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Tactical Humility

Thgil Goldcore
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2011-09-12 16:28:45 UTC
With respect to this threads intention I will not comment on your ramble Mr. Galente, since such a thing is wildly off topic. Another time perhaps we can discuss the sins of your Federation, for they are many and sundry.
Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#22 - 2011-09-12 17:00:48 UTC
Thgil Goldcore wrote:

Anyone who believes that the 24th Imperial Crusade exists to re-enslave the Minmatar people has been watching too many holovids. The 24th's purpose is to bring order to lawless space and control strategic systems to better protect the empire. In light of the elder attack the need should be obvious.

Jason Galente wrote:
I quote, from a recruitment bulletin of the 24th Imperial Crusade, " We need you to help us save the Minmatar from themselves".

Sounds like re-enslavement to me.

Highly speculative, at best. Unless you have sources to back up your statements, for which I would really be interested to know. It has been 3 years now the war is declared and we still are unable to access proper sources of information of what is going on planetside.
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#23 - 2011-09-12 17:20:52 UTC
I would like to plant one small concept and then leave the discussion of tactics to others. What would happen if we took the concept of Tactical humility one step further? What if Rek Jaiga and Thgil Goldcore decided that for the space of one month they were to exercise the level of restraint in violence that they would exercise if they were not capsuleers? What if you knew that the enemy you are about to destroy; the enemy you have grown to admire and respect, would never breathe again. What if, as you "squeezed the proverbial trigger" you knew that this would be the very last debate you would have with each other as noble adversaries? How would it change your tactics? How would it change what you believed was worth using violence to defend? What if you breathed the same artificial atmosphere that your crews breathe? What if there were no pod? What if you could see and smell the sweat of your crews as you came under fire? One month. I know that both of you possess the command of will to do it. If nothing else, bring these ponderings with you into your next battle.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Malcolm Khross
#24 - 2011-09-12 17:30:33 UTC
I have always admired your propensity for challenging perspectives and things taken for granted, Ston. I admit that your words give me reason to pause and examine my own convictions.

It is at this time, however, that I recall what I am fighting for and why. My crews understand why they are fighting alongside me and even should I stand beside them, never to breathe again, I would continue to fight for what I am fighting for now. That is one definition of what it means to have convictions and beliefs that supersede the self.

That does not mean all things are worth such a stance, there is wisdom in knowing which hills to die on and which to surrender.

~Malcolm Khross

Thgil Goldcore
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2011-09-12 18:12:21 UTC
Sadly Ston I cannot abandon my duty as such. I have been fighting to protect the Empire for a while now, against the Sansha, blood raiders, and other threats. I have always done what is necessarily and have fought for the greater good. Just because my foe is able to respond to me doesn't prevent them from being my foe.

If you could get all of the Minmatar militia to grant pause then perhaps I would stay my blade as well. For now if I where to hold fast I would be abandoning my brothers and sisters to death.
Seraph Dalesi
Vacancy Pulse
#26 - 2011-09-12 21:29:53 UTC
I try avoid these discussions because they usually degenerate into people screaming pointlessly past each other, but for once this seems civil and an actual dialog of sorts.

I might ruin that, but I am going to cherry-pick a few quotes from several of your statements, pilot Goldcore:
Thgil Goldcore wrote:
Anyone who believes that the 24th Imperial Crusade exists to re-enslave the Minmatar people has been watching too many holovids. The 24th's purpose is to bring order to lawless space and control strategic systems to better protect the empire.

Don't be mistaken, we will need to control them lest we be caught off guard again. But like I said the 24th is an defensive action to strategically control systems to protect the empire. We are NOT a fleet of Sigils awaiting to carry off people.

Until the Empire is safe there is little option but to fight for it. It is a sad state that we are required to go to arms, but it is the world we live in.

I will protect my lands and I believe Rek believes he is doing the same.

You say that you are willing to take control of Minmatar systems in order to make the Empire safe, and you describe fighting in traditionally Minmatar space like Ebolfer as a defensive action. So how far do your definitions of "defend" and "safe" reach? Should we fear the arrival of your convictions and your pulse lasers over the skies of Hek someday? Rens? Matar itself? All of those are far more strategic to protecting the Empire from Minmatar aggression than an underdeveloped 2-station system like Ebolfer.

