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Crime & Punishment

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Harder punishment for High-Sec carebears

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#41 - 2014-09-26 20:04:49 UTC
I like all those ideas now give us cynos in high sec so we can blop on them.

Signatured removed, CCP Phantom

Vulxanis Viceroy
Offworld Trading Company
Khimi Harar
#42 - 2014-09-26 21:35:06 UTC
I can understand, and even advocate, some of these suggestions made by the OP, but most (if not all) can simply be answered this way:

CCP is a business

Hisec = safe(ish) place for new players

New players = more business

Hisec (being safeish) = more business

I recognize you want to have more pvp, but honestly, your suggestions are just not going to happen.

Hisec is hard enough as it is for people who suck at PvP lol what you're suggesting would cause tons of people to quit the game, losing CCP a lot of money. It's not about who is tougher and they need to htfu, it's about money.

Nice sentiments(somewhat), but not very well thought through.

Lesson learned: Just because it is exploited by vets, doesn't mean the newbs should suffer.

Lowsec exists so that people who want hisec to be more like lowsec, can have a lowsec instead. Null is for the people who want lowsec to be even more dangerous. There is a reason this distinction exists :P

In Character: Only responds to "Lord Draconis"

Pronounced "Vulzanis"


Public channel: VXV EVE


#43 - 2014-09-26 21:48:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Elinarien
Leto Thule wrote:
Its only fair that both sides have their own thread.


To start out:

  • Buff rats in belts. Give them web/scram/smartbombs. The longer someone sits in a belt, the stronger class of rat spawns in.
  • NPC corps of opposing factions are at war by default, mirroring FW.
  • Remove local. If you want to see local, youll need to be in a corp, and the corp will pay a tax to connect to the local intel.
  • Once wardecced, you do not have the ablity to leave corp at all. The button is grayed out. The only way out is to surrender or win. If the defender (and allies) beats the aggressor after 1 week (isk war), the aggressor is unable to declare war for two weeks after that.
  • Move ALL level 4 missions to lowsec, and increase the payouts.
  • Remove highsec incursions, or dramatically decrease the payouts. There is no risk for the current meta.
  • Ships in NPC corps must pay docking fees each time they dock up.
  • NPC players cant undock in anything larger than a cruiser hull.
  • If you are operating in a lower-sec part of highsec, you get pirate FACPO-style response if you have a super-positive sec status.
  • Killing a -5 or below in highsec adds "tags" to their wreck, purchasable by NPC's at CONCORD stations (similar to WH loot). Does not spawn if CONCORD is on the KM. The more badass the pirate, the more ISK his tags are worth.
  • Miners whom deplete a belt are fined, and assessed a sec status hit.

Edit: Allow players to JOIN FACPO corps. FACPO-players would be able to engage the same level of sec status player that would have spawned the NPC version. (-2 in 1.0, ect)

Why not go further and:

1. Require every corp to align to one of the empire or pirate factions. No neutrals - you're either with them or against them. That'll liven FW up a tad.

2. Scrap the NPC corps and make everyone who is new to eve a member of their empire's militia.

3. Want to gank that miner in a high-sec belt? then join a cop aligned to an enemy faction.

4. Want to wardec a corp? Join the enemy's FW.

5. Compensate this by reducing the size of empire high sec.

Lastly, why is it everytime I open up the star map and turn on x ships killed stat, it is empire hi sec that lights up like Regent Street in early December and null remains dark and dull apart of the odd splash of red here and there. Or is it because there's more than enough danger & fun in high sec, just need to sort out NPC membership.
Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#44 - 2014-09-26 23:34:05 UTC
Well the main reason hisec lights up is a reflection of population density. Do the same glance using the gate activation. You'll see an obvious correlation. As the population thins out there is substantially less chance of fights taking place.
Corporate Retail Operations With Y'all
#45 - 2014-09-27 04:50:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Junkiloton
I was always under the impression that half the fun of piracy was pouncing on the unsuspecting, not forcing the very-much-suspecting out of space dock. Or is the complaint here really just that there aren't enough miners in lowsec? Because what you're asking for is basically lowsec, but with miners in it.

As to the actual points...

1. As an indy, I'm all for beefy rats. Bonus if this results in null-quality drops in hi-sec just for mining out belts. This will also have the interesting side-effect of having companion ratters/guards alongside the miners for the lootskies. I can't imagine that making the task of ganking the carebears any easier than it already is for the resident pvp-gods and/or master gank-artists.

2. NPC corps are fine. They help the rest of us spot pvp alts when they're out mining so we can avoid ganks.

3. Removing local is an interesting concept from a veteran's point of view, but utterly prohibitive from new money's point of view. Impractical to implement, at best, since communication is the lifeline of any MMO. I'd suggest you try wormholes, but the locals tend to shoot back.

4. I'd add a contingency to the no-leaving during wardec that they can leave only if they join the aggressor's corp with the aggressor's permission (also, introduce a fine/homage to said corp's wallet. Bribery and turn-cloaking are time-honored traditions among every human civilization, and EVE has generally proven to be a platform for expressing this particular facet of humanity).

