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Belen Shields
Iskender Kebap Corp
#61 - 2014-09-12 21:16:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Belen Shields
Ama Atavuli wrote:

That is what intercepting and tackling is bro, it's catching ratters, catching people who are sleeping/botting/afk. Interceptors are also hugely common in pvp fleets as scouts, in fact there is no other ship in the game as specialized for fleet scouting as an interceptor. I don't see your point, if your point is they are too cheap, well, I say they are cheap because they die so much, and the market responds to high demand with high supply.

Go to page 1, look at my first post.

Ama Atavuli wrote:

They already nerfed ceptors agility. Many of them (including the crow/raptor) can be caught by a ship with 5k or greater scan res. I have been killed 3 times by a multiboxer in Kalevala who assists warriors off pure dps fit tristans to an insta slasher. Not to mention oodells smartbombing moas in deklein.

I wonder how much time you've spent scouting for fleets or tackling in interceptors...

Jump through gate, initiate warp, this happens

You really can't think out of the box, can't you? If Ama Atavuli is really your main i can tell you that mine is 6 years older and I've seen more Nullfights, done more Gatecamps, done more ETF'ing, done more Spreadsheeting and done more scouting than you. Want an evidence? There's no reasonable 5k scan res ship so pls stop trolling and proceed with your docking games. Want another evidence :
have a look
Belen Shields
Iskender Kebap Corp
#62 - 2014-09-12 21:23:04 UTC
Antillie Sa'Kan wrote:
Belen Shields wrote:
I like explosions myself, don't get me wrong! It's fine if you can get cheap kills like carriers or whatever capital is ratting/minging, but the way Null smallscale has changed is unacceptable.

In your opinion. An opinion which others do not share.

Belen Shields wrote:
90% of Smallscale pvp is done by under 1% of Ships avaiable in EVE.

I don't think you understand how PVP works. Some ships are just better at small scale than others by design.

Belen Shields wrote:
Just open your Intel and count how many maledictions and crows get reported during EU or US prime..... and you can't catch them.

I suppose the concept of "baiting" is unknown to you.

Belen Shields wrote:
Smallscale isn't happening except for those real pvp'ers who are willing to loose stuff. Intys are just farming AFK-Ratters, nothing more while smallscale is not existing.

PVP in general is only done by people willing to loose stuff, this isn't new information. I see nothing wrong with farming AFK-Ratters. They should not have been AFK.

Same for you. Pls try to think out of your box and stop trolling.
Shepard Wong Ogeko
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#63 - 2014-09-12 21:26:02 UTC
Maledictions are over-powered.

tackle range bonus
armor resist (tank)
missile RoF (DPS)
and missiles are a long range weapon that you don't have to care about transversal

along with all the standard tackle activation bonus, sig bonus, bubble immunity, and fast locking, speed, agility.

For Tech2 ships being "specialized", the Malediction gets a wide range of bonuses, a large effective range for its weapons, and damage selection.
Belen Shields
Iskender Kebap Corp
#64 - 2014-09-12 21:26:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Belen Shields
We will see who is more in-line with the thoughts at CCP, you two who think that I'm just a pubby talking n00b or you 0v3r-l33t pew whatelsethingy bro's ...
Faren Shalni
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#65 - 2014-09-12 21:31:47 UTC
Belen Shields wrote:
Ama Atavuli wrote:

Interceptors are easily countered by anyone interested in countering them, they take advantage of complacency and laziness, but are vulnerable to awareness and defensiveness.

The role of an Interceptor is to intercept and to tackle. What do you expect of a 20 mil hull?? It's not killing ratters, it's not killing ratting caps. But that is what they are used for 95% of the time. I don't rat afk, I prefer the active ratting aspect of eve. But what I would like to see is a ship that is not broken by exploiting latency physics and server ACK/ARP times.

Inties Kill ratting ships because the ratting ships are fitted to tank a specific damage type, Specific amounts of DPS and the rest is dedicated to damage.

Inties kill ratting ships because they can do what rats cant. Be unpredictable

So Much Space

Faren Shalni
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#66 - 2014-09-12 21:44:15 UTC
Belen Shields wrote:
Ama Atavuli wrote:

That is what intercepting and tackling is bro, it's catching ratters, catching people who are sleeping/botting/afk. Interceptors are also hugely common in pvp fleets as scouts, in fact there is no other ship in the game as specialized for fleet scouting as an interceptor. I don't see your point, if your point is they are too cheap, well, I say they are cheap because they die so much, and the market responds to high demand with high supply.

