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Language Chat Channel Consolidation With Oceanus

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Jezza McWaffle
#161 - 2014-09-27 09:09:37 UTC
I like how the title says 'Consolidation' but what CCP really means is a butt **** of everyone who does not speak an 'Official' language.

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#162 - 2014-09-27 09:33:06 UTC
Morihei Akachi wrote:
(There is a "Player Channels" category, but I've no idea how to get a channel listed there.)

When you join a player channel someone else have made, it gets listed in there so you can find it again.

There is a separate "My Channels" for channels you have created. But only visible if you actually own a channel.


OK, what I really came to say was.

I don't hang out in other language channels much, and personally I think localization of software is a terrible idea and only cause bugs and other issues. (no English is not my first language, and I actually have a very hard time learning other languages).

I am still opposed to the removal of the language channels though. Not everyone like to chat in English, or understand all English terms. Where are people going to go to have a random chat in Eve in non-English? Into 100 different channels where they only got themselves to talk to because their small community is split up? Where is someone who didn't understand an English term going to go to get a translation that understand the context of Eve? Where are people going to find each other to form corps of people with same language background? I think those corp are bad idea myself, but they are still popular in MMOs and would think CCP would like Eve to be considered a possible game to play by people who only join own-language guilds.

I know I don't like people spamming 50 different languages in the channels I am in, I find it very confusing, so I like when it is strictly forbidden. This change is just going to pollute the English channels. Not only hurting the people who were in the language specific channels, but everyone else too.

A little numbers, currently 7% (1648 (in game channel list + calculator) of the 24568 (launcher)) people online are in the language channels.
#163 - 2014-09-27 09:37:41 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
CCP Falcon wrote:
Good afternoon capsuleers Smile

Some of you who've been on Singularity may have noticed that the officially hosted language have vanished from the channel listing in the client.

Previously we've supported a total of 39 language channels in game, however over the course of the last 12 months or so we have had a rise in the number of complaints regarding politically motivated trolling and inappropriate content being displayed in them.

With most of these languages having no official support from CCP, this means that investigating and answering tickets of this nature from these channels is sometimes not possible due to a significant language barrier. This is contrary to our policy of moderating and enforcing our terms of service (in particular the sections on player conduct) in persistent CCP hosted channels within the EVE client.

As such, with Oceanus we'll be removing the officially hosted language based channels from the EVE Online client, and only the help channels for our officially supported languages will remain.

We'd like to let you all know in advance, and invite you to create your own player run language channels after the Oceanus release is deployed in order to continue discussions in your native languages if you wish to do so.

- F <3

Or i dunno , you could have a standard MOTD in every channel that they are not moderated/supported .

People are free to open/close them when they feel like it.I hardly ever go to the dutch language channel because i find it too much epeening and kiddietalk , however i find it a verry bad idea to remove it completely because of the reasons you stated.These channels are a huge asset to new players in a complex game as they can ask questions and get answers in their own language wich should uncomplicate it a lot more.I'd sooner close the rookie help channel then the language channels if i had to choose from wich new players have the biggest advantage in getting to know the ropes in eve.

What's next , removing general dicsussion forum because it needs way more moderation then the other parts of the forum ?

But on the other side why should i care , i don't go to these language channels and hardly play the game any more ... /shrug

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Johnny Volka
#164 - 2014-09-27 10:24:53 UTC
Paul AtreidesMuad wrote:
Hello i already filled a ticket on this matter, overall ukrainian community supports this idea but only cause of huge number of trolls from russian channel better known as sruchat, i cant speak for other channels its probably terrible news for tham, but we think the way out exists and its quite simple, as ccp said player owned channels(we made ours after Russian invasion started) and atm its more active then official ukranian channel and everyone is happy with moderation no political discussion and just enjoying spaceship pewpew, thing is new players and how they gonna find those channels hence i propose ccp to add some player owned chats to a new made tab called unofficial languages or how you preffer to call it, so a new person can check a channel and see for example UA channel and how many people it has(we are quite active atm over 60 active members ) im really looking forward to have this option in new expansion.

