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Reprocessing Bugged ??

Gumballz Slackbladder
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-09-18 18:01:36 UTC
We have just upgraded a Minmatar Station to LVL 2 to give a 57% base yield on refining.

Station Tax is set at 5%
Using a +4% Beancounter implant

Before the upgrade Ore skills at lvl 5 were returning 75% yield.
After the upgrade, Ore SKills at Lvl 5 are still returning 75% yield.

I believe the cuurent calulation is ..

Reprocessing yield: Station Equipment x (1 + Refining skill x 0.03) x (1 + Refining Efficiency skill x 0.02) x (1 + Ore Processing skill x 0.02) )

so before upgrade it should be :-

54x(1+5 x0.03) x (1+ 5 x 0.02) x (1+5 x 0.02) ) = 75.141 yield

After upgrade

54x(1+5 x0.03) x (1+ 5 x 0.02) x (1+5 x 0.02) ) = 79.315 yield

Add to them figures the implant ...4%

Before 75.141*1.04 = 78.144
After 79.315*1.04 = 82.448

And remove the Tax

Before 78.144*0.95 = 74.239
After 82.448*0.95 = 78.363

Did they change the reprocessing yield calculation? Been searching threads for ages but cant find that they did.

Any help in the matter please ?

Gumballz Slackbladder
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2014-09-18 19:07:38 UTC
After checking the physical amount returned on reprocessing .. it appears to be just a graphics bug.

The yield returned is actually 78%, not 75% as it reads on the little yellow bar thingy.

Panic over
Cyno for Titan
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3 - 2014-09-19 11:00:16 UTC
only a graphic bug. we noticed it, when we upgraded our station to lvl 3.