Go to page 1, look at my first post.

Ama Atavuli wrote:

They already nerfed ceptors agility. Many of them (including the crow/raptor) can be caught by a ship with 5k or greater scan res. I have been killed 3 times by a multiboxer in Kalevala who assists warriors off pure dps fit tristans to an insta slasher. Not to mention oodells smartbombing moas in deklein.

I wonder how much time you've spent scouting for fleets or tackling in interceptors...

Jump through gate, initiate warp, this happens

You really can't think out of the box, can't you? If Ama Atavuli is really your main i can tell you that mine is 6 years older and I've seen more Nullfights, done more Gatecamps, done more ETF'ing, done more Spreadsheeting and done more scouting than you. Want an evidence? There's no reasonable 5k scan res ship so pls stop trolling and proceed with your docking games. Want another evidence :
have a look

You can get a ship to have a 0.8 second lock time on a POD. However this doesn't work due to server tick. So you either will have a 1 second lock and kill or a 2 second lock and kill. The quickest you can get align time wise for an inty Is around 1.8 seconds meaning you will have a 2 or a 3 second align time due to server tick.

This means that a "insta" locker will "theoretically" Catch an inty however due to the server tick this is extremely difficult.

Calling a ship OP because of a niche fit (seriously to get a crow to have 1.8 secs align time takes 2x T2 Low Friction Nozzles, 2x Inertia Stabs, A nano and links) which leave the vessel very impractical for pvp work. Niche is not OP.

Also no one has questioned you creds on this subject, your not an NPC alt your a normal character so stop getting offended because some one disagrees with you

So Much Space

Faren Shalni
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#67 - 2014-09-12 21:47:58 UTC
Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote:
Maledictions are over-powered.

tackle range bonus
armor resist (tank)
missile RoF (DPS)
and missiles are a long range weapon that you don't have to care about transversal

along with all the standard tackle activation bonus, sig bonus, bubble immunity, and fast locking, speed, agility.

For Tech2 ships being "specialized", the Malediction gets a wide range of bonuses, a large effective range for its weapons, and damage selection.

The Mal gets the same number of bonus's as the rest of them however the Armour bonus is unique to it. ( the rest get damage or application bonus's)

So Much Space

Belen Shields
Iskender Kebap Corp
#68 - 2014-09-12 22:03:19 UTC
Faren Shalni wrote:
Belen Shields wrote:
Ama Atavuli wrote:

Interceptors are easily countered by anyone interested in countering them, they take advantage of complacency and laziness, but are vulnerable to awareness and defensiveness.

The role of an Interceptor is to intercept and to tackle. What do you expect of a 20 mil hull?? It's not killing ratters, it's not killing ratting caps. But that is what they are used for 95% of the time. I don't rat afk, I prefer the active ratting aspect of eve. But what I would like to see is a ship that is not broken by exploiting latency physics and server ACK/ARP times.

Inties Kill ratting ships because the ratting ships are fitted to tank a specific damage type, Specific amounts of DPS and the rest is dedicated to damage.

Inties kill ratting ships because they can do what rats cant. Be unpredictable

Belen Shields wrote:
I don't expect CCP to make any big changes to Intys, maybe a small increase of align time to some specific Intys (namely malediction and Crow) will do the trick.

I said that 25% of the Inties are broken, the rest is working as intended. I never used the term "overpowered" instead I called them "broken". A big difference in the meaning but a small one in literals. Don't you think it's a "broken Gamemechanics" if you can jump with your Inty through 10 Gatecamps, kill a Ratter and go back through 10 Gatecamps unharmed? If this
Faren Shalni wrote:
niche fit
isn't working as intended, why should it be wrong fixing it?
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#69 - 2014-09-12 22:13:35 UTC
Belen Shields wrote:
Same for you. Pls try to think out of your box and stop trolling.

This isn't really a rebuttal. I suppose you just don't like it when people who know how to articulate an argument disagree with you. Please try to think out of your box and stop whining.
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#70 - 2014-09-12 22:15:29 UTC
Belen Shields wrote:
Don't you think it's a "broken Gamemechanics" if you can jump with your Inty through 10 Gatecamps, kill a Ratter and go back through 10 Gatecamps unharmed?

