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Buff capital missiles or give the Phoenix hybrid bonuses.

Duchess Starbuckington
#1 - 2011-12-11 13:26:48 UTC
Simple choice really.

- Buff capital missiles so they aren't the running joke of the XL weapons
- Give the Phoenix the slots, fitting and bonus to use hybrids.

This has been broken way too long.
Jayrendo Karr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2011-12-11 14:40:54 UTC
Duchess Starbuckington wrote:
Simple choice really.

- Buff capital missiles so they aren't the running joke of the XL weapons
- Give the Phoenix the slots, fitting and bonus to use hybrids.

This has been broken way too long.

From my understanding (having never PvP'd or done 0.0) I hear that if you need a POS taken down then you use a Phoenix.
Duchess Starbuckington
#3 - 2011-12-11 14:43:24 UTC
A job basically any dread can do, the problem being that the Phoenix is essentially gimped in all other scenarios.
ReckIess Ascension
#4 - 2011-12-11 19:04:36 UTC
Explosion velocity coupled with the explosion radius for cap missile/torps makes them useless for anything other than punching large stationary/slow moving targets.
Kuhn Arashi
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-12-11 19:14:34 UTC
BolsitaDeTeDeMuerte wrote:
Explosion velocity coupled with the explosion radius for cap missile/torps makes them useless for anything other than punching large stationary/slow moving targets.

You just described what a dread is supposed to do.

so... working as intended I'd say.
grazer gin
Raving Rednecks
#6 - 2011-12-11 19:14:47 UTC
Lets say it like this when a nyx can outrun your torps its time for a buff

IMO double or triple its velocity so it can arrive at a target before it died and do something with the exp vel/rad

ALSO give the nag 3 projectile slots and no missiles
#7 - 2011-12-11 19:18:29 UTC
Jayrendo Karr wrote:
Duchess Starbuckington wrote:
Simple choice really.

- Buff capital missiles so they aren't the running joke of the XL weapons
- Give the Phoenix the slots, fitting and bonus to use hybrids.

This has been broken way too long.

From my understanding (having never PvP'd or done 0.0) I hear that if you need a POS taken down then you use a Revelation.

^Fixed that for you.Cool
Duchess Starbuckington
#8 - 2011-12-11 19:20:21 UTC

You just described what a dread is supposed to do.

so... working as intended I'd say.

The problem being that the Phoenix isn't even very good at that.
Alternative Enterprises
#9 - 2011-12-11 22:41:23 UTC
Kuhn Arashi wrote:
BolsitaDeTeDeMuerte wrote:
Explosion velocity coupled with the explosion radius for cap missile/torps makes them useless for anything other than punching large stationary/slow moving targets.

You just described what a dread is supposed to do.

so... working as intended I'd say.

if the gun dreads didn't hit bs under many might be right. However as need arises, 3 dreads can attempt to fight off bs fleets while phoenix is going, well I'll just twiddle my thumbs.

Also in temrs of just of bash they lack. Gun spam, missile spam. the same stuff that makes raven a poor fleet boat, apply to phoenix. I have raven'd pos before to compare, rokh is better. Just looking at rof and flightime alone, Large death star mods need incap....instant hit a very nice to have. Even with rokhs pre patch lackluster dps.

Chance of final shot to claim stations is smaller I think we cna all agree as well. As goose said above.....rev. No reloads (ergo reload time), relatively nice rof for the size of weapon and instant hit. Odds this will be the station claimer....pretty damn good.
Moros and nag take slots 2-3 (pick which one). Instant fire and jsut lose some time on reloads.

I'd sign this. hell I'd go hydrid if we could vote. Would get more bang for the buch from the rokh train. Naga made it not a waste of time. Lets get that big ship on the same sheet of music. Wouldn't screw over current skills trianed for caldari. Scorpion, pve raven or pvp torp raven, and manticore would use the missile skill sets.
ReckIess Ascension
#10 - 2011-12-12 03:07:36 UTC
Kuhn Arashi wrote:
BolsitaDeTeDeMuerte wrote:
Explosion velocity coupled with the explosion radius for cap missile/torps makes them useless for anything other than punching large stationary/slow moving targets.

You just described what a dread is supposed to do.

so... working as intended I'd say.

