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WH sites not spawning?

First post
Ruffio Sepico
Hidden Agenda
Deep Space Engineering
#61 - 2014-09-17 22:05:33 UTC
Prince Golem wrote:
going to be leaving this worm hole soon if I don't get any sites to run. 4 combats sites in a week. last two days+ none. something is broken.

Dont know what wh class you live in, but less sites being done, less sites will spawn, and you have some systems "hoarde" sites until someone run them. Found an empty c3 today with some 40+ anoms and ore sites.

Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#62 - 2014-09-17 22:34:34 UTC
Janeway84 wrote:
I wonder if enough people unsub the melted nano ribbon prices will reach 10-15 mil again? Big smile

That would be nice... At least the WH carebears whines would have a good effect for those that do not follow the self inflated gripes against Hyperion, and adapt to thrive in truly risky environments...

Vote Borat Guereen for CSM XII

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Ruffio Sepico
Hidden Agenda
Deep Space Engineering
#63 - 2014-09-17 22:52:25 UTC
Saisin wrote:
Janeway84 wrote:
I wonder if enough people unsub the melted nano ribbon prices will reach 10-15 mil again? Big smile

That would be nice... At least the WH carebears whines would have a good effect for those that do not follow the self inflated gripes against Hyperion, and adapt to thrive in truly risky environments...

What you do for isk? Everyone got to bear some for isk now and then... Like it or not, those you call carebears have a function in wspace too. If wspace in the end, just ends up being a few large enteties, I doubt much fun will be had.

Price of nano ribbon's is just not tied to how many people running sites, but actual use of the materials. Rest of sleeper salvage outside nano ribbons is dead cheap. Seing much use of t3 doctrines outside wspace these days?

Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#64 - 2014-09-18 07:24:17 UTC
Ruffio Sepico wrote:
What you do for isk? Everyone got to bear some for isk now and then... Like it or not, those you call carebears have a function in wspace too. If wspace in the end, just ends up being a few large enteties, I doubt much fun will be had.

Mainly farming anomalies in a C3, and it is certainly more challenging to do, but not impossible, so if some of the loot become rarer and more valuable I am all for it.. I am not going to leave WH space. My whole point is that farming in WH was way too secure before Hyperion, and WH space needed to get this dangerous area feeling back.

Ruffio Sepico wrote:

Price of nano ribbon's is just not tied to how many people running sites, but actual use of the materials. Rest of sleeper salvage outside nano ribbons is dead cheap. ...

Some of the sleeper data is still pretty valuable, overall in a c3 it is around 30 mil for one anomaly, and around 15mn of farming and salvaging uninterrupted... I could do them faster before as I used to do around 5, sometime 6, anomalies per hour before hyperion, but now I have to be more watchful, and I have dropped to 4 per hour when I can do them.

Vote Borat Guereen for CSM XII

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Papa Django
Materials Harvesting Kombinat
#65 - 2014-09-18 08:09:30 UTC
Saisin wrote:

Mainly farming anomalies in a C3, and it is certainly more challenging to do, but not impossible, so if some of the loot become rarer and more valuable I am all for it.. I am not going to leave WH space. My whole point is that farming in WH was way too secure before Hyperion, and WH space needed to get this dangerous area feeling back.

But you are wrong on the current situation. Everything is harder for the C1-C4 wh entities. Nothing has changed for C5-C6 entities. And thoses C5-C6 entities are the main supplier for sleeper salvage on the market.

This patch is a disaster for small / mid corps. It's riskier, harder, and there is a lot less content. All wrong.
For big corps, nothing has changed, except bigger chain map that is a good thing for them.
Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#66 - 2014-09-18 08:25:22 UTC
Papa Django wrote:
Saisin wrote:

Mainly farming anomalies in a C3, and it is certainly more challenging to do, but not impossible, so if some of the loot become rarer and more valuable I am all for it.. I am not going to leave WH space. My whole point is that farming in WH was way too secure before Hyperion, and WH space needed to get this dangerous area feeling back.

But you are wrong on the current situation. Everything is harder for the C1-C4 wh entities. Nothing has changed for C5-C6 entities. And thoses C5-C6 entities are the main supplier for sleeper salvage on the market.

This patch is a disaster for small / mid corps. It's riskier, harder, and there is a lot less content. All wrong.
For big corps, nothing has changed, except bigger chain map that is a good thing for them.

I certainly have had more opportunities to engage around WH collapsing than ever in the past 4 weeks, and being one of the smallest unit I do not see Hyperion as a disaster.

Nobody really knows what are the goals that CCP is going after with these changes, and in any case they will have the data to validate or not their theories about these changes.

My bet is and has been all along that WH space was generating too much ISK too easily, but if this is the case, this is a topic they can't really communicate about, for obvious PR reasons..
If I am right, and this ease of making ISK in WH continues to happen for larger groups, then something else will be changed in WH that target more effectively the larger groups also.

The only thing I do know for sure, and that educates my perception about these changes, is that I never made as much ISK per week until I settled in my C3 and, before the mass changes, I have never been able to engage WH collapsers like I can now do...

Vote Borat Guereen for CSM XII

Check out the Minarchist Space Project

#67 - 2014-09-18 13:48:40 UTC
Saisin wrote:
Mainly farming anomalies in a C3

Saisin wrote:
I never made as much ISK per week until I settled in my C3

So, you settled in a C3 and are running your own system's anomalies, making huge bank? I ask this, since a C3 doesn't have a C3 static, so you're not farming your static. In fact, you can only reliably get to K-space, beyond whatever holes open up into you. If you have a particularly crappy K-space type, it's entirely likely that people try to roll you off to get a different C3, thus leading to your opportunities to try to catch hole rollers.

