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[Phoebe] Long Distance Travel Changes - updates!

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Hole Control
#461 - 2014-10-10 01:23:11 UTC
Dream Five wrote:
There's no smooth progressive nerfing of JF range, anywhere under 10 will cut off Stain and Drone regions entirely while leaving (i think) all other regions mostly intact. The map just wasn't designed for sub-10 ly jumps. Such a change would be simply unfair to some of the existing inhabitants.

The map wasn't designed for jumps in the first place.
Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#462 - 2014-10-10 01:24:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Alp Khan
Medalyn Isis wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:
Iudicium Vastus wrote:
Stabbed-align-fit T1 industrial being used as the new shuttle.

Please CCP, don't do the fatigue reduction on T1 haulers/industrials!!!
If anything, possibly the T2 (Hell, Deep Space Transport has the title Deep Space right in its name) but NOT cheap minutes long training T1 industrials.

Your concern is quite pointless, as travel fit interceptors are already perfect and unstoppable shuttles already, besting every industrial in game by the virtues of being able to insta-align, having the best warp speed in game and at the same time, nullified.

I doubt interceptors are as fast as going through the jump bridge network with a 90% fatigue reduction, even faster if you use a cloaked transport ship. Plus you can smart bomb a fleet of interceptors at the gate.

Also, you can carry everything you need with you to refit at the destination given that you can take a freighter or hauler full of ships including fittings.

A travel fit interceptor that can insta-align, nullified, sport nearly 10K EHP (even if the pilot is dumb and fails to bounce, good luck smartbombing that!), with insane warp speeds can make a round trip around New Eden in around 30 minutes, give or take. It doesn't need to take any jump or titan bridges for this. There is talk going on about that on Reddit, I advise you to check that out.

On the other hand, a mythical T1 industrial (the racial agile versions, such as Nereus) supposedly able to carry a cruiser and assorted combat modules in the cargo hold cannot hope to be as agile or survivable. It will have considerable align time on gates. Moreover, it will be susceptible to getting caught by bubbles, regardless of taking gates or jump bridges. Once it's caught, it will suffer a quick death, as the cargo fit would preclude any meaningful tank.

Therefore, the ~concerns~ about T1 industrials getting used as shuttles are utterly devoid of merit.
Gallente Federation
#463 - 2014-10-10 01:24:53 UTC
I would like to say I agree with CCP's vision of reducing the force projection of capitals/supercapitals, and I thank CCP Greyscale and his working group for listening to the critique from the player base.

Given that, I would still like to see a few things changed, mostly in the specifics of the equations used. I don't like the idea of fatigue being potentially more than a week. For those of us who use carriers as suitcases, this makes actually getting to a new deployment so we can have "gud fites" more difficult, and that's why we are in null sec. Perhaps convoys of ships going through selected gates will help alleviate this. Time will tell. But I suggest you keep an eye on that, and be willing to modify the equations or even put a hard cap on fatigue. If I could burn through my fatigue with my carrier, to get to a new deployment, and know that I wouldn't have to wait more than a week to do it again, that would ease my concerns. The goal is to stop force projection, not wholesale force movement.

As someone who loves his Blockade Runner, I am also glad to hear that industrial transport ships will be getting the 90% reduction in jump fatigue from use of jump bridges. However, I would like to propose something that I think would be better. Instead of putting jump fatigue on bridges, which I think just slows down the chance of good fights, put a jumps/minute limit on the bridges. This would stop large fleets from moving across the map easily, since the FC would constantly have to stop and wait for the JB's to cooldown before more people can come through, but small fleets could still go through together and get to the target for a fight. And, frankly, that's the whole point of null sec. We want to encourage small gang subcap fights/raids/roams, not inhibit them. Yes, the changes to portals and black ops are welcome, but they don't solve all the problems that jump fatigue on a bridge creates. Simply putting a delay on jump bridges would greatly solve any potential problems and remove the need for most fatigue calculations on portals.
Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#464 - 2014-10-10 01:29:16 UTC
Querns wrote:
Grath Telkin wrote:
Querns wrote:

Get some actual math on JB wreathes vs interceptors and maybe this conversation has merit. Even still, interceptors are a sight safer.

