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Some Questions Regarding PVP and Factional Warfare

Trigger Zo
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-09-16 12:38:56 UTC
Hey there my fellow capsuleers!

So i've some questions regarding PVP and FW. I have been a citizen of New Eden for the better part of a month now and i thought it neigh time i dipped my toes into some PVP action and i thought that trying out FW may be one of the better ways to do so.

I'm having trouble finding some good CHEAP! frigate fits that i can loose time and time again, i took a look on Battleclinic and many of the fits seemed to contain expensive T2 modules, is this really the only way to have any success in PVP? I'd just like to try it but i don't want to lose a 50mil isk ship in the process.

Could anyone suggest some cheap frigate PVP fits?

Also is my presumption that FW is the best way to start PVP'ing?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Azda Ja
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2014-09-16 12:57:22 UTC
You can have success in low sec with extremely cheap fits. Granted, better mods are an advantage, but picking the right target can land you kills with frigates costing under 2 million. The key concept there is 'picking the right fight'. The only way to learn what the right fight is, by going out there and fighting (and losing), i.e experience.

Now when it comes to fits and such, I can send you a couple I used (and still use), but they're mostly Gallente frigates, I believe sharing fits is reserved for the Ships and Modules forum, so I'll send them privately if you want them.

Also, check this blog out for some great articles regarding PvP, especially low sec:

Check out the new player guides first, and work your way up. There's a lot to take in but take your time, and digest that information as slowly as you need.

When it comes to FW, I'll let someone else answer that.

Good luck out there! Fly dangerously. o7


Have Naught Subsidiaries
#3 - 2014-09-16 12:57:33 UTC
Assuming your idea of 'testing the water' does not include being a solo PVP monster:

No you don't need t2 guns.

Any t1 frigate with a point or scram, maybe a web and a MWD will put you in a useable ship for fleets and roams.

These are cheap cheap cheap.

Alternatives include the ewar t1 frigates which you can be effective in within about a day of skilling.

Join up with fleets and roams, get a taste for PVP etc while you get your skills up.

You can even get most of your player skills developed before your t2 guns finish training if your not afraid of losing your pixels in the process. Manual piloting, dscan, general navigation tricks in hostile space, how to approach a bigger target without being blapped etc.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#4 - 2014-09-16 12:58:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph King-Griffin
hi again, hav a look at the fit in the op of this thread,
its a tried and tested fit with our corp, obviously you can downscale anything you don't have the skills to go t2 on ,its a bit slow but you can swap the prop mod if you feel you have to.
it really shines when fighting slow stuff much bigger than itselfBlink
Azda Ja
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2014-09-16 13:27:22 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
hi again, hav a look at the fit in the op of this thread,
its a tried and tested fit with our corp, obviously you can downscale anything you don't have the skills to go t2 on ,its a bit slow but you can swap the prop mod if you feel you have to.
it really shines when fighting slow stuff much bigger than itselfBlink

Only kind of important thing there is to use Cap Booster 200s or Navy 400s. Unless I'm missing something with the 75s?

But yes to the OP, that is a fun fit. It also forces you to learn to calm down and micro manage your modules. Kind of a sink or swim way of learning, but quite fun nonetheless Big smile. As Ralph said, it's great against large ships.


School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-09-16 13:27:23 UTC
Hell. Most of the modules on my ships are Meta and I still get in on kills (hero tackle ftw).

So, no you dont have to have T2 but in some cases it can matter just that slight bit that makes a defeat into a win.

Also, FW is ONE of the many forms of PvP. Doesnt mean it's easy, startup PvP or a good way to learn. It depends on what you like and there are many options to taste PvP (Public Roams and AGONY classes come to mind)

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#7 - 2014-09-16 13:40:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph King-Griffin
Azda Ja wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
hi again, hav a look at the fit in the op of this thread,
its a tried and tested fit with our corp, obviously you can downscale anything you don't have the skills to go t2 on ,its a bit slow but you can swap the prop mod if you feel you have to.
it really shines when fighting slow stuff much bigger than itselfBlink

Only kind of important thing there is to use Cap Booster 200s or Navy 400s. Unless I'm missing something with the 75s?

But yes to the OP, that is a fun fit. It also forces you to learn to calm down and micro manage your modules. Kind of a sink or swim way of learning, but quite fun nonetheless Big smile. As Ralph said, it's great against large ships.

i like the navy 150's as there not that expensive,
can load 3 of them, keeps me around the 30% cap range when im running everything and you can carry lots of them,
i also prefer the shorter ones for when im suffering under neuts i.e. ill only have a couple of seconds to activate mods before their neut cycles and my cap disappears again so i only want to be taking as much as needed from the pool in my cargo, 400's are a waste in that scenario .

ill also clarify for the op, the emphasis with that fit is sig tanking so ideally its used with a set of halo implants.

Edit: nearly forgot, always kill their drones first
Ovv Topik
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2014-09-16 14:22:48 UTC
Yea you dont specify if you want to fleet up or try solo PvP.

In the former you can get away with cheaper fits and have a good laugh regardless.

With solo, every mps of speed, every single dps point, and every unit of ehp can be the line between winning and losing - fights can literally be won with 1% structure!

For this reason you dont want to start without at least T2 guns and Thermodynamics IV. Solo Frig fits including a mix of meta 3/4 and T2 mods typically come in at 5-10m isk. this may sound a lot but each 10min plex you run will net you about that in LP and every fight you win will net you around 2-5m isk in dropped loot typically.

There is a lot more to it than that as you will soon learn, but thats pretty much the bottom line. No one who PvP's in FW needs to bother with any other income.

