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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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155Mil PvP pilot looking for ACTIVE Us Tz Corp

Pandemic Horde
#1 - 2014-09-18 03:27:32 UTC
Putting feelers out once again for a new home. Last corp i was in we spent more time floating at a staging tower waiting for numbers than we did PvP. Either that or just switching ship types multiple times just to stand down or fly multiple jumps only to turn around.

So with that being said, If your corp/Alliance, does not have a strong Us Tz presence, or Fc's unwilling to take fleets out and at least do something instead of sitting around than please move on to the next posting.

Now on to the basic stuff
Heres the skills

Maxed leadership/Booster - T3/Cs
Multiple Capitals with all the T2 bells and whistles
All combat T2 Ships/Mods
Etc and so forth

I have children in the home so they take priority
Usual play time is in the evenings (Us Est), And weekends when kids are away.
If you want a more accurate timeframe feel free to mail me and we can discuss if i would make a good addition to your corp.

PvP Pilot looking for Us Tz home For good fights, And general shenanigans.
daddys little fslur
#2 - 2014-09-18 10:49:26 UTC
we are mainly ustz with a smaller euro presence and operate in and around the syndicate area. We play eve to fight outnumbered and try hard to push our fleets to the limit whenever we get the chance. If your interested in actually using your caps and or killing alot of caps with a close-knit corp and alliance mail or convo me whenever you want to chat.

heres a little video one of the guys made earlier tonight, just a few clips of fights we've gotten in the past weeks.
Half Empty
#3 - 2014-09-18 14:30:03 UTC

We are a US/AU corp in Tri doing NPC null shenanigans. Stop by our pub channel and get to know us to see if we might be a fit for what you are looking for.

Hidden Fremen liked your forum post:

Jack Miton liked your forum post:

Mortis Angelus
#4 - 2014-09-18 15:00:28 UTC
Hi there Kalened,

I see you are getting some good offers and to be honest i dont want to be in your shoes.

MORTS don't want to be left out so we offer the possibility to earn yourself a super or carriers if you don't want to go all the way.

1 credit = 3 months straight with 300+ kills (no rookie ships or pods)
1 credit = 1 carrier of your choice
4 credits = 1 super of your choice (12 months straight with 300+)

If you fail with the super task you will be able to collect the amount of carriers corresponding to the amount of credits earned.

For more info about us please read our rec post or join our ingame channel: MORTIS INFO


Mortis Angelus: 11 Years and still kicking, One family One Goal

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2014-09-18 15:31:51 UTC
Hey Kal,

We have heard a lot about corps just sitting around waiting for the pew to come to them while they ship spin. Come have a chat with us in "Yumping in Public" channel - I think you will not regret it Big smile

Recruitment Link


Recruitment Video
Psaqi Coldness
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-09-18 19:36:22 UTC

Our recruitment team has noticed your efforts in searching the forums for a good Null sec corporation to join.
Sometimes such a post can have overwhelming replies, here at Zebra Corp recruitment center we would like to take this time to educate about our organization.

We are part of the CFC in an alliance named The Bastion [BASTN] which is a Goonswarm led alliance that holds Sovereignty in Vale.

- We are looking for motivated pilots that are relaxed and can take a joke.
- We are looking for Active pilots that want to pvp or learn how to pvp.
- We consider motivated newbie pilots who want to focus on PVP.

What we offer:

- We are a very experienced corp with some of the core membership flying together for over 5 years.
- We have a representative on The Council of Stellar Management (CSM) - Xander Phoena
- Xander Phoena also runs one of the most popular Eve Podcasts with fellow Zebro Jeg Elsker –
- We are a member of the CFC
- From Small roams to medium fleets to epic multiple fleet battles
- Fleets for Black ops, Frigates, cruisers and Battleships, including capital and supercapital fleets.
- Access to well-supplied trade hubs in both Empire and null security space.
- Multiple ship replacement programs.
- Experienced people in all categories of eve.

Join in game channel ZC Pub
Ned Starrk
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#7 - 2014-09-18 22:11:37 UTC
SOOOOOO we kill a lot of stuff and use caps and supers a lot.
Pandemic Horde
#8 - 2014-09-18 23:23:23 UTC
Reviewing my offers and will be contacting people shortly. Some great offers so far, keep em coming.
MachineGun Matt
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#9 - 2014-09-19 00:13:37 UTC
I think this should be the best offer yet.. but that is my opinion ;)

Now I am writing this with a night of drinking behind me.. so sorry if it kinda sounds "Chinglish" lol I dont have an auto copy and paste tool :).

We are a heavy US tz specialized 0.0 alliance that operates down in Catch part of the HERO coalition. Most of the operations are during the US tz and coalition ops are whenever and have roams going out when there is nothing to do.

We are a small corporation but are rapidly growing our ranks and we are looking for new members!

Well if you want to read what I wrote a long time ago and not while getting over a drunken stupor last night you can click the following link. It will include our killboards (eve-kill, zkill, and alliance killboard):

Hope to hear from you and its pirate day in the coalition! Yarr (so if you see friendly on friendly kills its the day to shoot people!)

Xanos Xellos
Goonswarm Federation
#10 - 2014-09-19 00:34:32 UTC
Hey man, just wanted to give you another option if you would like to take a look at us.

Take a look, if it sounds like something you would be interested in come have a chat with us in our public channel. I hope to hear from you soon, if not I hope you find a corp to fit what you enjoy doing.

Have fun and fly safe!