Here's some math for you:

Right now people travel via jump bridges because they are the fastest most efficient way to move around their empire. This change would have added choice to that, they wouldn't have been the fastest but they'd been the safest.

Now, 30 minutes of skill training puts bridges right back as the best possible means of travel.

You have zero need of math to see that a ship that has to take gates, even a fast aligning frigate thats bubble immune, is slower than a pos that shoots you across a region and lands you in the lowsec outgate system.

Actually, I do. :sun:

Okay, so it turns out the math is pretty easy if you have the power of GTS.


So to standardize the route (and keep it firmly in grr goons territory) we are going to use YA0 to F2O as our route. It covers a pretty good portion of the map.


Here's the route a crusader takes. Note that it might be a slightly larger number of gates due to GTS's feature for optimizing for warp distance at the cost of using more gates.

Down at the bottom we see it's 49 jumps, taking 30 minutes. Note that GTS does not allow you to use implants or rigs to increase your warp speed, so this is a bog-standard, unfit interceptor.


Now, using our jump bridge network, a wreathe spends 16 minutes warping, but it has to take NINE jump bridges. Since you can't "blitz" this (the maximum number of jumps you can perform is six before your fatigue starts making your cooldown longer than five minutes,) this means that you spend a minimum of 45 minutes waiting for your fatigue to wear off. This means the wreathes take 1 hour to complete the same route.

I dunno about you, but I'll take half the time and immune to bubbles any day.

Thanks for the math, these numbers ultimately put the ~industrial power projection~ bullcrap to bed.
Celly S
Neutin Local LLC
#465 - 2014-10-10 01:31:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Celly S
Neesa Corrinne wrote:

10LY for JF's? I mean if you're gonna give into the indie whiners.

No he's not, he specifically stated why, and it had nothing to do with "indie whiners"

You really should have read his post completely before posting such an uninformed comment as to the reasoning behind the change...

not trying to berate or demean you, I'm just pointing out what should be obvious to anyone who actually reads what greyscale wrote.

Celly Smunt

Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

Caldari State
#466 - 2014-10-10 01:32:26 UTC
NotContinuum wrote:
Simply putting a delay on jump bridges would greatly solve any potential problems and remove the need for most fatigue calculations on portals.

The problem with this is that it removes the option to blitz. With the proposed mechanic people are generally slowed down but still have the option to blitz in extreme circumstances if they are willing to wear the significant fatigue.

Devs are nothing more than machines that turn coffee into code. The quality of the code is inversly proportional to the quality of the coffee.

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#467 - 2014-10-10 01:33:45 UTC
The Rorq should get the 10LY range until it gets a revamp or nullsec does.

The dunking a few posts prior on the travel industrial is hilarious.

Leader of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal.

Creator of Burn Jita

Vile Rat: You're the greatest sociopath that has ever played eve.

Caldari State
#468 - 2014-10-10 01:35:16 UTC
Burneddi wrote:
Dream Five wrote:
There's no smooth progressive nerfing of JF range, anywhere under 10 will cut off Stain and Drone regions entirely while leaving (i think) all other regions mostly intact. The map just wasn't designed for sub-10 ly jumps. Such a change would be simply unfair to some of the existing inhabitants.

The map wasn't designed for jumps in the first place.

Maybe it's worth CCP revising the map slightly instead of just trying to adjust the new mechanics to fit the map.

Devs are nothing more than machines that turn coffee into code. The quality of the code is inversly proportional to the quality of the coffee.

Medalyn Isis
#469 - 2014-10-10 01:39:03 UTC
Alp Khan wrote:
Querns wrote:
Grath Telkin wrote:
Querns wrote:

Get some actual math on JB wreathes vs interceptors and maybe this conversation has merit. Even still, interceptors are a sight safer.

Here's some math for you:

Right now people travel via jump bridges because they are the fastest most efficient way to move around their empire. This change would have added choice to that, they wouldn't have been the fastest but they'd been the safest.

