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what's the FW disadvantages ?

Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#1 - 2014-10-10 07:35:02 UTC
actually i know that FW so so so gr8 but i don't know anything about the disadvantages of the FW
Vyktor Abyss
Abyss Research
#2 - 2014-10-10 10:50:27 UTC
Ruined standings.
Limited coordination - FW corps are easy targets for spies which limits most fleets/ops.
Boring repetitive mechanics like button spinning.
Hordes of alts.
The Church of Awesome
#3 - 2014-10-10 11:26:09 UTC

It all depends.

If you join Caldari there are no disadvantages.

If you join Gallente - your basic maths skills including the ability to count will suffer.

If you join Amarr or Minmatar you will have nothing to do most of the time apart from being blown up a lot by purples because everyone knows only awoxers join those two factions.

The Wings of Maak
#4 - 2014-10-10 11:40:01 UTC
There is no real disadvantages, regarding advantages...

As example, if you are running a mission in hi sec while enrolled in fw, you may have an additional officier spawn for each mission while you will be protected by a faction police spawn

Join caldari / amarr fw !!! aditionnal content granted
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#5 - 2014-10-10 13:27:12 UTC
when you are in militia enemy highsec access turn bit complicated because of npc,

you may lose standings if you do wrong things, but usually this is not problem if you know what you do. personally i have been in milita from 2008 and now when i am not in militia i can access every highsec freely.

Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#6 - 2014-10-10 21:27:55 UTC
Standings plummeting due to neutrals. There should be a system in place for flagging non-fw pilots that enter fw warzones, adding to that they will bump my sec. status UP for policing my territory by shooting these criminal suspects. But somebody pinch me already... This is past dreaming up. Maybe a flag for activating a plex acceleration gate? I'm confused why a soldier would become red as a pirate by doing his duty. As it is, we are more vigilantes, fanatics, or radicals. ..i guess I'm cool with that too..Pirate
Sec tags ftw, because gate guns are best when they're friends
Aves Enderas
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#7 - 2014-10-10 21:37:43 UTC
Oreb Wing wrote:
Standings plummeting due to neutrals. There should be a system in place for flagging non-fw pilots that enter fw warzones, adding to that they will bump my sec. status UP for policing my territory by shooting these criminal suspects. But somebody pinch me already... This is past dreaming up. Maybe a flag for activating a plex acceleration gate? I'm confused why a soldier would become red as a pirate by doing his duty. As it is, we are more vigilantes, fanatics, or radicals. ..i guess I'm cool with that too..Pirate
Sec tags ftw, because gate guns are best when they're friends

I love the FW peeps who claim they are in it for PvP and then complain when PvP comes to them.
Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#8 - 2014-10-10 22:52:34 UTC

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#9 - 2014-10-10 23:02:25 UTC
Aves Enderas wrote:
Oreb Wing wrote:
Standings plummeting due to neutrals. There should be a system in place for flagging non-fw pilots that enter fw warzones, adding to that they will bump my sec. status UP for policing my territory by shooting these criminal suspects. But somebody pinch me already... This is past dreaming up. Maybe a flag for activating a plex acceleration gate? I'm confused why a soldier would become red as a pirate by doing his duty. As it is, we are more vigilantes, fanatics, or radicals. ..i guess I'm cool with that too..Pirate
Sec tags ftw, because gate guns are best when they're friends

I love the FW peeps who claim they are in it for PvP and then complain when PvP comes to them.

Gonna assume thats a reply to someone else because it doesnt really make sense in the context of orebs post.

However, in relation to orebs post i have no problem losing sec status, but i do remember days where i did. Choosing between shooting first and not being allowed in high sec and shooting last and dying in a dps race or worse, getting kited, is a hard one for those without sufficient alts.
Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#10 - 2014-10-11 16:44:08 UTC
Aves Enderas wrote:
Oreb Wing wrote:
Standings plummeting due to neutrals. There should be a system in place for flagging non-fw pilots that enter fw warzones, adding to that they will bump my sec. status UP for policing my territory by shooting these criminal suspects. But somebody pinch me already... This is past dreaming up. Maybe a flag for activating a plex acceleration gate? I'm confused why a soldier would become red as a pirate by doing his duty. As it is, we are more vigilantes, fanatics, or radicals. ..i guess I'm cool with that too..Pirate
Sec tags ftw, because gate guns are best when they're friends

I love the FW peeps who claim they are in it for PvP and then complain when PvP comes to them.

Nah, don't misunderstand me. If I can get away with fighting neuts, great, but you're missing the point by not seeing the penalty and broken illusion of being a cool freedom fighter for your faction. This is just my view. You don't have to like it, but its a common interruption (though welcome content) to our agenda.
Balshem Rozenzweig
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2014-10-13 12:04:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Balshem Rozenzweig
IbanezLaney wrote:

It all depends.

If you join Caldari there are no disadvantages.

If you join Gallente - your basic maths skills including the ability to count will suffer.

If you join Amarr or Minmatar you will have nothing to do most of the time apart from being blown up a lot by purples because everyone knows only awoxers join those two factions.

If you join Caldari your allied militia won't go across the space just to awox you cause they suck.

If you join Amarr your allied militia will go across the space just to awox you cause they suck and sometimes just (by accident) lack even a single system to be based of.

edit to make the post at least a bit informative:

FW is good money but only once in a while, and only after you're skilled enough to do level 4 missions. Before that you earn by starring at a timer, running away from anyone, and it can add up to as little as 20-30 M/hour. Your money comes from buyin LP store items and selling them for isk, so you also need some money to a) start buying at LP store b) transport your goods to the hub. IT can be taxing for a beginner, so help from a good corp would be welcome.

