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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Prince Kobol
#6821 - 2014-10-05 07:47:40 UTC
Gregor Parud wrote:
Hmmm, the thread slowed down. Seems the CFC whine train ran out of steam, perhaps they just ran out of tears to shed.

Have a closer look at who is posting, very few goons are against this, you know why, because it benefits them more then anybody else.

They have the manpower to cope with the changes. They have the Capital ships to defend their home systems, they have the isk to seed system after system with carriers and dreads and they are going to have even more isk after these changes.

Gabriel Karade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#6822 - 2014-10-05 07:48:02 UTC
Vytone wrote:
onefineday wrote:
Rip eve , every one welcome to 2007. no more quick response fleets no more cap fights every one is gonna sit in its little space corner and take gates all around cos ccp solution to solve bad Hardware is to nerf a game to 2007, as a player am really sad i need to pay money for this game sad its nothing else even similar on a market . Sad to see such a terrible solution you apply to a game i hope you gonna put last nail in a coffin witch nearly happened whit incarnia.

The game was so much better in 2007!

Well done CCP!

*Start slow clap here*


2007 was actually my favourite year in Eve; found a nice little patch in Curse to call home, solo roaming in a Blasterthon...... happy days

While I don’t think we’ll be quite going back to that, the sense of scale will I think be restored – eve will be ‘Big’ again, which can only be a good thing.

War Machine:

Caldari State
#6823 - 2014-10-05 07:55:29 UTC
Max Deveron wrote:

1.) This change probably does not concern you because you are mainly a pvp'r
2.) You are correct that many do not care about nullsec
3.) Those that do care, whether kicked out...had to go do something more fun...whatever. They have neither the production ability for Caps, or more so SuperCaps to compete in any way possible with current Apex Forces.
4.) Because of the production gap....even taking whole fleets of subcaps would be beaten to a pulp, and if no,t blobbed by other sub caps.....then a Cap or Super Cap hotdrop.

So maybe the change will be good...and maybe it will not make a bit of difference. But if it some how does affect the ability of production in any meaningful in less because your losing logistics or whatever than that opens the door to choices for the small guy or groups that do want to return to null in a meaningful way.
As a pvp'r you will have to make choices as well as your leaders...Do you send or force escort forces with the Carriers/JF doing logistics? Will you have to shore up only specific systems or constellations to properly defend them? Will those defense groups be hard to control if Fleet A is getting a major fight, Fleet B is on standby to assist or deploy elsewhere....but Fleet C (the one your in) has been ordered to stay put no matter what.
We shall all have to wait and see what happens.
But, your own personal arrogant, ranting way of speaking.....its a little sound like every other line member that is upset CCP is about to **** in your cheerios. Welcome Back to the rest of EvE where things must be done to promote PvP and actual real Empire building and crusading.

Hey man, if it makes game better for all of us and we get small fights and more fragmented null as a result, I am all for it. I get what you're saying and the perspective you're coming from. I am not trying to be arrogant and I am not ranting. The change affects all of us, but not in a way intended, at least from conceptual standpoint. I will be looking forward to it on SiSi to test things out.

I think most people would be little upset, but ultimately OK, with nerf to Jump Range. It's the fatigue thing that is completely and utterly unnecessary. I looked at few different spreadsheets posted in this thread and if numbers are adding up correctly, it's flat out stupid. And what's with the medical clone change and podex?

I am not for this change, but I am not against a change. It's just that this particular one seems like something someone came up with during their lunch hour in the company cafeteria. It doesn't seem well thought out and reeks of "it's better to do something than nothing at all". It insults intelligence of many players. Instead of coming out with this ludicrous proposed change, why not elicit a creative thread where people can suggest some ideas, take some input from people actually playing the game? Posting a blog saying "Incoming!" is sure to invite ranting, tears, trolling, butthurt and all creative posts will get lost in the sea of flame posts and disarray.

I guarantee you, a lot of us in null would like nothing more than to have fun times shooting people and having people shoot at us. We're bored. We're bored to a point where mining is becoming new cool thing to do. I just can't see how this change will "change" any of the current situation game is in. It just forces current entities to dig deeper and secure their space even more. Perhaps even start occupying low sec for some stuff.