Now, 30 minutes of skill training puts bridges right back as the best possible means of travel.

You have zero need of math to see that a ship that has to take gates, even a fast aligning frigate thats bubble immune, is slower than a pos that shoots you across a region and lands you in the lowsec outgate system.

Actually, I do. :sun:

Okay, so it turns out the math is pretty easy if you have the power of GTS.


So to standardize the route (and keep it firmly in grr goons territory) we are going to use YA0 to F2O as our route. It covers a pretty good portion of the map.


Here's the route a crusader takes. Note that it might be a slightly larger number of gates due to GTS's feature for optimizing for warp distance at the cost of using more gates.

Down at the bottom we see it's 49 jumps, taking 30 minutes. Note that GTS does not allow you to use implants or rigs to increase your warp speed, so this is a bog-standard, unfit interceptor.


Now, using our jump bridge network, a wreathe spends 16 minutes warping, but it has to take NINE jump bridges. Since you can't "blitz" this (the maximum number of jumps you can perform is six before your fatigue starts making your cooldown longer than five minutes,) this means that you spend a minimum of 45 minutes waiting for your fatigue to wear off. This means the wreathes take 1 hour to complete the same route.

I dunno about you, but I'll take half the time and immune to bubbles any day.

Thanks for the math, these numbers ultimately put the ~industrial power projection~ bullcrap to bed.

Not entirely. I can still think of ways to abuse this. For instance you can quickly project a very large sub capital fleet across a much wider expanse of the galaxy by using T1 freighters, Orcas or even DSTs. With the 90% fatigue, and considering you can do 6 jumps without any meaningful fatigue, that means you can very easily and quickly relocate a very large fleet in a radius of 30 light years. Much more than that if you start waiting out the cooldown.

With this system I can easily envision large entities setting up rapid response sub capital fleets such as these which can be once again projected to anywhere in the galaxy at very short notice.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#470 - 2014-10-10 01:41:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Querns
Medalyn Isis wrote:
Not entirely. I can still think of ways to abuse this. For instance you can quickly project a very large sub capital fleet across a much wider expanse of the galaxy by using T1 freighters, Orcas or even DSTs. With the 90% fatigue, and considering you can do 6 jumps without any meaningful fatigue, that means you can very easily and quickly relocate a very large fleet in a radius of 30 light years. Much more than that if you start waiting out the cooldown.

With this system I can easily envision large entities setting up rapid response sub capital fleets such as these which can be once again projected to anywhere in the galaxy at very short notice.

The fatigue is still pretty meaningful. A six jump blitz takes 15 minutes to execute, and leaves you with 77 minutes of fatigue to manage afterwards.

E: This also doesn't cover the travel time between jump bridges.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Celly S
Neutin Local LLC
#471 - 2014-10-10 01:41:40 UTC
Kismeteer wrote:
Easy fix: get rid of the drone bonus on the rorq. Increase to 10LY.

Because seriously, who uses it.

my rorqual(s) is in station, warp or POS shields... I can't honestly think of a time that I've ever deployed the drones on either of them

Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

Caldari State
#472 - 2014-10-10 01:41:48 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Retar Aveymone wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
David Magnus wrote:
These do address some of the bigger concerns, thanks for taking the time to post about these!
Have there been changes to death-clone camping, or did I miss that in a different thread?

Death clone camping is handled by the new medical clone changes that are being implemented right now. The short version is that you'll always be able to intentionally revoke your clone contract somewhere and have it reset to your rookie system.

wait what, where is this

On Nullarbor's computer, currently.

Also, to everyone who was wondering whether or not I listened, I read 4000 freaking posts by myself. Whether or not I agreed with the concerns was an open question, but I hope it was obvious from my posting that I was paying attention!

