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System Defense Ships

Misato Katsuragi
N. E. R. V.
#1 - 2011-12-12 03:34:40 UTC
Short of thinking of a ship that incompletely over powered, I put forth the idea of a "coastal battleship". Something that is incredibly slow, large mass, long align time, however can put up a nice tank, and can use a mix of small and large guns.

The goal is to have a ship that can help defend solar systems, whether that be at an asteroid belt, gate, outside a station. Etc, but be extremely difficult in moving around in. Limiting the power grid and cpu to 4 large guns, 4 small guns, and a tank would keep the fitting balanced.


-Mix of BS and Frigate Sized Weaponry
-Strong Defense Tank
-T2 Resist


-Freighter Speed
-Skill Intensive
-Long Lock Times
-Limited Fitting.

BS Sized Ship (Could be a Tier 3, T2 BS)

Role Bonus:

100% bonus to small turret damage.
100% bonus to large turret damage.

8 High (8 Turrets)

X Mids

X Lows

Flame On.
Alternative Enterprises
#2 - 2011-12-12 06:15:43 UTC
if your corp/alliance can't scare up a few BS and BC's to defend the system, you have issues bigger than lack of a ship class.

BS and above kills BS and above, support kills everything else. Slower locking times than current bs on this thing would mean the dictor has bubbled you, took a smoke break, then warped off. This is why fleets bring support...they lock and drop dictors and bombers. Nice lower sp players useful jobs and keeps bitter vets in BS' and caps where there tens of millions of sp are of better use.

YOur bonuses sound not unlike a marauder except for the small guns. Hint: big guns kill big ships, drones kill frigates.

Why not throw in reps too....since you missed the pos/station repping portion of a system defence in this ship lol.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2011-12-12 18:10:43 UTC  |  Edited by: IceAero
All this craziness aside, a T2 BS with a serious bonus to medium and/or small gun RANGE could be interesting!

It would need a high scan res, Maybe that's what the skill bonus would be? Making it have a high buffer and slow speed would mean attacking fleets need to take them out first before sending support in.

I understand that a fleet needs support, but if you've got a 600m+ ship replacing 2-3 support craft, I think things are balanced. It's not going to be doing great dps, probably 400ish at most. But it would be strong against cruiser class and smaller. Maybe even good at killing large drones.

More skills + risking more ISK = advantage.

I think the Tier 3 BS hulls would work best here. Maybe 1 less mid or low compared to the T1 version, but more base shields/armor and less PG.
Vincent Athena
#4 - 2011-12-12 19:47:43 UTC
In one of the chronicles CCP said that the Sansha ships were more powerful because they did not have a warp drive. Supposedly the warp drive takes up most of the room in our ships. I assume CONCORD ships are the same way.

This gives an idea for system defense ships: They are more powerful, stronger tanks, more speed, firepower, and so on, but have no warp drive. Instead you stage them at a POS that has a new array: a ship transporter / recall array. When called upon the ships at the pos can transport to the area needed, and can later be recalled. The ship's pilot could have a command "transport to alliance member" available while at the POS. When away from the POS there would be a "transport to array" command available, assuming the aggression timer has run out.

A lesser version of this is to not introduce a new ship, but just that transport array. Any ship that is near it can quickly transport, or maybe just warp, to any alliance member in system, no need to get them in fleet. You see "Help!" in chat, right click, "warp to member", and you are on the way.

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Deutzer Freiheit
#5 - 2011-12-12 22:50:02 UTC
Use a Carrier and/or Dreadnought.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#6 - 2011-12-12 22:57:31 UTC
People would just use them to run L4s.
Proteus Maximus
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#7 - 2011-12-13 00:15:05 UTC
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
People would just use them to run L4s.

Not if they had system restrictions like capitols. No high sec..period.

If Goons were around when God said, "Let there be light" they'd have called the light gay, and plunged the universe back into darkness by squatting their nutsacks over it.

Elysian Space Navy - 1st Fleet
#8 - 2011-12-13 02:44:29 UTC
I am assuming the 4 small guns on your idea are for swatting frigs and drones right?

This is already taken care of. I am a Gallentean who flies a Dominix. I have my skills set up so that it can use T2 blasters or rails and I can swat frigs with my guns AND my drones just fine. I set up a couple of tracking speed boosting modules and dropped in a tracking speed script in each, then bought and fitted a few tracking speed worthy implants and popped on a Tracking speed T2 rig... I own a Dominix that can fire rail guns AND blasters and swat drones out of the sky.

AND my drone control range is 98,000km with my rails out at 115,000km. I just drop in on my enemies at 100km and blast them to pieces with T2 Rail charges and heavy drones from sniper range. I know this is not an orthodox set up, but hey; if it works it works.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2011-12-13 08:16:01 UTC
IceAero wrote:
All this craziness aside, a T2 BS with a serious bonus to medium and/or small gun RANGE could be interesting!

It would need a high scan res, Maybe that's what the skill bonus would be? Making it have a high buffer and slow speed would mean attacking fleets need to take them out first before sending support in.

I understand that a fleet needs support, but if you've got a 600m+ ship replacing 2-3 support craft, I think things are balanced. It's not going to be doing great dps, probably 400ish at most. But it would be strong against cruiser class and smaller. Maybe even good at killing large drones.

More skills + risking more ISK = advantage.

I think the Tier 3 BS hulls would work best here. Maybe 1 less mid or low compared to the T1 version, but more base shields/armor and less PG.

Why not just use a battlecruiser?

Proteus Maximus wrote:
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
People would just use them to run L4s.

Not if they had system restrictions like capitols. No high sec..period.

So, they'll use them to run 0.0 L4s, or sanctums...