But anyway, if this change refreshes the game and makes it more interesting, I have nothing against the changes and welcome them. The little voice inside my head though tells me this will turn into a disaster.
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#6824 - 2014-10-05 07:58:58 UTC
Altrue wrote:
Maybe that's just me, but I just realized that (if I'm not wrong) even subcaps will get fatigue from using a titan, black ops, and jump bridge.

Correct ?

yes, to prevent from daisy chaining titans and to keep bridges from being the new defacto travel method
#6825 - 2014-10-05 08:03:22 UTC
Nullbears are still not getting it.

-No thug cares for their space. No one wants to attack you. You nullbears yourselves say your space is worthless. You all live in high sec.

-CCP is farming us. Nullbears think they are evil internet tough guys. We all are customrs paying a company real money to play their game. CCP wants more customers. You null guys are killing the game itself.

-Null sex is **** and new player unfriendly. Goons and the like are bottomfeeders that ruin the game for new players.

Do the maths yourselves.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6826 - 2014-10-05 08:03:56 UTC

Some ISD **** told me to post here :

#1Posted: 2014.10.02 07:04 | Report | Edited by: Luwc
I have been wondering :

All fine and dandy but this makes no difference to small entities aslong as 1000 baltecs, Ishtars or w/e... Lol

Its the numbers not the ships beeing fielded.

If large null sec groups wont be able to bring in their mass archons they will bring in their mass subcaps still resulting in smaller groups not having a chance in any null.

Jump Bridges/Portal are affected as well but slowing down everything stops escelations to happen so this will most likely end in less pvp than actually more pvp.

SOV Holding alliances are basically locked in their own regions. so smaller groups will have to venture into THEIR sov ending up within 5ly and therefore beeing blobbed to f*ck again.

I am afraid that this change will infact buff large null groups instead of nerfing them as they can turn their space into a bulwark gettin phat of that moon goo.

Its a nice idea but still needs a whole lot of work.

how about working on a cyno mass limit within a certain range of the cyno for example ?

like 5 supers per cyno within 25au ...

Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#6827 - 2014-10-05 08:08:11 UTC
SanDood....this is for you(im kinda new to forum warior style of pvp not sure how to make diferent quotes of your reply to repond properly to)
Medical clones/podex = i have no idea
Im not for it or against either...mainly because Highsec is my Home now. But I keep abreast of EvE politics and spend time theorizing all the possibile what if's from any view.
Boredom....yes i can see that...i seen it everyday for 2 years now as it affects highsec and in some case new player retention.
Change would be good
Josef Djugashvilis
#6828 - 2014-10-05 08:08:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Josef Djugashvilis
Prince Kobol wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
Hmmm, the thread slowed down. Seems the CFC whine train ran out of steam, perhaps they just ran out of tears to shed.

Have a closer look at who is posting, very few goons are against this, you know why, because it benefits them more then anybody else.

They have the manpower to cope with the changes. They have the Capital ships to defend their home systems, they have the isk to seed system after system with carriers and dreads and they are going to have even more isk after these changes.

From Chribba:

You're welcome.

This is not a signature.

Caldari State
#6829 - 2014-10-05 08:11:13 UTC
Rahelis wrote:
Nullbears are still not getting it.

-No thug cares for their space. No one wants to attack you. You nullbears yourselves say your space is worthless. You all live in high sec.

-CCP is farming us. Nullbears think they are evil internet tough guys. We all are customrs paying a company real money to play their game. CCP wants more customers. You null guys are killing the game itself.

-Null sex is **** and new player unfriendly. Goons and the like are bottomfeeders that ruin the game for new players.

Do the maths yourselves.

I fail to see, then, how this change positively affects you? Or is it that because it negatively affects null entities that you get positive emotions, thus it's a good thing?

Seriously man, this line of reasoning is not good for any of us, null or otherwise. When one sides with the company out of pure spite and disgust they have for people most affected by the change bad things tend to happen.

Does this change somehow bring in more customers? I don't see it. What is their new marketing going to look like then:

"Sign up for EVE Online today and get 30 days free game time. By the way, remember that big B-R battle this year? We at CCP are dedicated to making sure that you as a new player in EVE will never get to experience it. But wait, there is more! Call within next 15 minutes and we will include not 1, not 2, but 3 units of Trit in your rookie ship hull."