If only someone had paid attention to the wormhole community when we told you frig holes were useless and the mass based jump ranges would make it impossible to catch a covops and would create a situation where no one would jump a big ship through a hole if there was anyone at all nearby.
Celly S
Neutin Local LLC
#473 - 2014-10-10 01:45:42 UTC
Yroc Jannseen wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Mr Omniblivion wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Rorquals will stay at 5LY/90%

Is there a reason that Rorquals don't get the same 10LY range as JFs? Rorquals are used just as much for logistics as JFs, especially because their actual intended use isn't really...useful.

We didn't think it was sensible to let it keep its drone bonus and have a 10LY range, and at the end of the day the bonus won out. The ship needs a large rework anyway, and we'll revisit all this when that happens :)

If losing the drone bonus means getting a range bonus, I think most rorqual pilots would be happy with that. Nobody puts them in belts anyways.

^^this^^ and removing the drone bonus also helps negate the dreaded "BattleRorq"

Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

SiN Corp
Brothers of Tangra
#474 - 2014-10-10 01:48:40 UTC
Therefore, changes we are making to the previously-announced plan:
Jump freighter max range will be bumped up to 10LY, and they will keep the 90% fatigue-distance reduction. This represents a slight range reduction compared to TQ, so some cynos will need to be repositioned, but otherwise leaves them largely alone. Note that, because ranges multiply together for fatigue purposes, one 10LY jump is *substantially* less fatiguing (multiply by 11) than two 5LY jumps (multiply by 36)
. Rorquals will stay at 5LY/90%

I see another middle finger has been extended to the Rorqual.

Even less reason to use one other then bonus's....
Medalyn Isis
#475 - 2014-10-10 01:49:04 UTC
Querns wrote:
Medalyn Isis wrote:
Not entirely. I can still think of ways to abuse this. For instance you can quickly project a very large sub capital fleet across a much wider expanse of the galaxy by using T1 freighters, Orcas or even DSTs. With the 90% fatigue, and considering you can do 6 jumps without any meaningful fatigue, that means you can very easily and quickly relocate a very large fleet in a radius of 30 light years. Much more than that if you start waiting out the cooldown.

With this system I can easily envision large entities setting up rapid response sub capital fleets such as these which can be once again projected to anywhere in the galaxy at very short notice.

The fatigue is still pretty meaningful. A six jump blitz takes 15 minutes to execute, and leaves you with 77 minutes of fatigue to manage afterwards.

E: This also doesn't cover the travel time between jump bridges.

True, but I still think that is a very rapid method of deploying ships to where they are needed. Whether it is too rapid or not depends on what exactly the aims of this rebalance are. Despite that, it is still a lot better than a fleet of capital ships turning up from half way across the map at a moments notice, and any defending force will likely have their own capital ships ready to defend against any such sub capital rapid deployment.
Dirk MacGirk
Specter Syndicate
#476 - 2014-10-10 01:51:26 UTC
Medalyn Isis wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:
Lallante wrote:
Dirk MacGirk wrote:
Sure, because Jump Freighters are what holds empires together. If the troops can't hold the space or the moons because of the "force projection" nerfs then it wont matter if a jump freighter can more easily pick up anything ie trade goods, ships/mods, moongoo, etc.

Its both. Unnerffing JFs just means the status quo for logistics is preserved and nullsec industry will never develop. Why bother building in nullsec when you can JF from Jita in safety?

Existence of Jump Freighters isn't the reason why null industry is not developing.

So, being able to effortlessly jump all the materials you need from high sec into null sec has nothing to do with the fact that local null sec production never took off?

Do you actually believe what you write, or just propaganda?

I'm pretty sure Greyscale made it clear that nullsec industrial production is not capable of supporting itself at the level even they would desire without a reasonable logistics capability. I believe he mentioned the carrying capacity of null. Look it up, both his reference and its meaning.

Beyond even that, nullsec should never get to the point of complete self sufficiency. There will always be a reliance in resources from nullsec in hisec production. Likewise, there should always be a need for certain resources or products from hisec. To completely detach the two would be silly. But as it stands today, the reliance on each other is good for both and these changes would have stressed that reliance beyond a point the game is ready for. It will come. Now just wasn't the logical time.
Teth Razor
Chicks on Speed
#477 - 2014-10-10 01:52:40 UTC
NotContinuum wrote:
I would like to say I agree with CCP's vision of reducing the force projection of capitals/supercapitals, and I thank CCP Greyscale and his working group for listening to the critique from the player base.