I would really like to see an example of this. Either all 10 camps were total fail or the inty was travel fit and thus not able to kill any ratter with half a brain.
Faren Shalni
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#71 - 2014-09-12 22:21:49 UTC
Antillie Sa'Kan wrote:
Belen Shields wrote:
Don't you think it's a "broken Gamemechanics" if you can jump with your Inty through 10 Gatecamps, kill a Ratter and go back through 10 Gatecamps unharmed?

I would really like to see an example of this. Either all 10 camps were total fail or the inty was travel fit and thus not able to kill any ratter with half a brain.

A solo inty cannot kill a ratter unless its AFK or just plain incompetent

Inty wolfpacks on the other hand is a different matter entirely and comes down to fleet synergy and Meta over the individual ships abilities (currently LML crows and Mals are in meta However my corp has found taranis's work well to kill them)

So Much Space

M1k3y Koontz
Speaker for the Dead
Stay Feral
#72 - 2014-09-12 22:29:17 UTC
Vadeim Rizen wrote:
Did I mention a fleet fit is completely cap stable with mwd running?

Well good... as soon as that MWD turns off an Inty dies a quick and horrible death to the cloud of Warrior II's following it.

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#73 - 2014-09-12 22:44:51 UTC
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
Well good... as soon as that MWD turns off an Inty dies a quick and horrible death to the cloud of Warrior II's following it.

Dragoon/Algos Warrior II's will give any inty a quick and horrible death even if the MWD is running.
Halaine Ambraelle
Wounded Asteroid Management and Protection Squad
#74 - 2014-09-12 22:57:47 UTC
there are many ways to kill Inty I been having good luck with sebo and arty fit destroyer and over heated will get a few flying threw null sec but when I don't get a lock I blame server lag.
Belen Shields
Iskender Kebap Corp
#75 - 2014-09-12 22:59:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Belen Shields
Antillie Sa'Kan wrote:
Belen Shields wrote:
Don't you think it's a "broken Gamemechanics" if you can jump with your Inty through 10 Gatecamps, kill a Ratter and go back through 10 Gatecamps unharmed?

I would really like to see an example of this. Either all 10 camps were total fail or the inty was travel fit and thus not able to kill any ratter with half a brain.

What are you saying here? Everyone has no brain except you? If I gave you a Killmail you would just start trolling "this guy blabla no brain blabla **** fit bla hahaha" No Offense but its not worth arguing with you about that. Maybe I should emphasise it in another way : Don't you think it's a "broken Gamemechanics" if you can jump with your Malediction through 10 Gatecamps, drop a can and go back through 10 Gatecamps unharmed?
Thalen Draganos
Black Sun Enclave
Blue Echo
#76 - 2014-09-12 23:13:08 UTC
Faren Shalni wrote:
Thalen Draganos wrote:
Faren Shalni wrote:
If you are com plaining about inties always being the ships that get the tackle on ratter/targets then well THAT IS WHAT ITS DESIGNED TO DO

There are lots of counters to interceptors:

Warrior II's (hell even Acolyte II's murder them)
Combat Inties
A Scram
Dictors (yes these murder Inties)
t1 frigs
Pirate Frigs
Navy Frigs
And the Big one


That's only if you surprise them or they aggro you and you are fitted for it. Catching them on a gate or an undock with a good insta, when in a bubble, even with 6250 scan res in another ceptor, is still impossible. Even having mods activated before the lock doesn't help since they deactivate even if you fail to completely lock a few times.
I'm going to start frapsing the attempts and putting them on youtube.

Before you start spouting about how you think I'm a low skill noob with no experience.
Current Skills: 361 (Skill Points: 139,265,270.00)
I've been playing eve non-stop since 2006
I've been in nullsec since 2008
Most of the time spent in frig and cruiser sized ships Tackling and Ganking anywhere there was PvP.
So, I've had a lot of practice.

I do agree on the fact you cant catch them on a gate, that's just dumb. but in all other occasions A inty is just as killable as a kiting garmur/dramiel you just need to know how

Oh. You must mean only when they attack you. What about when they warp out while you are landing on grid. Or maybe you are saying that every ship should fit a way to tackle them. The problem is that not every ship is capable of catching something like a kiting crow/malediction. Smart bombs don't help either. So in all of those other situations, according to you, you have to be in a ship that removes a ceptors capability of tackling you with impunity. Just how many ships are can do that? How many of those would a ceptor even get in to a situation where there's a ship capable of catching it. The ceptor pilot would have to really be dumb and fit wrong for that to happen. In that way it's possible but the odds would be, maybe, 1 in 4000. Just a guess mind you but I'd say it's pretty close.
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#77 - 2014-09-12 23:21:49 UTC
Thalen Draganos wrote:
So in all of those other situations, according to you, you have to be in a ship that removes a ceptors capability of tackling you with impunity. Just how many ships are can do that?