Get real.
MeLuv Ulongtime
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#6830 - 2014-10-05 08:52:17 UTC
Can you guys please lock this already. Greyscale has already said he's not reading any more posts. Apparently when the players rage, he resorts to sticking his fingers into his ears and screaming "LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!" until everyone stops posting. There's cocopuffs to vanquish.

They're doing it.
They don't care if you like it or not.
They're not going to change it.

(generic "delicious tears", "HTFU" "GTFO" & "Can I haz your stuff" comments)
Azami Nevinyrall
#6831 - 2014-10-05 08:56:00 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
Hmmm, the thread slowed down. Seems the CFC whine train ran out of steam, perhaps they just ran out of tears to shed.

Have a closer look at who is posting, very few goons are against this, you know why, because it benefits them more then anybody else.

They have the manpower to cope with the changes. They have the Capital ships to defend their home systems, they have the isk to seed system after system with carriers and dreads and they are going to have even more isk after these changes.

From Chribba:

You're welcome.

Seems like alot of Goon tears...


Manfred Sideous
#6832 - 2014-10-05 09:08:03 UTC
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
Hmmm, the thread slowed down. Seems the CFC whine train ran out of steam, perhaps they just ran out of tears to shed.

Have a closer look at who is posting, very few goons are against this, you know why, because it benefits them more then anybody else.

They have the manpower to cope with the changes. They have the Capital ships to defend their home systems, they have the isk to seed system after system with carriers and dreads and they are going to have even more isk after these changes.

From Chribba:

You're welcome.

Seems like alot of Goon tears...

the_mittani wrote:

When confronting the enemy on the forums, many of whom will be thinking that the CFC will be made less secure by these changes somehow, make sure to adopt a posture of smug satisfaction about the inherent superiority of life on the ~west side~. As it stands right now these changes will ensure that the West becomes an eternal empire; while the bridge hit is obnoxious, much of our key infrastructure is accessible within reasonable jump cooldown limits due to geography, where life on the East will be rendered a smoking hellscape. Should our foes try to attack or dislodge us, their capital fleets will no longer be able to 'ninja' away from our sledgehammer of overwhelming force, as they do in the present system. We will also be able to use our own local capital fleets with total impunity and no risk of a cross-galaxy counterattack. Defense, you say? The existing CFC Forward Operating Base system will be expanded to ensure that we can 'bounce' simply using our jump clones, and we already have set logi routes to the primary FOBs from wars past. The situation for us is excellent. The situation for our various assembled enemies is a Goddamned Nightmare, and yet many of them are so foolish that they'll loudly support these changes, deluded into thinking it hurts us more than them.


Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#6833 - 2014-10-05 09:09:45 UTC
Altrue wrote:
Maybe that's just me, but I just realized that (if I'm not wrong) even subcaps will get fatigue from using a titan, black ops, and jump bridge.

Correct ?


♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Dean Wong
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#6834 - 2014-10-05 09:15:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Dean Wong
Rahelis wrote:
You nullbears simply do not get it.

Null sex is a wasteland - noone lives there - it is a waste of server time - about 3500 empty systems CCP maintains for no reason.

Why: Bad game design and some ****** up players noone cares about.

All you internet tough guys live in high sec. Noone cares for your **** space - even your own guys flee from the boredom of null sex. Noone wants to take it - why should someone take a piece of ****?

PVP takes place in low sec, mostly in FW low sec - because tons of players go there every day and some even live there. All nullbears come to FW space sooner or later to fight - not because they have good fights in their own **** space.

For many a nullbear this trip to FW space is their first battle - they all get wasted fast.

That is why nullbears ae the worst F1 players I ever saw - they are simply not used to think for themselves.

FW on the other hand in direly broken due stagnant null sex. Noobs like PL and alike titan brigde fleets on single cruisers in FW space - I saw this in amarr and cal space - because they have literally no content in null sex to offer.

CCP wants to make null sex interesting - by killing all the ppl that live there now and destroy the ****** up game style.

Do you understand that?

CCP does not care for you nullbears - or your stupid tears. They wil destroy you - or you adapt.

I have a question for you. Have you lived in null sec before? I get more fun and PVP in null then low sec FW with their plex farming in their cloaky T1 frigates. I get more fun from having to actually fight outnumbered in big powerful ships then chasing some small stuff in low. Lastly I like PVP without losing my sec status. These are the more common reasons why null sec residence don't bother with low sec FW. You claim we don't use our brains to fight, well in that case, use your brains and learn how to avoid been hotdrop by PL. Stop crying to CCP!!!

