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[WTS] Capital BPOs

Void.Technical Academy
#1 - 2014-09-15 00:52:15 UTC  |  Edited by: PyroSinus
The BPOs are in Amarr. Please reply here if interested.

Post here or Eve mail me.

(2) Cap Drone Bay - ME 10 TE 20 - 1.5bil each
(1) Cap Siege Array - ME 10 TE 20 - 1.79bil
(1) Cap Turret Hardpoint - ME 10 TE 20 - 1.75bil

(1) Archon - ME 7 TE 0 - 1.82bil
(1) Chimera - ME 8 TE 10 - 1.9bil
(1) Nidhoggur - ME 8 TE 0 - 1.95bil

(1) Moros - ME 9 TE 10 - 3.7bil
(1) Revelation - ME 10 TE 10 - 3.9bil
(1) Naglfar - ME 7 TE 2 - 2.3bil

(1) Dual Giga Beam Laser - ME 8 TE 0 - 90mil
(1) Dual Giga Pulse Laser - ME 8 TE 0 - 90mil
(1) Dual 1000mm Railgun - ME 10 TE 20 - 100mil
(1) Ion Siege Blaster - ME 8 TE 0 - 90mil
(1) Citadel Torpedo Launcher - ME 8 TE 0 - 90mil

(1) Cap Armor Repairer - ME 10 TE 0 - 100mil
(1) Cap Remote Armor Repairer - ME 10 TE 0 - 100mil
(1) Cap Remote Energy Transfer - ME 9 TE 0 - 95mil
(1) Ca Remote Shield Booster - ME 9 TE 0 - 95mil
(1) Cap Shield Booster - ME 9 TE 0 - 95mil
(1) Siege Module - ME 10 TE 20 - 1.1bil
(1) Triage Module - ME 10 TE 18 - 1.1bil

(1) Firbolg - ME 9 TE 0 - 450mil

(1) Multifreq XL - ME 10 TE 20 - 55mil
(1) Antimatter Charge XL - ME 10 TE 20 - 55mil
(1) EMP XL - ME 10 TE 20 - 55mil
Void.Technical Academy
#2 - 2014-09-15 02:55:58 UTC
Void.Technical Academy
#3 - 2014-09-16 00:00:26 UTC
Jan Poepje
Incognito Co.
#4 - 2014-09-16 13:28:30 UTC
I just calculated each of them by jita contract prices ( All same ME / PE with urs ) even though some of them overpriced atm ;

And total cost is ; 49.66 B

I suggest you to revise items/prices again.

Void.Technical Academy
#5 - 2014-09-16 19:10:11 UTC
Make an offer and I will consider it. Until then, this price is competitive with what is on the contract market.

You also probably forgot to add 3 more drone bay BPOs (4 total)
Void.Technical Academy
#6 - 2014-09-17 17:33:14 UTC
up we go! Buy my stuff!
Void.Technical Academy
#7 - 2014-09-19 14:12:48 UTC
Up we go
Void.Technical Academy
#8 - 2014-09-21 16:17:59 UTC
Bai mai stufz
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2014-09-24 21:03:08 UTC
Let me know if you would consider splitting these up. I have a keen interest in a few of them.

Nice bunch of BPO's BTW!

Void.Technical Academy
#10 - 2014-09-30 23:19:31 UTC  |  Edited by: PyroSinus
Still for sale,
Void.Technical Academy
#11 - 2014-10-10 19:30:59 UTC
OK, individuals BPOs for sale now.
Void.Technical Academy
#12 - 2014-10-10 23:07:19 UTC
up we go
Void.Technical Academy
#13 - 2014-10-10 23:25:28 UTC
Two gone, who's next?
Void.Technical Academy
#14 - 2014-10-11 13:15:04 UTC
Up We go, some stuff still left.
Void.Technical Academy
#15 - 2014-10-11 23:57:27 UTC
Stil available, first bits sold!
Void.Technical Academy
#16 - 2014-10-12 17:44:57 UTC
up we go
Void.Technical Academy
#17 - 2014-10-13 19:32:11 UTC
updated, BAI MAI STUFF
Void.Technical Academy
#18 - 2014-10-14 15:17:05 UTC
more for sale.