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Language Chat Channel Consolidation With Oceanus

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Morihei Akachi
#141 - 2014-09-27 01:54:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Morihei Akachi
Paul AtreidesMuad wrote:
Hello i already filled a ticket on this matter, overall ukrainian community supports this idea but only cause of huge number of trolls from russian channel better known as sruchat, i cant speak for other channels its probably terrible news for tham, but we think the way out exists and its quite simple, as ccp said player owned channels(we made ours after Russian invasion started) and atm its more active then official ukranian channel and everyone is happy with moderation no political discussion and just enjoying spaceship pewpew, thing is new players and how they gonna find those channels hence i propose ccp to add some player owned chats to a new made tab called unofficial languages or how you preffer to call it, so a new person can check a channel and see for example UA channel and how many people it has(we are quite active atm over 60 active members ) im really looking forward to have this option in new expansion.

You can make your own channel without having CCP close down all the others. How about that?

"Enduring", "restrained" and "ample" as designations for starship components are foreign to the genre of high-tech science fiction and don’t belong in Eve Online. (And as for “scoped” …)

Miles Hadah
Tillistrian Enterprises
#142 - 2014-09-27 02:28:50 UTC
After this patch when a newbie comes looking for help in any language that's not english I will tell him to join the Help channel and ask there in that language that's not english. Hope that helps, CCP. Lol
Finde learth
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#143 - 2014-09-27 02:29:22 UTC
Triturus Alpestris wrote:
It is the scum of the EvE-O in these channels. GJ CCP

Naburi NasNaburi
#144 - 2014-09-27 06:11:49 UTC
Finde learth wrote:
Triturus Alpestris wrote:
It is the scum of the EvE-O in these channels. GJ CCP


Was I (and a few thousand other players) just insulted?
Naburi NasNaburi
#145 - 2014-09-27 06:20:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Naburi NasNaburi
Live from the Eve Online FB group:

As CCP decided to shut down ALL 39 language channels coming Oceanus (30.September): This will be a HUGE loss for the EVE community as new players (specially those who dont speak English) will now be lost in the Rookie Channel.. with no help, no backup, no mentors...
Older players who found fleets, new corps .. alliances - will now be left with player owned channels. Which channel will be the best one ? Channel owners will ban and mute people left and right - just because they can.
If you want to help CCP to reconsider this move, please move your ship to Jita .. the Monument needs some serious *coughs* remodeling.

To make my words more clear:
Join us in Jita at the 4-4 monument to show CCP that we have a voice and want to keep our channels!

You cant mute us by just shutting us down.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#146 - 2014-09-27 06:41:55 UTC
Paul AtreidesMuad wrote:
Hello i already filled a ticket on this matter, overall ukrainian community supports this idea but only cause of huge number of trolls from russian channel better known as sruchat, i cant speak for other channels its probably terrible news for tham, but we think the way out exists and its quite simple, as ccp said player owned channels(we made ours after Russian invasion started) and atm its more active then official ukranian channel and everyone is happy with moderation no political discussion and just enjoying spaceship pewpew, thing is new players and how they gonna find those channels hence i propose ccp to add some player owned chats to a new made tab called unofficial languages or how you preffer to call it, so a new person can check a channel and see for example UA channel and how many people it has(we are quite active atm over 60 active members ) im really looking forward to have this option in new expansion.

Aaand, the culprits I suspected eventually surfaced. Ukrainian and Russian troll each other and so 33 other channels are shut down so CCP spare themselves some trouble. What a briliant way to go, CCP! Evil
Obsidian Hawk
RONA Midgard Academy
#147 - 2014-09-27 07:01:19 UTC
I can see closing down a lot of the empty channels that no one uses, but closing them all down is really a bad idea. But if players made their own language channels and advertised, the groups of players could moderate them and keep out a lot of the riff raff that could exist.

How about instead of closing them down, you set up player appointed moderators to keep the trouble out? you know give them ban hammer rights etc.

This is our game, let us help you where we can. If you have players to volunteer as isd then you should have players do the same for moderation in public language chat channels.

Why Can't I have a picture signature.

Also please support graphical immersion, bring back the art that brought people to EvE online originaly.

