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Price Checks

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Curious Question. Serious Topic.

First post
The Conference Elite
#1 - 2014-09-30 06:40:56 UTC
Lets just say I am looking to liquidate a wyvern that is located in Period.

How much would anyone want it for.

And please trolls, post as much 1isk 1.1isk 1.2isk and so on posts. This isn't 'The Price is Right', this is a consideration for legitimate sale of an asset. I am just attempting to price out the cost to sell compared to the effort I'd have to expend selling it else with after moving it. (Plus danger/cost/blah-blah)

The Artist Formerly Known As AC. 

The terminal end of the digestive system. 

The Best CSM Candidate

#2 - 2014-09-30 08:06:19 UTC  |  Edited by: voetius
I don't know what a good price would be, however, I just had a look in the WTS forum and there is one on the first page where the guy is asking 23b for a travel fit one and he ignored an offer for 20b (presumably a low-ball offer). So I'd guess it's somewhere around that price but if I had one I'd probably do a search in WTS and have a look at the range of prices.

Alternatively, maybe Chribba can advise you, after all he does alot of the third-party work for those sort of items. You would probably want to make use of his services anyway.

Edit : forum glitch
The Conference Elite
#3 - 2014-09-30 08:32:00 UTC
voetius wrote:
I don't know what a good price would be, however, I just had a look in the WTS forum and there is one on the first page where the guy is asking 23b for a travel fit one and he ignored an offer for 20b (presumably a low-ball offer). So I'd guess it's somewhere around that price but if I had one I'd probably do a search in WTS and have a look at the range of prices.

Alternatively, maybe Chribba can advise you, after all he does alot of the third-party work for those sort of items. You would probably want to make use of his services anyway.

Edit : forum glitch

Thank you. I sadly need to be acquainted with the WTS section. However, due to various circumstances I am sure you can figure why this would be considered a troll post and would not receive constructive responses. I will investigate the matter, and said post further, in an attempt to value the asset. As I previously mention, this is a real asset that I and deciding on liquidating and am attempting to test the market for it. Sadly, the data I can gather resolves nothing due to various circumstances that are involved, yet it is good to know there is a similar price point for my situation. KPI > CCL.

Also, I like popsicles, the purple ones taste like fake grapes. If only the SKUs knew.

The Artist Formerly Known As AC. 

The terminal end of the digestive system. 

The Best CSM Candidate

Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#4 - 2014-09-30 09:05:53 UTC
If you can move it to low-sec I'm sure you'd get more for it. But if it's just a plain hull I'd estimate 18-20b in 0.0 (assuming there's at least fuel, and a cloak would help)


★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

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The Conference Elite
#5 - 2014-09-30 09:13:55 UTC
Chribba wrote:
If you can move it to low-sec I'm sure you'd get more for it. But if it's just a plain hull I'd estimate 18-20b in 0.0 (assuming there's at least fuel, and a cloak would help)


Thank you so much! Cloak & fuel are included, as well as FBs, sadly everything else would be generic at best (AKA no officer, just faction/T2). The estimate is what I was looking for... you know consolidation and liquidation prior to reinvestment. Market PVP is hard, escrow can hurt you more than antimatter. Anyways, thanks again, if/when this goes on market I shall at least know a decent value of it.

The Artist Formerly Known As AC. 

The terminal end of the digestive system. 

The Best CSM Candidate

ISD Decoy
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#6 - 2014-09-30 12:44:00 UTC
Moved to Price Checks.

ISD Decoy


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