Null sec is desolate not because of us evil donuts nul sec masters. It is deserted because of what CCP did. Now only a few systems are worth living in due ro risk vs reward.

All prospoal, especially to logistic ships, will isolate null sec even more. Good luck trying to supplies deep into null sec to defend your space if you're a small alliance. Good like using local resources (i.e mining) to maintain your needs. Good luck trying to PVP in low sec with all those smartbombing captial ships sitting on the gate.

Good luck getting alliances to unblue each other. Alliances all want to protect their resources after the change for logistical reasons, this will lead to consolidation of power on all side, reinforcing the so call donut. Once that happens, guess what? You will not only have PL in low sec, but CFC, N/3 and BL all doing the same, all with their captial ships roaming around.

One last point. Do you like to fly around in a T1 frigate fully T2 fitted for under 10 million? You can kiss that goodbye when CCP go ahead with this proposal. PVP ships will be priced at the level when I started to PVP. 15 million to fit a frigate. 30 million to fit a crusier etc etc. Yeah, goodluck seeing more PVP. I forsee more farming for isk to support PVP.
Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#6835 - 2014-10-05 09:17:33 UTC
Rahelis wrote:
Nullbears are still not getting it.

-No thug cares for their space. No one wants to attack you. You nullbears yourselves say your space is worthless. You all live in high sec.

-CCP is farming us. Nullbears think they are evil internet tough guys. We all are customrs paying a company real money to play their game. CCP wants more customers. You null guys are killing the game itself.

-Null sex is **** and new player unfriendly. Goons and the like are bottomfeeders that ruin the game for new players.

Do the maths yourselves.

we get it you got touched somewhere by the evil null people
Now stop spamming the thread and do something productive, like discussion, or playing the game in your precious highsec

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Bearing Srl.
#6836 - 2014-10-05 09:21:16 UTC  |  Edited by: gascanu
Luwc wrote:

Some ISD **** told me to post here :

#1Posted: 2014.10.02 07:04 | Report | Edited by: Luwc
I have been wondering :

All fine and dandy but this makes no difference to small entities aslong as 1000 baltecs, Ishtars or w/e... Lol

Its the numbers not the ships beeing fielded.

If large null sec groups wont be able to bring in their mass archons they will bring in their mass subcaps still resulting in smaller groups not having a chance in any null.

Jump Bridges/Portal are affected as well but slowing down everything stops escelations to happen so this will most likely end in less pvp than actually more pvp.

SOV Holding alliances are basically locked in their own regions. so smaller groups will have to venture into THEIR sov ending up within 5ly and therefore beeing blobbed to f*ck again.

I am afraid that this change will infact buff large null groups instead of nerfing them as they can turn their space into a bulwark gettin phat of that moon goo.

Its a nice idea but still needs a whole lot of work.

how about working on a cyno mass limit within a certain range of the cyno for example ?

like 5 supers per cyno within 25au ...

oh, but they will be able to bring their archons... i already said this before, they will replace bs fleets with carrier fleets, since now they can use the gates. why? because it's the next logic step do do: a nano carrier is able to move faster than a bs, have better dps and hp, carry their own logistics, and can refit in a moment; as an extra bonus they have "burst speed"((jump drives) that will allow them to have a HUGE tactical advantage -they can choose to change the gate they entering in a system in a moment, just one ex- so all this ppl saying carrier are dead are wrong;
they are not dead, they are just reborn: they are the new bs(fleet wise) Blink
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#6837 - 2014-10-05 09:28:39 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Gregor Parud wrote:
Hmmm, the thread slowed down. Seems the CFC whine train ran out of steam, perhaps they just ran out of tears to shed.

Have a closer look at who is posting, very few goons are against this, you know why, because it benefits them more then anybody else.

They have the manpower to cope with the changes. They have the Capital ships to defend their home systems, they have the isk to seed system after system with carriers and dreads and they are going to have even more isk after these changes.

Nice propaganda, you're doing great.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6838 - 2014-10-05 09:28:51 UTC  |  Edited by: joehillbilly
The spitefulness and lack of character shown by many of the posters is very disappointing and only serves to spread the gap between CCP, the CSM, and we, the players.

