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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Names/Tags for Jump Clones

Don't Panic...
#1 - 2014-09-17 22:45:50 UTC
Could we have a way to name or tag our jump clones, especially now we can have up to 10.

Would really help distinguish the role for the clone without having to check implants so thoroughly.
Gadget Helmsdottir
Gadget's Workshop
#2 - 2014-09-18 01:56:18 UTC
I'm not opposed to this. Anything that increases organization is a good thing in my book. Just as long as it's optional. If you must give a clone a designation, then people are going to balk.


Work smarter, not harder. --Scrooge McDuck, an eminent old-Earth economist

Given an hour to save New Eden, how would respected scientist, Albertus Eisenstein compose his thoughts? "Fifty-five minutes to define the problem; save the galaxy in five."

Heat-seeking Moisture Missile
Deep Thought Labs
#3 - 2014-09-18 02:37:24 UTC
Optional names/tags for jump clones sounds like a winner to me!

also, I'd like a confirmation dialogue box (with an option to disable it)

United Allegiance of Undesirables
#4 - 2014-09-18 03:33:03 UTC
Yes, we have needed this for a very long time.
Cynosural Samurai
#5 - 2014-09-18 05:56:52 UTC
If it turns out the sever somehow needs something in the name colomn (and i dont see why it would) it could just default to FireFrenzy's Jumpclone 1 (or whatever number) but i for one would like this ALOT
#6 - 2014-09-18 06:49:49 UTC

Already has 46 likes and CSM support in this thread.

Lowering the average to make you look better since 2012.