Or add a reference to the channel "Україна[UA]" in the header channel "help"
Abrams13 Zohn
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#165 - 2014-09-27 10:38:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Abrams13 Zohn
Nice we are homeless ! I'm with language channels grown up and CCP kill my community/family.

#166 - 2014-09-27 10:46:36 UTC
Did any motd of the 39 channels updated to notify existing and new visitors of them about this change?
What's the probability of chat links to unofficial chat channels in the remaining (five plus E-UNI) help channels?
Who will provide and maintain a list of channels created by players to provide an alternative to the communities that exist in the channels about to vanish?
How will it be possible that such channels are not used by their owners/moderators to exclude individual members not because they troll/spam/harass but just because the mods don't like someones face(/origin/corp or alliance membership)


Ray Ayanammi
Deep Space Coalition
#167 - 2014-09-27 10:47:32 UTC
we are not Scandinavians like you CCCP. we are hotheaded Europeans who say 1 or 2 words more than usuall. If you having problems with Tickets make something about it, assign more GMs to those channels hire more people to deal with it. dont just close the damn channels cause its inconvenient for you.
typical Northern thinking, never fails to amaze me.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#168 - 2014-09-27 11:32:47 UTC
Darkblad wrote:
Did any motd of the 39 channels updated to notify existing and new visitors of them about this change?
What's the probability of chat links to unofficial chat channels in the remaining (five plus E-UNI) help channels?
Who will provide and maintain a list of channels created by players to provide an alternative to the communities that exist in the channels about to vanish?
How will it be possible that such channels are not used by their owners/moderators to exclude individual members not because they troll/spam/harass but just because the mods don't like someones face(/origin/corp or alliance membership)

Non-supported channels have no MOTD, which means that their dissapearence will not get any other forewarning than the one carried by the few channel users who also are GD users.
Hell's Bell's
#169 - 2014-09-27 11:47:52 UTC
Closing the specific chat channel will have a pretty big negative impact on new players. When I for something over 4 years ago started playing eve was the help of the Norwegian chat enormous help.

As well as the fact that most people I play with, I met the first time in just my mother tongue chat channel. Yes CCP it is and it was a lot of trolling and the fairly intense language then as now. But dear CCP, Eve is a game that goes well with adult players. we endure, we have and will use a language not suitable for children.

As far as I know there is no coercion and be in the channel and it is completely optional and indeed join, read and use the specific chats.

Those who like and trolls will not stop trolling the chat channel playing disperse, they will just trolls more elsewhere.

Pleas lets us haw those chats:)
Noton Alcyone
Reki the SVD
#170 - 2014-09-27 12:43:38 UTC
such a strange

as first i play eve

this is really bad decision

what happen to all noob who don't know to talk english

language channel is the most important to noobs and if you remove those

all the noobs from non english country will gone away

and you can see the strange word at 'HELP' Channel
Funzinnu BT
#171 - 2014-09-27 12:44:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Funzinnu BT
Very bad idea What?

Please think of the fact that in non-English speaking country to enjoy EVE.

non-English Noob is be fatal.
Prt Scr
569th Freelancers
#172 - 2014-09-27 13:25:07 UTC
Does this mean we all have to learn Icelandic?

uɐıssnɹ pɐǝɹ ʇ,uɐɔ ı ʇnq ʎɹɹos ɯ,ı

#173 - 2014-09-27 13:31:39 UTC
And people say us bittervets don't think about the newbro's .... guess we learned that from CCP itself eh.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Eternal Corrosion
The Truskers
#174 - 2014-09-27 13:59:54 UTC
Really bad idea. You will suffer the consequences on the long term

-1 CCP

PS: You dont even have the guts to answer us.

I will always love LowSec

dong haeng
Rotten Kimchi Squadron
#175 - 2014-09-27 14:09:52 UTC  |  Edited by: dong haeng
Bad idea.

Really. Really...
Destination SkillQueue
#176 - 2014-09-27 14:15:59 UTC
Would CCP consider maintaining a channel/link in with the rest of the language channels for "Other languages/Unofficial language channels". This would not be a channel that you can chat in. It could even be just a link to an EVElopedia page, but would basically be an alphabetic listing of languages with links to the actual language channel(s) for the corresponding language. The MOTD/pedia entry could emphasize they're not officially moderated/supported by CCP.