Anything with a sensor damp in the mids actually.
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#78 - 2014-09-12 23:22:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Antillie Sa'Kan
Belen Shields wrote:
What are you saying here? Everyone has no brain except you? If I gave you a Killmail you would just start trolling "this guy blabla no brain blabla **** fit bla hahaha" No Offense but its not worth arguing with you about that. Maybe I should emphasise it in another way : Don't you think it's a "broken Gamemechanics" if you can jump with your Malediction through 10 Gatecamps, drop a can and go back through 10 Gatecamps unharmed?

I'm saying that you have no idea what you are talking about and that your posts come across as tasty tears. To address your question, no I do not see anything wrong with running 10+ gate camps in a travel fit inty. Cloaky nullified T3's have been doing this for ages. Please, keep posting.
Faren Shalni
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#79 - 2014-09-12 23:24:02 UTC
Antillie Sa'Kan wrote:
Belen Shields wrote:
What are you saying here? Everyone has no brain except you? If I gave you a Killmail you would just start trolling "this guy blabla no brain blabla **** fit bla hahaha" No Offense but its not worth arguing with you about that. Maybe I should emphasise it in another way : Don't you think it's a "broken Gamemechanics" if you can jump with your Malediction through 10 Gatecamps, drop a can and go back through 10 Gatecamps unharmed?

I'm saying that you have no idea what you are talking about and that your posts come across and tasty tears. To address your question, no I do not see anything wrong with running 10+ gate camps in a travel fit inty. Cloaky nullified T3's have been doing this for ages. Please, keep posting.

Hell even Covops can do it sure not to the same extent but still can.

So Much Space

Faren Shalni
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#80 - 2014-09-12 23:36:33 UTC
Thalen Draganos wrote:
Faren Shalni wrote:
Thalen Draganos wrote:
Faren Shalni wrote:
If you are com plaining about inties always being the ships that get the tackle on ratter/targets then well THAT IS WHAT ITS DESIGNED TO DO

There are lots of counters to interceptors:

Warrior II's (hell even Acolyte II's murder them)
Combat Inties
A Scram
Dictors (yes these murder Inties)
t1 frigs
Pirate Frigs
Navy Frigs
And the Big one


That's only if you surprise them or they aggro you and you are fitted for it. Catching them on a gate or an undock with a good insta, when in a bubble, even with 6250 scan res in another ceptor, is still impossible. Even having mods activated before the lock doesn't help since they deactivate even if you fail to completely lock a few times.
I'm going to start frapsing the attempts and putting them on youtube.

Before you start spouting about how you think I'm a low skill noob with no experience.
Current Skills: 361 (Skill Points: 139,265,270.00)
I've been playing eve non-stop since 2006
I've been in nullsec since 2008
Most of the time spent in frig and cruiser sized ships Tackling and Ganking anywhere there was PvP.
So, I've had a lot of practice.

I do agree on the fact you cant catch them on a gate, that's just dumb. but in all other occasions A inty is just as killable as a kiting garmur/dramiel you just need to know how

Oh. You must mean only when they attack you. What about when they warp out while you are landing on grid. Or maybe you are saying that every ship should fit a way to tackle them. The problem is that not every ship is capable of catching something like a kiting crow/malediction. Smart bombs don't help either. So in all of those other situations, according to you, you have to be in a ship that removes a ceptors capability of tackling you with impunity. Just how many ships are can do that? How many of those would a ceptor even get in to a situation where there's a ship capable of catching it. The ceptor pilot would have to really be dumb and fit wrong for that to happen. In that way it's possible but the odds would be, maybe, 1 in 4000. Just a guess mind you but I'd say it's pretty close.

Its old and out of date but a lot of the principles are still true

Hope it helps you actually kill Ceptors rather than just whining about how unkillable they are

Also Do you really think we Ceptor pilots are stupid enough to hang around for something that can tackle or kill us to do so? Im sure that hic wont point my nyx and light a cyno he cant harm me Roll

There are plenty of ships that can kill ceptors you just have to put the effort into it. and before you whine about ceptors being easy to fly then quite frankly you have never flown them in the situations they are meant to fly in

So Much Space