From what I notice around my parts and remember from my humble (pitiful?) beginning you get chased of a plex/deplex ever 5 minutes by players you have no chance of going against in ships you cannot dream to engage in your T1 frig. They will call you a farmer for that :P

When you have enough patience/hobbys you can fulfill listening to radio and watching timers in eve go down, you will accumulate the SP and cash required to pvp properly and be happy ever after.

Awoxing contrary to the Caldari dude doesn't happen too much, but yeah - there's a certain level of distrust among the militias. In Amarr from what I've seen it tends to go into rare war decs and, for me, it makes it a really legit militia where you can at least assume the other dude is a sane and mature person.

On a side note - go Amarr and experience how awesome it is to look down at trivialities of other militia. Grass is greener over here ;-)

"NUTS!!!" - general McAuliffe

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#12 - 2014-10-13 13:58:47 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Too much small scale pvp. Distorts timescales. You'll start thinking anywhere else in the game is f'ing boring with no action.

You'll start questioning the very foundations of Eve as well. "I don't need an alt to make isk? I can make plenty of it while getting nonstop fights all the time?"

You'll be forced to use Courier contracts to move stuff to market if you're Gallente. The side effect is that you'll realize you can actually pay somebody else to do the boring work in game while you are making isk pvp'ing.

Some guys are less inclined to go into null sec space because they have ridiculously expensive implants - others don't care about implants because they can easily afford them.

What else? You won't be able to sit on a Titan for 7 hours a day waiting for the perfect hotdrop. This of course means less time for you to surf for interesting 'articles' to 'read'.

I think that about covers it.
Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#13 - 2014-10-13 17:49:12 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Too much small scale pvp. Distorts timescales. You'll start thinking anywhere else in the game is f'ing boring with no action.

You'll start questioning the very foundations of Eve as well. "I don't need an alt to make isk? I can make plenty of it while getting nonstop fights all the time?"

You'll be forced to use Courier contracts to move stuff to market if you're Gallente. The side effect is that you'll realize you can actually pay somebody else to do the boring work in game while you are making isk pvp'ing.

Wow. Right on the money. To put that in perspective, I got bored of RvB in less than a week because I got more action in FW.
God's Apples
#14 - 2014-10-13 21:46:33 UTC
You become a fat smug roleplaying nerd that is blue to half of low sec.

"Hydra Reloaded are just jealous / butthurt on me / us because we can get tons of PVP action in empire while they aren't good enough to get that." - NightmareX

Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#15 - 2014-10-14 09:15:46 UTC
God's Apples wrote:
You become a fat smug roleplaying nerd that is blue to half of low sec.

how is that disadvantage ?!
Flash Thomson
Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#16 - 2014-10-15 15:15:44 UTC
Oreb Wing wrote:
Standings plummeting due to neutrals. There should be a system in place for flagging non-fw pilots that enter fw warzones, adding to that they will bump my sec. status UP for policing my territory by shooting these criminal suspects. But somebody pinch me already... This is past dreaming up. Maybe a flag for activating a plex acceleration gate? I'm confused why a soldier would become red as a pirate by doing his duty. As it is, we are more vigilantes, fanatics, or radicals. ..i guess I'm cool with that too..Pirate
Sec tags ftw, because gate guns are best when they're friends

I just enlisted in the militia a few weeks back and I actually feel pretty much the same way.
I care about my security standing, because I am here, fighting for the cause of the Caldari State!
Anyone entering a complex not associated with the Caldari Militia should be free game for me as part of the Caldari Militia.
Now I wouldn't take it as far as saying they should be free game every where as there are miners and traders which support the militia as well. But anything entering a complex not associated with you, is a war target!

Thats just my 2 Cents about that!

Concerning your question:

1. Steep learning curve!
2. Can be expensive, if you are a noob like me! *
3. It can ruin your faction and security standing **

- being hunted
- fighting the elite in new eden
- the adrenaline of engagement
- earning great amounts of Loyalty Points
- everything you can do in high sec is more thrilling in low sec

makes it all worth it!

*Many talk about the ISK you will be making, I am new in the militia and so far my losses out weight my monetary gains by far.
** can be fixed

Tanking since 1982

Reporting Caldari Faction Warfare news on

#17 - 2014-10-15 16:28:55 UTC
Hypocracy, Smug players, lies. How dare you play EvE your own way. Not the way I want you to play so I can get easy kills. It's all comedy in Faction Warfare.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#18 - 2014-10-15 17:18:18 UTC
greg01 wrote:
Hypocracy, Smug players, lies. How dare you play EvE your own way. Not the way I want you to play so I can get easy kills. It's all comedy in Faction Warfare.

And thats just the IBS mission statement!
Crimson Draufgange
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#19 - 2014-10-16 01:37:26 UTC
actually i know that FW so so so gr8 but i don't know anything about the disadvantages of the FW

- Standings towards enemy factions are shot.
- NPC navies in enemy high sec will attack you and they deal wuite a bit of damage (a tad slow to responde though [depends on sec status])

There are probably more, but I can't think of any at the moment.

Honestly, the benefits of of the militia life greately outweigh the disadvantages.

My Velator is overpowered.

"I use my hairgel to tackle my targets because it has a long lasting firm hold." - Me.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#20 - 2014-10-16 04:03:42 UTC
Crimson Draufgange wrote:
Honestly, the benefits of of the militia life greately outweigh the disadvantages.

This right here. Even being GalMil, with no natural access to Jita markets, resupply is never an issue. There's so many militia industry types and jump freighter services that I never even have to worry about contracting to Black Frog.

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

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