Given that, I would still like to see a few things changed, mostly in the specifics of the equations used. I don't like the idea of fatigue being potentially more than a week. For those of us who use carriers as suitcases, this makes actually getting to a new deployment so we can have "gud fites" more difficult, and that's why we are in null sec. Perhaps convoys of ships going through selected gates will help alleviate this. Time will tell. But I suggest you keep an eye on that, and be willing to modify the equations or even put a hard cap on fatigue. If I could burn through my fatigue with my carrier, to get to a new deployment, and know that I wouldn't have to wait more than a week to do it again, that would ease my concerns. The goal is to stop force projection, not wholesale force movement.

As someone who loves his Blockade Runner, I am also glad to hear that industrial transport ships will be getting the 90% reduction in jump fatigue from use of jump bridges. However, I would like to propose something that I think would be better. Instead of putting jump fatigue on bridges, which I think just slows down the chance of good fights, put a jumps/minute limit on the bridges. This would stop large fleets from moving across the map easily, since the FC would constantly have to stop and wait for the JB's to cooldown before more people can come through, but small fleets could still go through together and get to the target for a fight. And, frankly, that's the whole point of null sec. We want to encourage small gang subcap fights/raids/roams, not inhibit them. Yes, the changes to portals and black ops are welcome, but they don't solve all the problems that jump fatigue on a bridge creates. Simply putting a delay on jump bridges would greatly solve any potential problems and remove the need for most fatigue calculations on portals.

Oh look. A CFC member wants even more, imagine that.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#478 - 2014-10-10 01:54:33 UTC
While I am slightly dismayed by the change to JF to 10ly, I understand the need.

The important point is.... that the hand writing is on the wall. Null sec industry will get put in a better and more logical place (as it should be) providing useful things for larger numbers of people to do in Null, and then JF will be trimmed back again.

This will promote many good things, including more local markets for resources and manufactured goods.

Overall this will follow Ranger 1's golden rule:
The larger the territory you control, the more lucrative it should be... but also the more difficult and costly it will be to defend effectively.

If this philosophy continues to be pursued it fuels both the desire to hold and develop your own territory... and incentives and enables others to try and take your territory (or at least portions thereof) from you.

Of course, there are still a lot of pieces to put in place to truly achieve this result.

On a side note, when the nerfs and adjustments to logistics kick in again, it think it would be both interesting and fitting if the Blockade Runner remained the fastest (and most capable) gate to gate hauler but the Deep Space Transport became the fastest hauler to use when using a Jump Bridge network.

It just seems appropriate.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Komi Toran
Caldari State
#479 - 2014-10-10 01:57:28 UTC
I still think that what is needed is giving players the tools for force interdiction, not a sledgehammer to force projection. And I still think roaming carrier gangs will be the new meta (you're definitely never going to see a BS fleet unsupported by a carrier or ten), and the virtual obliteration of any distinction between cap and subcaps is going to be bad for the game. But these modifications have netted the changes a new rating of "Only Mostly Terrible." So... yay?

Industrials (t1 or otherwise) will likely be the local conveyance of choice through JBs (I have a funny picture of a fleet of indies backed by an Orca or two jumping from bridge to bridge to cut off a hostile fleet, swapping ships just before engaging), with Blockade Runners perhaps being used for mid-range shuttle service over inties. Long distance travel is still relegated to interceptors.

Anyone expecting nullsec to change from this, to become more dynamic, still doesn't get that the problem lies in the static nature of the space itself and a sov system that encourages players to maintain the status quo, not the capabilities of the ships. Aside from a short-term shakeup, nothing will change with this except for a demand for more alts. And any future attempts to break up null stagnation will similarly succeed or fail whether this change is made or not.
J A Aloysiusz
Risk Breakers
#480 - 2014-10-10 01:57:36 UTC