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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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hi im looking

#1 - 2014-10-06 12:42:43 UTC
well ill keep this short.

im a new player only around 3 weeks in.

i have enjoyed my training in null and spent me whole time there.
i really like pvp
but want to find something that fills my wallet.
im loyal and fast learning,
not into disrespectful players (even if you are joking)
i just want to have fun and learn and be treated like im not **** on a boot.

high sec/low sec/ null sec/ wh all ok

i just want fun and isk
Shurgin Ambraelle
Vagrants Against Gankers In Null Alliances
#2 - 2014-10-07 03:32:17 UTC
You can check us out but I would like to see your SP and speak with the hiring staff.

Drop me a line


I am Shurgin Ambraelle the new CEO of the FUCSs

The Freighters Under Construction and Support Services, or FUCSs as we playfully call ourselves, is an full spectrum corp building the way towards large scale construction and operations. We are looking for all types of pilots. They could be ice, ORE, PI, anything or just stright PVP. Low taxes and opportunity to build items and ships. We have research people available at your disposal. If you are looking to build a specific ship let us know we can buy the needed research and data cores to move forward. Please Feel to contact us.
We are actively looking for all pilots. Our SRP program has begun where if you are working and get popped we can replace your ship for little or no cost to you. Some restrictions apply but they are minimal. Minimal Skill points and skill assessment required for 0.0 operations.

Join the BuyFUCSs Channel and Speak with one of the pilots in there, reply to this thread, or EVEmail me in to learn more. Full API is required.

Minimum Requirements

4.5 Million SP in Industry


4.5 Million in PVP

Not a Combination of the two

Thank you for reading
~Shurgin Ambraelle

The Biggest FUCer of them all!! RL COMES 1ST!!

-The Gene Pool Could Use a Little Chlorine!! Proud Member of InPanic!!

Gallente Federation
#3 - 2014-10-07 07:58:26 UTC
If you are looking to pvp and also make some isk you should consider factional warfare.

Pillow Brigade is recruiting and our advert can be found here

There are no hard sp requirements, and we can help you with skill plans, fittings and also have a ship replacement program. Being in fw we are based mainly in low sec so shouldn't be an issue if you started in null.