Obsidian Hawk
RONA Midgard Academy
#148 - 2014-09-27 07:03:10 UTC
Hell I bet most players who dont understand english will know this is going to happen.

Why Can't I have a picture signature.

Also please support graphical immersion, bring back the art that brought people to EvE online originaly.

Horoth blod
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#149 - 2014-09-27 07:09:05 UTC
No no no no bad idea, there is a lot of people in these channels and yes I might be a bit harsh but this is eve. We live to troll shot and make fun of each other.
Guess we just have to make player run channels insted.

Bad move Ccp.
well of abyss
#150 - 2014-09-27 07:38:41 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:

however over the course of the last 12 months or so we have had a rise in the number of complaints regarding politically motivated trolling and inappropriate content being displayed in them.

why just do not accepting petitions for such matters?
add to eula\rules\channel motd\etc that 'language channels provided "as is", and if you don't like something there is "block" mechanics'.

don't understand why you initially start accept petitions for such matters. it's not game related at all, it's social related.
Simon Anaidni
Scalar Magnetics
#151 - 2014-09-27 07:51:44 UTC
Very poor decision, politics and trolling in game as in RL are part of the attracting factors of EVE.

I fear we will lose many foreign players, and that will take away from the sandbox.

While you may dislike "fielding" complaints, MAN UP.

Many of these foreign players, have actual RL bloodshed occuring in their countries, this is one of their "releases" , and while some of them may hate me because I'm American, I for one desire not to quiet them in any way shape or form.

We are all part of the sandbox, our RL, fuels eve, Pays CCP, allows you to have a job you love, allows someone in a very poor situation, in a war torn part of the world, in a politically oppressive arena, to have a bit of relef, and a place to sound off amongst themselves, and for them to sound off to me and tell me how stupid, arrogant, and shamefull I am.

And damit I deserve that, and they have the right to tell it to me any damn way they feel like it.
Elly May
Amarr Empire
#152 - 2014-09-27 07:56:45 UTC
8 pages and still no response? Embarrassing.
Kazruw Drol
State War Academy
Caldari State
#153 - 2014-09-27 08:01:58 UTC
Paul AtreidesMuad wrote:
Hello i already filled a ticket on this matter, overall ukrainian community supports this idea but only cause of huge number of trolls from russian channel better known as sruchat, i cant speak for other channels its probably terrible news for tham, but we think the way out exists and its quite simple, as ccp said player owned channels(we made ours after Russian invasion started) and atm its more active then official ukranian channel and everyone is happy with moderation no political discussion and just enjoying spaceship pewpew, thing is new players and how they gonna find those channels hence i propose ccp to add some player owned chats to a new made tab called unofficial languages or how you preffer to call it, so a new person can check a channel and see for example UA channel and how many people it has(we are quite active atm over 60 active members ) im really looking forward to have this option in new expansion.

This pretty much confirms the speculation that the channels are getting removed due to the situation between Russia and Ukraine and the related trolling. CCP should still think twice before proceeding with this terrible idea. Letting the Russians keep an official channel while the Ukrainians lose theirs isn't exactly the best display of diplomacy I've ever seen...

I may or may not be impersonating one of my alts or vice versa.

Samsara Toldya
Academy of Contradictory Behaviour
#154 - 2014-09-27 08:03:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Samsara Toldya
Sad thing:

While it seems to be a final decision made by CCP they didn't announce it in the "Information" forum.
They published it inside the "general discussion" forum as if they wanted us to discuss it.

That's what happen if you are not a native english speaker forced to express yourself in another language.
Even a community manager isn't immune to such failure.

Thanks to CCP Falcon for showing us the importance of native language channels by messing up with english language himself.

Goonswarm Federation
#155 - 2014-09-27 08:12:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Rain6637
I lurk Korean channel religiously with the whole gang. like ISD mentioned, there is a language barrier that I get help with google voice, to read their Hangul (in Korean), and respond in culturally sensitive and respectful voice that conveys respect and empathy (being a native speaker-but-not-reader-or-writer of Korean myself.)

my presence isn't always welcomed with open arms, due to the difference in cumputing environments and other cultural sensitivities. I don't know, perhaps the extravagance at it all. they find it repulsive and gaudy and maybe feel some resentment. I can't imagine it was reported? my rig setup in my bio, and in particular my RP geisha character Feanira who from time to time illicits a negative response from ethnic Koreans. ...could this be a problem?

but for the most part I don't think it's that bad an issue. As far as I've seen K-comms is full of hip and abbreviated lingo , respectful-form predicates (albeit shortened), and I never noticed any cause for intervention beyond the RP racism in response to my very valued teammate in Team Evil who is obviously fanatic japanese but happens to speak korean as well as I do.

