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What can Auto Pilot do for you??.... An AP revamp thread

el alasar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#121 - 2011-12-09 20:51:20 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Yeah, but truth be told, the reason why disco ships aren't used very often in high sec is because
1) You can't activate them near a gate(the game won't let you).
Unless smart bombs pull you out of warp, then I'm sure it would be more dangerous to use them at a high sec gate than it would be beneficial because your odds of catching a player without hitting an npc gate guard are far too low.

I still say that high sec gate ganking should have to rely on the same tactics low sec gate camps use.

to 1), limitation on when/where smartbombs can be activated are the same in high or low.
have you watched and exeperienced lowsec disco camps? they are quite effective. it is THE way to kill fast frigs. sure, only in lowsec you would use faction and officer smartbombs... a skilled smartbomber has a cycle time of 7.2-7.5 sec
i agree that smartbomb ganking is harder in highsec for the reasons you mentioned - but exactly that means you should give gankers more incentive to use it!

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Rina Asanari
#122 - 2011-12-10 06:27:58 UTC
I've read the thread title and my first thought was "Yet another 'AP to zero' thread".

I hoped I would have been mistaken with my assumption, but sadly it wasn't so.

To spell it out for even the densest posters: Search for it, every two weeks or so after the last thread died of starvation, another one pops up and repeats the cycle. Result remains the same that AP is intentionally the way it is, and no amount of moping around will change it.
Man Eating Bears
#123 - 2011-12-10 07:41:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Bearilian
Rina Asanari wrote:
I've read the thread title and my first thought was "Yet another 'AP to zero' thread".

I hoped I would have been mistaken with my assumption, but sadly it wasn't so.

To spell it out for even the densest posters: Search for it, every two weeks or so after the last thread died of starvation, another one pops up and repeats the cycle. Result remains the same that AP is intentionally the way it is, and no amount of moping around will change it.

And yet you can see why, if you were to show the curtesy of reading what you are bashing, this will continue to pop up as a concern for the majority of eve goers. the people who argue against it do not make up the percentage of those that would prefer the change if it were to happen. as discussed thouroghly by "el alasar" if it's not gona be strait up reduced then people could comprimize with an alternative, ie, an AP skill set. There is only two legitamate arguments against this discussion which are; the fight against botters and Trying to say people need to play the game and afk'ers should be penalized ("I should be able to warp faster when doing it manually than someone to lazy to").

I'm sure that the botter battle is probably very challenging for ccp to overcome. however, they chose a route that penalizes every one else (you dont punish the entire class or set the standards to the one bad kid).

With enough support, they will notice. It is apperant that they are willing to create quicker means of transportation, from the original (manual) warp to 0 a long time ago, to the "jump" comand issued just the other day. There are other more creative ways that they could discourage or interupt botting.

All I'm saying is that you should stop trolling. we were finally getting somewhere with this forum, and I hope people will look a couple of posts back, and at post 87 (page 5).
Happy fragles
#124 - 2011-12-10 08:12:00 UTC
Rina Asanari wrote:
I've read the thread title and my first thought was "Yet another 'AP to zero' thread".

I hoped I would have been mistaken with my assumption, but sadly it wasn't so.

To spell it out for even the densest posters: Search for it, every two weeks or so after the last thread died of starvation, another one pops up and repeats the cycle. Result remains the same that AP is intentionally the way it is, and no amount of moping around will change it.

I guess people often forgets who has to have fun in game. Developer or player? If this topic is refreshed all the time maybe it means that it should be changed so players have fun playing game, not dev. And yes, i know i can quit, many people do but dev role is not to loose customer but to bring more of them.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#125 - 2011-12-10 18:35:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Joe Risalo
Rina Asanari wrote:
I've read the thread title and my first thought was "Yet another 'AP to zero' thread".

I hoped I would have been mistaken with my assumption, but sadly it wasn't so.

To spell it out for even the densest posters: Search for it, every two weeks or so after the last thread died of starvation, another one pops up and repeats the cycle. Result remains the same that AP is intentionally the way it is, and no amount of moping around will change it.

Actually, this is the same thread that's been going for a while now. I just changed the name because through out the thread it no longer become a simple warp to zero AP, but more of a AP warp to zero but with some balance.

