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POS Fuel Blocks Profit?

Aroun Aucie
Benuke United
#1 - 2014-09-18 19:17:18 UTC

I am new to industrial side of eve and was wondering if there is any tips/tricks or suggestions as to be profitable in makeing POS fuel blocks? I am looking for help as I am doing this solo, if i require another account to be successful please let me know. I would like to make 2 bill isk a month is this a reasonable expectaion?


PS i have basic PI and mining to exumer lvl
Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2014-09-18 20:08:55 UTC
Aroun Aucie wrote:

I am new to industrial side of eve and was wondering if there is any tips/tricks or suggestions as to be profitable in makeing POS fuel blocks? I am looking for help as I am doing this solo, if i require another account to be successful please let me know. I would like to make 2 bill isk a month is this a reasonable expectaion?


PS i have basic PI and mining to exumer lvl

Fuel blocks are not a good source of income compared to other industry unless you have a LOT of volume. If you can mass produce a ton of them, then they're okay, otherwise they have low margins.
Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2014-09-18 20:16:25 UTC
And to mass produce them you need a LOT of ISK to invest.

To give you an idea, in the area I live, if I bought mats from the market, made one of the better profit fuel blocks and sold them, to make 100 milion profit, I would need to invest around 1 billion ISK
Aroun Aucie
Benuke United
#4 - 2014-09-18 20:24:07 UTC
What if I were to harvest all the mats?
Team Bidders
#5 - 2014-09-18 20:42:49 UTC
Aroun Aucie wrote:
What if I were to harvest all the mats?

Then your production will be sitting idle for most of the time.
Aroun Aucie
Benuke United
#6 - 2014-09-18 20:46:20 UTC
Team Bidders wrote:
Aroun Aucie wrote:
What if I were to harvest all the mats?

Then your production will be sitting idle for most of the time.

Would you be able to elaborate, i understand first month will be used for setting up my colonies and etc, but would it be profitable after that?
Team Bidders
#7 - 2014-09-18 20:54:21 UTC
Do you think you can harvest 1B worth of materials within 1 second?

If you could, you don't need making fuel blocks. You will become the richest person in EVE by simply selling the materials.

Do some math, please.
Aroun Aucie
Benuke United
#8 - 2014-09-18 21:00:15 UTC
I am extremely new to this game, and am just looking for some guidance. I am thinking about getting another character to setup more colonies, and do all the mining myself.

Any time frames for this strategy would be awesome.
Mackaelik For'lorn
Benuke United
#9 - 2014-09-18 21:12:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Mackaelik For'lorn
You can make isk, yes
Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2014-09-18 21:25:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Omniblivion
Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2014-09-18 21:41:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Elena Thiesant
Aroun Aucie wrote:
Team Bidders wrote:
Aroun Aucie wrote:
What if I were to harvest all the mats?

Then your production will be sitting idle for most of the time.

Would you be able to elaborate, i understand first month will be used for setting up my colonies and etc, but would it be profitable after that?

After that, your production will be sitting idle most of the time.

There's a reason large-scale industrialists buy their stuff from the market.

Let's take a rough example. 100 runs of Caldari Fuel blocks. That takes ~14 hours to build. With minimal skills you can have 5 jobs running simultaneously (10 with good skills, 11 with maxed out). That's one character.

So let's say we have 5 lines and are making 100 runs of Caldari Fuel blocks in each job. That requires, a total of ~75000 heavy water, ~75000 liquid ozone, 200 000 nitrogen isotopes. We'll ignore the PI stuff for now.

If not purchased, that has to be ice mined. One block of caldari ice contains 69 Heavy Water, 35 Liquid Ozone, 414 Nitrogen Isotopes. That's with perfect refining, which isn't possible. I can't recall what the best possible in highsec is, I think 72%. Let's say 70% for round numbers.

1 block of ice refines then to roughly (rounding off in all directions) 50 heavy water, 25 Liquid ozone, 290 isotope.

To get the ice product requirements for your 14 hours of manufacturing, you'd need 3000 blocks of ice (liquid ozone is the bottleneck)

One block of ice, with max boosts, takes roughly, aproximately 2 min. and you can, in a hulk, pull 3 blocks at a time. So somewhere around 33 hours of mining time. Means you need 3 characters mining minimum. However, the belts have a 4 hour cycle time, mine them out and they respawn 4 hours later, so you either need to move around a lot and hope the belts in the other systems aren't also mined out, or spend a lot of time waiting.

That's completely ignoring the PI side or hauling requirements.

Oh, and those 5 lines of fuel blocks making 100 runs of fuel? Roughly, around 25-30 million over just selling the raw materials (Jita sell prices used for comparison)

Edit: Please note, this post contains copious rounding, approximations and 'close enoughs'
Edit2: Fixed ice harvesting numbers, I hope. Blame EveUni if they're still wrong (
Serious Pixels
#12 - 2014-09-18 22:40:28 UTC
Resource Harvesting and Manufacturing are very different things. When you are resource harvesting (PI or ice mining) you are trading your time for stuff. Time is sitting in a mining barge mining, or clicking extractors and hauling.

Manufacturing requires you to get a bunch of stuff in a pile, click Go, and wait for it to turn into different stuff. Hopefully the new stuff is worth more than the old stuff.

In general, it takes many people doing resource harvesting (Ice mining and PI) to make enough raw materials to keep one manufacturer busy. In the time you are waiting for your stuff to come out of the oven, you can do a bit of resource harvesting, but you will never get enough. Realize you have to haul your finished goods to market anyway. You might as well haul raw materials the other way and be able to build more.