I'm not trying to provoke you, but your well-spoken pragmatism seems just as dangerous as any fanatic slaver would be.

While the 24th does not pilot Sigils and hunt for slaves, do you really think that slave traders are far behind? Would you personally shoot down a licensed Imperial slave trader in contested space? What about an unlicensed but devout industrialist that was providing services and support to the Empire and the 24th? Those sorts have been busy raiding the Matari frontier for decades, and do you think that would change should you clear the skies of everyone but Amarrian ships?
Rek Jaiga
Teraa Matar
#27 - 2011-09-12 22:37:22 UTC
Your words are wise, Ston. If I were not a capsuleer, I'd probably not involve myself in the wars at all. I'd be planetside smoking some kali weed with my arms wrapped around my lover. And chances are that'll be what I'll be doing someday within the next few years. But right now, as a capsuleer? I feel I can make a greater difference with my power. My crews know what they sign up for, and I really do try to keep them safe. I utilize long-ranged tactics to be sure I can warp my ship and crew out of harm's way if things appear to be going downhill. I use only the lowest-tech modules to minimize the need for more technicians. But all of these things are mere precautions. You're a wise man Ston. The real war is within ourselves, and I hope I will win.
Conventia Underking
Underking Family
Khimi Harar
#28 - 2011-09-13 01:40:56 UTC
Rek Jaiga wrote:
Ston, non-violence cannot stop the violent threat of slavery in all of its forms. I couldn't talk the Amarr invaders out of the system; I had to take direct action with weapons.

I suppose that is something we can agree on... violence is often necessary. Perhaps the next step is for us to agree that slavery is often necessary in the pursuit of enlightenment, as is the way of God.

For God; Salvation is Imperative, but not at the cost of our Humanity!

The Vitoc Problem - Conventia Underking

Caellach Marellus
#29 - 2011-09-13 01:46:01 UTC
Thgil Goldcore wrote:
Another time perhaps we can discuss the sins of your Federation, for they are many and sundry.

Civilisations that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones Captain.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Rek Jaiga
Teraa Matar
#30 - 2011-09-13 01:46:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Jaiga
Conventia Underking wrote:

Perhaps the next step is for us to agree that slavery is often necessary in the pursuit of enlightenment, as is the way of God.

I'm afraid you and I would disagree on that point. That disagreement extends to a larger scale, which is the entire reason for this conflict. The Empire endorses slavery, and the Republic is opposed to it.

Edit for clarification.
Conventia Underking
Underking Family
Khimi Harar
#31 - 2011-09-13 01:48:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Conventia Underking
Jason Galente wrote:
I see no point in the Gallente-Caldari war, as I do not believe that the Federation's ideals of Liberty and Freedom are in direct conflict with the State's corporate dominance and nationalism. It honestly makes more sense that the Federation would be fighting the Empire, since they blatantly continue to violate basic humane rights by holding other humans in bondage, regardless of their treatment, much of the cruelty in slavery and as you would call 'control' or containment on occasion, is that the human spirit is boundless and seeks to be free.

The Amarr, Ni-Kunni and Khanid people are all free within the Empire and that is the fate of all God's faithful. The sooner you accept this eventuality, the sooner we may achieve your goal of freedom for all.

Caellach Marellus wrote:
Civilisations that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones Captain.

The convictions of the Faithful are like tempered glass being slammed by the wet rags of your delusions.

Rek Jaiga wrote:
The Empire endorses slavery, and the Republic is opposed to it.

That would seem to be the crux of the issue then. When you find enlightenment, we will agree and stand together. Until then...

For God; Salvation is Imperative, but not at the cost of our Humanity!

The Vitoc Problem - Conventia Underking

Caellach Marellus
#32 - 2011-09-13 02:25:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Caellach Marellus
Conventia Underking wrote:
Caellach Marellus wrote:
Civilisations that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones Captain.

The convictions of the Faithful are like tempered glass being slammed by the wet rags of your delusions.

My delusions? I merely put forth my opinion of how all empires have, how was it put "sinned"?

