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Tutorial Difficulty

Erufen Rito
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#41 - 2014-09-26 00:15:25 UTC
Solette Cheli wrote:
Priscilla Project wrote:
Nah, they're not really difficult.

Many people are used to easyness and effortlessness,
clicking around and getting hooked to gratification.

That leads to lack of patience and people not reading the text ...
... which means thqt people fail doing the tutorials.

They don't feel difficult to me now, but they did when I was a noob :p.
Although it is very different in how it's played to normal MMORPGs, where you can skip the tutorials after learning the first one because they're all the same..

"was"a noob?

I'm sorry, but your whole "theory" revolves around the fact that you don't even remember the tutorial, but want to know if it is difficult.

All of my wat.

This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

Cancel Align NOW
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#42 - 2014-09-26 02:07:21 UTC
Kousaka Otsu Shigure wrote:

Also the tutorials are somewhat buggy, I had one guy have a bug at Aura Mission 1. How's that for first impressions?

That is something that annoys me every time I run the tutorials

Seneca Auran
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#43 - 2014-09-26 02:31:10 UTC
Toshiro Hasegawa wrote:
some People have difficulty...which seems alien to vets ... with all sorts of things .. but i dont think the majority of people do .. just some people. I dont know, but i would assume they either have never played an mmo or many spaced based rpg's or rpg's in general or after years of theme park MMOs are looking for more a tutorial which goes through everything step by step ... click here (here is circled in red), then click here and then here and then here and see this thing over here ( being pointed out by a big green arrow bouncing in space) sorta tutorial.

I think the problem is the opposite actually, they're used to the more 'standard' themepark MMO's where you can skip the tutorial and figure out pretty much all the basics with about 10 seconds of random clicking and button pushing.

So they come to EVE assuming it works the same way, close or speed through the tutorial windows, and then wonder why W,S,A,D isn't moving them around.
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#44 - 2014-09-26 02:36:07 UTC
Oh dear god, if OP thinks the Tutorials are difficult, he/she is NOT going to have a good time in the actual game...

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Milan Nantucket
#45 - 2014-09-26 04:44:54 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
I did the tutorial back in 2004, and then i rand it again like last year for ***** n giggles. And i was disapointed at how bloody easy the tutorial is now compared to 04.

IIRC the 04 tutorial was:

Welcome to eve! you are ship! See that red cross? Shoot it!

See that wreck? Loot it!

See that rock? Mine it!

See that thing there? thats a station Dock!

Ok you are all done, here is an agent to get you started... good luck!

Aurora out.

They must have improved it in 2009....

they added

See that gate jump.
Valkin Mordirc
#46 - 2014-09-26 06:57:21 UTC
I think the tutorial are actually to easy. People now a days are to used to video games, hand holding the way to victory.

Personally I think it needs to be expanded. And made so that it's more racial specific. I don't understand why my new gal toon, is being told to train shield tanking skills. While simultaneously being told to armor tank, in a atron. Roll
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