These changes are going to make eve more costly (in game or out) for all of us to continue to play with the immediacy we now enjoy.

This will cause nul to work with lo sec to get back and forth to hi sec. This will most likely create new "mega coalitions" that will now reach from hi sec to nul. Sovereignty will be more by occupation. Both hi and lo sec will now see "control" by these new coalitions. Concord and the Navies have not been able to deal with the coalitions when they choose to "burn Jita", or hulkageddon, and now CODE. I apologize in advance for those I have not mentioned. I wonder how faction warfare will factor in to these new coalitions.
As an edit for this paragraph: more people will need to move to nul sec because of the new demands on logistics and "occupation". They will be "let in" by the mega coalitions" . Not fight their way in.

Those seeing this as an opportunity for the "little guy" are not seeing the additional logistics they will need to burden as well.

Eve will change for a lot of people. The hi sec carebear will see his risk and thus cost of participation increased. The lo sec player will have more pressure fron the nul sec groups than ever before. Nul sec will "starve" otherwise.

I see this as a way for CCP to sell more plex as there will be higher losses in the game. If players can not plex, missions don't pay enough to continue training or buying newer hardware. Mining can take lots of time, as well as exploration, etc. This will make the learning curve even tougher for a new player who will see more pressure from all sides with the new changes.

Content appears to contextually mean losing ships. More content means losing more ships. This appears to be the consensus from the posts. I've lost a lot of ships. I could not earn enough isk to participate at the rate of my former corps in game. I really prefer not losing ships unless I can buy / build a new one. Preferably through isk I've earned in game.

PVP is rarely 1v1. It's normally 1v more than 2.

These changes will make it more difficult for everyone in eve to maintain business as usual. We need more players and or accounts. I see it as a better business model to have more players first, then more second accounts later.

This is the sand box. Cat poop and all. I hope someone can show me the "plusses" to this in hard in game earned isk.
#6839 - 2014-10-05 09:30:07 UTC
SanDooD wrote:
Rahelis wrote:
Nullbears are still not getting it.

-No thug cares for their space. No one wants to attack you. You nullbears yourselves say your space is worthless. You all live in high sec.

-CCP is farming us. Nullbears think they are evil internet tough guys. We all are customrs paying a company real money to play their game. CCP wants more customers. You null guys are killing the game itself.

-Null sex is **** and new player unfriendly. Goons and the like are bottomfeeders that ruin the game for new players.

Do the maths yourselves.

I fail to see, then, how this change positively affects you? Or is it that because it negatively affects null entities that you get positive emotions, thus it's a good thing?

Seriously man, this line of reasoning is not good for any of us, null or otherwise. When one sides with the company out of pure spite and disgust they have for people most affected by the change bad things tend to happen.

Does this change somehow bring in more customers? I don't see it. What is their new marketing going to look like then:

"Sign up for EVE Online today and get 30 days free game time. By the way, remember that big B-R battle this year? We at CCP are dedicated to making sure that you as a new player in EVE will never get to experience it. But wait, there is more! Call within next 15 minutes and we will include not 1, not 2, but 3 units of Trit in your rookie ship hull."

Get real.

Some of us can see past the end of our own nose and see how this is good for the game even if it is bad for us personally...
Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#6840 - 2014-10-05 09:43:17 UTC


oh, but they will be able to bring their archons... i already said this before, they will replace bs fleets with carrier fleets, since now they can use the gates. why? because it's the next logic step do do: a nano carrier is able to move faster than a bs, have better dps and hp, carry their own logistics, and can refit in a moment; as an extra bonus they have "burst speed"((jump drives) that will allow them to have a HUGE tactical advantage -they can choose to change the gate they entering in a system in a moment, just one ex- so all this ppl saying carrier are dead are wrong;
they are not dead, they are just reborn: they are the new bs(fleet wise) Blink

I'm sorry but nano carriers? There is no point in reducing your EHP that much when fitting a 100mn MWD and running it hot for 1 cycle will instawarp a carrier, dont believe me? try it on Sisi or TQ the only time it doesnt work is on stations when you undock other than that your down to a few seconds to align and warp your carrier with no loss of EHP and a trivial increase in signature, which means nothing unless they drop a phoenix on you

+1 for carriers arent dead
but -1 for even considering a carrier nano fit or claiming they move faster than a Battleship, because they simply dont

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet