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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Acceleration Gates (Rough Idea)

First post
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#1 - 2014-10-08 13:04:12 UTC
Building on the recently announced idea of player made gates, and the success of the FW changes made in the last year or so.

What about playermade acceleration gates that open up into little pockets of space within existing systems. Have them work like any other acceleration gate. LImited by size of ship, scannable with dscan etc.

Maybe have a cap on how many could exist per system, allow players to set up mobile depots or other deployables, maybe as large as a small pos, or some sort of new pos-like/ mobile depot like deployable. Allow people to fight over and compete for control of prime locations.

I guess the overall concept would be like mini basing area's where the size of the ship class could be... regulated, the way accelaration gates are used now. Maybe you'd have to anchor some sort of deployable to designate or maintain control but I think it has potential.

Clearly the idea could use some fine tuning, but I'm curious how or if people could build on such a concept.
Zoltar Nosisk
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2014-10-08 13:23:24 UTC
I dont think Eve needs a farmville type of system to keep players entertained. There are more pressing matters to focus on
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#3 - 2014-10-08 13:27:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Yogsoloth
Zoltar Nosisk wrote:
I dont think Eve needs a farmville type of system to keep players entertained. There are more pressing matters to focus on

Like warp disruptors being too powerful, amiright ? Your thread is --> way. GTFO of here. This is a new idea discussion, not a pressing matters thread. NEW IDEAS. You make my head hurt and the day is just starting.
Zoltar Nosisk
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2014-10-08 13:31:53 UTC
Yogsoloth wrote:
Zoltar Nosisk wrote:
I dont think Eve needs a farmville type of system to keep players entertained. There are more pressing matters to focus on

Like warp disruptors being too powerful, amiright ? Your thread is --> way. GTFO of here. This is a new idea discussion, not a pressing matters thread. NEW IDEAS. You make my head hurt and the day is just starting.

Please do not bring up seperate matters, warp disruption is a different thread. Lets stay on topic please

This is a nice new idea. But it caters to a model that uses pay to win, and that should not be in Eve
There are alternative games around that offer a thing like this. Farmville only being a quick example
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#5 - 2014-10-08 13:36:19 UTC
WTF are you talking about pay to win ? Just stop already.

This has nothing to do with isk or farming isk. It is an idea about creating more PVP and competition for limited resources, and creating more opportunity for small gang warfare. Creating more industry opportunities, new activities, NEW IDEAS.

Zoltar Nosisk
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2014-10-08 13:43:30 UTC
Yes this is the Features & Ideas Discussion part of the forum
Notice how it says "discussion" at the end there

I feel like committing to a change where players could "own" and or "build" acceleration gates will perhaps generate more rescources, but will also allows players to further monopolize parts of space or certain regions/part of a region. This will be commonly associated with "building" type games like Farmville, or perhaps Sim City

This is a bad thing since it caters to a specific small group of people while deliberately excluding the majority of Eve players from accessing resource rich environments because you would like to see farmville implemented into Eve

Hopefully CCP does keep their sanity and does not implement a pay to win model
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#7 - 2014-10-08 13:52:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Yogsoloth
Zoltar Nosisk wrote:
Yes this is the Features & Ideas Discussion part of the forum
Notice how it says "discussion" at the end there

I feel like committing to a change where players could "own" and or "build" acceleration gates will perhaps generate more rescources, but will also allows players to further monopolize parts of space or certain regions/part of a region. This will be commonly associated with "building" type games like Farmville, or perhaps Sim City

This is a bad thing since it caters to a specific small group of people while deliberately excluding the majority of Eve players from accessing resource rich environments because you would like to see farmville implemented into Eve

Hopefully CCP does keep their sanity and does not implement a pay to win model

I understand you can't fix stoopid, and it's obvious you are new to game and have no idea what youre talking about. But let me try to shed some light on your dark little corner of the universe.