Does it really have to go?

where will these localization refugees go for their advice, like the english-speaking players who can ask for mission raven fits in any number of channels? If only google had slightly more functionality in translating korean into english and back again.

you can't just let them loose in New Eden they're good as dead
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#156 - 2014-09-27 08:33:18 UTC  |  Edited by: unimatrix0030
This is a bad idea!
These channels are not help channels but meeting places.
To fix the problem you have just add a message of the day saying just that.

These meeting places keeps people in the game.
If it wasn't for the dutch language channel i would have had lots more trouble meeting people and getting to find the good people i play with now.
This removal is a bad idea!

There is no way of finding player channels if you don't know the exact name!
This will kill of the growth of all the none english player base!
A new player with bad skills in the languages that are supported will not find the player made channels at all.

There is no way to search for a player made channel with is in a particular language.
If you change the ui that makes it possible,then and ONLY then you can remove the channels!

This is vital for player retention.

Everyone i know stuck around because they found a crew in the dutch channel.

No local in null sec would fix everything!

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#157 - 2014-09-27 08:56:55 UTC
lolcorpholder alt wrote:
CCP, why give use time to disucss this if you dont follow the discussion?


CCP has 2 ways of thinking.

Announce a change, if:

A. Response is positive. Join in and be very proud about that awesome feature you added.

B. Response is negative. Just ignore their customers and stick all our heads into the Icelandic ground and hope they eventually forget what we did.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

#158 - 2014-09-27 09:02:03 UTC
It appears like there's no way to respond to this thread in London.


Nalle Luppakorva
#159 - 2014-09-27 09:02:07 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Paul AtreidesMuad wrote:
Hello i already filled a ticket on this matter, overall ukrainian community supports this idea but only cause of huge number of trolls from russian channel better known as sruchat, i cant speak for other channels its probably terrible news for tham, but we think the way out exists and its quite simple, as ccp said player owned channels(we made ours after Russian invasion started) and atm its more active then official ukranian channel and everyone is happy with moderation no political discussion and just enjoying spaceship pewpew, thing is new players and how they gonna find those channels hence i propose ccp to add some player owned chats to a new made tab called unofficial languages or how you preffer to call it, so a new person can check a channel and see for example UA channel and how many people it has(we are quite active atm over 60 active members ) im really looking forward to have this option in new expansion.

Aaand, the culprits I suspected eventually surfaced. Ukrainian and Russian troll each other and so 33 other channels are shut down so CCP spare themselves some trouble. What a briliant way to go, CCP! Evil

I think this post sums up the situation perfectly.

It is not like removing language channels will solve the problem. Only thing we can read between the lines is "we(CCP) don't care about the problem". It is not a solution for the problem, you just swipe it under a carpet.
Of course it will make more difficult for new players with poor English/French/German/Russian/Japanese to seek for help, question is how CCP is planing to address this problem.
Gudius II N-Meistriii
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#160 - 2014-09-27 09:07:05 UTC
So I could write a really long story about how the cozy dutch channel totally enhanced my gameplay experience starting out and felt way more familiar than the overpopulated spammy rookie channel. And how I had many good chats there and hardly ever is abuse going on but that won't change a thing so....

Is there any chance some of the regulars (people who have been in the channel for years, not fighting, helping noobs etc (and I don't even have to be one of them we can vote or suggest peope there maybe?)) can inherit the channel with the proper name "Nederlands" as soon as you guys reset it and give us/them the moderator priviliges so we can keep it alive as volunteers. And MAYBE EVEN keep it supereasy to find for the noobies.

In general we don't even really need mods in the dutch channel except for the rare commercial spammer, but without any I'm guessing it won't work either?