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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1661 - 2014-10-02 07:25:35 UTC
Pros - More subcap fleets, less hot drops, safer home regions

Cons- Good luck removing established blocks, home field advantage, shitting caps with impunity

Can imagine more titans and supers dying

Jump fatigue can eat a **** though, thats a pants on head stupid idea, and seems to be pointed at more micro transactions which can also eat a ****

And yeah im a goon but i fly almost exclusively subcaps

WIll be like the old stain/curse alliance days

Can we get AOE doomsdays back then? as titans will be near useless? :D
Glasgow Dunlop
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1662 - 2014-10-02 07:31:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Glasgow Dunlop
You should try to bathe in al these Null-sec tears, Its doing wonders for my clone's skin Blink

@glasgowdunlop #tweetfleet

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Glasgow EVE Meets Organiser

HUN Corp.
HUN Reloaded
#1663 - 2014-10-02 07:45:19 UTC
Well, I logged in for todays skill change and I just read about this. First thing that came to mind was OMFG, I can cancel the sub of my new carrier slash soontobe mothership pilot which is good. Maybe I will actually come back and play a bit, it's one of those really big changes that sound like fun. It sounds really painful for everyone involved today, at first, but then I just laughed when I thought of what could happen...
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1664 - 2014-10-02 08:17:16 UTC
- 3 acc subsriptions. I only hope this will somehow lead to more pvp in 0.0 which won't involve traveling 2 hours by gates, cause is "so much fun". Personally I don't really enjoy spending hours of my time travelling in eve to get some content.
HVAC Repairman
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#1665 - 2014-10-02 08:46:44 UTC
This is the best change to EVE since the moon rebalance
B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#1666 - 2014-10-02 08:51:49 UTC
Well, you nulsec boys unhappy with null changes are more than welcome to join us in the wormholes.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

The Slayer
Goonswarm Federation
#1667 - 2014-10-02 08:58:41 UTC
Question, if the Devs are still anywhere near this thread :

Gate use. Is gate use restricted to CAPITAL ships or will Supers be able to use gates too? And if they are - whats to stop a super dropping aggro, jumping through a gate and then jumping to a cyno before invuln timer is up on the other side?
Azami Nevinyrall
#1668 - 2014-10-02 10:22:24 UTC
CCP just needs to shuffle moons around now...


Toshiro Umezawa
Boundary Experts
#1669 - 2014-10-02 10:53:55 UTC
Instead of capacitor being a fixed amount, would it be possible to have it be a dynamic value relative to the amount of space traveled? 1LY requiring very little with 5LY being the standard amount.
Goonswarm Federation
#1670 - 2014-10-02 11:15:56 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
Ganthrithor wrote:
Basically my takeaway from this is that, instead of working on ways to encourage more content generation in EVE, you're working on developing new ways to prevent people from reaching what little content already exists.

Really, though? Please don't let Greyscale near our game anymore. Everything he touches turns to ash.

Quoting this so you can't edit it when you have egg all over your face.

I hope I'm wrong, and EVE becomes fun again. I just don't see it as a likely outcome.
Behr Oroo
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1671 - 2014-10-02 12:30:59 UTC
Live in Null, Fly Caps. Still love this change.

Only suggestion I have is, with the limit in travel certain areas need to be balanced a bit better. Not all materials are accessible in null. Namely mexalon and isogen.

If the idea is to make people sell reliant in null, it needs to be actually possible.
Ugly Eric
Fistful of Finns
#1672 - 2014-10-02 12:39:35 UTC

This is by far the best thing that has happened (will happend) to EvE under my almost 6yr's of playing. Already a LOT of oldtimerplayers are resubbing to get back to eve simply beacause this. Awesome!

All ppl crying and unsubbing now, will come back, as soon as they notice how much more fun pvp we are able to have after that patch. Strategic planning with capital escalations will get to next level. Even a small entity like ours can use capitals and supers vs CFC/n3/PL if we plan it well ahead. And they cant do **** about it! HA!