The goal would be to maintain high visibility for other unofficial language channels in the client to aid new players to make easy connections with existing players who speak their language. Helping people connect aids players to find people to spend their time with and seek help from, which in turn helps CCP to keep players happy and subscribed. The visibility part is the important part here, since new players are likely to struggle finding such channels without the aid of existing players and CCP is the only one who can ensure the needed easy access and visibility.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#177 - 2014-09-27 14:17:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Anomylous

Bad move.

Trade chat and some locals have always been a trolling/scamming/gay porn advertising breeding ground (This same forum is also not that far behind I dare say). Yet, people just block and move on.

Improvements to the new player experience have overall been neglected since the very start and despite you knowing this here you are giving another blow to it.

Just add a MOTD to said channels saying that it is not possible for them to be moderated, urging players to be careful with links and to block inappropriate users.

P.S Russian's invade Ukrainian chat to troll (meanwhile lives are being lost due to this crisis). CCP solves the problem by closing the Ukrainian chat (and all the other's) but keeps the Russian channel. lol
Paul AtreidesMuad
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#178 - 2014-09-27 14:44:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Paul AtreidesMuad
Anomylous wrote:

Bad move.

Trade chat and some locals have always been a trolling/scamming/gay **** advertising breeding ground (This same forum is also not that far behind I dare say). Yet, people just block and move on.

Improvements to the new player experience have overall been neglected since the very start and despite you knowing this here you are giving another blow to it.

Just add a MOTD to said channels saying that it is not possible for them to be moderated, urging players to be careful with links and to block inappropriate users.

P.S Russian's invade Ukrainian chat to troll. CCP solves the problem by closing the Ukrainian chat (and all the other's) but keeps the Russian channel. lol

we are fine with having our own channel(there is really no other way to fight against russian trolls mentality), problem is other communities that dont face such need, our main concern is about new players and how they gonna find their native language channels if they not gonna be added to chat lists by ccp, hence my proposal about adding some player run channel that are the most active there like ukranian Україна[UA] channel
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#179 - 2014-09-27 15:17:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
Would CCP consider maintaining a channel/link in with the rest of the language channels for "Other languages/Unofficial language channels". This would not be a channel that you can chat in. It could even be just a link to an EVElopedia page, but would basically be an alphabetic listing of languages with links to the actual language channel(s) for the corresponding language. The MOTD/pedia entry could emphasize they're not officially moderated/supported by CCP.

The goal would be to maintain high visibility for other unofficial language channels in the client to aid new players to make easy connections with existing players who speak their language. Helping people connect aids players to find people to spend their time with and seek help from, which in turn helps CCP to keep players happy and subscribed. The visibility part is the important part here, since new players are likely to struggle finding such channels without the aid of existing players and CCP is the only one who can ensure the needed easy access and visibility.

That would not fix what CCP pretends to fix.

The issue as we've been told, is that some channels supplied by CCP are trolled badly and cause tickets which CCP can't investigate properly.

CCP's fix is to remove those CCP channels and let players set any channels they want, as player channels can be moderated by players (which is good according to CCP), and by not being in a supported language they are in a gray zone concerning the EULA.

Anyway, player channels lack visibility, which is terrible for new players, and they lack neutrality, which is terrible for community building.

Visibilty can't be fixed without CCP playing favorites toward the chosen player channel or flooding noobs with 50 different options (is the same issue with finding a corp). As for communities, they would not exist without language channels, specially in the case of Spanish, which is naturally split by 20+ nationalities which often hold feuds against each other... and then, there's also the natural splits caused by player organizations and power blocs.

There would not be, there will not be, any language driven community without everybody being forced to flock /naturally flocking in a single resource supplied by CCP.
Obsidian Hawk
RONA Midgard Academy
#180 - 2014-09-27 16:07:59 UTC
so has anyone bothered to post this information in their respective languages in their channels to get more responses? 10 pages seems a little low for what seems to be a hot button issue. CCP wont listen unless its 50 pages by monday morning with complaints.

Why Can't I have a picture signature.

Also please support graphical immersion, bring back the art that brought people to EvE online originaly.