So most manufacturers eventually give up on harvesting and just buy all their materials from the market. Then they can use their time in game to do other fun things like shooting lasers at other players rather than shooting lasers at ice cubes in a belt.
Maxx Run
Maxx Run Blueprint Services
#13 - 2014-09-19 02:55:46 UTC
Hehehehe, free bump Cool

We sell high ME - Sub-Cap Ship, Mod, Rig and Ammo BPC's - All at great prices! The best in the game, we were genetically engineered for this work!!

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2014-09-20 20:33:40 UTC
Aroun Aucie wrote:

I am new to industrial side of eve and was wondering if there is any tips/tricks or suggestions as to be profitable in makeing POS fuel blocks? I am looking for help as I am doing this solo, if i require another account to be successful please let me know. I would like to make 2 bill isk a month is this a reasonable expectaion?


PS i have basic PI and mining to exumer lvl

to add to what others have said here,

no, it's not really that profitable at your stage in Eve life to do this. In case it's not really clear, fuel blocks are one of the things in Eve that require a kind of mixed set of skills, if you do it all yourself, or a lot of outlay, if you want to buy items off the market to make them with.

What I mean is, while your PI Skills would help you get some of the items required to make the fuel blocks, you also need decent mining skills to mine the ice yourself, or decent trade skills and a whole lot more isk, as has been mentioned.

Your best bet is to decide what you want to do immediately and what your final goal is. One bil isk a month is not a reasonable expectation out of the box, but it might be a good eventual, final goal.

I would personally suggest continue with your PI, if you're so inclined, making things that sell well, taking into account the fees you pay (especially POCO tax). Sell the products you're making on the market. Just learning what to make there, how to do it effeciently so you're not loosing a lot of money and where to sell the items in question will teach you a lot about how the Eve market system works. This is important because once you have a better idea how the market works, you'll be able to make more informed decisions as to what you want to make and how to go about it. It gives you better flexibility and helps you set more realistic goals.

If all the math is not for you, then you might not want to get into the manufacturing/trading side quite so much, but stick with the raw materials. Mine ice for sale instead. This can even be an intermediate goal for you, til you can get your own operation up and running.

The question really boils down to what do you enjoy doing and what do you call profit. That is, there are many ways to make money in Eve, but the definition of which is "better" is subjective. It's not just how much you make, but what you enjoy. For instance, I could make more money doing incursions, but I really enjoy manufacturing more. So, for me, that's a "better" source of income. Many people say that missions are better than mining, as well, for similar reasons; not everyone enjoys mining.

Just as a final note, if you do go ice mining, learn how to tank your ship and have a spare. Or join a corp that does ice mining and learn the ropes. Ice is pretty hotly contested and gone pretty quickly. Anyway, just my two isk, good luck with whatever you decide to do!
Shiloh Templeton
Cheyenne HET Co
#15 - 2014-09-21 21:41:09 UTC
Aroun AucieI wrote:
am thinking about getting another character to setup more colonies, and do all the mining myself.
Are you already using the two extra slots on your main character account for PI?

Lady Ayeipsia
#16 - 2014-09-22 14:15:06 UTC
One other point... Ice changed about a year ago from a static resource to a more dynamic one. However, due to ample warning, people stockpiled ice.

I know for my Indy corp, we are still sitting on about a year's worth of fuel blocks. Others followed a similar route. This impacts prices because the demand is still low. Also, my corp Indy alt corp does PI and mining. So again, less demand because we supply ourselves, so in turn prices are low.

That said, don't abandon your PI... Robotics ans mechanical parts are in demand beyond just fuel blocks. For example, every T2 drone requires at least 1 robotic. So you may find making robotics, mechanical parts, and mining ore can net you the profit you want without going into fuel blocks.
Nathan Shavit
Shavit Risk Management
#17 - 2014-11-02 11:32:52 UTC
Aroun Aucie wrote:
What if I were to harvest all the mats?

You'd be better off selling the materials directly to a builder instead of competing with him or her.

There is no problem an air strike cannot solve.

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#18 - 2014-11-03 18:35:30 UTC
The margins on Fuel Blocks vary from region to region and depending on how many people are working in your area. tbh, imo it isn't worth it to harvest the materials yourself. I buy off the market and make a healthy margin.

About half the materials cost is isotopes. So if you were to bother harvesting, I would recommend ice mining. Or you could make a deal with some ice miners to buy compressed ice and get it shipped to your location.

Capitoline Research and Development
#19 - 2014-11-05 01:25:19 UTC
Build drones and forget fuel blocks. The work involved in fuel production if you don't have access to a freighter makes it a laborious task and the profit margin is low.

On the other hand you can develop your PI to supply T2 drone production. Get your feet wet in T2 to boot and the product sells fast and is easy to transport.
Sheri Angela
#20 - 2014-11-05 05:38:54 UTC
Go for high ROI items with more intensive labor behind it like drones, ammos, tech 2 modules and rigs. This will allow you to build capital quicker and hit higher volume items allowing quicker turnover. Also dont forget to research where you want to retail and train up your tradings skills to lower taxes and increase order visibility. Once you get a nice bit of capital you can look to focus on easy low margin high volume things such as fuel blocks. Don't forget to look into teams and manufacturing in different systems including using a POS.

The big thing to remember is success for a builder lies between max profit per slot for period of time or real life hours invested to create value over a period of time.

TIDI = Increasing profit while decreasing service level to the customer disguised a nicely marketed benefit. What would Amazon have done here.

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