Good stuff CCP. Best stuff ever!!
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
#1673 - 2014-10-02 12:59:28 UTC
"I want the bear patrol. But I don't want to pay the bear patrol tax." - Fix Nullsec Committee 2014

Martin Vanzyl
EVE University
Ivy League
#1674 - 2014-10-02 13:09:37 UTC
I sincerely hope that the mentioned Stealth Bomber rebalance in the future is a sign that there will be a distinction between the jump fatigue/cooldown between Covert Jump Bridge, Covert Cyno, Blops Jump Drive and the normal Jump/Cyno etc.

Blops are hit and run affairs by their nature. Only stuff that fit covert ops cloaks can go through ie squishy bombers, low dps T3s, SOE ships cruiser and below, recons with crap tanks and poor cap, etc. You can't hold space with them or project that power from across the galaxy. You gank and run away.

So Blops and Covert Ops hulls, and T3 Covert Ops subsystem, should really get an 'Immunity to Jump Fatigue' role bonus on their ships, or at the very least the same 'fatigue reduction' bonus as the Rorqual is getting.

13th HOUR
#1675 - 2014-10-02 13:24:00 UTC
I agree with Eric on this one, with a bit of tweaking is nice change to null sec. Most of the whiney people are young pilots that were born in comfort of everything being close. These changes should lead to more local fights, more fun. By removing your ability to travel quickly and far CCP is also removing your need to. I just hope it won't hit blops/JFs too hard.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1676 - 2014-10-02 13:31:06 UTC
Sklickov wrote:
- 3 acc subsriptions. I only hope this will somehow lead to more pvp in 0.0 which won't involve traveling 2 hours by gates, cause is "so much fun". Personally I don't really enjoy spending hours of my time travelling in eve to get some content.

This is so beautiful I want to cry. Already resubbing my 12 accounts.

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#1677 - 2014-10-02 13:37:09 UTC
The smaller alliances should start to do some planning, possibly collaberating with eachother to take some nice bites out of that juicy blue donut. Hint: Multiple fronts.
Anthar Thebess
#1678 - 2014-10-02 13:40:03 UTC
SFM Hobb3s wrote:
The smaller alliances should start to do some planning, possibly collaberating with eachother to take some nice bites out of that juicy blue donut. Hint: Multiple fronts.

WHat part of NA/BOT space will BL take? Twisted

You will finally get revenge on NC and PL for wiping out your super fleet.
Helion Production Labs
Independent Operators Consortium
#1679 - 2014-10-02 13:52:58 UTC
Martin Vanzyl wrote:
I sincerely hope that the mentioned Stealth Bomber rebalance in the future is a sign that there will be a distinction between the jump fatigue/cooldown between Covert Jump Bridge, Covert Cyno, Blops Jump Drive and the normal Jump/Cyno etc.

Blops are hit and run affairs by their nature. Only stuff that fit covert ops cloaks can go through ie squishy bombers, low dps T3s, SOE ships cruiser and below, recons with crap tanks and poor cap, etc. You can't hold space with them or project that power from across the galaxy. You gank and run away.

So Blops and Covert Ops hulls, and T3 Covert Ops subsystem, should really get an 'Immunity to Jump Fatigue' role bonus on their ships, or at the very least the same 'fatigue reduction' bonus as the Rorqual is getting.

Everyone who enjoys doing black ops fleets is highly concerned. CCP mentioned Black Ops being up for discussion on this yesterday so I'm really hoping for something in the next day or two on this.

I'd propose to CCP to keep black ops fleets going...
- Make any jumps/bridges to a covert cyno NOT accrue jump fatigue unless the pilot is in a T3.
- T3s can be bridged but pilot accrues fatigue.
- Black OPs BS can bridge/jump to a regular cyno but normal jump fatigue applies.

Every day I'm wafflin!

Temple of Tuvan Orth
Guardians of Tranquility
#1680 - 2014-10-02 15:10:11 UTC
loving every single tear in this thread.