Oh, and there isn't really any proof that AP is intentionally this way. There's actually more proof that CCP just kinda forgot about it when they began to allow people to warp to zero. However, now that those times are long gone CCP just seems to be auto piloting and everything they notice themselves warping on a gate at 15 they just think "Man, we gotta fix that....But I'm pretty sure it's someone Else's job...And I don't wanna sound like i'm trying to get the easy way out"

Everyone wants AP to warp to zero because they hate to wait on AP and they hate to manual travel. However, several people try to say no to the idea because
A) They'd rather have easy low risk ganks in high sec over faster auto pilot
B) Seem to think because it's Eve that things aren't allowed to improve or change
C) They must be role players and have fit this into role playing by saying that AP is risk avert where as the pilots themselves are not and are willing to warp themselves into the middle of a target. Yet they forget it's in space and computers are highly advanced.

Oh, and why does everyone seem to think that auto pilot is actually auto pilot????

Wouldn't it actually make sense that since you have a crew, you probably have a crew to take over control of the ship when you're busy?
So essentially AP is piloted, just not by the capsuleer.
el alasar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#126 - 2011-12-10 20:55:10 UTC
Rina Asanari wrote:
I've read the thread title and my first thought was "Yet another 'AP to zero' thread".I hoped I would have been mistaken with my assumption, but sadly it wasn't so.

infact, yes, this thread was started as AP WTZ, but, how far did you read this thread? have you read my posts? i would be happy to get some feedback from you on my proposal from post #87. thanks.

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The Fourth Leaf
#127 - 2011-12-12 03:06:58 UTC
being a noobie, im sure you guys dont want my opinion, but it sure would be so much more convenient for us. it sounds like there are valid arguments against the change, but i dont think they should stop such a useful one from happening. I would be willing to train a skill if i had to.
Rina Asanari
#128 - 2011-12-12 08:08:21 UTC
el alasar wrote:

infact, yes, this thread was started as AP WTZ, but, how far did you read this thread? have you read my posts? i would be happy to get some feedback from you on my proposal from post #87. thanks.

There is a problem with skills: If manual piloting is still better than a fully skilled AP, people would continue piloting manually, since many times it's a matter of a fraction of a second between getting though and away from a gate to being ganked.

There is no "inbetween": either everyone would skill up to V, regardless how long it takes, if AP beats manual piloting, or no one would waste any time if AP remains the worse option.

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#129 - 2011-12-13 05:24:34 UTC
Man Eating Bears
#130 - 2011-12-13 05:51:09 UTC
Rina Asanari wrote:
el alasar wrote:

infact, yes, this thread was started as AP WTZ, but, how far did you read this thread? have you read my posts? i would be happy to get some feedback from you on my proposal from post #87. thanks.

There is a problem with skills: If manual piloting is still better than a fully skilled AP, people would continue piloting manually, since many times it's a matter of a fraction of a second between getting though and away from a gate to being ganked.

There is no "inbetween": either everyone would skill up to V, regardless how long it takes, if AP beats manual piloting, or no one would waste any time if AP remains the worse option.

I dont get your argument. are you trying to say its pointless to add a skill set for AP, because it would still be worse than manual piloting. if so you did not understand the many point of views in this thread. Obviously it would be worse than manual piloting. for more than one reason. to nerf afk'ers being the main one. One thing I think most people in this thread are missing, is the fact that we are not soley talking about people transporting hundreds of million in cargo. we are talking about flying in general. the discussion is seemingly revolving around the idea of transports and ganking, but that is only because we are looking at a majorly effected mechanic, ie ganking and gate camping. but the individual that just wants to travel 10+ systems for whatever random reason, should have the option to do other things while pointlessly flying.

Although, there is one side of your argument I do sympathize with. I to think that making a skill out of AP is rather pointless. but only from the point of view that my vote goes for AP warp to zero, (and quit crying about how inconvenient this would be for you, the gankers :*(... ) but since this is so drastic of a change and its to divided down the middle on who agrees with what, it is a very appealing comprimise. allow a skill set, so that people can have "earned" their right to AP closer and faster, while still maintaining a nerf over those that want to feel superior for manually flying.
Doctor Invictus
Station Crew
#131 - 2011-12-13 07:19:04 UTC
Why not just have a 'Advanced Autopilot' module and skill? When equipped, each level of training knocks 3km off the warp-to distance. Chronic AP users, would have the option of sacrificing a module slot (and training time) for the benefit of effortless transit. The module (but not the skill) are built-in to shuttles.