5. Moving L4s doesn't really serve any purpose other than forcing expensive mission fits into an environment where PVPers will get juicy mods from pvp content providers. This will more than likely result in either pvp gangs running with L4 missioners, or just L3s getting run instead. Either way, this presents an unexpected challenge to the aspiring pvp-god, as he will now have to shoot things that are much better equipped than he is, or simply much more cheaply fit.

6. Moving incursions is fine.

7. Won't solve the problem, since the boundary for this would be set according to the 5000 isk starter fund afforded to new players, who also start in NPC corps. This will also affect "you," by which we mean hi-sec gankers who stay in NPC corps in order to avoid wardecs from white knights. Keep in mind that your chief complaint (regardless of how it has been stated) is that hi-sec carebears earn more isk than you do.

8. Undocking restrictions for NPC corp members are inadvisable. This only affects shipping, and will serve the sole purpose of ensuring that the residents of null and lowsec will have every reason to gank anything that looks even remotely like a catalyst or an artycane. I imagine that you will thoroughly enjoy being turned into content, however.

9+. The rest of this is pointless. We call this lowsec. If you'd ever gone into it, you'd understand why the miners would just stay on the "hi-sec" side of the boundary after the shift. Not like we actually have to leave the ,7 and ,8 systems to get decent ores, anyways.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#46 - 2014-09-27 07:45:48 UTC
Junkiloton wrote:
Or is the complaint here really just that there aren't enough miners in lowsec?

OP isn't complaining. It's one utterly absurd post on the same level of nonsense that the other side seems to throw up on a daily basis. It's a humourous way of poking fun at people who want perfect safety because non-consentual interaction in a multiplayer game (even by Evemail) is griefing, cyberbullying, terrorism, murder and vegitarianism.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Thomas Mayaki
Caldari State
#47 - 2014-09-27 08:35:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Thomas Mayaki
The OP is complaining and he is complaining specifically about highsec. Notice the number of mention of the afk ratters/mining fleets in nullsec where PvP is meant to take place, he seem ok with these.

I will let the original poster into a secret the place to go for an large risk free income isn't highsec its nullsec but I think he already knows that.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#48 - 2014-09-27 08:51:48 UTC
Thomas Mayaki wrote:
The OP is complaining and he is complaining specifically about highsec. Notice the number of mention of the afk ratters/mining fleets in nullsec where PvP is meant to take place, he seem ok with these.

I will let the original poster into a secret the place to go for an large risk free income isn't highsec its nullsec but I think he already knows that.

Congratulations on either not actually reading the OP or failing to comprehend it.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Thomas Mayaki
Caldari State
#49 - 2014-09-27 09:49:27 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Thomas Mayaki wrote:
The OP is complaining and he is complaining specifically about highsec. Notice the number of mention of the afk ratters/mining fleets in nullsec where PvP is meant to take place, he seem ok with these. I will let the original poster into a secret the place to go for an large risk free income isn't highsec its nullsec but I think he already knows that.
Congratulations on either not actually reading the OP or failing to comprehend it.

I get the original post. Very funny.
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#50 - 2014-09-27 13:21:55 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Junkiloton wrote:
Or is the complaint here really just that there aren't enough miners in lowsec?

OP isn't complaining. It's one utterly absurd post on the same level of nonsense that the other side seems to throw up on a daily basis. It's a humourous way of poking fun at people who want perfect safety because non-consentual interaction in a multiplayer game (even by Evemail) is griefing, cyberbullying, terrorism, murder and vegitarianism.

Root, I am glad that SOMEONE got it.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#51 - 2014-09-27 13:26:11 UTC
Junkiloton wrote:

3. Removing local is an interesting concept from a veteran's point of view, but utterly prohibitive from new money's point of view. Impractical to implement, at best, since communication is the lifeline of any MMO. I'd suggest you try wormholes, but the locals tend to shoot back.

The only people who use local for communications are spambots.
Junkiloton wrote:

9+. The rest of this is pointless. We call this lowsec. If you'd ever gone into it, you'd understand why the miners would just stay on the "hi-sec" side of the boundary after the shift. Not like we actually have to leave the ,7 and ,8 systems to get decent ores, anyways.

I LIVE there.

Its ok. You didnt "get it" either. Please re-read Admiral Root's post ten times, slowly.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Corporate Retail Operations With Y'all
#52 - 2014-09-27 14:18:31 UTC
I got it, I just chose to ignore it in observance of the fact that there are over 2 pages at this point of people riding that particular wave and the actual concepts seemed more interesting to address than going "lol +1 interwebs."

On that note, the meta involved in setting up a post to demonstrate a lack of knowledge of hi-sec that reflects the standard hi-seccer's lack of knowledge of low/null was well executed, so props. Blink
Paranoid Loyd
#53 - 2014-09-27 14:34:57 UTC
I had to wait a while to see how this would turn out. I am not disappointed, this thread delivers. 10/10

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#54 - 2014-09-27 16:25:13 UTC
Vulxanis Viceroy wrote:
Hisec = safe(ish) place for new players

If Highsec is only for new players, then removing all the stuff like lvl 4 missions, incursions, ice/ore belts will not hurt anyone. Since they are new players and will eventually go to low/null or wormsec to earn some ISK. Don't you agree?

