resolve it with a single political signature on the right piece of paper. You can't do that with a natural disaster.
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