'Farms and Fields' Sovereignty Revamp:

A Computationally Cheap Line-of-Sight Mechanism:

el alasar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#132 - 2011-12-13 15:15:55 UTC
Doctor Invictus wrote:
Why not just have a 'Advanced Autopilot' module and skill? When equipped, each level of training knocks 3km off the warp-to distance. Chronic AP users, would have the option of sacrificing a module slot (and training time) for the benefit of effortless transit. The module (but not the skill) are built-in to shuttles.

that is a very interesting idea. to clarify, module+skill would be needed together? assuming this, a module would mean
- you needed to change your fitting before using your ship as effecitvely as intended, once you reach the destination (makes it very unattractive to use AP and you loose much if not all advantage when using AP)
- sacrifice a slot used e.g. for a buffer otherwise (that might be a nice penalty though)
- not all ships can use the new AP (e.g. freighters dont have slots, make it also built-in then?)
- no real penalty for frigs on AP which utilize low warp-align times, same for shuttles

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el alasar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#133 - 2011-12-13 15:42:23 UTC
Rina Asanari wrote:
There is a problem with skills: If manual piloting is still better than a fully skilled AP, people would continue piloting manually, since many times it's a matter of a fraction of a second between getting though and away from a gate to being ganked.

There is no "inbetween": either everyone would skill up to V, regardless how long it takes, if AP beats manual piloting, or no one would waste any time if AP remains the worse option.

i am sorry, but i also have trouble following your argumentation.

in many situations there is no room to use AP anyway (wardec, high value cargo, high value fitting, many open KR on you, not-highsec area, ...). still for all other cases (and some bold people lol) it should be attractive to use AP, yet i feel there needs to be a penalty to manual warp, to please the rest of the world and also reward manual "playing". thus a set of skills together with other proposed changes in #87 seems a viable compromise to me, offering benefit to 99% of players.

check the moderated 10000 papercuts evelopedia page! comment, bump(!) and like what you like

Doctor Invictus
Station Crew
#134 - 2011-12-14 01:00:28 UTC
el alasar wrote:
that is a very interesting idea. to clarify, module+skill would be needed together?

Yep, except maybe for shuttles and/or freighters due to their lack of slots. Maybe there could be an implant for similar effect (or to replace the module all together). In any case, frequent AP users would face a cost for automation.

el wrote:
assuming this, a module would mean
- you needed to change your fitting before using your ship as effecitvely as intended, once you reach the destination (makes it very unattractive to use AP and you loose much if not all advantage when using AP)

It depends on what you're doing. If you're just mindlessly hauling through hi-sec, I think this kind of AP would still be attractive to many people, just as warp-to-15km AP is now.

el wrote:
- sacrifice a slot used e.g. for a buffer otherwise (that might be a nice penalty though)

Yar. I'm not dead-set against automation of some of the more mind-numbing and unavoidable aspects of EVE, but I want there to be some kind of tradeoff involved. If you want to AFK haul across the galaxy while warping to zero at gates, you give up a module or implant slot, and spend some time learning a skill.

el wrote:
- not all ships can use the new AP (e.g. freighters dont have slots, make it also built-in then?)

Either that or offer choice between a module and an implant, with the two having the same effect of enabling warp-to-X AP. AP users would then choose between whichever is 'cheapest', but they would still face a tradeoff.

el wrote:
- no real penalty for frigs on AP which utilize low warp-align times, same for shuttles

Since frigs/shuttles are small and fast, they have that advantage now. This would just rework how their advantage is expressed (and possibly increase it).

'Farms and Fields' Sovereignty Revamp:

A Computationally Cheap Line-of-Sight Mechanism:

Man Eating Bears
#135 - 2011-12-14 02:23:15 UTC
I like the idea of a module but not the implant. if it were an implant, then there doesnt seem to be any logical reason why just having the skill isnt enough. if it was a module then, you fitt your ship with somesort of device that is allowing to closer auto pilot. some sort of radar sensory device that allows that level of automated close range travel (avoiding objects and the such).

as far as shuttles go, if its built in, doesnt really matter to me(easy enough t buy a t1 frig). but with the frieghter, was afraid to mention anything, but i think it should have the module built in.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#136 - 2011-12-14 02:24:21 UTC
The point is simple.

You want autopilot? Your time traveling will increase.

You wanna go fast? Do it manually.

Same as a sensor booster, you want to lock fast? You targeting range will increase. You want to long range target locking? Your time to lock it will increase.

