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Anit-cloaking idea

First post
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#21 - 2014-09-18 13:51:46 UTC
Angeal MacNova wrote:
The "solution" has always been a feature that can already be found with many other MMOs.

AFK log off timer. It's funny how people will quickly shoot down ideas that place additional load on the server for that reason (the 'missile switching target' idea has one or two) yet they are also against an idea that frees up server load.

Oh and LOL @ all the typical "if they are AFK, they can't hurt you" responses. Despite being debunked, people still throw it around.

More smoke?

How do you debunk the claim that an AFK player is harmless?
The logic that a ship with no pilot will represent a genuine threat, is a paradox.
A player cannot fight you if they are somewhere else.

Claiming it was done, is right up there with every other unsubstantiated claim we get to hear.

Try to fix your expectations about sov space, before making claims.
You never owned the space, you simply had a building permit, and the right to deny access to POS and outpost structures after being established.
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#22 - 2014-09-18 13:58:29 UTC
Oh god.

My headache seems to be back... Ugh

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Fer'isam K'ahn
SAS Veterinarians
#23 - 2014-09-18 14:08:53 UTC
Angeal MacNova wrote:
The "solution" has always been a feature that can already be found with many other MMOs.

AFK log off timer. It's funny how people will quickly shoot down ideas that place additional load on the server for that reason (the 'missile switching target' idea has one or two) yet they are also against an idea that frees up server load.

Oh and LOL @ all the typical "if they are AFK, they can't hurt you" responses. Despite being debunked, people still throw it around.

Dragging this much to death? There is no longer a corpse on the chain behind your car....

It is no solution, cause there is no problem.

There is no AFK log off timer, there is an 'idle' timer and running the acive module of a cloak is not being idle.

And someone not doing anything besides runnign 1 mod is not causing any server load worth mentioning.

And someone literally AFK can not hurt you ever, it if your paranoia does, it's YOUR paranoia, not the AFKs mental powers.

Too confused to post ? Don't post !
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#24 - 2014-09-18 14:10:28 UTC
Angeal MacNova wrote:
The "solution" has always been a feature that can already be found with many other MMOs.

AFK log off timer. It's funny how people will quickly shoot down ideas that place additional load on the server for that reason (the 'missile switching target' idea has one or two) yet they are also against an idea that frees up server load.

Oh and LOL @ all the typical "if they are AFK, they can't hurt you" responses. Despite being debunked, people still throw it around.

no the solution is stop being cowards an go about your day regardless
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#25 - 2014-09-18 14:41:03 UTC
Angeal MacNova wrote:
The "solution" has always been a feature that can already be found with many other MMOs.

AFK log off timer. It's funny how people will quickly shoot down ideas that place additional load on the server for that reason (the 'missile switching target' idea has one or two) yet they are also against an idea that frees up server load.

Oh and LOL @ all the typical "if they are AFK, they can't hurt you" responses. Despite being debunked, people still throw it around.

But a player who isn't doing anything produces virtually no server load?

And your idea breaks scouting, hauling, surveillance, the very act of waiting for something to happen (be it your scout finding something to hotdrop on, or the hostiles to go away, a site to de/respawn etc etc etc)...all to solve a problem that doesn't actually exist outside of the heads of some bears.
Angeal MacNova
Holefood Inc.
Warriors of the Blood God
#26 - 2014-09-18 15:03:41 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:

But a player who isn't doing anything produces virtually no server load?

And your idea breaks scouting, hauling, surveillance, the very act of waiting for something to happen (be it your scout finding something to hotdrop on, or the hostiles to go away, a site to de/respawn etc etc etc)...all to solve a problem that doesn't actually exist outside of the heads of some bears.

How exactly does an AFK log off timer break activities that require you to be at the keyboard? When something as simple as changing camera angles or selecting something on the overview resets the timer? Better yet, when clicking 'scan' on your d-scan will reset the timer.

As for the debunk, it's simple.

You don't know if they are AFK or not.

They could've returned 5 minutes ago
They could be watching something on another monitor
They could return from being AFK 5 minutes from now

All of which mean one thing for the indy player in a belt or a player running a plex in their PVE fit ship. That the "AFK cloak" may not be AFK at all and they can light a cov cyno at any time.

Don't bother with the semantics BS either. It's been quite obvious that the issue isn't AFK cloaking in the literal sense. It's the fact that there is no way to know if the person is AFK or not.

If the game gave you the boot for being AFK for an hour (which is plenty of time for any player at the keyboard to have to make some kind of input with any activity), then any cloaked ship in system can be safely assumed to be at the keyboard.

As it is now, since there is no way of knowing, any ship cloaked in system is treated as not being AFK.

CCP's true, butthurt, colors.

Because those who can't do themselves keep others from doing too.

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#27 - 2014-09-18 15:12:49 UTC
Angeal MacNova wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:

But a player who isn't doing anything produces virtually no server load?

And your idea breaks scouting, hauling, surveillance, the very act of waiting for something to happen (be it your scout finding something to hotdrop on, or the hostiles to go away, a site to de/respawn etc etc etc)...all to solve a problem that doesn't actually exist outside of the heads of some bears.

How exactly does an AFK log off timer break activities that require you to be at the keyboard? When something as simple as changing camera angles or selecting something on the overview resets the timer? Better yet, when clicking 'scan' on your d-scan will reset the timer.

As for the debunk, it's simple.

You don't know if they are AFK or not.

They could've returned 5 minutes ago
They could be watching something on another monitor
They could return from being AFK 5 minutes from now

All of which mean one thing for the indy player in a belt or a player running a plex in their PVE fit ship. That the "AFK cloak" may not be AFK at all and they can light a cov cyno at any time.

Don't bother with the semantics BS either. It's been quite obvious that the issue isn't AFK cloaking in the literal sense. It's the fact that there is no way to know if the person is AFK or not.

If the game gave you the boot for being AFK for an hour (which is plenty of time for any player at the keyboard to have to make some kind of input with any activity), then any cloaked ship in system can be safely assumed to be at the keyboard.

As it is now, since there is no way of knowing, any ship cloaked in system is treated as not being AFK.

Oh, so you want a mechanic that can be circumvented in seconds with a simple keyboard/mouse macro then?

Pretty pointless timer if it's that ineffective, isn't it.

Also, none of the things I listed require you to be at the keyboard, or at the very least, paying enough attention to EVE to click anything.

Now, can you explain why the fact that you are afraid of the big scary frigate cloaked in your system requires a sweeping change to the game? Hell, I'm pretty sure that 30 minute timer will disconnect everyone who tries to do something as gamebreaking as autopilot a freighter from amarr to jita.

And I challenge you to find me one single PVPer who has not waited more than an hour for a fight to go off. Or one ratter who has not waited more than an hour for hostiles to clear out of local. Or one scout who has not watched netflix or something on a second screen for an hour waiting for a target to come in.

And just so we can laugh a little more, post your lossmails.
ISD LackOfFaith
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#28 - 2014-09-18 15:23:25 UTC
17. Redundant and re-posted threads will be locked.

As a courtesy to other forum users, please search to see if there is a thread already open on the topic you wish to discuss. If so, please place your comments there instead. Multiple threads on the same subject clutter up the forums needlessly, causing good feedback and ideas to be lost. Please keep discussions regarding a topic to a single thread.

Thread locked.

Anti-cloaking is a discussion brought up time and again. As this thread does not offer any new solutions or insights, I recommend posting your feedback in one of the other existing AFK cloaking threads.

ISD LackOfFaith


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to Eve Mail or anything other than the forums.

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