The resource is the pocket of space, not some new mineral or moon goo or whatever.
There is no way to monopolize it because they would be open to conquering by any people that feel like they'd want to give it a try. The building of the gates is already on the table as ccp has announced plans for player made gates.
Ive never played farmville or sim city but I hope you realize everythingin EVE is made by players. The entire game revolves around creating items in game and destroying said items or getting them destroyed.
Zoltar Nosisk
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2014-10-08 14:01:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Zoltar Nosisk
Yogsoloth wrote:
Zoltar Nosisk wrote:
Yes this is the Features & Ideas Discussion part of the forum
Notice how it says "discussion" at the end there

I feel like committing to a change where players could "own" and or "build" acceleration gates will perhaps generate more rescources, but will also allows players to further monopolize parts of space or certain regions/part of a region. This will be commonly associated with "building" type games like Farmville, or perhaps Sim City

This is a bad thing since it caters to a specific small group of people while deliberately excluding the majority of Eve players from accessing resource rich environments because you would like to see farmville implemented into Eve

Hopefully CCP does keep their sanity and does not implement a pay to win model

I understand you can't fix stoopid, and it's obvious you are new to game and have no idea what youre talking about. But let me try to shed some light on your dark little corner of the universe.

The resource is the pocket of space, not some new mineral or moon goo or whatever.
There is no way to monopolize it because they would be open to conquering by any people that feel like they'd want to give it a try. The building of the gates is already on the table as ccp has announced plans for player made gates.
Ive never played farmville or sim city but I hope you realize everythingin EVE is made by players. The entire game revolves around creating items in game and destroying said items or getting them destroyed.

While I cannot stop you from questioning my level of intelligence (even though I do not see an apparant reason to do so), I would kindly ask you to refrain from calling me a person that is characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness. In doing so you have received a report on your thread.

To come back on topic, I fully understand your idea behind a recource pocket that can be accessed by "anyone".
What you fail to understand however is that "moon goo" as you refer to, is also accessible by any player in the Eve universe
Yet it is a 99% monopolized good, ruled and organised by the larger entities of space

Creating a new source where these large entities can establish their foothold, bears a striking resemblance with Sim building games such as the previously mentioned titles, Farmville and Sim City.
I hope to have explained clearly enough in a manner that you can understand, the concept of pay to win and the monopolization of Farmville features, such as the one you are suggesting
Captain Cean
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#9 - 2014-10-08 14:02:19 UTC
Zoltar Nosisk wrote:

I feel like committing to a change where players could "own" and or "build" acceleration gates will perhaps generate more rescources, but will also allows players to further monopolize parts of space or certain regions/part of a region. This will be commonly associated with "building" type games like Farmville, or perhaps Sim City

This is a bad thing since it caters to a specific small group of people while deliberately excluding the majority of Eve players from accessing resource rich environments because you would like to see farmville implemented into Eve

ok i see no use off his idea but
what the hell do YOU talk about ?

i am not sure if you havent played Farmville or EVE cause by the stuff you talk one of them must be unknown for you
Tabyll Altol
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2014-10-08 14:04:52 UTC
I thought setting up a pos requiered a moon why should a need a gate to get there ?


Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#11 - 2014-10-08 14:21:51 UTC
Tabyll Altol wrote:
I thought setting up a pos requiered a moon why should a need a gate to get there ?


If not a POS maybe it would be a new kind of deplotable, like the beacons located in FW plexes now. Something to designate ownership or control. Something that has to be destroyed to in order to conquer said space.
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#12 - 2014-10-08 14:39:58 UTC
To quote the OP from several of his posts in this thread:
Yogsoloth wrote:

  • ... GTFO of here. .... You make my head hurt and the day is just starting.
  • WTF are you talking about pay to win ? Just stop already. ...
  • I understand you can't fix stoopid, and it's obvious you are new to game and have no idea what youre talking about. But let me try to shed some light on your dark little corner of the universe. ...
Let me say it this way: Posting personal attacks in response to other posters in your own thread, is one of the best ways to get your thread locked.

Thread locked.

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ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)