Of course, if your convictions have given you the belief that the Amarrian Empire has always acted without any wrongdoing, and has never "Sinned", then as a realist I question your comments further as to who really is the delusional one here.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Thgil Goldcore
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#33 - 2011-09-13 03:02:44 UTC
For the clarification, defense comes at the hand of a shield and a sword. A shield alone is not enough to protect you. The Elder attack is an example of what happens when you carry a shield and not a sword. They will plot around your defenses and surely break them to do harm to you.

I will claim to be defending just as much as Rek or his kin will. We could debate endlessly, both bringing values we both believe to be true and ignoring each others. As such we have no option but to fight, for a time. The best a soldier can do is fight with nobility and respect.
Rek Jaiga
Teraa Matar
#34 - 2011-09-13 04:08:02 UTC
Thgil Goldcore wrote:
A shield alone is not enough [...] They will plot around your defenses and surely break them to do harm to you.


The best a soldier can do is fight with nobility and respect.

For the above stressed statements, you've earned my Quoteworthy Award. Even if we disagree on which faction to support, I find you very wise.
Maya Erena
#35 - 2011-09-13 05:12:01 UTC
Conventia Underking wrote:
The Amarr, Ni-Kunni and Khanid people are all free within the Empire and that is the fate of all God's faithful. The sooner you accept this eventuality, the sooner we may achieve your goal of freedom for all.

It's amazing how arrogant and confident you Amarrians can be, considering you haven't won a war in hundreds of years.
Jason Galente
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2011-09-13 05:26:55 UTC
Maya Erena wrote:
Conventia Underking wrote:
The Amarr, Ni-Kunni and Khanid people are all free within the Empire and that is the fate of all God's faithful. The sooner you accept this eventuality, the sooner we may achieve your goal of freedom for all.

It's amazing how arrogant and confident you Amarrians can be, considering you haven't won a war in hundreds of years.

I've kept my silence on your ramblings on the other thread, but I won't tolerate it here. You're own arrogance has peaked at such a point that you have no place commenting on the arrogance of others. I'd recommend leaving the Summit be for a while, perhaps taking a nice vacation to a calm, relaxing beach, and reading up on Gallente, Caldari and Amarrian history before spewing out baseless hate and pro-Federation mindless propaganda that frankly makes me embarrassed to be of the same race as you.

Only the liberty of the individual assures the prosperity of the whole. And this foundation must be defended.

At any cost

Maya Erena
#37 - 2011-09-13 05:35:15 UTC
Jason Galente wrote:
I've kept my silence on your ramblings on the other thread, but I won't tolerate it here. You're own arrogance has peaked at such a point that you have no place commenting on the arrogance of others. I'd recommend leaving the Summit be for a while, perhaps taking a nice vacation to a calm, relaxing beach, and reading up on Gallente, Caldari and Amarrian history before spewing out baseless hate and pro-Federation mindless propaganda that frankly makes me embarrassed to be of the same race as you.

Don't be such a damn apologist. This entire forum is with Ammarians spouting inane imperialist mantra, and I'm not going to let it slip by when it's this insultingly stupid. They certainly don't show any restraint themselves. Maybe you should have the courage to stand up for your own country, eh? Also, don't tell me where I have a place commenting. I have my freedom of speech, and it doesn't end at being nice.

By the way, I'm Jin-Mei and Mannar mixed, so you don't have to worry about being "The same race as me", thanks.
Thgil Goldcore
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#38 - 2011-09-13 06:47:05 UTC
Well with that Jason Galente I'm beginning to think we are all starting to get along too well. Its good to see respect bloom in such a place as this.

Conventia Underking
Underking Family
Khimi Harar
#39 - 2011-09-13 07:19:29 UTC
Rek Jaiga wrote:
Even if we disagree on which faction to support, I find you very wise.

To some of us, it is more than a simple faction, but a way of life.

For God; Salvation is Imperative, but not at the cost of our Humanity!

The Vitoc Problem - Conventia Underking

Ava Starfire
Khushakor Clan
#40 - 2011-09-13 11:58:04 UTC
Conventia Underking wrote:
Rek Jaiga wrote:
Even if we disagree on which faction to support, I find you very wise.

To some of us, it is more than a simple faction, but a way of life.

Oh, I couldnt agree more... just who's way of life, exactly, now that seems to be the sticking point, hmm?

"There is no strength in numbers; have no such misconception." -Jayka Vofur, "Warfare in the North"

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