Highsec does not have to be the ISK printing machine it currently is if it's only for new players. If you compare EVE to other games like you folks often do, which of this games has a starter area where a player runs a whole farm of characters to generate an insane amount of ingame money, like we see that in todays ice belts in EVE? I am sure new players will not miss that very much.

On the other hand if Highsec isn't only for new players then it has to be balanced and that means it needs more risk, otherwise it will just eliminate the whole reason for the more riskier parts of New Eden. OP's post has some really good suggestions on how to do that.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2014-09-27 17:42:09 UTC
Remove medical clones, get ride of the "Highlander syndrome" where you think you won't lose anything....skill points disappear every time you go pop and pods are only a ship available if you bail out or no shuttle in the station you dock. 20% of the ship skill piloted is lost, smaller frigates are 75% lost cause of the shorter train.

Lower the sec status you have, the more taxes you pay. Even you should belt rat red crosses to keep it up just as the care bear.

Wardec creates bounties you now pay to CONCORD for every ship you kill, value of ship x2. Pilot of said destroyed ship pays as well for the debris removal and CONCORD pops all wrecks involved.

Player corps now pay higher taxes, cause they are now competing with the NPC faction and empires. Like paying to breath air, you pay hourly taxes for your POS, jump taxes, docking fees, market fees.....make those NPC even richer.

All ships involved in ganks are destroyed, all wrecks removed, all pilots are podded should they try to bail but they cannot jumpgate or worm hole off + log off timer keeps you in space (you know, the slower the response time should you try it in .5 just cannot escape CONCORD to save your pod).

Fun times, harsh world. In a sandbox, nobody should dictate how someone else should have to suffer otherwise my suggestions should be taken into consideration cause no one wins in the end Twisted
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#56 - 2014-09-28 04:05:57 UTC
Aqriue wrote:
Remove medical clones, get ride of the "Highlander syndrome" where you think you won't lose anything....skill points disappear every time you go pop and pods are only a ship available if you bail out or no shuttle in the station you dock. 20% of the ship skill piloted is lost, smaller frigates are 75% lost cause of the shorter train.

Lower the sec status you have, the more taxes you pay. Even you should belt rat red crosses to keep it up just as the care bear.

Wardec creates bounties you now pay to CONCORD for every ship you kill, value of ship x2. Pilot of said destroyed ship pays as well for the debris removal and CONCORD pops all wrecks involved.

Player corps now pay higher taxes, cause they are now competing with the NPC faction and empires. Like paying to breath air, you pay hourly taxes for your POS, jump taxes, docking fees, market fees.....make those NPC even richer.

All ships involved in ganks are destroyed, all wrecks removed, all pilots are podded should they try to bail but they cannot jumpgate or worm hole off + log off timer keeps you in space (you know, the slower the response time should you try it in .5 just cannot escape CONCORD to save your pod).

Fun times, harsh world. In a sandbox, nobody should dictate how someone else should have to suffer otherwise my suggestions should be taken into consideration cause no one wins in the end Twisted

Ironically, this is exactly why I made this post. Have a "like".

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#57 - 2014-09-28 04:08:32 UTC
The best part yet.... seems to be that even the guys who are trolling all say:

"Remove incursions? Yeaaah.... im ok with that."

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#58 - 2014-09-28 15:58:43 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:
The best part yet.... seems to be that even the guys who are trolling all say:

"Remove incursions? Yeaaah.... im ok with that."

Well, not remove them entirely, but if CONCORD isn't going to have the balls to show up against a legion of Sansha invaders, they sure as hell shouldn't magically show up in that system until the capsuleers chase off the incursion.

Basically turn any and all incursion systems into cyno jammed lowsec for the duration.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Black Pedro
#59 - 2014-09-28 16:16:52 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Well, not remove them entirely, but if CONCORD isn't going to have the balls to show up against a legion of Sansha invaders, they sure as hell shouldn't magically show up in that system until the capsuleers chase off the incursion.

Basically turn any and all incursion systems into cyno jammed lowsec for the duration.

This is a great idea. Perhaps give a warning at the gate that you are about to jump into a temporarily CONCORD-free zone for the truly risk-adverse but otherwise isuch a system would put some risk back into the all-too-safe Highsec. It would also help get players used to PvP and give them a reason to team up with others to defeat the incursion faster and return their cluster back to normal so they can go back to their daily carebear activities.
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#60 - 2014-09-29 03:45:25 UTC
personally I think it's great that you can earn more in highsec than in some parts of nullsec. Lot's of nullsec is ridiculously safe, highsec, where you can't shoot at the guys who may be coming to kill you, is actually significantly more dangerous, and deserves higher rewards. As for making highsec incursions CONCORD free zones, good luck with that, lolz, they will be just as desolate as nullsec incursions.