And many other features in eve, you win one side and lose the other.

It is the way its meant to be, and working as intended.

I personally think its a great way to make people having to "play" instead of being lazy.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#137 - 2011-12-14 02:53:17 UTC
I would say that if the module were introduced it would need to be a low slot module.
This way you have to choose between a dps module, tank module(for armor tanks), cargo for haulers, warp core, or velocity.


I say a tech 1 and a tech 2 module..

Tech 1 reduces AP warp in distance by 2 km per lvl.

Tech 2 requires lvl 5 and reduces warp in distance by 2.5km per level. Which puts you 2.5km from the gate, which is warp out distance.

Now. The shuttle and freighter automatically have the device built in, however, to activate the device on the shuttle increases the amount of time needed to to align in the shuttle by x%(x being enough to make a difference, but still faster than travelling 15km.)

With the freighter, it reduces the cargo amount by x% in order to activate it.( x% being an amount to make a difference, but not enough to undercut what could be done if you just travelled without it on.)

However, with the case of both the shuttle and the freighter, you need to have the skill to level 5 in order to activate the device. They also require you to be docked in order to activate or deactivate the module. Thus requiring you to make the decision before you undock, or to have to redock somewhere else if you wish to change your mind.

In the case of the t1 and t2 modules. They have a penalty for alignment time. T2 having a smaller penalty than t1, but I also suggest possibly having another skill that can negate this penalty in 80-100%.

In allowing a skill to negate the alignment penalties, then the ship will align and warp out faster. However, every ship requires that you align and hit 50-70% of max velocity before AP will warp you out. So your speed in which you travel depends on your ship and 2 different skills.

The reason for the seperate skills and the t1 and 2 modules is because it would rely on players putting in the time to become proficient with their electronics and the understanding of how AP works. So one skill would fall under electronics and require electronics lvl5 (this would be the skill to use the module) and the skill to reduce the penalty of alignment time would be under navigation and require navigation lvl 5. However, i'm not sure if the 1st skill should fall under navigation as well, but still require electronics lvl 5.

However, I would suggest that to train the skill from lvl 4 to 5 for either skill shouldn't take longer than 2 week if that because if it does, most players, if not all players, will negate training the skills to 5.

Again though, shuttles are quite fast, and since the modules are built in they would need to already be t2 modules, so this is why you would require the skill for the modules to lvl 5. However, freighters are the same, but they aren't fast, however, they require the skill to lvl 5 because they are advanced ships with complex AP systems due to AP having to factor their size before they can warp to a target.

If anyone want to tag onto this and refresh it, or just hit something I missed. Feel free.
Man Eating Bears
#138 - 2011-12-14 03:07:32 UTC
The point is simple.

You want autopilot? Your time traveling will increase.

You wanna go fast? Do it manually.

Same as a sensor booster, you want to lock fast? You targeting range will increase. You want to long range target locking? Your time to lock it will increase.

And many other features in eve, you win one side and lose the other.

It is the way its meant to be, and working as intended.

I personally think its a great way to make people having to "play" instead of being lazy.

wow. this late in the thread? guess im glad to get your input. but seriously. first; every example you used, is something that an eve pilot can use a "skill" to get better at said modules and abilities. so with out knowing it you just put your vote in for introducing a skill for AP (thanks). and second; flying multiple systems away is the least appealing aspect of the eve'verse. so you are saying that the games that you like to "play", include, click warp to system, then warp to next system, the warp to next system, then..........

I am all for fighting afk'ers, but attacking the autopilot, is not the way to go about it. the funny thing about your argument, is it has nothing to do with what is enjoyable about eve. the enjoyment of eve comes from (and correct me if im wrong) interacting with other people, engaging in wars, roaming in fleets(countless means of this), exploring sites, and running missions (and maybe possibly mining...). even if people make lots of isk hauling stuff for a living, I dont care if they go afk while they do it. if there is some sort of delay, which has been thouroughly suggested they would still be targets....

your examples do not compare to the argument at hand. having to choose between longer locking times and range, is a tactic for engaging in battle. even if you have to wait 20+ seconds to lock target, your not bored and uninterested while waiting. you are in fact anxious and in anticipation deciding on strategies.

(watching the warp bubble graphics was fun and exciting... the first two weeks of gameplay....)
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#139 - 2011-12-14 22:28:12 UTC