So congrats on finding one of those occasional undesirable gold mine systems. They're great when you can find them, but the money doesn't last once you run out of anomalies and are waiting for more of them to spawn.
Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#68 - 2014-09-18 15:38:57 UTC
Meytal wrote:
Saisin wrote:
Mainly farming anomalies in a C3

Saisin wrote:
I never made as much ISK per week until I settled in my C3

So, you settled in a C3 and are running your own system's anomalies, making huge bank? I ask this, since a C3 doesn't have a C3 static, so you're not farming your static. In fact, you can only reliably get to K-space, beyond whatever holes open up into you. If you have a particularly crappy K-space type, it's entirely likely that people try to roll you off to get a different C3, thus leading to your opportunities to try to catch hole rollers.

So congrats on finding one of those occasional undesirable gold mine systems. They're great when you can find them, but the money doesn't last once you run out of anomalies and are waiting for more of them to spawn.

My static is Null Sec, and once I am out of anomalies I can go hunt/look for preys there. There is also more connections so more systems to scout and potential for extra isks. But with the anomalies there, I can make short of 1 billion per week. I can't farm as often in full security as I used to because of the extra connections of course, but it is still a solid 800 Mill for around 5 to 6 hours of play scattered during the week.
It is also fairly easy when the static does not end up in a populated NS area to go do the sites/belts over there.
I never saw this system as crappy, but indeed I can see how others would....

Vote Borat Guereen for CSM XII

Check out the Minarchist Space Project

#69 - 2014-09-18 16:52:05 UTC
Saisin wrote:
I never saw this system as crappy, but indeed I can see how others would....

Yeah, usually people with a C3 static are rolling it looking for a route to hisec.

Given the complaints in this thread about limited respawns of W-space anomalies, are you saying that you are getting new anomalies regularly? If you're pulling in that much income per week for an extended period of time, even solo you're not living on a gold mine and so there has to be something more than just pre-existing anomalies. I think that's what most people have been questioning, whether the anomalies in W-space are respawning regularly since Hyperion.
Icarus Able
#70 - 2014-09-18 19:26:13 UTC
Papa Django wrote:
Saisin wrote:

Mainly farming anomalies in a C3, and it is certainly more challenging to do, but not impossible, so if some of the loot become rarer and more valuable I am all for it.. I am not going to leave WH space. My whole point is that farming in WH was way too secure before Hyperion, and WH space needed to get this dangerous area feeling back.

But you are wrong on the current situation. Everything is harder for the C1-C4 wh entities. Nothing has changed for C5-C6 entities. And thoses C5-C6 entities are the main supplier for sleeper salvage on the market.

This patch is a disaster for small / mid corps. It's riskier, harder, and there is a lot less content. All wrong.
For big corps, nothing has changed, except bigger chain map that is a good thing for them.

Who says this is a good thing for c5-c6 corps? This change effects us the most. You think its bad crashing in a bs when you land outside of jumprange by like 3km try a carrier landing at 15-20km. Combat rolling and controlling the hole for the smaller c5-c6 groups is now impossible when presented with a larger force.

We cant fight large nullsec groups either for the same problem.
Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#71 - 2014-09-18 21:04:57 UTC
Meytal wrote:
Saisin wrote:
I never saw this system as crappy, but indeed I can see how others would....

Yeah, usually people with a C3 static are rolling it looking for a route to hisec.

Given the complaints in this thread about limited respawns of W-space anomalies, are you saying that you are getting new anomalies regularly? If you're pulling in that much income per week for an extended period of time, even solo you're not living on a gold mine and so there has to be something more than just pre-existing anomalies. I think that's what most people have been questioning, whether the anomalies in W-space are respawning regularly since Hyperion.

Yes, they are there, at least where I am... I have had no shortage of anom for the past weeks.. Also got up to 6 WH at one time, on top of my static... But I managed to dry the anoms down last week, and this week after the week end, I had at least 12 that re appeared.

I think one of the main thing that Hyperion brought is that you can't control your timing as easily as you used to... When you have a few hours of time dedicated to your gaming for example, and you can't farm during that time because of multiple connections that are more difficult to close, I can see how a player resent the change if their only drive is to make ISK by farming, but at the same time I do not think WH should be the panacea to farm ISK in isolation...

On my side, I adapt my activity to the situation in my WH when I get to play, so if I can't farm, then I explore the connections and look for opportunities there..

Vote Borat Guereen for CSM XII

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Nancy Wayke
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#72 - 2014-09-19 18:44:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Nancy Wayke
Still at -3/+3 for a total of 3 sites since the patch.

Currently 7 wormholes leading in and out of the system, inclusive of statics

Edit: And we carry on getting our statics re-appear in exactly the same place with exactly the same signature ID?
Kethok Hellion
Immortalis Fratres Vacui
#73 - 2014-10-29 01:55:27 UTC
I have been living in c4 wh's since b4 and after the patch.. I personally have no problems with the updates or re-balancing but the age old trouble I still have with wh's are the site spawn rates or region numbers.. c4 sites I honestly think need more reward now that there is a little more risk and they shld also spawn faster.. for days and days we have no sites spawning. Even ore belts sometimes take weeks.. I travel around sear hing for systems within our constellation so that I can activate them but with only 7 c4's in my constellation its a very very unsuccessful venture.. running sites in statics isnt so hard but the rewards are in my opinion too low.. if it wasnt for the horrid polotics in null.. theres more sense living there.. I love wormholes tho.. I will choose to live there above any other space.. just for the solitude.. however.. my opinion will always stand .. c4's need more sites and more reward.. it doesnt need to be doubled like some people say..

My view o7 fly upside down