Every other dread can tag a sub cap target, a Phoenix isn't.
Inmei T'ko
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2011-12-12 14:36:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Inmei T'ko
Revamp dreads entirely.

Make them a real nullsec and lowsec weapon. Able to tag BSes and eminently able to kill supercaps.

Get rid of siege entirely and make them a bit more mobile, increase tracking speed and explosion velocity, and give them a damage buff versus supers. Then what you have is a weapon every EVE player can access directly, and which can kick ass in lowsec and nullsec.

Sure it makes BSes obsolete somewhat in nullsec but who cares? If you want to spend 1.4 billion on a super battleship you should be able to do that and have a weapon that can actually accomplish something.

Sure would shake up nullsec politics when the big fat ugly titan-and-momblobs suddenly have a reason to run scared. 5 dreads just killed yur arrogant son of a ***** in his 30 bill titan, aww poor Goons/PL/Test/Russians. World's smallest violin.

My 2c. I'd love to see it happen tbh. Would revitalize the game.
Planetary Interactors
#12 - 2011-12-12 19:14:11 UTC
i agree
dreads should be more dangerous to supercaps given how squishy they are in the face of supercaps

and to stay on topic, yes the phoenix should also be able to pose a threat to moving supercaps.
Duchess Starbuckington
#13 - 2011-12-12 19:14:19 UTC
Sure it makes BSes obsolete somewhat in nullsec but who cares? If you want to spend 1.4 billion on a super battleship you should be able to do that and have a weapon that can actually accomplish something.

Sorry, your post was dimwitted for the start but this is where the idiocy hit critical mass - so basically you want this ship class to completely obsolete an entire shipsize in lowsec and nullsec, and it's fine for it to do that because it costs more?

I suppose you're one of the morons who thought supercaps were fine because of their cost as well?

In the words of CCP: if you want to kill subcaps, use a carrier.
Inmei T'ko
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2011-12-12 19:19:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Inmei T'ko
Duchess Starbuckington wrote:
Sure it makes BSes obsolete somewhat in nullsec but who cares? If you want to spend 1.4 billion on a super battleship you should be able to do that and have a weapon that can actually accomplish something.

Sorry, your post was dimwitted for the start but this is where the idiocy hit critical mass - so basically you want this ship class to completely obsolete an entire shipsize in lowsec and nullsec, and it's fine for it to do that because it costs more?

I suppose you're one of the morons who thought supercaps were fine because of their cost as well?

In the words of CCP: if you want to kill subcaps, use a carrier.

Carriers get killed way too easily by subcaps, and tremendously easily by moms or titans. Their offensve capabiltities have been nerfed to death. You will not see people in carriers engaging battleship fleets. If you think you will you obviously have never lived in 0.0.

Moms and titans can only be built if you have sov, but also, in an interesting catch-22, are 100% mandatoryin order to hold any meaningful sovereignty at all.

If someone is going to be carrying a big gun in lowsec and nullsec, I believe everyone should be able to get that gun, not just a few major political groups who managed to build big supercap blobs and now have basically stagnated the entire game with them. Hence a more powerful dread.

People who can't fly dreads or can't afford to lose dreads would still fly battleships or battlecruisers. Dreads would be able to be jammed or sensor damped or webbed or etc. etc. And other dreads would hurt them badly as would large groups of battleships. Tier 3 battlecruisers with their smaller sigrad and better mobility would counter these more powerful dreads effectively.

The status quo sucks. It needs to change. That will require balls and vision. You don't seem to see the vision. Not sure if you lack the balls.
Duchess Starbuckington
#15 - 2011-12-12 19:26:13 UTC
To ammend that last bit morw accurately:
In the words of CCP: if you want to kill subcaps, use a carrier or bring a support fleet. Capitals like dreads should not be able to easily engage subcapitals - do that and you instantly obsolete battleshipsb and bring the entire game one step further towards capitals online.

The status quo is currently in the process of changing. Titans and SCs have already been nerfed hard, with a moderate buff to dreads into the bargain. Whether that buff is enough remains to be seen, but please take your **** into another thread. This one is regarding the fact the Phoenix is broken.
Inmei T'ko
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2011-12-12 20:16:29 UTC
All dreads are broken.