Finally, dont bother with Faction Frigs, Dessies or T2 hulls at first. You WILL lose ships for a while, regardless of how much it cost, so stick with a well fit T1 Frig, and you will soon start racking up the wins.

Good hunting.

"Nicknack, I'm in a shoe in space, on my computer, in my house, with a cup of coffee, in't that something." - Fly Safe PopPaddi. o7

State War Academy
Caldari State
#9 - 2014-09-16 15:04:19 UTC
Neut Tristan.

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2014-09-16 15:55:15 UTC
Luwc wrote:
Neut Tristan.

Yeah, this baby won me the first couple of solo fights - sure, neuts are the doomsday weapon of newbies. Twisted

I'm my own NPC alt.

Have Naught Subsidiaries
#11 - 2014-09-16 16:27:44 UTC
I can't seem to find the thread now ( figures ) but agony is having a class on the 20th for only 10 mil. The course has had good reviews for as long as I've been playing so that may be worth taking advantage of.
Cara Forelli
State War Academy
Caldari State
#12 - 2014-09-16 16:29:22 UTC
Have a look at this thread which addresses your concern for financial ease directly.

As others have said, expensive fits are not necessary for fleet pvp. I fly a cheapish dual-prop atron in small gangs for tackle all the time (it's t2 fit but works just as well with t1 mods). It's great for tackling larger ships and hanging on while your fleet arrives. I've snagged a navy omen and a couple other ships with it and yet it survives. In fact, yesterday I nearly soloed a tornado in it (I could have - but sharing is caring! Big smile)

With FW you have two options; you can either join the militia or just hang out in their space and take advantage of the population for finding fights. Should you choose to join there's actually a fair amount of money to be made plexing - enough to keep you in t2 frigs with decent mods equipped. The piratey route is more flexible as you can shoot anyone and don't have to worry about war targets in high sec (until you tank your sec status and can't enter high sec). However it's less lucrative since you can't participate in the moneymaking.

My suggestion is to find a group to fly with and join in on some fleets for your first go at combat. You'll learn much faster with others to instruct you, and even just listening to experienced players chat with each other is a great way to glean information. Fly super cheap and rely on numbers to keep you alive long enough to get your bearings in the pvp world. Once you're feeling more comfortable and you've found a way to keep your wallet full you can branch out and try stuff on your own in more expensive fits. Solo PvP is fun and very rewarding, but it's not very new player friendly.

Want to talk? Join my channel in game: House Forelli

Titan's Lament

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#13 - 2014-09-16 16:56:41 UTC
L'ouris wrote:
I can't seem to find the thread now ( figures ) but agony is having a class on the 20th for only 10 mil. The course has had good reviews for as long as I've been playing so that may be worth taking advantage of.

Next BASIC class for AGONY is this Saturday at 15:00 EVE time, with the roam straight after it.

Also, if you dont have the ISK for the class, they have a special scholarship last time I checked.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#14 - 2014-09-16 16:59:19 UTC
J'Poll wrote:

Also, if you dont have the ISK for the class, they have a special scholarship last time I checked.

Only in eve.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#15 - 2014-09-16 17:14:32 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
J'Poll wrote:

Also, if you dont have the ISK for the class, they have a special scholarship last time I checked.

Only in eve.

There are several groups that occasionally donate isk to sponsor new players enrolling in our classes. The more we expose players to PvP, the more they become addicted to the game! It's a lot of fun.

PM me if you need assistance affording the class.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#16 - 2014-09-16 17:22:37 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
J'Poll wrote:

Also, if you dont have the ISK for the class, they have a special scholarship last time I checked.

Only in eve.

There are several groups that occasionally donate isk to sponsor new players enrolling in our classes. The more we expose players to PvP, the more they become addicted to the game! It's a lot of fun.

PM me if you need assistance affording the class.

I'm fine derping around as i am, cheers though.
I meant that in a fond way, i have a lot of respect for what ye do.

Paranoid Loyd
#17 - 2014-09-16 17:42:03 UTC
L'ouris wrote:
I can't seem to find the thread now ( figures ) but agony is having a class on the 20th for only 10 mil. The course has had good reviews for as long as I've been playing so that may be worth taking advantage of.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Have Naught Subsidiaries
#18 - 2014-09-16 17:56:37 UTC
Paranoid Loyd wrote:
L'ouris wrote:
I can't seem to find the thread now ( figures ) but agony is having a class on the 20th for only 10 mil. The course has had good reviews for as long as I've been playing so that may be worth taking advantage of.

Charax Bouclier
Silvershield Universal
#19 - 2014-09-16 18:22:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Charax Bouclier
OP, I am just over a month in myself. I set up a new account recently to get started in PvP (while my main blunders on with industrial pursuits) and will be doing the FW thing myself, and starting with cheap frigates. Happy to blunder around with you but first, I am looking around for an FW corp so we can have some guidance.

Edit: my brain wiring is weird in that I often repeat the same word in successive sentences (e.g., blunder). Anyone know the medical term for this short circuit?
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#20 - 2014-09-16 18:40:22 UTC
Charax Bouclier wrote:
OP, I am just over a month in myself. I set up a new account recently to get started in PvP (while my main blunders on with industrial pursuits) and will be doing the FW thing myself, and starting with cheap frigates. Happy to blunder around with you but first, I am looking around for an FW corp so we can have some guidance.

Edit: my brain wiring is weird in that I often repeat the same word in successive sentences (e.g., blunder). Anyone know the medical term for this short circuit?

No but I am know for stopping abruptly mid conversation and refusing to move forward with sentences until I can think of another word to use (for embarrassingly long periods).
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